ConspiracyBeliev er
Herndon, VA
Justice wrote: <quoted text> Cape Cod Times Tuesday May 10 2011, "In her hand written report, Swain indicates Patrics eyes were open, he had leaves & dirt in eyes,nose, mouth She also checked off"petechiae" on her report, an indication of asphyxiation, according to forensic experts. In the Autopsy, Andrew wrote, that Patric's eyes were closed, and there was no mention of leave on his face and no petechiae was evident." 8 years later? Hey Bill...We KNOW WHO you are and we also KNOW that you stopped playing your foolish games on patric's site in Topix all because you ARE too close to it all. My merry woodsman, one day you will stand crying before the man and ratting out all the people who SHOULD have been dragged to justice long ago. The psycho step-child, the sinister mommy and the little one forced to watch the horror. Ah rattle off your sarcastic, cynical BS here as a man of knowledge. You gained your knowledge of Patric first hand my friend. You were a phone call away remember? You took care of 'her mess' handily but the truth will unfold and your tears will be those of realizing what the word 'complicity' really means. Stop your crap here Bill. The same inept NH bozos along with those in top government posts who ignore murder, are the same ones shamelessly saying Maura disappeared into the clouds or was a runaway. That sense of stupidity is the same mirror images of your arrogance Bill. You gained that first hand though...didn't you?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Bill Kacavas called the private investigation led by Cape attorney Terrance O'Connell "shoddy" and "reckless." Wow! Truer words were never spoken. Also, I suspect that the reason the real investigator never talked to T.O.’s six “experts” was because they are not experts in manner or cause of death. The real experts, a total of three different legitimate experts, two with no affiliation with the case, all determined that Patric died from Hypothermia, an accident. I am loosing count now but I think there has been seven reviews of this case. At least five of those no longer involve any of the people who in any way shape or form were involved with the initial investigation. They have all come to the same conclusion. I am now at the point where I believe that T.O. and some family members are the only ones that still believe that Patric was killed. I have no further interest in continuing this discussion so it is likely I won’t respond to this subject any more. To anyone that doesn’t know about this case, and thinks that it might have been a murder. Read through the thread thoroughly and the hyperlinks to the reviews done by the legitimate investigators and the legitimate experts retained (not-compensated) by Patric’s own family like Dr. Bonnell and come to your own conclusion. In particular review the evidence and information listed in post #3759 on page 182 of this thread. As a final note. This is actually a thread for Maura Murray. You should start a separate thread for Patric. I suspect you keep responding here because no one is paying any attention to this case anymore because most know what happened to Patric. I hope you and your family find peace. I have children also and I cannot imagine your pain. If there is any solace to be gotten it should be in the fact that Patric wasn’t murdered. And ConspiricyBeliev er. You are so scaring me. You know who I am? Were you that idiot that was corresponding with me by email, saying you were from Maine, trying to meet up for some fun times in the woods, camping, fishing? That was so transparent. Or are you another nut job, different from that one? Oh, no, you know who I am. With an enormous yawn I say to you, that you are certifiable but please, ramble on. I have never met Patric or any of his family, ever. I suspect you are one of those morons that thinks that the ex-military relation carried/drove/helicopter’d himself and Patric up to the site to deposit him where he was found. Don’t tell me you think I am him, seriously? Well wrong on both accounts. I am not and never have been related or have met or know anyone in this mess except for one or two of the SAR team that was involved. I am just someone with some knowledge and a whole lot of common sense who can and has read the reports both for and against both theories. I have actually looked at this evidence with an open mind. Something sorely lacking with many of the principles in this case. If anyone doubts that, all they need do is look at you. You have lost your freaking mind. And as proof of that, you think I am somehow involved. Let me see if I have that correct. The cast of murderers now includes: The step mom, the father, the step son, a relation of the step mom, me – a guy on topix who knows none of these people. Who else is going to be dragged into this conspiracy, besides all the state workers involved in the initial investigation. All the investigators involved in the states second investigation, many not the same as the first. The people who reviewed all the evidence for the third time and fourth. The FBI who reviewed all the evidence yet again. The two separate medical examiners who both independently came to the same conclusion as the first one. That states attorney’s office who again with new eyes reexamined the evidence and now the federal attorneys office that has now again reviewed that case and has stated there was no murder and no one will be prosecuted. Bill
Gloucester, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: This is actually a thread for Maura Murray. You should start a separate thread for Patric. good idea. wow. it's amazing and quite fascinating to read the non-sense that has become increasingly emotional and accusatory. there is a desperation that keeps growing from hysteria and/or ignorance. if you don't become a target. i have no doubt, Bill, that you will continue to stand your ground, choose your level of involvement, and exercise your right to freely express your opinions on these threads.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
What a freaking awesome article. Shack should really read this, though for her and others of her mind I'm sure it probably won't make any sense. To them, the proper reaction IS the overreaction. Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> good idea. wow. it's amazing and quite fascinating to read the non-sense that has become increasingly emotional and accusatory. there is a desperation that keeps growing from hysteria and/or ignorance. if you don't become a target. i have no doubt, Bill, that you will continue to stand your ground, choose your level of involvement, and exercise your right to freely express your opinions on these threads. Thanks Snowy. I know you and several others also keep vigil. Sometimes writing and sometimes reading. Bill
Gloucester, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Thanks Snowy. I know you and several others also keep vigil. Sometimes writing and sometimes reading. Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: Yep. Thanks for the link. "The boy's father said politics has blocked a thorough investigation." It is more like politics and a need by some for constant media exposure has perpetuated this, long after almost everyone else understands what the facts are screaming. Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Oh and I should have commented on the "mouth full of dirt" stupidity and the not mentioned "dirt forced up the nose". Not one of the medical examiners ever said that. Dr. Bonnell went out of his way to say that was not supported by any of the evidence or photographs taken, of which he said there were many. It leads one to suspect, and the first person I heard uttering those phrases guessed it T.O.
