Since: Jan 12
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WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> I think you are wrong about that but I have a million dollar idea here and I am going to give it to you for nothing. Listen carefully. Start a forum somewhere else. I am certain that all the "serious" investigators will follow. Oh, wait. Several people did that and no one went to them. Check with Sam if you don't believe me. Or better yet, go there and the two of you will solve this case in no time. Don't waste your time here, you have better things to do. Option two. Go to webslothes. There are groups of people there just tearing up this investigation. Another spot I am certain you will be well received and you can investigate 'till your hearts content. Again, why keep wasting time here? The real reason that "no one contributes here". Is because we have all contributed all that can be contributed. This is an ill-defined equation. Until more information comes forward it will not be solved. I know you are one of the many people who come here and are so much smarter that all the others who have come before you. So I suggest again, take all your knowledge and confab with others of a like mind in a spot more conducive to solving the case. Grab shack while you are at it. She loves to help and is a virtual gusher of knowledge. All you guys/gals hunker down and don't reappear until you have this thing solved. We are counting on you. I am so looking forward to you making even a bigger ass of yourself. Bill this bears repeating....repeat this.... ***The real reason that "no one contributes here". Is because we have all contributed all that can be contributed. This is an ill-defined equation. Until more information comes forward it will not be solved.*** WTH-the-original
Whitesboro, NY
Hey Snowy, how do you know Maura? seen her lately?
Whitesboro, NY
Ridiculous wrote: Sammy, One of the topix "norms"...If you are an arrogant prick and you insult topix users at another blog, for the sake of goodness, don't come over here without apologizing and pretend nothing happened. It's abnoxious. Now...I realize that your blog is kind of a flop. No biggie, thems the breaks. It's sad to see you, a man of superior intillect, with no place to go but here with us cheap seats. I'm going to give you a project okay? Why don't you and JG hook up for another big case that happened right in your boys back yard. It's got everything. Intrigue, suspense, and what's more, it has the same Geography as your JG... and the victims husband is a lawyer. Oh and she liked to hike, just like your boy...Lady from Newton Mass.(didn't you go to BC and John to BU?) Goes to a conferance in Pa.(Isn't John from Pa.) with her husband and disapears...Her body is found later in a remote mountain area along a pretty gnarly hiking trail just outside of Asheville NC.( doesn't John live in Ashville?) She may have had a secret paramour in the area, noone seems to know...What is known is that she was dressed for hiking and she wasn't dragged up that mountain...She was however, murdered and half assedly buried there. The Killer left a pair of bollet sunglasses and a blue back pack behind...Now Sammy, this happened back in ninety seven I believe, yet it's still unsolved. Judy Smith..I just don't understand why Johnny, with his deep empathy and bottomless pockets hasn't taken this one up, what with it being right in his back yard and all. Get on it it Sammy and report your progress back to me okay sport? ; ) Congratulations Kelly Ayotte! Pandoras' box for everyone!
Washington, DC
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> Trust me, I am one of those who don't give a crap about your "investigation" - but I do give a crap about you continuing Renner's and Green's mission to pin something, anything, on Beagle, and apparently other people, including Columbo, and any other Topix posters you choose to accuse. Apparently, you have now decided that Columbo is Beagle and he/they have something to do with the murder of the Lady in the Dunes case. Not gonna fly, buddy. And your continuation to post Beagle's real name in your posts to make sure it is permanently in Internet searches ranks you as even more of a scumbag in my book. b When was the last time Alden even posted under the moniker beagle? He is not Beagle anymore he is Alden H. Olsen. If you are so concerned about Alden's real name being on internet searches maybe you should take that up with him? He is the one who chose to use his name as his moniker, he also posted a Youtube video, using his own name, where he makes it out like he killed Maura and he is playing with her family. That is some pretty sick behavior, and you are worried about his online reputation? Am I understanding you wrong or has a screw gone loose? What it going on here? How does using the moniker that Alden chose make Sam a scumbag? What in your opinion makes Sam a scumbag? I think he is an idiot for falling under Green's wing, but not really a scumbag. Green is a whole different story, I think a strong argument could be made for him being a scumbag, a mental defect for sure. Anyone read is 10 page dissertation on Lot 22? Has got to be some of the worst analytical reasoning I've ever read regarding this case, maybe anywhere actually. Now that guy is a piece of work, what makes you put Sam into that category? Honest question
Since: Mar 13
Woodsville, NH
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jwb wrote: Anyone notice that the resistance to conversation comes from those that live in the area of the crash site. Wowzer Wth (2nd) maybe 4th home Billnh Maruchan aka ridiculous aka holy crap also has ties :) Nobody wants to discuss the case with you cause you are only interested in tag teaming and bullying are now stuck with spammers and you are clueless why. I actually was attempting to open discussion, perhaps you misread my posts. I posed the question for 2 reasons. One being that although I have my own theory, the emotion and anger the murder theory creates makes me wonder if I am missing something important. I was hoping that a firm believer could attempt to enlighten me. I clearly stated that information that already exists here and elsewhere has not convinced me, so rereading old posts, again, was not what I was looking for. I did and still want to know why we all look at the same data and come to different conclusions. Those that believe it was murder are so solidly convinced of it that they are unwavering in their certainty, whereas those that are not convinced it was murder seem to be open to all possibilities with murder at the bottom of the list. I want to know why. Second, I was getting very annoyed by the posters who claim to be stifled and yet pop in and post other things they know will stir the pot. They can post little barbs but are stifled when they mention murder? Nonsense. I posted my question and asked others to refrain just so the murder theorists had their chance. I even offered an option to pm me to keep it out of general discussion and I got silence. I concluded that they don't talk about it because no one agrees with them. They can go post on the MM Facebook page where everyone agrees with every rediculous thing they say. And yes I do live here and even though I relocated here after MM disappeared I am still protective of the place I have now called my home for the past 8.5 years. I don't resist real conversation but I do try to ensure that one of the safest places in the country is not mischaracterized as the murder capital of the east because of a missing girl, a dead drug dealer and some wild imaginations. Of that I am surely guilty.
