“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Of course again, it sounds like he is talking about Shack. But this is how all his misinformation is couched. This is the work of a cheap dime novelist, or a psychic, not an investigator. Uhhhh, it was Col Blimp in the study with a candlestick holder??? Who makes up crap like that? An investigator? I think not. Investigators either tell you facts,(at least what they think are facts, certainly things they think they can prove) or they keep their mouths shut. This is made for Lifetime movie bullshit and he excels at it. Bill Such a beautiful day...what are you doing inside..?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> Such a beautiful day...what are you doing inside..? Unfortunately, Work. Something I suspect you have little experience with. Oh, I did try to help over on the Patric forum. Got more work now. Bye, Bill
Manchester, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Ooooh oooh. Let me play. There is a river near a field, and another in Coos county. People play in the streets, except at night, because it's dark. And there are noises sometimes. Bill This is fun, Can we do Haiku's next? We can do open mic night here at the Agenda Cafe...Dramatic readings, acoustic music and story telling. Hosted by none other than the Godfather of Tall tales himself,ColumTangDoetc.
Manchester, NH
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> These little bits of trivia you throw out aren't even worth reading. You never give an answer when asked what they mean. I think you love to dangle information under posters noses and watch them wonder about what the heck you're talking about. Good day for game playing. Keeps the body warm at -5 degrees. Tang once posted the definition of dense for me. For that, I will always be grateful. I've enjoyed our little forays into literature as well and we'll always have that special night out on the range next to the campfire, but, I'm starting to think that these carrots he keeps dangling are made of plastic. They look good, but, after having eaten a couple of them, I'm questioning their actual nutritional value. I mean if I can't at least replace the calories I've burned tryin to chew them, or to put it another way. if his produce doesn't produce, I may not Bight ( see Mite) any more.
Brockton, MA
Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> OK, how is it not true? Is a week too long or too short? well how long would you estimate she packed for? A few days? A few weeks? A new life? I estimated about a weeks worth of clothes; I really should've said a week's worth max because it might've really only been like 3 days worth for all I know, but it certainly didn't seem like it could be for much longer than a week. Also she had her schoolbooks, including her notebooks, which likely indicates a plan to at least study a little bit; which would indicate a plan to return to school the following week; which is the only reason I can think of for why she would've emailted her proffesors & her boss, because she was planning on returning. All of those things fit together with a girl who was planning on getting away for a few days, a vacation more or less. If it was just her schoolbooks in the car I would say yea, it's possible she ust left those in her car because they were heavy to carry around; but her notebooks were there too. Most girls I knew would often leave heavy books like that in their car and would carrry their notebooks with them. To me, seeing those books and notebooks it looks like she was planning on studying, and she probably was. I really should've said a week max because saying a week was a little too specific and I don't know that for sure, but seems like there's no way she was planning on wha she brought to last her anything much longer than a week. So since a week i wrong you must know the correct answer citi right? How many days worth of stuff did she pack for her trip? Can you repost the list of sstuff that was found in her car? And wait, are we talking about what she packed for her trip up north or what she left behind in the car? Because those are two diffferent things. Jenkins I was referring to the items left in the car which I had stated in my first question to you.
Tucson, AZ
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> A professional what? I have seen nothing of his activities that makes me think that he has any professional acumen. Usually people here are judged on how they are able to communicate to others in their specialty. I have seen nothing in Colombo/Tang/Dodo correspondence and a few others that makes me think they know anything about what they are writing. (snipped) I'm sure columbo is a very nice man, however, this has been said many times, he does not come across as professional. Throwing tidbits out on a daily basis to me is him either playing with his audience, or him trying to get his peeps to dig deeper, because he is not capable. Many times he has thrown names out there, only to find that with a simple search, these people were for example, in jail, or not in the area. Columbo's supposed "job" was to report his findings to LE.(words from himself) So I would imagine that all this info he is flinging, has already been examined by LE and has gone nowhere. Therefore columbo/k9handler/tang/and so on is nothing more than a big windmill. JMHO.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: One house very close to Mtn. Lakes, one in carroll NH and one in Hadley Mass. interesting.