I believe Dr. Bonnell referred to it as a very thorough examination. And this is a man who doesn't pull punches if he thinks a medical examiner has screwed up as he has shown on other cases in the past.
Hopefully we can now get back to the matter at hand. Waiting for some evidence to pop up about Maura in this thread.
Gloucester, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: What a freaking awesome article. Shack should really read this, though for her and others of her mind I'm sure it probably won't make any sense. To them, the proper reaction IS the overreaction. Bill of course the article will have no impact. it's interesting, though, that the folks perpetuating MM myths are apparently not newcomers to the suburbs of NH, and can't be excused for holding a narrow definition of 'safety'. no, from what i can tell, the group here is connected to each other by personalized and magnified fears of violence/homicide/rape/abducti on. whether their fears have ever been partially or fully realized, they lug this baggage around, peeking around every tree, and trying to connect the dots between publicized, violent events across the country. outstanding article.
United States
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Yep. Thanks for the link. "The boy's father said politics has blocked a thorough investigation." It is more like politics and a need by some for constant media exposure has perpetuated this, long after almost everyone else understands what the facts are screaming. Bill
United States
ConspiracyBeliever wrote: <quoted text> We KNOW WHO you are Dear Anonymous, Although we appreciate the sentiment behind your cause, but at the end of the day we just want to use our Sony Playstation. On the subject of identities, we are left to wonder why you feel it necessary to inform anyone that you know who they are. We all know who we are, who are friends are and who our loved ones are. That's good enough for most people. Apparently you felt he needed to know this. I don't see amy reason why he should care, but you convey that this is information he should know. Since I don't interpret your message as conveying friendship, you appear to be attempting to portray a threat. The only threats to an innocent people are illegal acts. We will keep that in mind for future reference, just per chance, we might happen to KNOW WHO YOU are. Have a nice day.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Truthorfantasy wrote: Thanks for this link. Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Sam wrote: <quoted text> Dear Anonymous, Although we appreciate the sentiment behind your cause, but at the end of the day we just want to use our Sony Playstation. On the subject of identities, we are left to wonder why you feel it necessary to inform anyone that you know who they are. We all know who we are, who are friends are and who our loved ones are. That's good enough for most people. Apparently you felt he needed to know this. I don't see amy reason why he should care, but you convey that this is information he should know. Since I don't interpret your message as conveying friendship, you appear to be attempting to portray a threat. The only threats to an innocent people are illegal acts. We will keep that in mind for future reference, just per chance, we might happen to KNOW WHO YOU are. Have a nice day. Hi Sam, I am not sure but I think this idiot actually thinks I am a member of the extended family. In his/her warped mind this person thinks this un-named member of the family who is actually not only ex-military like me, but also the same job description as me in the Army but he is around 10-15 years younger I would think. Listen to this, s/he apparently thinks I am him and of course s/he thinks that person was responsible for carting Patric up the side of the mountain. Absurd in all its parts but apparently that is who this moron thinks I am. First I am not who this person thinks I am and second, no one carried Patric up the side of that mountain and placed him there. Just thought that I would let you know I appreciate your comments but also that this person doesn’t have a clue who I am, especially if s/he thinks I am a family member or has ever met anyone in the family. As I said before YAAAAAAWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNN. Bill
United States
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> YAAAAAAWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNN. Yes. Most likely true. But every once in a while a monkey will type up Gone With the Wind.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Sam wrote: <quoted text> Yes. Most likely true. But every once in a while a monkey will type up Gone With the Wind. Ten thousand monkeys typing on ten thousand typewriters for ten thousand years. 8-) This does seem like the approach the different elements of the family is taking. They keep changing and involving different people depending on the conspiracy du jour. Bill
East Wenatchee, WA
I'm back.... I will get caught up in a few days.. good to see you here Snowy, WTF and Beag.
Gloucester, MA
Dawn wrote: I'm back.... I will get caught up in a few days.. good to see you here Snowy, WTF and Beag. :)
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Dawn wrote: I'm back.... I will get caught up in a few days.. good to see you here Snowy, WTF and Beag. Hi Dawn. ;-) Bill
M to B
Houston, TX
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Hi Dawn. ;-) Bill Hi Billiam
United States
Funny Bill - in one sentance you say you arent going to discuss Patric's case anymore and in your next mouth full ... you do... you are full of shit... you just can't help yourself!