Whitesboro, NY
Whitesboro, NY
Whitesboro, NY
Whitesboro, NY
We are Marshall
Whitesboro, NY
Required Reading
Whitesboro, NY
Di Maggio
Lafayette, CA
Whitesboro, NY
Paul Potts
Whitesboro, NY
Lincoln, NH
Billnh, Bill, just because some people feel that Maura may have been murdered or abducted does not say that Woodsville/Havehill is an unsafe area does it? The possibility does exist that murder/abduction might have been the case here. I think it is important to find out What happened regardless of its reflection of the area and even if it was murder,it is not like the area is loaded with murder cases.There have been several murders in lincoln but that doesn't reflect lincoln as unsafe does it? I am trying to understand your point but I just haven't seen any mis labeling of your area at all.What I do see is created drama.This is no longer a forum to freely discuss Mauras case without a pig pile.This forum did have some good conversation but that appears to be in the rear view mirror. Those that brought interesting thoughts and or factoids are no longer posting because of the so called funny posts and personal attacks.
Since: Feb 13
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RealTalk603 wrote: <quoted text> b When was the last time Alden even posted under the moniker beagle? He is not Beagle anymore he is Alden H. Olsen. If you are so concerned about Alden's real name being on internet searches maybe you should take that up with him? He is the one who chose to use his name as his moniker, he also posted a Youtube video, using his own name, where he makes it out like he killed Maura and he is playing with her family. That is some pretty sick behavior, and you are worried about his online reputation? Am I understanding you wrong or has a screw gone loose? What it going on here? How does using the moniker that Alden chose make Sam a scumbag? What in your opinion makes Sam a scumbag? I think he is an idiot for falling under Green's wing, but not really a scumbag. Green is a whole different story, I think a strong argument could be made for him being a scumbag, a mental defect for sure. Anyone read is 10 page dissertation on Lot 22? Has got to be some of the worst analytical reasoning I've ever read regarding this case, maybe anywhere actually. Now that guy is a piece of work, what makes you put Sam into that category? Honest question I totally agree with your sentiments. Thank you.
Since: Feb 13
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jwb wrote: Billnh, Bill, just because some people feel that Maura may have been murdered or abducted does not say that Woodsville/Havehill is an unsafe area does it? The possibility does exist that murder/abduction might have been the case here. I think it is important to find out What happened regardless of its reflection of the area and even if it was murder,it is not like the area is loaded with murder cases.There have been several murders in lincoln but that doesn't reflect lincoln as unsafe does it? I am trying to understand your point but I just haven't seen any mis labeling of your area at all.What I do see is created drama.This is no longer a forum to freely discuss Mauras case without a pig pile.This forum did have some good conversation but that appears to be in the rear view mirror. Those that brought interesting thoughts and or factoids are no longer posting because of the so called funny posts and personal attacks. I totally concur with your assessment. Here’s to friendly sleuthing in the future.
Double Header
Whitesboro, NY
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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Samuel Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> OK, I may be relatively unfamiliar with Topix norms. Can someone tell me why my factually correct statement, responding to a previously posted question, was judged "nuts" and why someone disagreed with it? My response is not nuts. There is, in fact, no Stop n' Shop in Hanson. Further, the link to my website demonstrates the exact date on which title was transferred to Fred Murray. I challenge any of you to explain why the information that I have provided is nuts or in any respect incorrect. For God's sake Sam stop being a crybaby. It's really not becoming. There is no rhyme or reason for the judging icons. I pay no attention to them. Now you can do what I do and when you get a bunch of nuts save them for your squirrels this winter. Don't forget to thank the nice posters for gathering them for you.
Whitesboro, NY