Fall River, MA
Mcsmom wrote: Citi. What did Chris A die of? I didnt know he passed away. Was this recent? thank you.
Manchester, NH
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> WHY do You care....Is it your horse? Tang, So nice of you to take time from your work at the railroad and studying news so you can update them as they happen. You sir, are informed...!
Manchester, NH
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> Doesn't matter.....Why are you and Bill protecting a dead horse? Makes no sense why you are here. Why Why Why.....? Tang, As a supposed author, surely you are able to use your creativity to picture things in your minds eye. The blatantly obvious reason for trying to restrict the abuse this poor carcass has taken seems to fly right over your head. So lets just look at it from a practical stand point. Visualize a group of people ritualistically dragging a horse carcass into downtown Franconia and beating it on a daily basis. How is this going to affect the tourism your town thrives on? At some point, some good citizen is going to step up and take the carcass from these zombies and recycle it, perhaps as fertilizer. Now do me a favor and quit posting like a seventeen year old, grow up. On a side note; Did you hear the recent news? Reagan has been re-elected! ; )
Lachine, Canada
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> One more quote from Conway´s article: "At noon the next day. Tuesday, Feb. 10, police issued a "BOL" (Be on the Lookout) for Maura Murray. She was described as wearing a dark coat, with black hair hanging past her shoulders, standing five feet, three inches tall, and weighing 120 pounds. A subsequent report from Haverhill Police stated that Maura was last seen wearing jeans and corrected her height to be about five feet, seven inches tall, with brown shoulder length hair and blue eyes. Maura's cell phone was also missing from the scene and police reported she left with a black backpack." Black hair, length discrepancies, and how did they know for a fact she carried a black packpack? Possibly from video footage found prior to the accident. I can't think of another explaination.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> Doesn't matter.....Why are you and Bill protecting a dead horse? Makes no sense why you are here. Why Why Why.....? Why are you here? Why why why....?
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Advocate wrote: Jenkins -- you are stating that the SBD "lied" and there is no proof of that. As with some other aspects of this case, media reports vary and therefore confuse the situation and it is at least as likely that distorted media information is to blame for SBD's discrepancies as it is to suspect he told any lies. In the absence of proof, it is flat out wrong to call the man a liar. Please stop. It's nice to see someone else that knows the difference between right and wrong. Well said Advocate.
Lachine, Canada
Mcsmom wrote: Citi. What did Chris A die of? If I may, who is Chris A? POI?
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Emmett Dove wrote: I was at the March For Life yesterday in DC & the group that was infront of me were from NH!! I met two different chapters of their Knights of Columbus.. At first I was scared, after reading about how bad the people are from up yonder & then about the town of hermits that sounded like it was wrote after the movie "wrong turn"... I didnt know what to say to these people that might eat me..(Enough sarcasm) Anyway, they were extremely nice people & after the march we all met up at the Smithsonian.. I told the group from Franconia that I posted on their Topix forum about MM.. They asked what Topix was & I showed them on my iPad.. They were surprised to see the accusations from people that lived among them.. So, dont be surprised if in a few days you get some visitors from NH that are new to this thread... I'm glad they didn't eat you Emmett. LOL It will be nice to have more locals here. I bet they were surprised to see the accusations. As much as some would like people to believe that we are a bunch of hillbilly hermits the truth is that we are very nice people until someone tries to hurt us. We will stand tall and defend if needed. I like to defend dead horses that can't speak for themselves.:)
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: One thing is 100% fact. Nobody knows for sure who was @ the Saturn that evening, the person that talked to SBD. NOBODY. We also don't even know if the SBD that stopped at the accident was the real SBD he could have just looked like the SBD and drove a bus like SBD's and shared the same house and wife like SBD. I can alos say I never knew or met FM before the ID disappeared show. So 100% fact we can say that no one really knows if it was him on the show. So i guess since no one knows anything no one should care?
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Tang, As a supposed author, surely you are able to use your creativity to picture things in your minds eye. The blatantly obvious reason for trying to restrict the abuse this poor carcass has taken seems to fly right over your head. So lets just look at it from a practical stand point. Visualize a group of people ritualistically dragging a horse carcass into downtown Franconia and beating it on a daily basis. How is this going to affect the tourism your town thrives on? At some point, some good citizen is going to step up and take the carcass from these zombies and recycle it, perhaps as fertilizer. Now do me a favor and quit posting like a seventeen year old, grow up. On a side note; Did you hear the recent news? Reagan has been re-elected! ; ) I've heard there's an older person that lags behind the group. She has a cane with a nail on the end of it to pick up any pieces left behind so it can be piled up once again for yet another beating.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> We also don't even know if the SBD that stopped at the accident was the real SBD he could have just looked like the SBD and drove a bus like SBD's and shared the same house and wife like SBD. I can alos say I never knew or met FM before the ID disappeared show. So 100% fact we can say that no one really knows if it was him on the show. So i guess since no one knows anything no one should care? Wow I never thought of that. You could be right. Holy cow this gives us a brand new path to run down.
