“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
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Ridiculous wrote: I wonder, what with all of your knowledge and such if it has ever occurred to you that not only does LE monitor this case daily, but that they might possibly plant a mole or two in here to shake things up, you know try to see what makes certain people they are interested in tick or not tick as the case may be? Far be it for some dull tool like myself to pose such a question, hell as we all know, I have nothing to offer in this case. No knowledge at all. And why would LE go to such an extreme. They would actually have to get someone to create a Moniker and turn on their computer and engage. This would be way to complicated and expensive and the amount of planning just makes it too far out there to even consider. Besides with so many leads to work on and so many groups of people discussing this case on a daily basis, why come here to a thread dedicated to Maura Murray and attempt such a "Ridiculous" endeavor? I'm sorry, stupid and preposterous idea. I guess staying up with the night crew has affected my reasoning. I'm going to sign off now... Honestly, The way cyber-bullies have changed the lives of so many people, Amanda Todd most recently comes to mind, I would say that I agree.. There is an entrance on Topix home page to enter as LE which shows you IPs/MAC addys etc; With the attacks on people, honestly me being a culprit also, I suppose its normal for people to argue! But with the posting of peoples personal information without their consent there is no telling how many have actually contacted LE about this thread.. Im not going to go into what Ive dealt with in my experiance with this thread But it is truly feasable to think there are people planted here.. Take for instance the "out of state" people who dont use proxies.. Take into acount that there is a cyber bully task force used by the federal agents on the internet that is taken seriously! These "agents" would be allowed to bicker, argue, make friends, etc; Whatever it takes! They are known as "ICE" & they are serious...
Manchester, NH
Emmett, Absolutely correct. I probably shouldn't have gone in to as deep as I did the other night, but, I thought I'd offer someone a clue. Threatening to kick someones ass on a forum isn't what we are talking about here, believe me I know. If I told JWB that I knew who he was and where he lived and that I would be coming to find him and kick his ass, well that would be a whole other story. If I informed someone that I knew who they were and I had become so obsessed that I got that information from a supposed work mate and threatened to out that person. A red flag would go up and what I will tell you is this; A red flag has gone up.I will make this simple statement. I know for a fact that JWB is literally a hairs breathe away from getting a visit that might actually sober him up.
Manchester, NH
To support my statement that I know for a fact, I will make this statement; I'm not the only person who has made phone calls to LE concerning this situation. A surprising number of concerned posters have done so. Doubt me? Go ahead and call yourself.
“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
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In full agreement.. Arguing with an anon poster & saying stuff like we were saying IS MUCH DIFFERENT than using an anons name & address.. The whole purpose behind anon user names is to stay anon, not have people looking for who they really are.. I choose to use my real name, always have, or versions like E-Dove cus some sites wont let you or only have so many characters allowed or no spaces allowed between a user name.. I dont doubt it at all.. I know it for a fact also.. Much more than I'd like too! I've talked to a NH CCU Det.(It was over them videos with my name in them) But still talked to one..
“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
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& just to be honest before anyone attacks me, I made it clear that it was my own fault & I deserved what I got for making the statement I did about Beagle First!
“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
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To add - It doesnt make it right what all Ive said to certain people & I humbly ask for forgivness.. I am not "thick skinned" like people say you need to be to post here & I dont wish to argue with anyone anymore! Engaging me will not result in anything from me as I wish to stay positive in this new year.. I am trying real hard & shall ignore any sort of provoking me.. Those that dont believe shall see!! I know this thread is for MM & I dont interfere, throw out "red herrings", misinformation, or any thing else.. I dont wish to be a bother or a burden.. I would like to see some sort of news & would like to see this case solved & she be with her family so they can all have closure!! May God be with you & with your spirit!!!
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
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Mauras car did not hit the trees on Rte 112.
Dunstable, MA
Emmett and Ridiculous, I highly respect you both for confirming the info you have provided here today. these posters have been duly warned.
Since: Feb 12
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findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Please provide facts to back-up your insistance that its not possible?And whats up with your bruised face photos on the internet in regard to your Mckay connection?I find it curious that you fly off the handle every time I broach the subject. Are people not allowed to "fly off the handle" everytime you mention a police officer (who died in the line of duty)to be involved in MM's disappaerance? I think more people should be upset if people are being falesly accused. Is that your proof? Snowey argues about McKay therefore he did it? Your theories are weak. And I say that not to be rude, but because they are. People argue and refute a point of argument you call it a "hidden agenda." I can use your argument and accuse anyone and have the same "results" that you have. I personally think you are smart enough to realize that there isn't any proof and you are just trying to get a rise out of posters. I ask you to post proof and not use your "hidden agenda" theory that can universally imply anyone and everyone that argues a point.
Since: Apr 12
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Ridiculous wrote: Absolutely correct. I probably shouldn't have gone in to as deep as I did the other night, but, I thought I'd offer someone a clue. Threatening to kick someones ass on a forum isn't what we are talking about here, believe me I know. If I told JWB that I knew who he was and where he lived and that I would be coming to find him and kick his ass, well that would be a whole other story. If I informed someone that I knew who they were and I had become so obsessed that I got that information from a supposed work mate and threatened to out that person. A red flag would go up and what I will tell you is this; A red flag has gone up.I will make this simple statement. I know for a fact that JWB is literally a hairs breathe away from getting a visit that might actually sober him up. It’s hairsbreadth, you vacant ignoramus. Clearly, auto-didacticism is not working for you. Let us know when the law shows up on your doorstep to inquire as to your whereabouts on February 9, 2004. Until that time I’m sure you’ll keep badgering and threatening all the posters who don’t agree with your asinine point of view.
