Norwich, CT
Hey Beagle, I posted a long post about 30 hours ago on this thread which appeared and disappeared several times. It seems gone now. What I said was that, yes, it was really weird that I mentioned "spalted maple", but at that time I was sitting here looking at my collection of tiny bowls, including spalted maple bowls. Yes, it didn't seem to be in the same category as other things I found on the Cape beaches. I like to carve pieces of wood I find in the woods or driftwood. Half the time I don't know what kind of wood it is, but the old wood is so often spalted! I can also share with you the names of the eBay sellers from whom I purchased spalted maple bowls around that time. I had hoped you took that odd coincidence as just something else we unknowingly had in common --- beyond the Cape, shells, birds, bird feathers, ocean-smoothed rocks, etc. I felt we were similar in enjoying nature. My post which did/didn't/did/didn't show up suggested we interact directly so you can see I'm just a regular person. I don't eavesdrop and I have no connections to LE or PIs. I'll answer any questions you have. I think you already know pretty much everything about me and my family since you had my phone number from that well-being check I made when I was concerned about you a few years ago. I am not in contact or collaboration with the Murray or Rausch families (they hate me!), nor any PIs. I am not eavesdropping on you and I'm not part of any plot. I haven't talked to the other MM poster, whiston, in months or over a year. We were just Maura Murray posters tossing stuff around. If you've been reading James Renner's blog, you must have been moved by the article about Maura's relationship with her younger brother Kurt. In that spirit, can you think of any way we can interact that would be acceptable to you? All I wanted to do was to joke around with you and be friendly. Please, let's call a truce, ok?
Saint Louis, MO
quija wrote: Hey Beagle, I posted a long post about 30 hours ago on this thread which appeared and disappeared several times. It seems gone now. What I said was that, yes, it was really weird that I mentioned "spalted maple", but at that time I was sitting here looking at my collection of tiny bowls, including spalted maple bowls. Yes, it didn't seem to be in the same category as other things I found on the Cape beaches. I like to carve pieces of wood I find in the woods or driftwood. Half the time I don't know what kind of wood it is, but the old wood is so often spalted! I can also share with you the names of the eBay sellers from whom I purchased spalted maple bowls around that time. I had hoped you took that odd coincidence as just something else we unknowingly had in common --- beyond the Cape, shells, birds, bird feathers, ocean-smoothed rocks, etc. I felt we were similar in enjoying nature. My post which did/didn't/did/didn't show up suggested we interact directly so you can see I'm just a regular person. I don't eavesdrop and I have no connections to LE or PIs. I'll answer any questions you have. I think you already know pretty much everything about me and my family since you had my phone number from that well-being check I made when I was concerned about you a few years ago. I am not in contact or collaboration with the Murray or Rausch families (they hate me!), nor any PIs. I am not eavesdropping on you and I'm not part of any plot. I haven't talked to the other MM poster, whiston, in months or over a year. We were just Maura Murray posters tossing stuff around. If you've been reading James Renner's blog, you must have been moved by the article about Maura's relationship with her younger brother Kurt. In that spirit, can you think of any way we can interact that would be acceptable to you? All I wanted to do was to joke around with you and be friendly. Please, let's call a truce, ok? okay, thanks, truce it is. no problem. Thank you very much.
Norwich, CT
I hope my latest post doesn't disappear too. I'm very hopeful that James Renner will do excellent investigatory work on Maura's case. A third hope is that Beagle will understand that I am upset at what he's been made to go through for a long time now; and wish that with his humor, intellectual ability, and extensive knowledge that people will give him the respect he deserves and that things will go well for him. Beagle --- that's another olive branch to you from me.
Norwich, CT
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>okay, thanks, truce it is. no problem. Thank you very much. Oh, I am so glad you posted this. Maybe we can both feel less attacked, accused, etc. Peace.
Charlestown, MA
Mike Lavoie/James Renner (Mike towed Maura's Saturn on the night of Feb. 9 2004. "I was laying on the couch when I got the call. I got the truck, got out there pretty quick." He noticed the rag and asked Fred Murray about it later. "He said he told her to put it there to keep it from smoking. The car was not running well." It was an odd thing to say to anyone who knows cars. A rag in a tailpipe is a good way to stall a car. Okay, here's my problem. I have a kid. I try putting myself in Fred's shoes to understand where he's coming from. Think about finding yourself in this situation. Your kid's gone. Missing. And there's this weird detail about a rag in a tailpipe. Even if he really did tell her something so incredibly wrong as "stuff a rag in the tailpipe if your exhaust is smoking"--and we're talking about a guy who understands nuclear medicine, here--would you try to explain that detail away if you didn't know for sure? If there was a possibility that some bad guy had stuffed the rag in there to stall her car? Why would you give a defense as to why the rag was there? Why was it important for police to know that he, Fred, had given Maura that rag in the first place? The whole thing is hinky.
