Since: Oct 13
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View From The Cheap Seats wrote: John Green is not a creep either. He reinvigorated interest in Maura's case while Renner was concentrating in his book. John Green suffered a witchhunt of his own on this thread. No wonder he decided to take his talents elsewhere. Sadly the people who live night and day on this thread were not able to cope with his honesty and threw their toys out the pram; attempting to stain John Green's impeccable character in the process. JG is the creepiest creep that ever crept the internet. He did not reinvigorate any interest, JR did that all by himself. JG deserves any witchhunt that comes his way." Honesty" and "impeccable character" are not the first notions to come to mind when mentioning JG.
Since: Oct 13
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Obvious Troll wrote: What if Maura never existed and that's why they can't find her?? Maura is just a fictitious character out of an upcoming book and movie, how did you come to the conclusion she might be an existing person?
Hans Strudle
Stanford, KY
Attention Sam Ledyard: you're a scumbag. That pic you put up on your crappy, 4 visitor a day blog, comparing the girl to maura is lame. That's not the photo that was on Facebook; furthermore, your assertions are off base and your sleuthing skills are nothing more than reading what Renner is doing, then trying to filter it through your crappy blog. You're a douche.
Tyler from Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Hans Strudle wrote: Attention Sam Ledyard: you're a scumbag. That pic you put up on your crappy, 4 visitor a day blog, comparing the girl to maura is lame. That's not the photo that was on Facebook; furthermore, your assertions are off base and your sleuthing skills are nothing more than reading what Renner is doing, then trying to filter it through your crappy blog. You're a douche. You mad, Hans?
Sam Ledyard
Rockland, MA
Strudel wrote: Attention Sam Ledyard: you're a scumbag. Strudel wrote: You're a douche. Thanks for the kind words. Strudel wrote: That pic you put up on your, comparing the girl to [M]aura[,] is ... not the photo that was on Facebook .... Sharp observation. You're right. That picture isn't from Facebook. It's from her Yearbook.
View From The Cheap Seats
Montréal, Canada
Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> <quoted text> Thanks for the kind words. <quoted text> Sharp observation. You're right. That picture isn't from Facebook. It's from her Yearbook. I think you miss the point Ledyard. Why is it appropriate to invade the privacy of this woman. Renner states he has seen cast-iron proof she was the lady in the photo everyone thought was Maura.However she is not Maura so she is NOTHING to do with this case. You may think you are John Green but you are nothing but a CHEAP POOR COPY!
James Renner
Akron, OH
Geesh, the vitriol on here. Can we calm down and refocus a bit? It would be more beneficial to brainstorm ideas about how to bring this case to a conclusion.
As for Sam and John Green, they have done much work behind the scenes that helped to answer questions in this case. More than anyone else on here. We're all human and have our own quirks. Chill.
View From The Cheap Seats
Montréal, Canada
James Renner wrote: Geesh, the vitriol on here. Can we calm down and refocus a bit? It would be more beneficial to brainstorm ideas about how to bring this case to a conclusion. As for Sam and John Green, they have done much work behind the scenes that helped to answer questions in this case. More than anyone else on here. We're all human and have our own quirks. Chill. Fair point James. You should suggest Sam takes the picture of that woman down from his blog though.
View From The Cheap Seats
Montréal, Canada
View From The Cheap Seats wrote: <quoted text> Fair point James. You should suggest Sam takes the picture of that woman down from his blog though. I see Sam has done this. My apologies if I went a bit over the top. After all I know none of the people involved online in the Maura forums and blogs in real life and the impression someone gives off online is not always what they are really like.
Sam Ledyard
Rockland, MA
View From The Cheap Seats wrote: <quoted text> Fair point James. You should suggest Sam takes the picture of that woman down from his blog though. It was removed hours ago.
Brooklyn, NY
Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> <quoted text> Thanks for the kind words. <quoted text> Sharp observation. You're right. That picture isn't from Facebook. It's from her Yearbook. By not answering these kind of uneducated insults you show what kind of person you really are. I very much enjoy your contributions to these blog and others. Thank you.
Since: Oct 13
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Still very strange that woman´s SSN was used in connection with MM name.
Santa Clara, CA
hannah_b wrote: Still very strange that woman´s SSN was used in connection with MM name. It is ambigously unusual, but not conclusively. If we consider that there might be errors in the manner that the records were gathered (at whatever source used Renner used) its not unusual. Limitations in data gathering methodologies, or assumptions about the records when they were gathered could cause errors. For example, perhaps some transaction took place that involved Maura and others. If the database had room for only 1 name and 1 SSN., but multiple names and numbers were included in the original record, this could be the result.
Manchester, NH
Oh my goodness gracious! Granny is having a drunken meltdown over on Renners blog. It's freaking hilarious! First she anoints sammy and Jg's feet with warm oil and then she throws it in their faces...I'm over here cackling like a hen. It's just so damned funny... hehehehehehe....Bat crap crazy. Old Sammy is pulling some shenanigans over at his little ghost town as well....What a bunch of nimrods...hehehehehe ; )
Tampa, FL
It IS pretty funny. Green is over there, pretending to be an expert on bears, while completely trashing Sam and JWB is...well I don't know what jwb is doing. It sure is entertaining though.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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Ridiculous wrote: Oh my goodness gracious! Granny is having a drunken meltdown over on Renners blog. It's freaking hilarious! First she anoints sammy and Jg's feet with warm oil and then she throws it in their faces...I'm over here cackling like a hen. It's just so damned funny... hehehehehehe....Bat crap crazy. Old Sammy is pulling some shenanigans over at his little ghost town as well....What a bunch of nimrods...hehehehehe ; ) I've been giggling after seeing JG telling everyone to ignore Sam and not go to his page. What's even funnier is JG telling how Sam uses several screen names, has a grandstanding ego(whatever that is), puts out lies and misinformation and grandstands. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The egos are beginning to clash. ROTFL
Merrimack, NH
Thanks for the alert guys. :) This is ever so amusing.
Merrimack, NH
"John GreenDecember 14, 2013 at 5:20 PM Well said Hans. See my post below. Best to ignore Sam. I dont know what the post says and dont want to know. He is a dangerous and willful skewer of the discussion because - I think - his only concern is bringing attention on himself.(See more below)." Ya just gotta love the "(see more below)." I just counted - Green made 20 posts on Renner's blog today (Saturday). Most of them, as usual, were incredibly long. Good thing he is not trying to bring attention on himself.:) It appears that he has forgotten that it is Renner's blog and is reliving those heady summer days when he was a co-contributor. And he is whipping out those big attorney words to prove his phony legal background - you know, words like "liable" when he means "libel." I can't wait until Renner checks in on his blog to see what those "quirky" buddies of his have been up to all night.:)
“Stay Tuned”
Since: Dec 13
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Backstabbing, melodrama and cliques. Feels like High School all over again.
Göteborg, Sweden
JG should lose some weight and do some excercising so he could climb up to the balcony of the A frame.