Since: Feb 12
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citigirl wrote: <quoted text> I have always said In my posts that it is difficult to judge Freds actions because he must have been distraught over his missing daughter. I have gone to bat for fred on this forum over and over so I really didn't understand why you were pulling out the card to me about my daughter not being missing and not being able to judge you or your family.I have not been judgemental of you or your family at all.I have stuck up for you and your family on many occasions. I wasn't judgeing anyone. I simply expressed my frustration that questions asked to you seem to be met with answers that beat arround the Bush and are not direct. The question was asked by Amy about the Montel tapes. She simply asked where those clips were shot.They were shown publicly on television so they are not top secret right? I wouldn't expect you to say that the searches took place at Mr and MRS xyz house but, it would be helpful to say at a camp in the woods off 112 or a sandpit in bath Etc... An earlier poster hit the nail on the head (maybe paris) when she said that what is being done is not working (8.5 years). How is this doing the right thing for Maura? Unless she has a new life and you are trying to keep her from being found. I just don't get the logic. I am here to help because I care and it feels like it is a one way street.JMO. I am not picking on you or even arguing with you citigirl , just merely expressing myself as you did as well. Anyway- with that being said, it is not really important where those clips were shot (at least to me)so I am moving off the topic. One question: Can you clarify how holding back on sharing information is in the best interest of maura . Has this been communicated as the best road to take from LE etc..? Just looking to understand where you are coming from. Thank you{/QUOTE} Hi JWB."JWB- MY feeling is this: The forum as dysfunctional as it is is really an asset to finding Maura from the point that it keeps Maura in the fore front. I would be thankful if it were my daughter at the same time cringe as bad things are posted about character." I know you are here to help and never stated or felt you were hear to pick on or argue with me. I cannot and will not give the locations of search areas. All info has been handed over to LE and PIs.I only answer questions to the best of my knowledge and if I have talked to others and recieved info from them I do not add onto what they have said because then it no longer makes it fact as to what they have said. I have always been very careful not to mix my own speculations in with statements that others have given me. Maura has been missing for over 8 years. I want more than anything to have her found. I gave all my info to PIs years back knowing that everthing they learned would be turned over to LE. It's true Citigirl, JWB has always stood behind your family and has defended Fred on many occasions. He cares about finding Maura and I think that has been made very clear as you agree. I'm sure there is no way any of us would know what we would do if our child is missing. And I can understand wanting to protect Maura's reputation. No matter what, she deserves to be found. If you don't want to answer certain questions, that is your right. Most of us are only curious about certain things like the searches and trying to help in our own way. As useless as those efforts to help may be at times.
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
coeur de lion wrote: <quoted text> Who are you talking about in this post? Or should I say who are you emphatically NOT talking about. Who in your post has the most authority?(Took Rosetta Stone refresher course, up to speed now.) I'm still trying to get a hold of tammy for you. She is playing slow pitch this evening and may be tough to get a hold of. After she is getting new cleats, she got gummy bears stuck in the bottoms of her shoes.
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Lots of families will not be complete. SBD's family will be missing their father/husband/son. Of course, all he tried to do was help. He didn't run away from a crashed car while drinking. But please, prattle on with your pathetic bullshit. Bill REALLY bill REALLY!!!! This is a fact that the school bus driver was just trying to help the poor lass in distress. I just went and checked the fact book and I didn't see this nugget of B.S. in it ... Huh! But I guess you would know wouldn't you. Mr facts himself.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> numbnuts, we are not testifying in court And if you are too stupid that you have to have someone distinguish every word they say to you as fact or theory or opinion or possible outcome then you need to go slap your parents around for raising such a loser. But I will play your game. (FACT) Bill is a moron (FACT) FMR LE wants to have Bill's child (FACT) Bill has contributed absolutely zilch to this forum, yet 72 years later, he is still on it rambling away like anyone gives a crap. Boy if you aren't as stupid and as useless as a bag of rocks. I'll try to explain this to you and I'll use small words and type real slow so hopefully you can follow along. If this forum is to have any use, the facts must be vetted and maintained. When you write some of the absolutely stupid things that you have written, it confuses everything and especially new people who might not know how moronic you are. It can even confuse some of the old timers. Time must be used again, to figure out, if it is true or not. All wasted energy by some of the people who are trying to find out what happened. Now we understand that to you the story is most important. Whether it's made up or not. And in your field, I suspect dog de-wormer or maybe animal husbandry, the written word has little use. Clearly a rocket scientist you aren't. But most here realize that the written word must be kept accurate since it is referred to over and over and that it will be used, not just tonight, but possibly years from now as some of this information today comes from eight years ago. Hopefully this simple, virtually monosyllabic explanation will allow you grasp why your useless diversion into this realm really might not be what you are best suited to. This pursuit requires a keen mind, that can grasp the facts and sort through them in a logical manner while not adding ridiculous mistakes or tainting it with the way they want the story to be. Something that you seem ill equipped to handle. You do seem to have a vivid imagination that I am sure could be used to make crappy crime novels. I say crappy because I don't think you are really smart enough to keep complex thoughts or stories straight in your mind. Hope this helps. Bill
