Maura Murray
Posted in the Franconia Forum

Comments (Page 199)
Cold Case Unit, NH State Police:
Do you want me to submit a false confession to you that says I killed Maura Murray? It might lack some details, but maybe a single sentence would suffice? |
That's right, prolifers were and perhaps still are very interested in me? Have been for years. Why me? I cannot figure it out. Why would someone like Maris Licis and Maj. Gen Bruce Lawlor (ret.) be involved?
Saint Louis, MO |
Oh, okay, I suppose Nan Kempner needed a new pair of lungs, seeing how she died of lung disease.
Funny thing about that Nicewicz (the child rapist) phone bill. Had a call on it that you probably overlooked. Went to property owned by Tom Kempner's sons. Kempner is/was the most substantial and frequent business partner of my brother's best friend, Tom Holmes, owner of Key Air and Keystone Aviation, located in Oxford, Connecticut. Key Air and Keystone were implicated in the 2004 charges against former Gov. John G. Rowland of Connecticut, who was sentenced in New Haven Federal District Court (March 2005) for having wrongly accepted $91,000 worth of free air travel from Key Air. But that's another story. Of course, some smart ass will come along with zero facts and try to rebut this with attacks on my mental state. You hate the facts so much you can only try to discredit the person. So old. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Or did Maura visit 27/29 Philips St before Helena knew about it? Did Kevin the body builder and demolition man, the man who likes to look at naked women, see Maura there?
What's the real truth here? Could be several things, but I ultimately there is no way of really knowing what happened, so police are including homicide as one possibility. And they are knocking hard on a few doors. One of those doors is the wrong door. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Should read "...but I ultimately THINK there is no way..." |
Saint Louis, MO |
Someone in Renner's comments section asked whether Maura Murray was a Roman Catholic. I don't know the answer, but she might have been Scotch/Jewish (or Scotch/German). Maiden name Mehrman(n). So maybe someone called her a jap at the Pub and things got out of hand. Someone ended up unconscious. I live here and some of those students from other countries can be pretty mouthy, more than regular American kids. Sorry, you bleeding heart liberals, it's the truth. Can't help it.
Funny thing, I was reading something by Madison Grant recently and it mentioned the Scotch/Irish (Protestant) who settled in Londonderry NH. Pure coincidence, I'm sure, but was kind of funny (ha-ha funny, not odd funny) to see. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Whiston is Quija's son-in-law. Bet you didn't know that, did ya? |
Saint Louis, MO |
Remember? When we talked on the phone and you wanted me to move a love seat and a chair from Flat Hills Rd in Amherst to NYC? No, I didn't forget that phone call.
Saint Louis, MO |
Labelle and Leitner, exactly next to the Greenfield PD on High St, where they specialize in nice used foreign cars. And in working on ambulances. High end shop and mechanics. Have been for years. But no Emcare ambulances. Or First Student buses. That's another place, isn't it?
Oh, by the way, where do you take your really fancy cars for servicing?(I don't mean those cheap Shelby Cobra kit cars.) Or do they come to you? Say you drive, just for example, a Lamborghini. You don't take a car like that to the neighborhood shade-tree mechanic, do you? So, who owns a Lamborghini around here, anyway? What's all this emphasis on vehicles by a few certain people? Vroooooom, vroom vroom vroom, verrooooooooom..... |
Saint Louis, MO |
And Maura's late uncle Fred hung his real estate shingle at the same Yankton SD address as the local Trans Ova Genetics office.
Trans Ova Genetics website: Uncle Fred died of cancer a while back. Well liked high school teacher. Alcoholic, dry for many years. Alcoholism in the family much? Oh, those alcoholism genes. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Below from the website of Trans Ova Genetics.
