Lincoln, NH
oo00oo wrote: Lie detective test.. Columbo, is that something you took?:-) JK Was that needed? really very cruel to him. that is the crap that I have been talking about. Why attack the poster? Really what was that all about?
Manchester, NH
Lie "detective" test?! Who administers these, Tang? Tang are you a lie "detective"? A Private Leye possibly? Somebody's been eating magic cookies from elf tree.... ; )
Lincoln, NH
000000 do you have anything to offer to the thread of aura Murray besides trashing people? i have not seen anything from you in two years at all!! Zero input.
Lachine, Canada
JWB wrote: <quoted text> I don't think anyone here really thinks SBD had anything to do with her disappearance. i already put that one to bed with previous convo about timelines etc and then it became real to me that he could not have been involved. There is nothing wrong however, with asking questions about the last person that was said to have seen the person in the Saturn, I am sure LE followed that same path. Exactly, well said.
Lincoln, NH
yea your moniker is lame and annoying and not wasteing my time on your zeros and getting it right. a Zero is a Zero!!
Fred Garvin wrote: Butch - SBD has always looked suspicious to me and he's the last to see her alive, I think. SKs can be portly, look at BTK. My only problem with it is he called the police. Why do that if you're about the do your SK thing with a body? He would have an undetermined number of minutes caused by his own call. Several other witnesses (at least 2) reportedly spoke to Maura after SBD left.
Lincoln, NH
Ridic - If you want to treat me to lunch email granny with your phone number and we will get it done. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you FYI you must be 21 to enter a lounge
Lincoln, NH
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> Several other witnesses (at least 2) reportedly spoke to Maura after SBD left. Hannah Jenkins said that also can you offer more info on that ? Links or what not? interesting thanks
JWB wrote: <quoted text> I never said he was a suspect, but Healy must have had reasons to be angry with SBD. Healy did say that SBD had lied and had several recollections sort of speak. Now there have bee lie detective tests done right? We are not privy to whom but SBD was the last person that we do know of to have contact with the driver or the Saturn so I would think that SBD had a Lie detective test. There were reportedly (according to documents available on Rennerīs blog) four lie detector tests admimistered. Media reports have named Billy R and SBD as two of those tested. I donīt have the link, but you should be able to find it by googling.
Since: Jan 12
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Habs wrote: <quoted text> Bob, it is jmo but u may be off track with the SBD. However, after reading numerous early news accounts of this case, I do agree with much of what you say.I think the system failed the Murray family from Scarzina a on down. They don't want to admit what is obvious for all to see. Your common sense approach, while unnecessarily long at times, cuts thru the "gum" and muck. U seem to be very intuitive, I'm sure even Bill would admit, for your age. Maura didn't run away or that suitcase wouldn't have been left in the trunk. She didn't go into the woods and die, numerous searches and no tracks or body, cell phone, backpack. Driving in tandem? Back to the suitcase left in the trunk. I'm sorry but after everything I've seen and read I am of the opinion there is a local serial killer and some people are afraid to admit it. I know it sounds "mel gibson" conspiracy theory but that's where I'm at. Bob, keep going. hi, Habs - Jenkins argues away from and around the probable impact of Maura's choices, and mitigates the actions she took that were known to be problems in her life. Jenkins did not know Maura, nor does anyone here, except perhaps for one person on this forum. indeed, she was packed to leave....not to stay. where was she going? with whom? why so suddenly? the Vasi hit is a plausible reason for leaving. i don't blame Scarinza for anything; Denver couldn't handle Jon Benet Ramsey very well, and her relatively minor car accident / slide off the road didn't present as missing person / abduction / homicide. you overlook the ravages of the wild / the forest. i'm not convinced she didn't run into the woods and perished in attempting to evade someone. the police? i trust Wowzer, for one, has absolutely no fear about the place she calls home....she's told us so. i also believe any speculation / opinion / theory is a wild shot in the dark, given there are so few facts. you may be correct....someone else may be correct....but we have our opinions. no harm can come from them, except when innocents are accused of harming / abducting / killing MM.
Lincoln, NH
JWB wrote: Ridic - If you want to treat me to lunch email granny with your phone number and we will get it done. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you FYI you must be 21 to enter a lounge I will let everyone know if you have the balls to email me with your number,. I will call you to say thank you for lunch and set a time ok?