Since: Jul 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> Maura said "My sister" one time and said nothing after it according to the supervisor and this only came after the supervisor kept pressing maura to talk. When the supervisor found maura, she was staring blankly ahead (as people were walking right past the security desk she was supposed to be checking ID's at. When maura's supervisor first asked maura what was wrong, maura didn't answer and continued staring straight ahead, showing no emotion what so ever (zombie-like state) this is all according to the supervisor. Maura finally broke down balling and said one time "My sister". Maura did not go into any more detail and physically was unable to even sign herself out of work (all according to the supervisor). Once again the supervisor found Maura at 1:15 a.m.(according to the supervisor) Petrit's hit and run took place the block over and he was found by police at 12:20 a.m. Maura could've very well been upset about hitting and possibly killing someone as opposed to a phone call she had with her sister three hours before. that is not a big stretch to conclude that the conversation with her sister is NOT what was really wrong. Orko, you really tried pulling someone's chain on this one. Anyone in particular? What it tells us is mildly interesting. You apparently made no attempt to find someone who might have seen the car between post-Vasi Triangle Street in Amherst and its re-emergence on 112 in Haverhill, New Hampshire. You don't seem to have made any attempt to find Tammy and her boyfriend who saw the car after Vasi was hit and before it surfaced in Haverhill. You haven't determined whether any photos of the car were taken between Amherst and Haverhill. You don't know where the car was parked between Thursday night and Monday night. This is the very information you needed to make your case and you did not find it. Orko, I have a feeling you're a pretty smart guy. You would want to know who else saw the car. That would be your first priority when coming to Amherst to investigate Maura's disappearance. But it wasn't.
Since: Jul 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> I'm still trying to get a hold of tammy for you. She is playing slow pitch this evening and may be tough to get a hold of. After she is getting new cleats, she got gummy bears stuck in the bottoms of her shoes. Don't contact Tammy for me, contact her for your own version of what happened. You might see if Betsy at the Hot L Warren remembers her. If not, maybe, if you can still find them (best on a weekend night) there might be one or two lifers there who haven't totally pickled their brains yet. Or you could walk down to the Polish Club on S. Main St. and see if anyone remembers her there. Don't forget, she changed her name at the Franklin County courthouse a few years ago. Hair's a little different, but still dyed blond. And she can still stick her arm up past the elbow into the guts of a freshly killed deer. Or were you thinking it was best to leave his kind of thing alone?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
amy researches wrote: <quoted text> When he is fully clothed, Bill can be very helpful. Yes he can be harsh at times. But to his credit, he has spent a lot of time answering my questions over the past several months and he has helped me out with understanding various SAR-related things when I've asked him. He also owns three or five houses in NH, which he has offered to rent to me at a discount if I am ever in the area. I give Bill 4.5 out of 5 stars. That's right Amy. With my pants on, I am unstoppable. 8-) Thanks for the kind words and your contributions have been very useful also, in my opinion. Bill
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
coeur de lion wrote: <quoted text> Orko, you really tried pulling someone's chain on this one. Anyone in particular? What it tells us is mildly interesting. You apparently made no attempt to find someone who might have seen the car between post-Vasi Triangle Street in Amherst and its re-emergence on 112 in Haverhill, New Hampshire. You don't seem to have made any attempt to find Tammy and her boyfriend who saw the car after Vasi was hit and before it surfaced in Haverhill. You haven't determined whether any photos of the car were taken between Amherst and Haverhill. You don't know where the car was parked between Thursday night and Monday night. This is the very information you needed to make your case and you did not find it. Orko, I have a feeling you're a pretty smart guy. You would want to know who else saw the car. That would be your first priority when coming to Amherst to investigate Maura's disappearance. But it wasn't. except for one small problem When I was in amherst, I didn't believe the vasi hit and run angle. I only visited the hit and run location, but dismissed it at the time as having any involvement with maura because I was mis-led (from media reporting) on the location and its surroundings
Since: Jul 12
Location hidden
Orko, not surprisingly, you got no takers for your not-so-subtle mentions about Maura's boss. And you didn't establish any valid connection between the Vasi injury and Maura's having become upset. You know that the location of the car and who saw it are vitally important, but you make such a bad case of it that you deliberately torpedo your own argument. Actually, the first PI is a pretty smart guy, too. He would want most of all to know who else knew about what when. Just like you should have done, but didn't. The only difference is that you and your chorus wrote about it on Topix and the PI didn't. I guess.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
coeur de lion wrote: <quoted text> Don't contact Tammy for me, contact her for your own version of what happened. You might see if Betsy at the Hot L Warren remembers her. If not, maybe, if you can still find them (best on a weekend night) there might be one or two lifers there who haven't totally pickled their brains yet. Or you could walk down to the Polish Club on S. Main St. and see if anyone remembers her there. Don't forget, she changed her name at the Franklin County courthouse a few years ago. Hair's a little different, but still dyed blond. And she can still stick her arm up past the elbow into the guts of a freshly killed deer. Or were you thinking it was best to leave his kind of thing alone? Wow. Someone with actual information that might be helpful to somebody. I apologize for thinking you were a troll.