Manchester, NH
Hello Folks, I'm taking up a collection for the crew working in the judges booth hammering away at those buttons. These poor folks are really working there butts off back there behind the curtain and the pay is hardly more than peanuts. They have needs- Medication, alcohol,Pistachios. It's not an easy job to put your biases aside and judge these posts strictly on content. We are very fortunate to have them, and I for one think it's time to give a little something back. ; )
Manchester, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Hello Anne. Where to start? These posts aren’t for you so your ambivalence to my writings don’t really concern me. My apparent focus on the person who had created such a caustic environment is my function now, as I stated when I started attempting to keep her in check. I believe to a large degree that has been successful, and just as importantly fun, and entertaining. It doesn’t need to be entertaining to you, it is entertaining to me. While she seemed to enjoy the misery she put countless others through as we waded through her verbal feces, so I now enjoy rebutting her old malicious writings. I have on occasion ignored her when her writings have its usual banality. When they seek to do harm, when they spread misinformation, I respond. Not to worry Anne, all this I do in whatever spare time I have. Nothing else suffers because of it. Thankfully, I can still do what I need to do and keep her in check. Is it over the line? I don’t think so. By my watch I still have around three more years to do this. And that is providing after those three years are up she doesn’t start where she left off. Keeping the electrons from spreading her crap is a worthwhile pursuit. Several of us begged her to stop doing what she was doing. We warned her that it was having a negative effect. Told her that it was causing problems. None of that worked. This seems to be working. She hardly ever comes here anymore and everyone is better off for that. SBD is a silent hero. Didn’t want fanfare, didn’t want recognition, didn’t want attention for what he did. He thought, he was being a decent human being attempting to help a person stuck in the snow and possibly hurt in winter. Then he gets bullied by someone online, in the darkness, hidden. Tries to destroy his reputation with innuendo, lies, mistruths. A reputation built over decades. Not a shred of evidence anywhere but she goes after him like a monkey after a cupcake. In the process, not only does she attempt to destroy his reputation, but she continues on to insinuate that others in the area including the police and “big wigs” are somehow all involved in an abduction, murder and cover-up. With no evidence to even suggest such a thing. No evidence to even suggest any crime was committed. You might feel that what she has done can be ignored. I don’t feel that way. What she did can and likely did have a chilling effect on the people of that area and should be a warning of what these actions unchecked, could have on any other future event like this. Allowing her to get away with this would likely show anyone else thinking of getting involved in such an event. Look what happened to SBD. Its better I don’t stop, I don’t help. I don’t want to get involved, I don’t want to tell anyone what I know. I would subject myself and my family and my community to scrutiny by anyone with bats in their belfry and a computer. Better to just move along. SBD is a martyr and was a brave voice. In memory of SBD Bill To me, this is like a classic book; Transcends time and is as relevant today as the day it was written. Sometimes a look back into history explains the current state of affairs. Reading this, one is almost forced to believe that there is indeed a conspiracy afoot. And one would believe that these conspirators do have an agenda. These outlaws, with that horrible, mean man Bill at the helm, are on some sort of twisted mission to protect innocent people and keep rumor and innuendo from being entered into the ledger as fact. Hmmmmmmm......
Manchester, NH
I should mention that this was pulled from page # 20 of this thread.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
What happens when they run everyone out of here?Will they peck eachothers eyes out?
Southbury, CT
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>Jenkins I was referring to the items left in the car which I had stated in my first question to you. Hold up a second, I'm confused here(surprise surprise lol), but when did I ever say anything about any of the items left in her car, exceppt for the gloves. Is that what I was wrong about? I don't understand BC i was never talking about what items specifically were left in her car or really what was left behind in her car at all, I was talking about what she is said to have packed for her trip and estimating how long her trip might have been planned for based on that. So I said that it looked like about a weeks worth of stuff, really a week max bc it really could've been just a few days worth of clothes n stuff. So how was that incorrect exactly? Based no what she packed for her trip how long would you estimate her trip was probably planned at being? I'm stll trying to figure out exactly what you're saying was incorrect about my original post, and I am very interested in hearing it.