Trans Ova Genetics provides industry-leading reproductive technologies and expertise to cattle breeders through a unique professional services team that works closely with clients to understand their breeding goals, and ultimately help clients advance and extend superior genetics. Trans Ova Genetics understands the process that will help multiply a herds genetic success. Reproductive technologies such as embryo transfer, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), sexed-semen, genetic preservation and cloning are considered the reproductive tools available for breeders looking to achieve specific breeding and reproductive goals. Internationally recognized as a source of superior animal husbandry and reproductive expertise, Trans Ova Genetics offers an integrated system of regional centers, satellite stations and on-farm application of reproductive technologies. From veterinarians and embryologists, to animal caretakers and client service representatives, each location and its team share a consistent commitment to client service that can multiply the results within any breeding program. On-going research and applied science allows Trans Ova Genetics to develop and implement new technologies that will help move the science of bovine genetic improvement forward. Trans Ova is dedicated to meeting the requirements of their customers and to continual improvement. ********** Then see what Jim Robl and his staff were doing with cattle at UMass. Read Stephen S. Hall's book "Merchants of Immortality." Robl's staff crossed an enucleated cow egg with a somatic human cell. It cleaved several times until Robl stopped it after his students told him what they had done. A lot of funny things happen in Amherst. Things people don't always read about much. Scary, isn't it? Halloween's coming. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 |
Sweden |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 i feel certain that these connections make perfect sense to you....a piece of fabric, a cloth has been created in response to what you feel/may know is a real threat to your life, your existence, to your emotional and mental health. you have been crying out for sometime now....fearing, then accepting at some level, accusation...toggling back and forth between these states of denial and fateful acceptance. indeed, it is painful to watch. then, again, without ever seeing a response from your "accusers" online, you may, indeed, be the subject of their pursuit. who are we to know? i do know this...some of your fantasy is misplaced in accusing Quija of participating in bringing you to this place. she states she once attempted to do a well-being check on you, and when you identified her, you began to search for her personal information....and have since made irrational accusations against her. that would make her a victim. not you. |
Thanks, snowy, for always trying to find a balance and mediate. I'm grateful and hope to find you on other forums, since the MM topix forums are not productive at this time. |
No. I have no idea whether Maura is alive or dead, missing, or ran away voluntarily. I don't know what happened to her, but I rather doubt that she was nurturing in utero an enucleated cow egg. Such a project, I should point out, has been under consideration for some time now (See John Glad, "Jewish Eugenics"), but it's extremely unlikely that it's the case here. I'm just saying the coerced egg donation theory is totally valid and corroborated by mainstream authorities on the subject. What I keep trying to point out is the full range of possibilities. Some people don't like this. Coerced egg donation is ONE such possibility. It is known to have happened and principals of a high-profile biotech firm with roots at UMass had a lot to gain by acquiring eggs from certain young women. It's a very complicated issue and trying to explain it all in a 20 second sound-bite venue like Topix is very hard to do. It's like trying to explain two semesters of organic chemistry in a few short paragraphs. By the way, Snowy's attempt to cover for Quija is a complete distortion of the truth. |
No, but one of the main reasons cows are used is that they have the same gestational period as humans. It is sickening to have been asked whether or not I killed Maura Murray. It leads me to think that the investigation is more local and more private and more active than what some posters would have readers believe. The best that people can come up with is that my talk with the local PI was a hallucination, a fantasy. That's how they attack, by asserting that I and the PI were not actually sitting on that bench next to the Target entrance in the early afternoon of the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. If it was so unimportant, they would just skip over it. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 i know there is no point in attempting to engage you in rational conversation. if i feel exhausted from reading your ideas over a few years...ideas that seem more suited to your writing a novel than the "truth", not to mention the endless repetition of those ideas, i can only imagine how you must feel. probably very frustrated that no one takes up your points and runs with them. Quija has not only responded to you yesterday, but has offered to settle the matter by having a phone conversation. personally, i think that is too generous. Quija, Dawn and i...and some others...were never unkind to you, unlike the folks that mock and condemn you. try that on for "truth". unfortunately, you are a poor judge of character. you should open your mind and heart to |
Saint Louis, MO |
I think you're right: a phone conversation would be too generous, at least right now. She wants to talk with me on the phone? I might - might - be open to that possibility, but first the way would have to be paved with some online olive branches from both sides - hers and mine - before any phone conversation happened. I am all for putting behind us any kind of ill will, but it should progress from online chat to private email and then, if it is warranted, a phone conversation. Just for the record, I will gladly apologize to Quija up front, right now, for anything that sounded like victimization from my end. The "spalted maple" remark, however, cannot be overlooked. I will never accept Snowy's description of it as purely coincidental. In fact, if I victimized Quija in any way, I hereby do officially apologize. Is that acceptable? That's a reasonable first step. Let Quija make the next step. Maybe this can be resolved after all. I'm open to it, but I think both sides must be respectfully skeptical. We can proceed from there. Does this meet with Snowy's approval? All that being said, Quija did not post on this thread yesterday or the day before nor, if I'm not incorrect, at any time since the very end of the previous Topix/Franconia thread when s/he had an uncharacteristic hissy fit over my having mentioned adult onset Tay-Sachs disease. S/he then irrationally, wildly, and wrongly accused me of opposing biomed research. Unless Quija is writing in invisible ink, no phone call offer was ever made. I apologize if I cannot find it, but what is the post number, please? Why on earth I would speak on the phone to someone who uses the moniker Dawn escapes me entirely. I have no idea who she is or what her intention actually is. Whiston told me that Dawn wanted to send me a DVD, but I said no DVD from someone I don't even know would make its way to my computer. So none ever arrived. Even the hero of balanced thinking, WTH/Bill, says he would not have direct contact with anyone he first knew from an online thread like this. Quija, Dawn, et al are monikers. There is no way for me to know who they really are and what their agenda is. If cops regularly imitate underage girls online in order to snare pedophiles, then I have no reason to think this isn't some kind of similarly disingenuous attempt. And when exactly did Dawn offer to talk to me on the phone? I missed that one, too. Haven't seen moniker Dawn for a long time now. But again, I apologize to Quija. I hope that settles things down a little, but I'm not backing off my assertions about being asked by Stevens whether or not I killed Maura Murray. It happened, Period. It is not - NOT - a fantasy. Neither are a host of other unsettling contacts, questions, etc. Some I can prove, some I can only assert. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Beagle, she said she posted on one of these threads yesterday. it wasn't this one, and i don't have the link. and thanks for your kind response and reaching out to her here, as well. i have nothing to do with this, really...except i've been posting here like everyone else. i'll copy your post to her, and then i'll not say another word about the situation. promise. and, you're right....these are some instances, real names, and not in others. all is well....and wishing you a good day in spite of the rain. i happen to like rain.:) |
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