Charlestown, MA
Clarification:: Last 2 paragraphs are James Renner speaking.
Charlestown, MA
James Renner: Since Fred Murray refuses to ever answer questions about what was going on in Maura's life prior to her disappearance, people are left to speculate on messageboards about just what sort of person Maura was and what life at home in Hanson was like. At this point, I am pretty convinced the answer to what happened to her lies in the puzzle of her past. And, after some effort, I'm beginning to see a little of what that life was like. According to Maura's aunt, Janis Panttila, Fred Murray was always an "odd duck." The parents didn't like him. Had four kids: Fred Jr., Kathleen, Julie, and Maura. Laurie had another child, Kurt, with a man named Kevin Noble. The marriage dissolved around this time "My sister was an excellent mother...when the kids were little," says Janis, fighting back emotion. She doesn't like to speak ill of her sister but says as she got older, drinking became a problem. Though Fred no longer lived with the family, he was a constant presence. He pushed the girls to run. And took them on overnight camping trips in the North Country. "I always thought it was strange that Fred would take the girls up there on their own. They would be 14, 15, 16 years old, camping together. If my Dad had ever asked me to go camping with him I'd have said,'what are you, nuts?'"
Charlestown, MA
Both parents had ETOH issues, A coke bottle with alcohol in it was found at the accident scene. Alcohol for breakfast and lunch when staying with her boyfriend's family. Fred speaks out of both sides of his mouth, one side says "Help me find Maura", the other side says "Do not even think of asking about Maura's life prior to 7:20 PM the night of Feb 9 2004." What is it that he doesn't want us to know?
Charlestown, MA
Renner: On these unregulated boards, people can post rumors with no verification and name "suspects" with little fear of libel charges. Two of the most commonly named suspects are Butch Atwood and Rick Forcier. And, in my opinion, neither one had anything to do with Maura's disappearance. In fact, both tried to help in their own ways. First, Butch Atwood. He was the bus driver who stopped to ask Maura if she needed any help shortly after the accident. He offered to call the police but Maura pleaded with him not to. She said she had already called Triple-A. Of course, having lived in Haverhill for some time, Butch knew this was a lie--phone reception is for shit up there, even worse in 2004. Ask anyone up that way about Butch being involved and they will laugh at you. You see, Butch was a fat man. Morbidly obese. Maura could have easily have run from him. Secondly, Butch's house was not vacant. He lived with his mother and common-law wife at the time. They were home. He was seen sitting in his bus. Oh, and he--or his wife, rather--were the ones who called the cops. Butch was never a viable suspect, in my opinion. He has since passed away. Me again: The more I have learned over the years about bullying and its effect on its victims and about the effects of stress on health, the more certain I become that the Murray family forum contributed to the early death of Butch Atwood. This forum was vile. No holds barred regarding attacking Butch Atwood or other nearby residents. The attacks on Butch Atwood were led by Shack and certain others were only too happy to follow. It turned out that Shack was just slaking her blood thirst because of a personal vendetta against these people. This forum was managed by, monitored by, condoned and encouraged by Helena Murray. You could say anything you wanted about the residents of a certain region of New Hampshire, the only thing you were never allowed to do was to discuss Amherst, anything that may have happened in Amherst, or Maura's past prior to the night of February 9.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
holmes wrote: Renner: Me again: The more I have learned over the years about bullying and its effect on its victims and about the effects of stress on health, the more certain I become that the Murray family forum contributed to the early death of Butch Atwood. This forum was vile. No holds barred regarding attacking Butch Atwood or other nearby residents. The attacks on Butch Atwood were led by Shack and certain others were only too happy to follow. It turned out that Shack was just slaking her blood thirst because of a personal vendetta against these people. This forum was managed by, monitored by, condoned and encouraged by Helena Murray. You could say anything you wanted about the residents of a certain region of New Hampshire, the only thing you were never allowed to do was to discuss Amherst, anything that may have happened in Amherst, or Maura's past prior to the night of February 9. I can't say I remember your moniker but, you have certainly been paying attention. Bill
Santa Clara, CA
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>So? dumb does not describe you!
Groton, MA
A few posts ago there were the words "In Fred's shoes" which prompted me to a personal memory. Many years ago I was up at the lake and I was notified that my son's best friend was killed. I drove the 3 hours South home with pounding heart, crying, and racing mind. I was grateful that when I got home that my people friends realized that my blathering words were just that ...I was a basket case. I can only imagine Fred's mind on his drive North in February 2004. Very sad....
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
A blathering basket case is a fine description. Some things never change. Still blathering away.
