Portland, ME
"‘‘I couldn't even tell her what she said because it was so long ago but I'm assuming she wanted to rent the place,'' Linda Salamone said." Above from From Patriot Ledger "Tell Her" is referring to Billys Mom when she called to inquire about the call on Mauras cell records. It is assumed and not known for certain why maura called the Salamones.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
MDW wrote: Ialso stand by the idea that people who live in the hills nearby (Warner, Newport, Claremont)all a little over an hour from Woodville are certainly a possibility of being considered. I also suggest for the fifth time that the class held in Woodville that night for White Mountain Community College be investigated. They were on the road at the same approximate time. MDW you really need to get your "hills" straight before I can take you seriously. MDW said:*** Now to get to what is really important. There are a ton of very strange living people within 50 miles of the accident. I went to the Mink Hills near Hillsborough and there are many, many, hermit-like people living in that area. They are living in isolated truck related, hermit like, hidden, isolated ?homes?. Two of them killed two people at the town offices in Newbury NH about 10 years ago because of a tax bill. After talking to people in the area it leads me to believe that there is a "possibility" that someone could have her in this area. I was not a believer until I spent today searching this area and learned what I learned. These are dangerous, strange people. The "keep out" signs are everywhere. With property under "current usage" which makes things tax cheap and does not allow these signs, there is extreme suspicion here.*** Wowzer said: REALLY?????? Oh and these places are more than 50 miles from here.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
WTH-the-original wrote: I really have to ask. Is anyone buying the Tang/Columbo bullshit show. It would save a lot of time if it wasn't really necessary to body slam him every time he comes out with one of these turds. I suspect that just letting him post freely would cause minimal damage to thinking people so I am thinking that it is probably safe to just ignore him. What the hell, lets try it. Bill Didn't buy it years ago and don't buy it now.
Brockton, MA
JWB wrote: <quoted text> Paris, It was stated in one of the newspaper articles that Maura and family never stayed at LS condo. Citigirl also has reiterated the same. The family had stayed in that condo complex in the past but not in their unit.I can post a copy of the article later tonight if wanted. I have never stated or mentioned anything about the LS condo or any other condo. So you are incorrect in implying I reiterated the same. This is false and inaccurate information concerning me.
Portland, ME
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>I have never stated or mentioned anything about the LS condo or any other condo. So you are incorrect in implying I reiterated the same. This is false and inaccurate information concerning me. My Mistake then. What is your recollection of the murrays regarding staying at the Salamones unit previously?
Portland, ME
JWB wrote: From Hanson Express "Just before 1 p.m. she called Dominic and Linda Salamone, a couple who own a rental condominium at the Seasons at Attitash Resort in Bartlett, New Hampshire. Maura's family, which frequented the Bartlett area, had stayed at the Seasons, though never at this condominium." How did Maura get the salamones number? Bump
Brockton, MA
Tang Zoi wrote: The RED TRUCK parked on Bradley Hill rd. with the passengers side door open was the same truck that was seen by Bunga rd. and Winnies' store. I have heard about a red truck near the store and later on heard something about a red truck on BHR. I have never heard anything about a red truck on Bunga RD. Could you please explain what you are talking about as to the red truck on Bunga RD. And how is it you can say they are all the same truck?
Vernon Rockville, CT
MDW wrote: I love idiotic tough guy quotes. "He claims he's a former fed." Love it. You sound like you should be on "The Untouchables." I was an investigator for a government agency for close to ten years. As I recently mentioned, I changed careers and went back to school and got an MED and have been teaching for over 20 years. During the time that I was getting the MED, I worked in the automobile business as a salesmanager, general manager, and business manager. I am 64, and still teaching ancient history. I have a home just over an hour from Woodville and am familiar with the entire Western Area of NH where I basically grew up. I stand by the supposition that there are some strange hill people who live in the area. I also stand by my suggestion that the class that met that night at Woodville High School who were from White Mountain Community College should be investigated as their class ended at the approximate time of the accident. From their transcripts, the location in which they lived whould tell whether or not they should have been on that road.<quoted text> You claim you worked as an "investigator for a government agency". I was simply stating that. If I wrote "you ARE a former fed", I'd be stating that as fact, and I don't know you and this is the INTERNET, and I value what I write as fact. IDK who The Untouchables are. Sorry if I offended you.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: A certain person who lives in Haverhill NH and has ties to Mass. NY and Conn. is involved in the Human trafficking business. This is a fact. It happens everywhere..........and guess what.? IT IS RIGHT IN OUR BACK YARD. Like it or not.! Holy crap! I should probably start locking my doors. My neighbor will be upset when she comes for coffee tomorrow and can't just walk in.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
This may be a bit off topic but it's in response to an earlier reply about a ruthless group of jackasses that may have been the reason that beagle didn't post anymore or some such thing. Seems that the last two replies on the "Dirtbad and Maura Murray" thread think that he should be banned from the internet for eternity, have everything he's said deleted from all sites in eastern Europe and even exile him from the US along with a couple of other things. Yep you read it right. John Green and shack would like to see him exiled from the US. Gosh I'm going to start watching my p's and q's before I find myself in a box on the FedEx truck heading for Mongolia.
