WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> And previous accusations that seem to have teeth at West Point also. A melt down by this young lady would not be something that anyone should have been surprised about. But please, let some keep talking about serial killers, and locals including the police, killing and kidnapping Maura. There really isn't a juicy story if she just committed suicide. Certain people here need, must have, the conspiracy. No story without the conspiracy. They need corrupt cops, deviant neighbors, serial killers, etc. No fun without all that. Bill I wonder at what point her father found out/got to know about it.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> According to UMass Nursing School guidelines (available online, google it), it would be enough to get kicked out of nursing school/never being able to become a RN. And if you were kicked out of Nursing school the Federal Gov't would still want years worth of student loans repaid..Theres no way out of them,but to maybe run away.My daughter owes $280,000 for school!Pretty hard to pay off loans with a bad CORI check&no job!
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> You should probably have stated that the text you quoted is from Greg Floyd Sr.'s police interview in the Liko Kenney/Bruce McKay murders and has nothing to do with the Maura Murray case. If you are trying to say that a police cruiser may have pushed MM's car in the same manner as McKay did to Liko Kenney and caused the damage to her Saturn, watch the Kenney shooting video and look at Kenney's car - there is no damage to the front end or to the car at all. Link probably won't work: http://www.youtube.com/watch... IMHO there was a rogue cop in the area.It cant be ruled out as having nothing to do with maura..Theres another youtube video you forgot to mention of this officer targeting another young girl during a stop...The night of Mauras dissapearance the cop was at a hotel a VERY short distance from the accident scene...As for the Saturn damage,I wasnt there,but the damage seems to be unlikely caused by a snowbank or trees.As Ive said before NOONE can be ruled out.
Since: Jul 11
Collinsville, IL
I suspect that maura's first wreck (with her father's new car) was not the straw that broke the camels back. she wasn't punished for that. Police did not issue her a ticket or charge her with a crime. It should've had no bearing on her probation from the credit card fraud. Now the petrit vasi hit and run that happened that thursday night that maura coincidentally had her meltdown at work an hour after the hit and run was reported ... That would be the straw that broke the camel's back and also a indirect corelation to her getting into two wrecks over the span of the next few days due to drinking. If at all maura was involved in the hit and run, her father definitely knows about it and that is why he whisked into town over the weekend because his daughter was a basket case and remained such until the time she disappeared.
Since: Nov 08
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findmaura wrote: <quoted text> IMHO there was a rogue cop in the area.It cant be ruled out as having nothing to do with maura..Theres another youtube video you forgot to mention of this officer targeting another young girl during a stop...The night of Mauras dissapearance the cop was at a hotel a VERY short distance from the accident scene...As for the Saturn damage,I wasnt there,but the damage seems to be unlikely caused by a snowbank or trees.As Ive said before NOONE can be ruled out. Fascinating theory. What evidence do you have that Maura was kidnapped? What evidence do you have that officer or any "rouge" officer was involved? What do you see at the scene that indicates that anyone other than Maura was at the car? Who of the witnesses saw anyone other than one person at the car? There was only one person that claimed third hand that the car didn't crash into the trees, but the officer on the scene said it did. Again, fascinating theory. Rouge cops, cars damaged by unknown means. Nothing to indicate any of it is true, but makes for a fascinating story. It is just that there is absolutely nothing to indicate that any of it is true. But I am sure you won't let that stop you because it is more about the fun of the story than following the evidence for some. Personally I still believe in the UFO abduction theory. You know why? Because nothing can be ruled out. And more importantly I believe it because they are the only ones that could make Maura disappear with no one being the wiser. And most importantly, because I have not a single shred of evidence that is what happened but I want it to be so. And don't think for one second that the UFO theory isn't going to play prominently in the Murder Mystery tour that we are creating because it is. There will not be one crackpot unsubstantiated theory that won't be covered, including UFO abduction and you all asked for it, Bigfoot. Promise. Bill
Since: Dec 10
Location hidden
Rouge cops are the prettiest of all LEOs.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> And previous accusations that seem to have teeth at West Point also. A melt down by this young lady would not be something that anyone should have been surprised about. But please, let some keep talking about serial killers, and locals including the police, killing and kidnapping Maura. There really isn't a juicy story if she just committed suicide. Certain people here need, must have, the conspiracy. No story without the conspiracy. They need corrupt cops, deviant neighbors, serial killers, etc. No fun without all that. Bill Bill - with someone having a history of doing credit card fraud do you think she only did it to this one person for $79 ? Or do you think she was going through the garbage and finidng other peoples credit card numbers?