Since: Jul 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> except for one small problem When I was in amherst, I didn't believe the vasi hit and run angle. I only visited the hit and run location, but dismissed it at the time as having any involvement with maura because I was mis-led (from media reporting) on the location and its surroundings Oh, okay, you had an open mind. Sorry, I didn't know that.
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
coeur de lion wrote: <quoted text>Oh, okay, you had an open mind. Sorry, I didn't know that. strangely enough, I still have an open mind. I'm waiting for someome to provide evidence that the vasi hit and run is not related to maura. I in no way shape or form am the person responsible for introducing this theory. But the only two points I have ever heard made to dismiss a possible maura and vasi connection 1. his hit and run happened miles away from where maura was working 2. because maura was working, she couldn't have been involved because she had to remain at the front desk (and bill will like this part) the only two points provided are FACTUALLY FALSE (verified personally by me).
Since: Jul 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> strangely enough, I still have an open mind. I'm waiting for someome to provide evidence that the vasi hit and run is not related to maura. I in no way shape or form am the person responsible for introducing this theory. But the only two points I have ever heard made to dismiss a possible maura and vasi connection 1. his hit and run happened miles away from where maura was working 2. because maura was working, she couldn't have been involved because she had to remain at the front desk (and bill will like this part) the only two points provided are FACTUALLY FALSE (verified personally by me). That's good you saw the distance thing, but what about Maura's chance of leaving Melville? Seems like there was no chance of that. Why do you think she had a chance to leave in her car?
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
coeur de lion wrote: <quoted text> That's good you saw the distance thing, but what about Maura's chance of leaving Melville? Seems like there was no chance of that. Why do you think she had a chance to leave in her car? I have verified that security monitors do get breaks and they are also relieved from their desk for the breaks as it is the job of the area supervisor and someone higher up than them to make sure that the monitor's are swapped out. I don't facutally know how long their breaks are. I do believe that a pit stop at a fast food joint or the like though would have someone driving from melville in the same area that vasi was found. Plus maura was on her cell phone from 12:07 a.m. to 12:14 a.m. This is fact as is fact that vasi was found at 12:20 a.m. but yet it does not prove she was on break, however, it leaves it open that she could've been during this time because a logical thing for a young 20's female to do on a break is reach for their cell phone and talk to someone (while they are possibly driving). Most of what I am saying is not so much to bolster the hit and run theory, as it is to point out that it can't be dismissed so easily based on the reasons that have been given by media reports that introduced the possible connection in the first place.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> Plus maura was on her cell phone from 12:07 a.m. to 12:14 a.m. This is fact as is fact that vasi was found at 12:20 a.m. OH MY GOD. Maura was on her cell phone between 1207 and 1214 and Vasi was found at 1220? I mean you have broken the case wide open. The link now is complete. It makes perfect sense now. Maura was on the phone six minutes before Vasi was found. Just curious, show of hands, does anyone else see this obvious link that apparently everyone else has missed, proving, or even suggesting some kind of link? Oh and I am assuming that you haven't f***ed up the times that you are reporting about when she was on the phone. Probably a mistake considering your track record. I don't care enough to check since there is no link between Maura and Vasi, except of course, in your fertile imagination. Bill
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> numbnuts, we are not testifying in court And if you are too stupid that you have to have someone distinguish every word they say to you as fact or theory or opinion or possible outcome then you need to go slap your parents around for raising such a loser. But I will play your game. (FACT) Bill is a moron (FACT) FMR LE wants to have Bill's child (FACT) Bill has contributed absolutely zilch to this forum, yet 72 years later, he is still on it rambling away like anyone gives a crap. Orko - I appreciate your posts I do like reading new thoughts or angles that may or may not add anything to the MM case. I do like healthy debate whether or not I agree with the theories. I do have to say that Bill is very good poster when he is trying to express or show logic in anothers argument. His delivery is a little rough but you shouldn't take it personally. We are not testifying in court, but we are trying to find actual events that happened. You have mentioned numerous times about his rush up to see her after the Vassi hit. When finally asked you mentioned their schedules. Do you really know their schedules? I always thought it was discussed MM was going to see Dane Cook the following weekend with her friends. Did you know his or her work schedules? I'm not saying the Vassi hit is improbable. You proved or showed that it is plausable by your time frame and locations, but now it looks like you are forcing square blocks in round holes to try to solidify your theory.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text>I always thought it was discussed MM was going to see Dane Cook the following weekend with her friends. Thanks for raising this one also. It was talked about that supposedly Maura had expressed an interest in seeing that upcoming concert when she got back. And we never found out WHEN she supposedly said this. Weeks before she left or hours. This was third hand information and appeared to be more of a wish by some of the people repeating it rather than a real event. Nothing concrete was ever shown, one way or the other at that time. Bill