Manchester, NH
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Why is someone deleting my posts?Will you scratch each others eyes out when theres only a few of you left?
Southbury, CT
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> I was a really nice person too Emmett, that is until I stuck my nose in the old MM forum and saw what was being talked about. I didn't feel so nice after that. I agree that this forum and forums before bring out the worst in people. Wowzer you're so full of shit and you know it. I really hope someone has the old MM forum archived somewhere so we can bust it out and show that wowzer is completely 100% over-exagerating-just flat out making shit up about what was going on on that old forum. The old forums were a MUCH nicer place, none of the outright nasty personal attacks and fightng that goes on here. Thee was a lot of good-hearted people on those forums that really cared; unlike many of the people that post here on a regular basis. Overall everyone talked about the case, this whole thing that wowzer is saying about all the local bashing and mean hearted vitriol LOL is simply a product of her imagination. Yes there was some things that were said about the local area tat weren't the best things you ant to hear about your town but NOTHING at all like she describes. Nobody flat out said anything about ALL the locals in general, in fact most people had a lot of respect for the locals. This whole thing she says about everybody just trashing on locals the whole time is a product of her imagination, plain and simple. The whole thing she says about people using real names, etc is completely made up in he head. NOBODY use ANY real names back then, it just was NOT allowed at all. We couldn't even use the SBD or the CW's real names and they were in the paper! Where do you think the abbreviations SBD and CW came from?? Certainly not from topix, when I started posting here again last january I was absolutely shocked to see people thowing arround their names and using their real initials instead of SBD and CW. GO back and read a year ago, it was BA and RF, not SBD an CW being used, I NEVER used BA or RF. IDK why you insist on making up things and totally over-exagerating what was said on those old forums wowzer. All I can say is I can't wait for the day for someone to come back who has the old forums archived so we can show how full of shit you really are about this. And if you're trying to say that people were mean on the MM forum, then you're definetely completely nuts, like bat shit crazy lol. My god, could you possibly exagerate any more? You've gone past exageration to just outright making shit up in reality; why do you do that? Are you trying to make an excuse for your super bitch attitude? Sure looks like that's exactly what's going on judging by the post that I quoted. You're weirrd wowzer
Manchester, NH
findmaura wrote: What happens when they run everyone out of here?Will they peck eachothers eyes out? You say the darndest things. If anyone disagrees with your pretzel logic, you accuse them of being complicit to what ever supposed crime that is being discussed. Just like your last post on the other thread. I believe you do indeed know the muffin man... ; )
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> I believe you do indeed know the muffin man... ; ) According to Find Maura's discourse on method he is a suspect as well.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> Thee was a lot of good-hearted people on those forums that really cared; unlike many of the people that post here on a regular basis. Are you talking about the forum or the shire?
Chelmsford, MA
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> To me, this is like a classic book; Transcends time and is as relevant today as the day it was written. Sometimes a look back into history explains the current state of affairs. Reading this, one is almost forced to believe that there is indeed a conspiracy afoot. And one would believe that these conspirators do have an agenda. These outlaws, with that horrible, mean man Bill at the helm, are on some sort of twisted mission to protect innocent people and keep rumor and innuendo from being entered into the ledger as fact. Hmmmmmmm...... what a magnificent and poignant analysis he made. it is a moving piece, although certainly Bill did not intend to evoke emotion; it's not his style. he speaks the truth. it is my truth, as witness, as well. Bill is not and was not at the helm. he stands with independent thinkers. so, Ridiculous, you have the benefit of our hindsight. thank you for bringing this piece forward, it's intelligent rewind.