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> IMHO there was a rogue cop in the area.It cant be ruled out as having nothing to do with maura..Theres another youtube video you forgot to mention of this officer targeting another young girl during a stop...The night of Mauras dissapearance the cop was at a hotel a VERY short distance from the accident scene...As for the Saturn damage,I wasnt there,but the damage seems to be unlikely caused by a snowbank or trees.As Ive said before NOONE can be ruled out. He was at a motel in the center of his town(Franconia). Since it offered alcohol he was probably doing a walk thru as is a common practice. He was NOT a very short distance away.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> And if you were kicked out of Nursing school the Federal Gov't would still want years worth of student loans repaid..Theres no way out of them,but to maybe run away.My daughter owes $280,000 for school!Pretty hard to pay off loans with a bad CORI check&no job! Realize that West Point was free for Maura and she wasn't at UMASS that long so I'd guess 30K in debt tops. If she became reponsible for that debt your talking $125 a month for 20 years. Not worth running over. Also she was on a scholarship for track so I doubt that there is a recourse for UMASS to get their money back.
Vero Beach, FL
Well I for one am shocked and aghast at these new developments! Wow, so maybe she really was distresed and had serious issues in her life? Maybe there is no 'rogue cop', serial killer, alien visitors, or massive conspiracy at hand? But where will all the drama come from now? Wow, I can hadly believe it.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
hannah_b wrote: New Renner post & docs up... Quote: "At the time Maura went missing, she was on probation for this. If she had stayed out of trouble for three months, this conviction would have been erased. The accident the weekend before she went missing may have caused this charge to stay on her record, essentially ending her nursing prospects." In my opinion MM happens to be a person that takes a while to learn life's lesson's. I sincerely doubt you commit cc fraud for $79. And if your smart you use multiple cards. She did have some drinks the night of the UMASS crash, and couple days later the crash in NH could have been alcohol related. Now let us look at the car shopping that none of her friends remember. FM makes mention of $4000 cash. Perhaps that cash was suppossed to be given to MM for restitution payments of a cc problem that was just found out, but not reported to LE. The victim told her if she paid her back she wouldn't press charges. When she crashes FM's car he gets pissed at her and decides not to give her the money to pay the restitution because he now needs to buy a new car, and or as a parent he wants to teach her a lesson. MM out of fear or embaressment of being arrested on campus, decides to leave the state until she can devise a plan for payment. This is only my opinion but this motive of flight would explain why she wouldn't tell anyone she was leaving and it would also explain FM's statements early in the investigation. "Squawalk" to "Come home there isn't anything we can't work out" I just think someone who is so brazen enough to use a cc number from someone down the hall from you, would be trying this with other cards. You wouldn't just use a stolen cc for just $79 right?
Since: Feb 12
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FrmLE wrote: Well I for one am shocked and aghast at these new developments! Wow, so maybe she really was distresed and had serious issues in her life? Maybe there is no 'rogue cop', serial killer, alien visitors, or massive conspiracy at hand? But where will all the drama come from now? Wow, I can hadly believe it. FRMLE - from what you know about cc fraud. Does the perp usually use more than one cc number, and at what frequency do they look to use other numbers?
Fresno, CA
My monthly check in. This board remains crazy. I have selodomly read anybody say that her being suicidal and perishing in the mountains was not a possibility. What I have read however is that every possibility (within reason for it could be endless) should be considered. And the possibility ,whether the locals like it or not, of her being abducted easily falls within reason. WTH and FRMLE are acting as if what the Renner Docs state is some sort of smoking gun to justify what they have been regurgitating for years. To believe that would be a tremendous leap of faith and would get torn apart in any discussion by any moderator who had a fourth of a brain. It confounds me as to why in a case such as this where there may be limited circumstantial evidence at best, how any one conclusion can be made. It confounds me even more as to why some here are so adament that their one conclusion be believed. Is it pride, ignorance, both? or perhaps something more? <shrug>
Since: Jul 11
Collinsville, IL
leaving so many blanks to basic facts for all these years, family and friends of maura have had a direct result in why this case has spread so many wings and received so much attention and possible outcome theories.
