United States
mcsmom wrote: The Vidocq Society is a Philadelphia-based organization of international and prominent investigators that offers free advice on unsolved cases. It would be interesting to hear what they would have to say....... Yes, it would be interesting as to their theories. I have read about Vidocq and wondered if they have to be "invited" by NH as supposedly the FBI wasn't. Perhaps this would fall into that "jurisdictional" issue.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
mcsmom wrote: The Vidocq Society is a Philadelphia-based organization of international and prominent investigators that offers free advice on unsolved cases. It would be interesting to hear what they would have to say....... I had mentioned them three years ago. Not one person, including family, friends, etc. said squat about the idea. In memory of SBD Bill
Scranton, PA
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> I had mentioned them three years ago. Not one person, including family, friends, etc. said squat about the idea. In memory of SBD Bill Christy Everyone knows you also use Cpl Mckays friend and Lower Slower Delaware names too.
Lost and not found
United States
Would be nice if someone put something beneficial on here to help the investigators. All this baloney really does nothing but entertain those with nothing better to do..
Scranton, PA
Lost and not found wrote: Would be nice if someone put something beneficial on here to help the investigators. All this baloney really does nothing but entertain those with nothing better to do.. Good response, why don't you do it?
Hebron, CT
Here's a thought: Re-interview the 75-100 people that reported seeing Pamela Webbs truck on the side of the road. Her body was found in 1989 in Franconia, NH. 10 miles from the site where Maura's car was found.
Scranton, PA
mcsmom wrote: Here's a thought: Re-interview the 75-100 people that reported seeing Pamela Webbs truck on the side of the road. Her body was found in 1989 in Franconia, NH. 10 miles from the site where Maura's car was found. Whose body?
Hebron, CT
Sorry for the confusion...Pamela Webbs body.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Phill wrote: <quoted text>Everyone knows you also use Cpl Mckays friend and Lower Slower Delaware names too. Actually, everyone except you knows I don't. But, you are a person of extremely low wattage. In memory of SBD Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lost and not found wrote: All this baloney really does nothing but entertain those with nothing better to do.. I have been saying that, for years also. This site is nothing but entertainment. The best part was the head entertainer just popped in for a second. Another hit and run. Glad to see she is still around and just as happy to see her leave again. These sites appear to have no function or use in solving any of these disappearances. Even the concept that there may be someone out there with information may be spurious. If Maura ran away into the woods to die, who other than her can help? In memory of SBD Bill
Gloucester, MA
| as reported to and interpreted from topix: run, don't walk, to the nearest law enforcement agency office to advance ideas and report findings. super-cybersleuthing connects the dots to abductions and serial killings. drivers and/or truck passengers implicated in the commission of murders. cases solved.
Lost and not found
United States
Phill wrote: <quoted text>Good response, why don't you do it? Trust me, if I knew some helpful information I'd pass it along. I've lived the area my whole life and seems strange someone could just vanish around here..
Hebron, CT
Can anyone elaborate on how NH laws governing the the collection of DNA are different from Maine, Vermont?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lost and not found wrote: <quoted text> Trust me, if I knew some helpful information I'd pass it along. I've lived the area my whole life and seems strange someone could just vanish around here.. Your location is listed as St. J. If you live in St. J. then you don't live in that area. If you did you would realize how easy it is for someone to disappear and how close someone who is lost can actually be and not seen. Search for a piece of clothing or even something the size of a human body and you will realize very quickly that the world is a very big place and not everything has asphalt over it and many areas are not flat. Finding something can be a very daunting task for those that have actually gone and searched. I looked for a jet aircraft (Learjet) for a couple of weekends. It was searched for on land and by air and was never found during all those searches. It was finally located years later, by accident. Things disappear and they can disappear very easily, especially people. The only people that don't know that are people that have never searched for anything or anyone. In memory of SBD Bill
Gloucester, MA
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Your location is listed as St. J. If you live in St. J. then you don't live in that area. If you did you would realize how easy it is for someone to disappear and how close someone who is lost can actually be and not seen. Search for a piece of clothing or even something the size of a human body and you will realize very quickly that the world is a very big place and not everything has asphalt over it and many areas are not flat. Finding something can be a very daunting task for those that have actually gone and searched. I looked for a jet aircraft (Learjet) for a couple of weekends. It was searched for on land and by air and was never found during all those searches. It was finally located years later, by accident. Things disappear and they can disappear very easily, especially people. The only people that don't know that are people that have never searched for anything or anyone. In memory of SBD Bill i believe you, conditionally, 1) based on your claim to be experienced in search and rescue; 2) on the basis of common sense. that she or her body has not been found, yet, suggests she is elsewhere/anywhere, or that it is still possible she/or her body may be found, by happenstance or informal searching, somewhere in the white mountain range of NH.
