“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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8 years living near the crash site and you just found out about Maura and You know everything after 6-7 days of learning?? really. Ever see the blue ribbon and ask your friend ??? Yea right we are all stupid.
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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Maruchan wrote: All the info that is being put forth by BillNH is from a thread on the Maura Murray Missing Facebook group, which is an open group so anybody who has a Facebook account can read it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1123458787919... The thread is dated March 16, 2013 started by initials A.S. and the homeowner's info begins at post number 13, initials M.N. The homeowner states in one of her posts: "Like I said though - the property has been cleared - no sign of her here." This is simply the opinion of the homeowner and means nothing. We have no idea if the searches by LE revealed anything or not, nor do we know if the property has been "cleared" - it is simply the opinion of the homeowner. For the new people posting here - please be aware that many people here use multiple identities, and one of them has stepped back into the room. GrannyM is also JWB and many other identities, and he has been stalking other members here for a very long time. He has been reported to law enforcement by several people here, including myself. There are those who do not believe this, including Jenkins, and will tell you we are "full of shit," his favorite phrase, but it is true. Be careful of the personal information you share here. so Bill is a she? Oh that is credible
Since: Mar 13
Woodsville, NH
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Maruchan is correct and I don't believe I mis-stated anything. Whatever game Granny is playing she is playing alone. Easy to win that way.
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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Bill NH is just a ploy to keep convo going right Wowzer? Nothing better to do.The Cowles across from RF interviewed with JR about RF.
Since: Mar 13
Woodsville, NH
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Wow. Really? You are insane. Now it's just funny to watch.
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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BillNH wrote: Maruchan is correct and I don't believe I mis-stated anything. Whatever game Granny is playing she is playing alone. Easy to win that way. Not looking to win anything- I thought you don't play games? very testy off one post.
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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BillNH wrote: Wow. Really? You are insane. Now it's just funny to watch. So Bill- You really want us to believe that you lived near the crash for 8 years and just found our about it?
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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where have you been bill? many have said the area was poisoned by Topix and you just noticed? And your friend was at the corner of the crash?? What happened that they just told you may I ask?
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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Granny is the voice of reason
Since: Mar 13
Woodsville, NH
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Granny M wrote: <quoted text> So Bill- You really want us to believe that you lived near the crash for 8 years and just found our about it? Ok...this is exactly what I wrote: "I moved to the area about a year after Maura disappeared so I knew about it but didn't really know anything about it. A recent facebook post from a friend who now lives in Mr. Forcier's house (the guy who thought he saw someone running down the road 4-5 miles east of the accident scene) got me interested about 6 days ago." So kindly stop misqouting what I said.
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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BillNH wrote: <quoted text> Ok...this is exactly what I wrote: "I moved to the area about a year after Maura disappeared so I knew about it but didn't really know anything about it. A recent facebook post from a friend who now lives in Mr. Forcier's house (the guy who thought he saw someone running down the road 4-5 miles east of the accident scene) got me interested about 6 days ago." So kindly stop misqouting what I said. so please explain the difference. Looks like you live in the area and you just found out about maura so what is it?
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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What did i misquote?
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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you say you moved to the area? Right? A year after Maura disappeared? Right? You know the folks that live in RF old house? right? So what am I miss quoting?
Gloucester, MA
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>Do you think Orko is part of the investigation? It was Orko who stated that the investigation was run poorly and unprofessionally. Your right just because Orko posted there concerns of how the investigation was handled does not mean LE should prosecute because of Orkos opinion that they posted online. i doubt it, citi....and i don't know. i'd say that's just Orko's opinion, and like BillNH, would add that most everything written here is opinion. i've always said the most important information has been gathered and held by law enforcement, or at least that's how it's supposed to work. the discussion boards and various blogs have taken on lives of their own!
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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Didn't linconite say that they moved away a year after Mauras accident? Wow what an coink a dink- talk about Multi monikers-m yikes doesn't take an expert to tie linconite to you know who.
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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Snowy wrote: <quoted text> i doubt it, citi....and i don't know. i'd say that's just Orko's opinion, and like BillNH, would add that most everything written here is opinion. i've always said the most important information has been gathered and held by law enforcement, or at least that's how it's supposed to work. the discussion boards and various blogs have taken on lives of their own! agree
Since: Mar 13
Woodsville, NH
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ok so you have some comprehension issues. So I will spell it out. Read it slow dear so you get it right this time. I heard about it when I moved here. But only that it happened, that's about it. Some of the people who were questioned way back when it happened I am only now learning they were even questioned or were witensses to anything linked to the case even though I have known them for years at this point. It was not the topic of conversation in any social setting I was ever involved in. I have only recently taken an interest in the case since I saw the FB posting about Forcier's old house. Whatever ugliness that was being touted here was obviously not as debilitating to the community as some seem to have hoped. Hope that sticks with you now, I will not explain myself again so should consider getting your GED so you can get it right the first time.
Gloucester, MA
Maruchan wrote: All the info that is being put forth by BillNH is from a thread on the Maura Murray Missing Facebook group, which is an open group so anybody who has a Facebook account can read it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1123458787919... The thread is dated March 16, 2013 started by initials A.S. and the homeowner's info begins at post number 13, initials M.N. The homeowner states in one of her posts: "Like I said though - the property has been cleared - no sign of her here." This is simply the opinion of the homeowner and means nothing. We have no idea if the searches by LE revealed anything or not, nor do we know if the property has been "cleared" - it is simply the opinion of the homeowner. For the new people posting here - please be aware that many people here use multiple identities, and one of them has stepped back into the room. GrannyM is also JWB and many other identities, and he has been stalking other members here for a very long time. He has been reported to law enforcement by several people here, including myself. There are those who do not believe this, including Jenkins, and will tell you we are "full of shit," his favorite phrase, but it is true. Be careful of the personal information you share here. look up into the sky, Maruchan..... http://www.almanac.com/content/full-worm-moon...
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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BillNH wrote: ok so you have some comprehension issues. So I will spell it out. Read it slow dear so you get it right this time. I heard about it when I moved here. But only that it happened, that's about it. Some of the people who were questioned way back when it happened I am only now learning they were even questioned or were witensses to anything linked to the case even though I have known them for years at this point. It was not the topic of conversation in any social setting I was ever involved in. I have only recently taken an interest in the case since I saw the FB posting about Forcier's old house. Whatever ugliness that was being touted here was obviously not as debilitating to the community as some seem to have hoped. Hope that sticks with you now, I will not explain myself again so should consider getting your GED so you can get it right the first time. Thank you for helping me explain my point. The issue was not a topic of conversation in the area so nobody was harmed by topix conversation including SBD and CW Thank you.
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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Synopsis: Nobody was harmed by topix conversation including SBD.