Lincoln, NH
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>I have heard about a red truck near the store and later on heard something about a red truck on BHR. I have never heard anything about a red truck on Bunga RD. Could you please explain what you are talking about as to the red truck on Bunga RD. And how is it you can say they are all the same truck? Not to speak for Tang but his post reads near Bunga RD and not on Bunga road as you state. RO noticed the truck first as she was walking up the hill and that is near Bunga RD (the truck slowed). She later saw the Red truck at the store. It looks like Tang is talking about the same red truck.
Southbury, CT
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Is it possible that after the car accident, she saw her entire life swirling around the drain? At that time she may have made a decision to end her life. Or hours/days down the road realizes what a mistake she may have made? Again, people who discount any possibility of suicide are not paying attention to what was occurring in this young ladies life. Arrests, alcohol problems, possible loss of her ability to be a nurse, problems with the "fiance", trying to explain all the things going on to her family, friends, now another car crash while she is trying to figure out what she is going to do with the wreck that her young life has become? While everyone she knows professionally and in school, thinks she is at a families funeral. Yep, no stressors there. Bill While I think suicide is highly unlikely here and there's no evidence to support that was her intention, the theory can not be completely discounted knowing what we know now. We just don't have enough facts to discount any theory entirely at this point, unfortunately. We can theorize as to what is most likely, I think suicide is very unlikely due to what we know about her, but we can't say anything for certain, still, unfortunately. But you gotta remember this was a minor one car accident with very minimal damage, it's hard to imagine anyone thinking their life was swirling down the grain because of such a minor crash. Who's ever heard of a car crash as a motive for suicide? Does that not sound completely absurd to anyone else?? Was her life REALLY in that much shambles to make this girl who had never expressed a suicidal thoight before to anyone ready to go kill herself on the wilderness?? Ya she was arrested, & charged with an extremely minimal misdemeanor charge that was getting thrown our afte only 3 months good behavior. So her nursing career was NOT in jeopardy, at least not from that arrest & certainly not from either of the car crashes either. Actually she was on the dean's list in a rather difficult major. Alcohol problems?? Where did you get that one from? Oh yea, you've made an ASSUMPTION, the same exact thing you've critisized many a poster for you're doing yourself. Sure she drank, seems like she drank a lot, but certainly not more than any other average 21yr old college girl. In fact, I've seen absolutely nothing to support this assumption that several people on here, yourself included, have asserted on numerous occasions. Where's your evidence that she had 'alcohol problems'? I'd love to see it bc I'm yet to see anythin indicating she was anythin other than an average college student as far as drinking goes. Yes she had problems w her BF, just likes many young girls do when they're in college and have a long distance relationship. Seems like most of her friends who've spoken on record regarding the matter thought she should dump his ass, doesn't seem like she had much to explain to anyone regarding that. And then you say "the wreck her life had become"??? Where the hell are you getting that from?? Oh yea, yet another ASSUMPTION. She had some problems, jus like everyone does but to say that this girl who was on dean's list life had become a "wreck" is just ridiculous. She had a very minor arrest, was already not in trouble for it, and she got in two car crashes. That's not exactly what any NORMAL person would call a "wreck" by any stretch of the imagination. That's ridiculous to say. Your whole post is blatant exagerations of ASSUMPTIONS you've made based on the little you know about this girl. And if you actually analyze your assumptions you'll see that they're actually way off from reality, just blatant exagerations. Makes me wonder what you might have to gain from making such exagerations and if it's nothing, then why do you constantly do it? This post is just a shining example of the blatant hypocrisy that run's rampant on this thread.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Jenkins wrote: While I think suicide is highly unlikely here and there's no evidence to support that was her intention, the theory can not be completely discounted knowing what we know now. We just don't have enough facts to discount any theory entirely at this point, unfortunately. We can theorize as to what is most likely, I think suicide is very unlikely due to what we know about her, but we can't say anything for certain, still, unfortunately.
But you gotta remember this was a minor one car accident with very minimal damage, it's hard to imagine anyone thinking their life was swirling down the grain because of such a minor crash. Who's ever heard of a car crash as a motive for suicide? Does that not sound completely absurd to anyone else?? Was her life REALLY in that much shambles to make this girl who had never expressed a suicidal thoight before to anyone ready to go kill herself on the wilderness?? Ya she was arrested, & charged with an extremely minimal misdemeanor charge that was getting thrown our afte only 3 months good behavior. So her nursing career was NOT in jeopardy, at least not from that arrest & certainly not from either of the car crashes either. Actually she was on the dean's list in a rather difficult major.