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> I'm glad they didn't eat you Emmett. LOL It will be nice to have more locals here. I bet they were surprised to see the accusations. As much as some would like people to believe that we are a bunch of hillbilly hermits the truth is that we are very nice people until someone tries to hurt us. We will stand tall and defend if needed. I like to defend dead horses that can't speak for themselves.:) yes, Wowzer. horses are harmless, beautiful animals...they should never be beaten.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
SnowyB wrote: <quoted text> mensa-mind is stuck on youthful evasion techniques. he has them down pat. he learned, early on, to stay under the radar to avoid discovery of punishable actions. it's code. it's what you do. therefore, he can relate to the manner in which MM is presumed to have run away, and that further ties in to never reporting the absence of a dorm-mate, co-worker or friend to parents, authorities or employers. after all, if they're up to no good, he would not want to be the one who snitched. same thing with speeders and drunk drivers; help them evade responsibility; flash your lights at oncoming cars to warn them of a roosting cop down the road, and for sure, help an impaired driver evade the police. don't call for help, he says....whatever would you be thinking??!! bottom line - never call the cops. isn't this the same mensa-dude who stated some time ago that a beautiful innocent h*o*t tight-jeaned "girl" would never accept help from an overweight, sketchy-looking yellow school bus driver? and now, he is suggesting this young woman would have found welcome and comfort in SBD's home. i can't keep up with the stories he creates in his minds eye. maybe i'm just not mensa material. I agree. It's a full time job to keep up with all the stories.
Southbury, CT
Advocate wrote: Jenkins -- you are stating that the SBD "lied" and there is no proof of that. As with some other aspects of this case, media reports vary and therefore confuse the situation and it is at least as likely that distorted media information is to blame for SBD's discrepancies as it is to suspect he told any lies. In the absence of proof, it is flat out wrong to call the man a liar. Please stop. Actually there is some very clear, unambiguous proof that the SBD lied. All you have to do is read his different interviews that he gave to the media to see his many lies. He told at least 3 different versions of events, 3, that means at least 2 of them were lies, probably all 3 in reality. If we know he lied at least twice why would we think he told the truth the third time? which one would you pick out as the truth anyways? How could you possibly decipher whick one was the truth? THe fact of the matter is the guy lied, he lied about the events before a young girl went missing. He spoke to er for a total of 3-5 minutes, how hard is it to keep your story straight if you're telling the truth? Why is it that the other witneses had no problem keeping their story straight but he told multiple versions of events? So no, I will not stop saying the SBD lied, he definitely did, no question. Just go read and watch his interviews if you want proof of this. ANyone saying he didn't lie either doesn't know what he said to the public, or they are lying themselves. Advocate, please explain how one person can tell at least 3 different versions of events, that directly contradict each other btw, and not be lying? How can you be telling the truth if your story is constantly changing?
United States
Jenkins, read my previous post again. SBD was a man with a good reputation in the community and a person doesn't get that by being a liar. The media on the other hand often makes errors -- newspapers especially in my experience. Unless you were there you don't know he lied. You are jumping to a conclusion and THAT is a fact.
Manchester, NH
Granny, Did you get sent back to the land of shadows after coming back with the same attitude you left with? Was it the threat to out this This thunder thighed person you were speaking about? I ask because the judging seems to have taken a swing for the ridiculous again.... ; )
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
The fangs are coming out.
Tucson, AZ
Let's face it, jenkins is on send mode & not receive. If you were to speak to him in person, he would not listen because he is too busy thinking about what to say next. He could probably talk a dog off of a meat wagon.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
oo00oo wrote: Let's face it, jenkins is on send mode & not receive. If you were to speak to him in person, he would not listen because he is too busy thinking about what to say next. He could probably talk a dog off of a meat wagon. We do agree on this.....
Southbury, CT
Advocate wrote: Jenkins, read my previous post again. SBD was a man with a good reputation in the community and a person doesn't get that by being a liar. The media on the other hand often makes errors -- newspapers especially in my experience. Unless you were there you don't know he lied. You are jumping to a conclusion and THAT is a fact. Well i'll give you that, maybe I should't make a statemeny just outright calling him a liar. Maybe he just lied about this. But i don't have to be there to know that he was lying, read the diect quotes and watch his TV interviews, yyou can here his lies straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. He told AT LEAST 3 different versions of events, completely different versions too, so that's not the media making mistakes, that's not me making any assumption, that's me stating a FACT, which is the SBD lied about the events of that night to the public. now, whether that makes him an outright liar is debateable so maybe I shouldn't say that, i'll give u that but there is no question about whether he lied to the public about wat happened that night