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
amy researches wrote: <quoted text> It's true Citigirl, JWB has always stood behind your family and has defended Fred on many occasions. He cares about finding Maura and I think that has been made very clear as you agree. I'm sure there is no way any of us would know what we would do if our child is missing. And I can understand wanting to protect Maura's reputation. No matter what, she deserves to be found. If you don't want to answer certain questions, that is your right. Most of us are only curious about certain things like the searches and trying to help in our own way. As useless as those efforts to help may be at times. Hello Amy - You are absolutely correct that citigirl doesn't have to answer any questions. When you show the MM story on ID Discovery you are going to get a different type of viewer that watches the Montel Williams show. People are going to be interested and people are going to ask questions. That is the reason that the show aired right? If it wasn't for people to ask questions then what else could the reason be? I agree with you " no matter what, she deserves to be found" since MM doesn't have a voice in this right now it is her family that is the closest thing to her voice. I don't know but only Maura can tell us if she thought "squawalk" would be the best word chosen for her disappearance. I don't know what Maura would say after 8.5 years of the same thing leading to no results if something should be changed or not.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Hello Amy - You are absolutely correct that citigirl doesn't have to answer any questions. When you show the MM story on ID Discovery you are going to get a different type of viewer that watches the Montel Williams show. People are going to be interested and people are going to ask questions. That is the reason that the show aired right? If it wasn't for people to ask questions then what else could the reason be? I agree with you " no matter what, she deserves to be found" since MM doesn't have a voice in this right now it is her family that is the closest thing to her voice. I don't know but only Maura can tell us if she thought "squawalk" would be the best word chosen for her disappearance. I don't know what Maura would say after 8.5 years of the same thing leading to no results if something should be changed or not. Hi Lighthouse. I obviously can't answer for citigirl or her family, since I don't know them and I am not in their shoes. So this is just my opinion. I think the main reason people would go on these shows is hoping that someone who knows something or has seen their relative might speak up. I doubt they go into it thinking that they will be held accountable to answering the questions of anonymous forum posters for the rest of their lives. I think it is very helpful when citigirl is able to answer a question. It's not like she is obligated to come here and spend her time talking to us. On the other hand, if she does not wish to discuss the search locations then that is her right. The PIs discussed some of the searches in the media, so I just thought I would ask. I agree with you that Maura's family's voice is all we have to speak on Maura's behalf. At the same time, I try hard not to judge Maura based on her family's words or actions. No matter how close we are to a family member, there will always be things we don't know about them, and we will portray them the way we see them and not as they really are. I don't know what Maura would have to say about all that has been done over the 8.5 years either. I don't think any of us can know that. There is always the possibility that Maura did not want to be found, and if that is the case then I guess we could say that things are working out very well.
Since: Jul 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> I have verified that security monitors do get breaks and they are also relieved from their desk for the breaks as it is the job of the area supervisor and someone higher up than them to make sure that the monitor's are swapped out. I don't facutally know how long their breaks are. I do believe that a pit stop at a fast food joint or the like though would have someone driving from melville in the same area that vasi was found. Plus maura was on her cell phone from 12:07 a.m. to 12:14 a.m. This is fact as is fact that vasi was found at 12:20 a.m. but yet it does not prove she was on break, however, it leaves it open that she could've been during this time because a logical thing for a young 20's female to do on a break is reach for their cell phone and talk to someone (while they are possibly driving). Most of what I am saying is not so much to bolster the hit and run theory, as it is to point out that it can't be dismissed so easily based on the reasons that have been given by media reports that introduced the possible connection in the first place. Okay, you claim to have Person A within mile or so, exact location unknown, of Vasi injury talking on cell phone a little before Vasi found, possibly a little after Vasi hit, if he hit at all. How many other people talking on cell phone same time, same general area? You also have person A, about one mile away, crying not long after Vasi found. How many other people crying around time Vasi found? So now you have Person A talking on cell phone just before Vasi found and Person A crying a little after Vasi found. How many other people talking on cell phone and crying around time and place Vasi found? Maybe several, maybe many. How many of them disappear? Sound good, but still no connection. You maybe get closer, but still no case for Person A hit Vasi. Why not?