Lincoln, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> And yet he can't seem to find out what GBH is? Look it up. It's been in all the papers for at least a decade now. Bill I called my mechanic and got the answer- sorry WTH I don't do drugs nor am I into the scene, but thank you for your advice and friendship.
Since: Nov 08
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Frostman wrote: <quoted text> Excellent point about GHB. Someone could have spiked her drink at the party in the dorm on that Saturday night, hence no DUI charge. I've always wondered if someone might have drugged her Coke bottle on Feb. 9th while she stopped to get gas and that contributed to the crash and made her more compliant in accepting a ride. No, not a valid point at all. No one drives around after being given GHB. No one given GHB would be talking to police like they are normal. No one talks to someone after GHB causes them to crash their car and then appears unimpaired at the crash site and can run from the scene. You need to do more research. You are in fantasy land again. As far as contorting this further and further to try to shoehorn the few known facts into a theory that makes you happy, i.e. GHB use. Refer to Occam. This "theory" doesn't even make any sense when standing on my head and twirling a dead cat with my left foot. Bill
Since: Dec 11
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jwb wrote: <quoted text> I found it odd myself that Fred wasn't trying to call Maura as soon as 8pm past and she didn't call him. i also found it odd that he never got the message till late the next afternoon. A guy on business always has his cell phone on and checks his messages. I would guess that everything wasn't so rosy after the Corolla was smashed up. Even if FM expected to hear from MM on that Monday night and there was no call he probably thought he'd wait until the next day to see if she got back to him regarding the accident report/insurance forms. Not everyone senses that something is off if they don't receive a phone call at a pre-determined time, but it depends on the relationship. LE didn't call FM's cell regarding the Saturn, did they? As I understand they got in touch with MM's brother at her mom's house in the afternoon of Feb. 10th and then a family member contacted FM later.
Tickle pits
Crab Orchard, KY
Frostman wrote: <quoted text> I would guess that everything wasn't so rosy after the Corolla was smashed up. Even if FM expected to hear from MM on that Monday night and there was no call he probably thought he'd wait until the next day to see if she got back to him regarding the accident report/insurance forms. Not everyone senses that something is off if they don't receive a phone call at a pre-determined time, but it depends on the relationship. LE didn't call FM's cell regarding the Saturn, did they? As I understand they got in touch with MM's brother at her mom's house in the afternoon of Feb. 10th and then a family member contacted FM later. . Your right. It would hard to imagine a dad hurting his daughter. Maybe Fred & Maura planned to meet up and do a hiking trip. But the accident occurred and she got abducted. Maura would be the unluckiest person on the planet. 2 wrecks in 2 days and happened to get stranded when a bad guy was lurking.
Since: Dec 11
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WTH-the-original wrote: Yeah it's a typo, a finger fart. GHB. Phew, I thought it might have been a result of karmic retribution or excessive twittering-itis. Glad to know that you and Cousin Occam are still on top of everything.
Since: Nov 08
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Tickle pits wrote: <quoted text>Maybe Fred & Maura planned to meet up and do a hiking trip. But the accident occurred and she got abducted. Yep. A very reasonable theory. Lets see, so Fred is going to steal away from work, no one knew about this, and he figured this hike was more important than Maura's clinicals so he asked her to lie about a death in the family. Then he pretended to not know that she didn't meet up with him and decided to not tell anyone that he knew she was missing and headed straight home and acted surprised when the police called three times. Yep, I think you nailed it. Quite the brain trust working here. You people will have this solved in no time. Not only would Maura have to be the unluckiest person, but I wonder how brain damaged someone would need to be to shoehorn this little theory into their working model of what happened? I mean it's all so clear when you say it out loud like this. Kudos to your team. Bill
Crab Orchard, KY
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Yep. A very reasonable theory. Lets see, so Fred is going to steal away from work, no one knew about this, and he figured this hike was more important than Maura's clinicals so he asked her to lie about a death in the family. Then he pretended to not know that she didn't meet up with him and decided to not tell anyone that he knew she was missing and headed straight home and acted surprised when the police called three times. Yep, I think you nailed it. Quite the brain trust working here. You people will have this solved in no time. Not only would Maura have to be the unluckiest person, but I wonder how brain damaged someone would need to be to shoehorn this little theory into their working model of what happened? I mean it's all so clear when you say it out loud like this. Kudos to your team. Bill ah, the resident message board know it all dick. Considering there is no expert on this subject, I'll chalk you're insults and tone to a small penis that hadn't been properly used in a long time. Grow a pair and become a real LE member or a true detective. Not a waste of sperm looking to raise your self esteem by lashing out. But that's what little boys do.