Since: Dec 06
Location hidden
100% agree. A small airplane went down within 2 min of taking off from a local airport here in nj. It took 7 days to find the craft. During the process two of the searchers became lost and it took another two weeks to find them. The area where the craft was finally located was searched three times, with the plane only about 2500 ft from a 4 lane highway. In rural nh i cant imagine it being any bit easier. WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Your location is listed as St. J. If you live in St. J. then you don't live in that area. If you did you would realize how easy it is for someone to disappear and how close someone who is lost can actually be and not seen. Search for a piece of clothing or even something the size of a human body and you will realize very quickly that the world is a very big place and not everything has asphalt over it and many areas are not flat. Finding something can be a very daunting task for those that have actually gone and searched. I looked for a jet aircraft (Learjet) for a couple of weekends. It was searched for on land and by air and was never found during all those searches. It was finally located years later, by accident. Things disappear and they can disappear very easily, especially people. The only people that don't know that are people that have never searched for anything or anyone. In memory of SBD Bill
Lost and not found
United States
Topix automatically listed me as St. Jay. Don't know why, but I'm definitely a local, know the area very well and have spent a lot of time in that area. It's an easy area to get lost in for sure. But....this was February, there was snow on the ground and no tracks found leaving the road into the woods. Dogs lost her scent 100 yards from the accident site. In other words, she vanished from the area, and probably via a vehicle of someone she knew.. WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Your location is listed as St. J. If you live in St. J. then you don't live in that area. If you did you would realize how easy it is for someone to disappear and how close someone who is lost can actually be and not seen. Search for a piece of clothing or even something the size of a human body and you will realize very quickly that the world is a very big place and not everything has asphalt over it and many areas are not flat. Finding something can be a very daunting task for those that have actually gone and searched. I looked for a jet aircraft (Learjet) for a couple of weekends. It was searched for on land and by air and was never found during all those searches. It was finally located years later, by accident. Things disappear and they can disappear very easily, especially people. The only people that don't know that are people that have never searched for anything or anyone. In memory of SBD Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lost and not found wrote: Topix automatically listed me as St. Jay. Don't know why, but I'm definitely a local, know the area very well and have spent a lot of time in that area. It's an easy area to get lost in for sure. But....this was February, there was snow on the ground and no tracks found leaving the road into the woods. Dogs lost her scent 100 yards from the accident site. In other words, she vanished from the area, and probably via a vehicle of someone she knew..<quoted text> OK. I believe that you are from the area and your server is located in St. J. February is often a time of thaws and re-freezes. The snow can become as hard as concrete that makes signs of passage very difficult to see. Especially at the sides of the road where salt makes the thawing and re-freezing process even more likely. Also there are questions about the glove that was used as a scent article. Playing devil’s advocate there are also questions about the effectiveness of the dogs considering the delay in using the dogs. Also what if Maura did get to where CW saw a woman running? She could have been picked up and dropped off in that area where CW saw the woman. Maybe she entered the woods in that area? Not only is that area easy to get lost in. It can be a very difficult area to find someone, if searching. Or, even come across, by accident. Especially if they pass away and animals get to the body. A process that I have photo-documented (large animal, not human) happens very fast, two or three days at most. I have some night pictures of some of the predators also. Many searcher look for a body, or footprints, or other spoor, like a shoe, etc. Most aren’t trained to look at the vegetation for breaks, shine, etc. Or hair, or bone chips, or an old blood trail, or drag marks, or dead patches in the ground caused by putrescine and cadaverine, etc. They don’t expect it and when they look at it, they don’t actually see it. Big difference between looking and actually seeing. Add to that the people who did the searches have never released what areas were searched and with what probabilities of success were. I know why they never released the information and I am not faulting them for that but without that information it is very difficult to gauge how effective the searches might have been and would not cause me to search anywhere without knowing that. It might just be a waste of time/resources and unnecessarily risk injury in a very rough area. A real search is a complicated, very physically demanding, and at times dangerous activity. And there is also the psychological aspect of coming across a death site, regardless, murder/suicide/accidental especially of the young. In memory of SBD Bill
Lost and not found
United States
Who is CW? I thought that person was RF
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Sorry, CW is the construction worker. Old label. I believe that RF are his name initials. Before his name was outed and some dimwits made all kinds of accusations and expressed suspicions, etc about him and some others. There were those of us who considered him a possible witness and didn't accuse him of anything since there was no evidence he did anything except see a woman running down the road. Some of us were hoping for his and other locals cooperation instead of attempting to alienate them. Those of us who considered him a witness use to refer to him as CW. RF is that same person if I remember correctly.
In memory of SBD