Alcohol problems?? Where did you get that one from? Oh yea, you've made an ASSUMPTION, the same exact thing you've critisized many a poster for you're doing yourself. Sure she drank, seems like she drank a lot, but certainly not more than any other average 21yr old college girl. In fact, I've seen absolutely nothing to support this assumption that several people on here, yourself included, have asserted on numerous occasions. Where's your evidence that she had 'alcohol problems'? I'd love to see it bc I'm yet to see anythin indicating she was anythin other than an average college student as far as drinking goes.
Yes she had problems w her BF, just likes many young girls do when they're in college and have a long distance relationship. Seems like most of her friends who've spoken on record regarding the matter thought she should dump his ass, doesn't seem like she had much to explain to anyone regarding that.
And then you say "the wreck her life had become"??? Where the hell are you getting that from?? Oh yea, yet another ASSUMPTION. She had some problems, jus like everyone does but to say that this girl who was on dean's list life had become a "wreck" is just ridiculous. She had a very minor arrest, was already not in trouble for it, and she got in two car crashes. That's not exactly what any NORMAL person would call a "wreck" by any stretch of the imagination. That's ridiculous to say. Your whole post is blatant exagerations of ASSUMPTIONS you've made based on the little you know about this girl. And if you actually analyze your assumptions you'll see that they're actually way off from reality, just blatant exagerations. Makes me wonder what you might have to gain from making such exagerations and if it's nothing, then why do you constantly do it?
This post is just a shining example of the blatant hypocrisy that run's rampant on this thread. It's hard to believe you haven't paid any attention to anything that has been written about her over these last nine years. But clearly you haven't. Bill
“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
By the logic of "Fight or Flight" which has been proven to be a part of human nature, I would say she took the latter & ran.. If she got in a car, we dont know... From some of the things people say, you'd think she just took a Quantum Leap like Sam Beckett!!
Dedham, MA
I would call an 8,000 accident pretty close to a wreck. Her car with the air bags activated would have probably gone over the value of a car that age and model. They probably would not have totaled it. However it was definitely an expensive accident. There are no cheap accidents anymore with $800 plastice bumper covers and airbags. The facts are that: she had an outstanding athletic and academic high school career. She began failing at West Point. Had a cheating probelm in her lovelife. Committed a stupid crime for which she got lucky to get a pass. Cracked up two cars in two days. Was screwing up her academic career by leaving school with a lame excuse. Obviously was drinking too much. As a father of a 22 year old daughter and a recent college graduate, the last thing you would catch me doing would be getting loaded with her. Spending so much time with her father on weekends is very unusual. This young lady had huge problems. The last crash might have been all it took.
Boston, MA
MDW wrote: I would call an 8,000 accident pretty close to a wreck. Her car with the air bags activated would have probably gone over the value of a car that age and model. They probably would not have totaled it. However it was definitely an expensive accident. There are no cheap accidents anymore with $800 plastice bumper covers and airbags. The facts are that: she had an outstanding athletic and academic high school career. She began failing at West Point. Had a cheating probelm in her lovelife. Committed a stupid crime for which she got lucky to get a pass. Cracked up two cars in two days. Was screwing up her academic career by leaving school with a lame excuse. Obviously was drinking too much. As a father of a 22 year old daughter and a recent college graduate, the last thing you would catch me doing would be getting loaded with her. Spending so much time with her father on weekends is very unusual. This young lady had huge problems. The last crash might have been all it took. sounds right.
Boston, MA
ducks are less relevant now...it's sheep and jackasses.
Boston, MA
Ridiculous wrote: Spending so much time with her father on weekends is very unusual. This is something that keeps popping up that makes me cringe. I don't know whether there was an inapropriate relationship between Maura and her Dad or not, but, there is nothing unusual about a daughter spending so much time with her father on weekends. Particularly if her parents are divorced. So many single dads out there that have done the right thing and maintained close relationships with there kids after divorce....Hate to hear someone insinuate that it's inapropriate to do so... it is not the relationship, it is the circumstances surrounding the car crash, drinking and the motel. that combo. globally speaking, close, but not inappropriately close father/daughter relationships are applauded and encouraged.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
JWB wrote: <quoted text> Not to speak for Tang but his post reads near Bunga RD and not on Bunga road as you state. RO noticed the truck first as she was walking up the hill and that is near Bunga RD (the truck slowed). She later saw the Red truck at the store. It looks like Tang is talking about the same red truck. Yes the truck seen by Bunga rd. and at the store were the same truck. The red truck went towards the scene. Believe it to be same truck on BHR.
Ervings Location, NH
was just reading about this fowler guy sounds like a rouge le to me restraining orders, stalking and young girls ????????