Simply Caustic
Homer Glen, IL
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> No offense, but you´re wrong. It has to do with morals, not convictions. Please see the UMass Scool of Nursing Undergraduate Handbook. How am I wrong? I stated that the misdemeanor conviction (which wasn't even a conviction, but rather, was suspended sentencing pending a 3 month clean-slate) was not LIKELY to get her kicked out of school. I never said that it was impossible. But I know this: There are nurses who have had DUIs. I've seen them seek treatment for addiction issues. I have seen them continue on at their place of employment (with added restraints and restrictions, true). I'm merely stating that a simple misdemeanor arrest was not likely to have an effect upon her schooling. I work as a ASA in Chicago so I'm quite aware of the minutae of a morals clause. I have one as a rider to my contract w/ my work. Contractual law is not my thing, but I will say this - anything and everything is usually covered in there. They make damned sure that nearly any situation is covered in respect to that - same thing w/ nursing school, I would imagine. Although they have the ABILITY to suspend/discharge her from nursing school - would they? They accepted her after the West Point shenanigans, no? Who was planning on reporting this arrest, this violation of said morals clause, TO the nursing school? How would they find out? I think it makes much more sense to think that, distraught over the FEASIBILITY of jeopardizing her scholarships/enrollment, in addition to the possible pending criminal charges stemming from a DUI, she ran. Why is it necessary, in any way, to think that she was FOR SURE getting kicked out of school? I think, at best, it's a very remote possibility.
Simply Caustic
Homer Glen, IL
By 'ran' in the above-post, I mean, ran into the woods (to avoid the fall-out from the accident). I don't mean 'ran away.'
Freudian? I hope not!
Hebron, CT
FrmLE wrote: Well I for one am shocked and aghast at these new developments! Wow, so maybe she really was distresed and had serious issues in her life? Maybe there is no 'rogue cop', serial killer, alien visitors, or massive conspiracy at hand? But where will all the drama come from now? Wow, I can hadly believe it. How can you be shocked at these "new" developments??? Thought you said you were familiar with her case? Remember the case file conversations? You claimed to have intimate knowledge, even non-published DNA results. what up?
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Simply Caustic wrote: <quoted text> How am I wrong? I stated that the misdemeanor conviction (which wasn't even a conviction, but rather, was suspended sentencing pending a 3 month clean-slate) was not LIKELY to get her kicked out of school. I never said that it was impossible. But I know this: There are nurses who have had DUIs. I've seen them seek treatment for addiction issues. I have seen them continue on at their place of employment (with added restraints and restrictions, true). I'm merely stating that a simple misdemeanor arrest was not likely to have an effect upon her schooling. I work as a ASA in Chicago so I'm quite aware of the minutae of a morals clause. I have one as a rider to my contract w/ my work. Contractual law is not my thing, but I will say this - anything and everything is usually covered in there. They make damned sure that nearly any situation is covered in respect to that - same thing w/ nursing school, I would imagine. Although they have the ABILITY to suspend/discharge her from nursing school - would they? They accepted her after the West Point shenanigans, no? Who was planning on reporting this arrest, this violation of said morals clause, TO the nursing school? How would they find out? I think it makes much more sense to think that, distraught over the FEASIBILITY of jeopardizing her scholarships/enrollment, in addition to the possible pending criminal charges stemming from a DUI, she ran. Why is it necessary, in any way, to think that she was FOR SURE getting kicked out of school? I think, at best, it's a very remote possibility. Well I have a feeling that we don't know the whole story about the cc fraud. For one a pizza has 8 slices and if she ordered foods with her friends in the dorm reading credit card numbers off of an index card would look rather weird. Then with Maura missing they are all quiet? hmmmmm? Your right that she might not lose her ability to get a license, but wrong about school. She took a fellow students cc number from the trash. There is a chance they would not let her live in the dorm with that type of behaivor. Lets also keep in mind that mm had her dorm room packed up so maybe she knew something like she was going to get caught again and would have to vacate the dorm. Or maybe that was why her father had $4000 with him to help mm find a place to live. Either way I think there is more to this cc fraud.
Lincoln, NH
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> How can you be shocked at these "new" developments??? Thought you said you were familiar with her case? Remember the case file conversations? You claimed to have intimate knowledge, even non-published DNA results. what up? I think he is just being sarcastic as always.
Lincoln, NH
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Well I have a feeling that we don't know the whole story about the cc fraud. For one a pizza has 8 slices and if she ordered foods with her friends in the dorm reading credit card numbers off of an index card would look rather weird. Then with Maura missing they are all quiet? hmmmmm? Your right that she might not lose her ability to get a license, but wrong about school. She took a fellow students cc number from the trash. There is a chance they would not let her live in the dorm with that type of behaivor. Lets also keep in mind that mm had her dorm room packed up so maybe she knew something like she was going to get caught again and would have to vacate the dorm. Or maybe that was why her father had $4000 with him to help mm find a place to live. Either way I think there is more to this cc fraud. Where has it been said she was with any of her friends when she ordered the pizza? I am not being combative, I just don't remember reading that.