Crab Orchard, KY
Having been involved with Bill, I can attest that his junk is barely visible. When he was inside me, I felt nothing.
Tickle pits
Crab Orchard, KY
Well, I'll take my bags and go home. Bill, this is your show. Sorry to show up. Good luck bro.
Since: Nov 08
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Someones been talking out of school. Damn,and I thought I had it so well hidden, you know baggy shorts and such. Oh well, such is life. Myth, Sara, and Tickle pits, was that you that I nailed in KY back when I was at Ft Knox. You all gave me a hell of rash. Hope you got that tuned up. It took an ice pick and a can of lighter fluid to fix whatever the hell it was that you gave me. Oh yeah, and tweezers and a magnifying glass. Bill
Tickle pits
Crab Orchard, KY
WTH-the-original wrote: Someones been talking out of school. Damn,and I thought I had it so well hidden, you know baggy shorts and such. Oh well, such is life. Myth, Sara, and Tickle pits, was that you that I nailed in KY back when I was at Ft Knox. You all gave me a hell of rash. Hope you got that tuned up. It took an ice pick and a can of lighter fluid to fix whatever the hell it was that you gave me. Oh yeah, and tweezers and a magnifying glass. Bill I remember you now! You liked me to shove my hammer in your terd flap. So moist.
Since: Dec 11
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I guess I'll have to work a little harder at perfecting the art of squinting and speed scrolling...
Since: Nov 08
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Myth wrote: <quoted text> ah, the resident message board know it all dick. Considering there is no expert on this subject, I'll chalk you're insults and tone to a small penis that hadn't been properly used in a long time. Grow a pair and become a real LE member or a true detective. Not a waste of sperm looking to raise your self esteem by lashing out. But that's what little boys do. Lets all face it. It's funniest when all I need to do is repeat what the poster wrote, and that alone, shows how stupid the post was. After being in the infantry, you really don't have any idea how to craft a decent insult. Even in the neighborhood I grew up in. The penis stuff actually wasn't even an insult. It is too easy. Kind of lowbrow. Even as kids, we had better insults. Like George Carlin said. "Most groups mothers were off limits. We didn't have that rule." We didn't either. WE would usually start right in with your mother. Probably a little late to be LE. Thought about it after I got out of the service. Those were real men by the way, suppose you haven't worked with any. I was proud to just be working with them and in charge of some. Still am. Sorry, back to work. I'll abuse you later. Bill
Worcester, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Lets all face it. It's funniest when all I need to do is repeat what the poster wrote, and that alone, shows how stupid the post was. After being in the infantry, you really don't have any idea how to craft a decent insult. Even in the neighborhood I grew up in. The penis stuff actually wasn't even an insult. It is too easy. Kind of lowbrow. Even as kids, we had better insults. Like George Carlin said. "Most groups mothers were off limits. We didn't have that rule." We didn't either. WE would usually start right in with your mother.Probably a little late to be LE. Thought about it after I got out of the service. Those were real men by the way, suppose you haven't worked with any. I was proud to just be working with them and in charge of some. Still am. Sorry, back to work. I'll abuse you later. Bill Bill just curious were do you live what town and state being such a tough guy this shouldn't be hard to answer
Since: Nov 08
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nh18north wrote: <quoted text>Bill just curious were do you live what town and state being such a tough guy this shouldn't be hard to answer I'm only a tough guy on the internet, like you, and I have no intention of telling anyone here anything other than what I have already told them. I sleep much better at night knowing some of these obsessed morons don't know who I am. NH18North would that be the Echo lake/Littleton area? Bill
Vero Beach, FL
This place is getting so awesome. Really i love the direction we are going please PLEASE DON'T STOP! Especially you jwb, who has taken the responsibility of playing almost every role for my entertainment. It is so funny, jwb, granny, nh18, myth, and who knows who else he is!! What can you say about a guy who literally makes the effort to create new exciting user names, change his IPHide address and come up with titilating posts for our entertainment? Awesome! Thanks for your effort man, I really appreciate the effort, keep up the good work.
Lincoln, NH
sorry to disappoint FRMLE but it is not me posting under diff names. Only one computer and ip here
Since: Dec 11
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jwb wrote: sorry to disappoint FRMLE but it is not me posting under diff names. Only one computer and ip here You owe me $20.:)
Lincoln, NH
Frostman wrote: <quoted text> You owe me $20.:) sorry, I am unemployed remember, plus I am under investigation for investigating so cut me slack on the cash frosty ok?
Vero Beach, FL
So jwb is not also granny? Interesting, lol