Fresno, CA
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> Neither do I. Sorry, Amy, I usually agree with you, but not in this case, and look what you did, you gave JWB a real shot in the arm. The way I see it, people wouldn't be threatening JWB if he hadn't done so, over and over, in the first place. Haha. I cannot believe Wowzer, Snowy, Ridic and now you all took issue with Amy who basically said to cut out the threats and childish behavior. And what is your mature explanation as to why you disagree with her? Because JWB started it. lol. My 7 year old son even knows two wrongs do not make a right. Wouldn't it have been easier to simply say, "okay Amy, you are right, we will not behave as petulent children??" How about this. If you don't like people on the internet, just ingnore them and talk about Maura? It is really not hard to do and is a life skill that actually comes in handy even away from the internet. Like at work. Or even when the extended family is over on Turkey Day.:) By ganging up and bickering, it really portrays y'all as a bunch of bullies who were not hugged enough by daddy when you were little.
Manchester, NH
Major Dodo, Thank you for your spell check. Speaking of being vacant, Your vocabulary doesn't make you intelligent. And coming here and insulting someone for insulting someone kind of speaks more to your intelligence than anything else in your post. And although as you pointed out My self education isn't doing much for me, I'm smart enough to know that your phrase "vacant ignoramus" is not only dated, but, trite. Why don't you stop in over here at the clinic and we will see if we can get you some relief for that those impacted glands?
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
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MAURA is definitely not the issue here on this forum any longer. That was lost a long time ago. That is one thing that IS PERFECTLY CLEAR.
Manchester, NH
Elphalba, I believe there is some validity to your post. What's confusing is that you, like Amy, want to ignore JWB's very real threatening behavior, and then instead of ignoring us as you advise, you proceed to drag our paternal care into it? Just not sure how this insult is intended to stop the perpetuation of insults?
Fresno, CA
Ridiculous wrote: Elphalba, I believe there is some validity to your post. What's confusing is that you, like Amy, want to ignore JWB's very real threatening behavior, and then instead of ignoring us as you advise, you proceed to drag our paternal care into it? Just not sure how this insult is intended to stop the perpetuation of insults? That was not an insult ridic. You do come across as a bully who was not hugged enough from daddy.
Since: Feb 12
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I was going to write another post trying to explain myself further and noting how certain things I said were twisted around and/or misunderstood, but I don't want to contribute any further to keeping this feud going. Ephalba understood what I meant - that two wrongs don't make a right. If people feel threatened, they can take it up with the proper authorities rather than retaliating with threats of bodily harm. Let the police sort out which threats to focus on. Enough said by me on this topix. I'm happy to go back to discussing Maura, as that is what this forum is for.
Since: Apr 12
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Snowy wrote: Emmett and Ridiculous, I highly respect you both for confirming the info you have provided here today. these posters have been duly warned. Duly warned? Is that some sort of thinly veiled threat? Are you going to squeeze into your granny diapers, dust off your Buckaroo cap gun and take out all the posters that disagree with your incoherent crazy talk? Stop behaving like a lowbrow cow cuss.
Since: Feb 12
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elphalba wrote: <quoted text> Haha. I cannot believe Wowzer, Snowy, Ridic and now you all took issue with Amy who basically said to cut out the threats and childish behavior. And what is your mature explanation as to why you disagree with her? Because JWB started it. lol. My 7 year old son even knows two wrongs do not make a right. Wouldn't it have been easier to simply say, "okay Amy, you are right, we will not behave as petulent children??" How about this. If you don't like people on the internet, just ingnore them and talk about Maura? It is really not hard to do and is a life skill that actually comes in handy even away from the internet. Like at work. Or even when the extended family is over on Turkey Day.:) By ganging up and bickering, it really portrays y'all as a bunch of bullies who were not hugged enough by daddy when you were little. There was nothing in this post that makes me think you wanted to help the situation or discuss the topic of MM. You spent two paragraphs just trying to insult multiple posters.
Fresno, CA
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> There was nothing in this post that makes me think you wanted to help the situation or discuss the topic of MM. You spent two paragraphs just trying to insult multiple posters. Unfortunately, the state of the board has gotten to the point where it needed to be said. I stand by the perception that Maurachan seemed silly to beleive that two rights make a wrong. I also stand by the statement that Wowzer, Snowy, and Ridic appear as internet bullies possibly not loved when young. If you believe those to be insults after reading daily the attacks launched on this board, I have to question your ability to judge such things.
Manchester, NH
Elphalba, I will admit, Snowy and I are pretty outspoken. I'm just at a complete loss as to how you can even begin to accuse Wowzer of being a bully?! Really?! Amy, not only do I believe your point has validity, I appreciate your attempt at clarification. Major Dog Crap, For Goodness sake man, your language dates you and indeed is so archaic I have no idea what you are talking about! All I was able to gather from that post is that you have run out of depends, your cap gun is quite dusty and you enjoy cussing at cows...You must be lactose intolerant.