Lincoln, NH
Almost Jenky time lol Hey all Bob really has passion and I respect it. I also respect that he tries to stick to the reason for the forum and that is finding Maura and not crapping on posters as the primary deal. You might not agree with everything he says or the way he says it but he is consistant and he is here for the answers to Maura Murray. One asks- Why does a grown man talk about someone he never met or knew. I say How does a grown Woman stay here for 8 years posting for a person she never knew. Answer is people care about others Very simple and thank goodness for it. I then realize that certain postrs have local Ties ( yep I know what they are but won't post them) and they have the nerve to crap on someone here for the right reasons. As Jenky would say Just weird just weird
Lincoln, NH
OKAY wrote: I think I'm going to go peel an orange now, and try to do a little online shopping. I'll save some posting space for the overnight shift. Good night, Topix gurus and sleuthers. actually very funny- merry Christmas Snowy
Lincoln, NH
I still want to here WTH talk about the chainsaw. If he gets one for christmas well I am concerned.
Lincoln, NH
Since: Nov 12
Austin, TX
JWB wrote: LG nice to see you posting again LG works for me.....and, thank you. I try to catch up now and then. I don't post often tho cuz, honestly, I don't have much to say. I have my opinions and they remain the same over the years. And, I don't feel the need and certainly lack the fire to argue my points.....after all these years. However, the desire to see MM come home will never change.
Gloucester, MA
JWB wrote: <quoted text> actually very funny- merry Christmas Snowy good! glad i made you laugh!:) an early Merry Christmas to you and yours, JWB.
Lincoln, NH
OKAY wrote: <quoted text> good! glad i made you laugh!:) an early Merry Christmas to you and yours, JWB. you did ha ha thank you- yea know sometime it feels good to toss a good vibe to others even if yopu don't see eye to eye. Doesn't matter right. We all have good. I hope we know more this coming year about maura- Nothing weird or creepy but just a person that cares about others. I am not a social media troll and don't do any of that except some sports stuff. Anyhow seems like yesterday that I said happy new year to everyone here yea a few weeks to go but never to early to say. JWB
Lincoln, NH
please send Keyboard to JWB K/ Topix franconia nh also 2.0 reading glasses are nice. Thank you Merry Christmas
Lincoln, NH
Lady Gray1 wrote: <quoted text> LG works for me.....and, thank you. I try to catch up now and then. I don't post often tho cuz, honestly, I don't have much to say. I have my opinions and they remain the same over the years. And, I don't feel the need and certainly lack the fire to argue my points.....after all these years. However, the desire to see MM come home will never change. LG all I know is that whe I went to read before posting that I saw you posting alot and good informative posts. Good to see you posting again an I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
Groton, MA
LG has been very helpful for the Maura Murray family.
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
JWB wrote: reported in the media? what Media Orko? Does anyone else know of this if this was in our media? If so I hate to ask but please provide the link, I have read tons aboutthis case and have never seen anything about a Londonderry VT Ping.Again- You might be right Orko but have never heard it nor read it. Maura is Missing Part 1: The Departure By Maribeth Conway "At 4:37 p.m.,(Mon Feb 9, 2004) Maura checked her voicemail for messages. This was the last recorded call on her cell phone."
Groton, MA
JWB wrote: Almost Jenky time lol Hey all Bob really has passion and I respect it. I also respect that he tries to stick to the reason for the forum and that is finding Maura and not crapping on posters as the primary deal. You might not agree with everything he says or the way he says it but he is consistant and he is here for the answers to Maura Murray. One asks- Why does a grown man talk about someone he never met or knew. I say How does a grown Woman stay here for 8 years posting for a person she never knew. Answer is people care about others Very simple and thank goodness for it. I then realize that certain postrs have local Ties ( yep I know what they are but won't post them) and they have the nerve to crap on someone here for the right reasons. As Jenky would say Just weird just weird YES....!!
Groton, MA
My Mom and Dad are from that area...Piermont,Bradford, Vt. How can I not be embarrased that this could happen without any resolution. This area was my utopia.
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> Maura is Missing Part 1: The Departure By Maribeth Conway "At 4:37 p.m.,(Mon Feb 9, 2004) Maura checked her voicemail for messages. This was the last recorded call on her cell phone." There is no mention of Londonderry, VT in this article.
Lincoln, NH
Shack wrote: My Mom and Dad are from that area...Piermont,Bradford, Vt. How can I not be embarrased that this could happen without any resolution. This area was my utopia. Shack- most of us here recognise your input as hepful- no other reason ror you but careing. I get it yet pthers bash you and it really bothers me. Thank you Shack for all you have done. JWB
Lincoln, NH
damn sorry shack for sticky keys anyway you get the idea that says tahnk you shack for careing.
Lincoln, NH
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> There is no mention of Londonderry, VT in this article. agree lets wait and see or Orko is toast
Lincoln, NH
not really toast yet Orko but you really need to explain
Lincoln, NH
Shack- I get it and I am sorry that others beat on you for careing about Maura./ Maybe the need to look at their community cause they ar ereally putting a bad light on it and not you, Hang Shack
Lincoln, NH
Shack wrote: <quoted text>YES....!! You agree Shack? don't give up on Maura- We havn't nor will. Can't break it eiether.