Gloucester, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: A blathering basket case is a fine description. Some things never change. Still blathering away. oh, the drama.
No Joke
Bangor, ME
So are we now looking for a "Very Cute Cow" or is it still Maura Murray.
"DRAMA" should be a bigger word on this forum cause there sure is a HUGE amount of it.
Attleboro, MA
Shack wrote: A few posts ago there were the words "In Fred's shoes" which prompted me to a personal memory. Many years ago I was up at the lake and I was notified that my son's best friend was killed. I drove the 3 hours South home with pounding heart, crying, and racing mind. I was grateful that when I got home that my people friends realized that my blathering words were just that ...I was a basket case. I can only imagine Fred's mind on his drive North in February 2004. Very sad.... Not a Fred fan, but there is one thing I share with him .....his contempt for Shack, her crocodile tears and her using Maura's disappearance to further her own revenge/hate fueled agenda. Yes, Shack you are a basket case.
What is Fred Hiding
Dallas, TX
From Renner: * Fred Murray does not want a book written about his daughter's disappearance. Attempts to reach him through his personal email and phone number have gone unanswered. * Having covered many missing persons cases, I have never seen such a strong reaction against information that may help find a loved one. As any victims advocate will tell you, the more info you get out, the better. * Two independent sources now confirm a long rumored hitch in the Maura Murray case. A private investigator and a member of law enforcement claim Fred Murray refused to sit down for an interview with detectives working his daughter's case for a full two and a half years after she vanished in New Hampshire. And when he did, he brought two lawyers with him. * I lean toward runaway...at the moment.
Brockton, MA
What is Fred Hiding wrote: From Renner: * Fred Murray does not want a book written about his daughter's disappearance. Attempts to reach him through his personal email and phone number have gone unanswered. * Having covered many missing persons cases, I have never seen such a strong reaction against information that may help find a loved one. As any victims advocate will tell you, the more info you get out, the better. * Two independent sources now confirm a long rumored hitch in the Maura Murray case. A private investigator and a member of law enforcement claim Fred Murray refused to sit down for an interview with detectives working his daughter's case for a full two and a half years after she vanished in New Hampshire. And when he did, he brought two lawyers with him. * I lean toward runaway...at the moment. writing a book about Maura is not going to find her. Maybe you should try walking through the forest going through the debris an everthing else you find out there might be helpful in your search for Maura. Alot of the information you have written about Maura is untrue.
Brockton, MA
holmes wrote: Renner: On these unregulated boards, people can post rumors with no verification and name "suspects" with little fear of libel charges. Two of the most commonly named suspects are Butch Atwood and Rick Forcier. And, in my opinion, neither one had anything to do with Maura's disappearance. In fact, both tried to help in their own ways. First, Butch Atwood. He was the bus driver who stopped to ask Maura if she needed any help shortly after the accident. He offered to call the police but Maura pleaded with him not to. She said she had already called Triple-A. Of course, having lived in Haverhill for some time, Butch knew this was a lie--phone reception is for shit up there, even worse in 2004. Ask anyone up that way about Butch being involved and they will laugh at you. You see, Butch was a fat man. Morbidly obese. Maura could have easily have run from him. Secondly, Butch's house was not vacant. He lived with his mother and common-law wife at the time. They were home. He was seen sitting in his bus. Oh, and he--or his wife, rather--were the ones who called the cops. Butch was never a viable suspect, in my opinion. He has since passed away. Me again: The more I have learned over the years about bullying and its effect on its victims and about the effects of stress on health, the more certain I become that the Murray family forum contributed to the early death of Butch Atwood. This forum was vile. No holds barred regarding attacking Butch Atwood or other nearby residents. The attacks on Butch Atwood were led by Shack and certain others were only too happy to follow. It turned out that Shack was just slaking her blood thirst because of a personal vendetta against these people. This forum was managed by, monitored by, condoned and encouraged by Helena Murray. You could say anything you wanted about the residents of a certain region of New Hampshire, the only thing you were never allowed to do was to discuss Amherst, anything that may have happened in Amherst, or Maura's past prior to the night of February 9. How dare you insult Butch like that. Butch offered his help to Maura. As for the other guy he was not at home at the time. So you are incorrect about him helping. You might want to try getting your facts straight before you write a book. How dare you insult Butch like that. Butch offered his help to Maura. As for the other guy he was not at home at the time. So you are incorrect about him helping. You might want to try getting your facts straight before you write a book.
Brockton, MA
Mr Renner when Maura disappeard in 04 it was not you standing by our side. It was the people from New Hampshire standing by our side. The difference between you and the people from New Hampshire is you are writing a book to make a profit on Mauras disappearance. The people from New Hampshire are using there hearts to help us find Maura and not for a profit. Its because they are kind and caring people.