Southbury, CT
Simply Caustic wrote: <quoted text> I'm inclined to agree with Advocator - the media can be nightmarish with their slicing and dicing of interviews - I would not be surprised if they did alter/edit a statement he made, somewhat changing the meaning in the process - but, hey, if it fits their article better, who cares, right? Now, were there links of live interviews he did/QUOTED portions of his statement (not paraphrased by the article author), then maybe I'd reconsider. --- Jenkins, I will give you this much: You admit when you jump to a conclusion/make a hasty judgment. That's a becoming trait. And, here at Topix, a rare one. Am I going to have to go dig up the quotes and prove that SBD lied about the events of that night to the public? I did this last year and will do it again if I have to to prove my point, but I can assure you that he definitely lied. He told AT LEAST 3 different versions of events, at least, maybe even 4 or 5. This isn't the media cutting up his interviews, or misquoting him, although maybe they misquoted a few things, his stories were completely different to different members of the media, far too different to be attributed to bad reporting. If someone says one versions of events where he is out of the bus and another version where he never got out of the bus, you would say that person must be lying in one of those versions, correct? If he also tells one version where Maura is in her car and another where she is out of the car, then one version must be a lie correct? He even told one version where he said that he couldn't really see her face because her face was hidden behind the airbag, which apparently he didn't know is impossile bc an airbag deflates within seconds of inflating. So thqt right there is a LIE, a definite lie. Even if he was there to witness the crash her face still couldn't have been hidden behind the airbag. Why he would choose to make up something like that is anyone's guess but was no question a lie. So make no mistake, he told MULTIPLE versions of events to the public, there is no question about that. I don't think I, or anybody, should just outright call him a liar bc he lied about that night, but he definetely did lie. SC- have you ever gone back and actually read SBD's multiple interviews with reporters? Read them, watch them, they are very interesting. My question isn't whether or not he lied, he certainly did, I wonder what he told LE and whether or not he told them the truth, and how much what he said to them differs from what he told the public.
JWB wrote: <quoted text> Hannah Jenkins said that also can you offer more info on that ? Links or what not? interesting thanks I could be wrong, but I think it originated with poster WW. They supposedly were the couple coming from Cotton Hospital. I believe this info was kept confidential and somehow leaked. Didnīt Soco Mag article mention it, or was it some other media outlet.
Lincoln, NH
Mr funny guy email me for lunch.I will treat so there is no out with you ok? By the way Inn seasons at pollard brook doesn't have a restaurant for lunch so my choice ok?
Since: Jan 12
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Simply Caustic wrote: <quoted text> JWB, I could show you a plethora of posts that were more about your own struggles with varied demons (of the forum and personal variety). My posts WERE always about MM - then, as time went on, and I became more intrigued by the dynamics of the forum and the interaction between warring factions - well, I started commenting on that. I never attacked anyone (unprovoked) although I did get snotty with a poster a couple, two, tree, weeks ago (Chicago joke. I know you like those. Get it? We say three like TREE because we are so mobster-esque.) That poster (whose screenname I cannot recall) went after ME, because I jumped all over his/her posts claiming that WTF/Bill was in cahoots with a murderer. Absolute lunacy. I stand by those posts, and, as it happens, by everything I've posted here. I may go off on tangents, but I limit my diatribes to the forum/Maura/mini-side conversations with Snowy, Wowzer, Bill, Amy, and Emmett - nothing of substance, but enjoyable, nonetheless. In fact, that sentence sums up my thoughts on this thread, quite nicely. I've grown to enjoy reading/commenting here. I've never drunkenly posted hundreds of posts threatening another poster/engaging another poster in a silly argument. But, that's your right. As it is mine to post how I see fit. Feel free to scroll on by. exactly. the dynamics, the conversations and the connections occur naturally can be enjoyable. it isn't any more productive when the focus is forced, contrived and conspiracy-based. that's plain ridiculous. we say mobstah and lobstah....Boston gangsta.
Lincoln, NH
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> There were reportedly (according to documents available on Rennerīs blog) four lie detector tests admimistered. Media reports have named Billy R and SBD as two of those tested. I donīt have the link, but you should be able to find it by googling. yes agree Hannah with what you are saying I think 4 tests all together right maybe 5 ? I just don't remember JR saying who got the lie detect tests? Don't remember that- I just remember the list that JR gave out scope of investigation or somethin like that. Anyhow we are on the same page Hannah. You have knowledge about research and so do I- Some don't and just crap on people- tired of it- very lame
Lincoln, NH
SnowyB wrote: <quoted text> exactly. the dynamics, the conversations and the connections occur naturally can be enjoyable. it isn't any more productive when the focus is forced, contrived and conspiracy-based. that's plain ridiculous. we say mobstah and lobstah....Boston gangsta. You have nothing good to offer to the conversation of the thread " Maura Muray Missing". Talk about beating a dead horse my god you have beaten the entire 12 horse race.
Fred Garvin
Fishers, IN
If more than SBD talked to MM then she looks less nervous about the cops and more like she is waiting for her ride. Left a suitcase in the trunk, stuck a rag in her tailpipe, grabbed the Kahlua, and backpack then left. Why jump into the woods with booze? Could have been picked up by her ride and planned to come back for it the next day.
Lincoln, NH
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> I could be wrong, but I think it originated with poster WW. They supposedly were the couple coming from Cotton Hospital. I believe this info was kept confidential and somehow leaked. Didnīt Soco Mag article mention it, or was it some other media outlet. Wow Hannah I really didn't realize it was whitewash ok so is whitewash-Susan CH whats her name lol? just to keep it hush? same one really ? never new that was the connection but it makes sense now. The other info that I have uncovered now makes sense why these 9 year posters divert like the do. Live close to the287 crash site etc...
There were witness/es at the accident scene who stated Maura appeared to be intoxicated. Conway article, part 3: "The press release also stated that "witnesses at the scene reported seeing a lone female with no apparent injuries who appeared impaired due to alcohol consumption." It still remains unclear who the witnesses were that said Maura appeared to be intoxicated. The release was not dated, but a time stamp shows it was faxed to the Hanson, Mass. police department at 3:05 p.m. Thursday."