Manchester, NH
Major Do-Do wrote: <quoted text> when you claim to have friends in high places in Concord and threaten posters, sometimes Concord takes a good lookie at you. notice your computer screen going squirrelly? big brothah is checking you out. but don’t take my word for it, call your pals in Concord. hell, call the FBI. bullcrap, macabre anniversary videos, and threats against others will bring this thread down, my friend. I will admit I'm occasionally guilty of bull crapping. I would ask you to re-read the situation in which you suggest I threatened some one. You are incorrect. I did invite someone to meet me to get themselves a well deserved butt kicking and they declined. I certainly never posted any macabre videos and as I've stated, if we're talking about Beagles work, I'm certainly not a fan. I'm still a little disgruntled that you never even gave me a thank you for that whole retirement party I threw you out there on the Range.. ; )
Manchester, NH
oo00oo wrote: <quoted text> major doo is jwb/granny. stay thirsty my friend Are you sure?
Manchester, NH
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> I really don't care who you are. Why would i waste my time.? Also.....NOT IMPRESSED I thought you were major poopoo, my mistake. Not trying to impress you. My brother's position has nothing to do with me. He got there all on his own. Jeff and I are from the same area and we rode and trained with the same group for some time. He got where he is all on his own too. Don't know how their accomplishment could influence someones opinion of me....My son has basketball practice, but, when I get back I'll try to impress you with some of my accomplishments okay ; )
Tucson, AZ
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Are you sure? Add poster "link" to his resume also.
Poster Link
Portland, ME
Tucson, AZ
Poster Link wrote: who's resume am I on? school janitors probably don't need a resume.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Think the cold weather is freezing the nutz
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Of the 3 houses I mentioned previously, The mass. and Mtn. lakes ones are most important.
Poster Link
Portland, ME
I agree there tang. I think the weather has frozen some brains as well. The posts are not making much sense on this forum. I saw the I.D show over the past weekend and decided to search and came across this forum. What a mistake that was. I am surprised to find no discussion of Maura Murray here.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Again in regards to Find Maura's discourse on method - if any and everything should be looked at - any post on this forum should be and will be by her standard be about Maura. Im glad you get it..
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: Of the 3 houses I mentioned previously, The mass. and Mtn. lakes ones are most important. Are there ACTUALLY more than 3 houses?
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Are there ACTUALLY more than 3 houses? Only 3 that I am aware of. Possible one has been sold.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> Only 3 that I am aware of. Possible one has been sold. None of this would surprise me.Its obvious.Now it must be proven..Good work over on the other boards.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: Of the 3 houses I mentioned previously, The mass. and Mtn. lakes ones are most important. There are red wooden hearts on some trees on 116 and 112. Where do they lead? What are they for? They are most important I believe. Did the muffin man take up woodworking?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> There are red wooden hearts on some trees on 116 and 112. Where do they lead? What are they for? They are most important I believe. Did the muffin man take up woodworking? Come one Wowzer, thats easy. How do you think those damn elves find their way back to the hollow tree after they have been on a bender? Bill
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> There are red wooden hearts on some trees on 116 and 112. Where do they lead? What are they for? They are most important I believe. Did the muffin man take up woodworking? Do the hearts lead to your house???Your so loving..And lord knows that creates a kinder,gentler haverhill.
Southbury, CT
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> And you're a guttermouth Jenkins. Well Jenkins now you've made me sad and hurt my feeling. What a mean, nasty little bully you are. It's evident that you weren't a part of or even see the first forum unless you were one of the name calling, obnoxious,TOT renting, wine swilling, peanut eating, Bob the Bartenders buddy, accusitory clan. But then again I think you would fit right in. Hmmm.. I don't feel I need to waste my time defending myself to you. This is another repeat, we've discussed this before. There's enough posters here that saw the bashing that went on so I don't need to say any more about it. Think what you like, I really couldn't care less. If you need a reminder look at Bill's post on pg 20 that Ridiculous posted. Bill was there. He saw it all. And Jenkins, these loooong repetitive posts of yours reminds me more and more of sitting at an auction and listening to the auction caller. i can't wait until someone busts out the old forum and we can prove how full of it you really are. I was a member and regular poster on both the old forums and you know I was. Somebody has those old forums archived somewhere, I know they do.
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> There are red wooden hearts on some trees on 116 and 112. Where do they lead? What are they for? They are most important I believe. Did the muffin man take up woodworking? trees? hearts? boogeymen? trolls? forest? truffles? puzzle pieces. almost there....great detective work!
Manchester, NH
Link wrote: I met Captain Lou Albano at a rest area on the Mass pike once unfortunately he is not a phone call away cause he passed away a couple years ago. I met Doug Flute on an airplane once. I guess he is an important connection in high places.I don't have his phone number though. No Airforce col to call on but Major Do Do is on the clock. I don't ride a bicycle so I have never take a stroll on the bicycle with Strelzin. I also don't do steroids. But Linkoln, You do ride bikes. You rode in the Prouty now didn't you? You may not do steroids, but clearly, Granny, you're not adverse to hormones, in moderation of course.
Manchester, NH
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Do the hearts lead to your house???Your so loving..And lord knows that creates a kinder,gentler haverhill. For the sake of God, what is this obsession with Wowzers abode! Leave her domicile alone. It's Drury lane your looking for Findmaura. All of the answers can be found there. Tell me, was it you on the grassy knoll? ; )