Let me guess... JG bought a silver SUV.To the dumb a$s in the gray/silver SUV that was parked right on the curve by the blue ribbon.
You almost caused a collision tonight. If you want to take pictures, pray , dance around the tree or whatever then park somewhere where you are not going to cause an accident.
That curve is getting dangerous.
Maura Murray
Posted in the Franconia Forum

Comments (Page 2,154)
![]() Since: Oct 13
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Since: Jan 14
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There are a few snapshots of the forum archived at the Way Back Machine: Appears active October 2007: http://web.archive.org/web/20071023093402/htt... Closed December 2008: http://web.archive.org/web/20081211084714/htt... "Sorry, but this board is currently unavailable. Please try again later" This fits my recollection. |
“"Dancing with wolves"” ![]() Since: Oct 10
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Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 And we need to know this why????? |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Maruchan, Why would anyone wonder why you despise this guy? Does JR really think that implying Fred Murray murdered his daughter is so subtle that no one would notice this as his special 10th anniversary of Maura's disappearance gift, given with the cruel intention of taunting Fred, Maura, and their family? Interesting timing on JR's part. Is little Jimmy Renner trying to make Beagle and his anniversary video look saintly? Let us hope that Maura is alive but let us pray that she is not reading Renner's blog! |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Maruchan, See what I mean. What kind of behavior is this? A not so veiled threat or what? |
![]() Since: Jan 12
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Judged: ![]() 2 FM: "I think a local dirtbag grabbed her." and he discounts that the road is traveled by others than local residents. |
Since: Feb 14
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I'm not disputing that. What I'm say is that I believe, based on Suzanne's "last" post, that MMM was in operation as of April 6, 2009. Therefore, it must have been taken down after April 6, 2009 -- possibly, after Mason's post in May 2009.
Since: Feb 14
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Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 |
in what way would this be of true importance?Could it have been investigators taking things down?Im not following. I find the content of the Hadley Archive a strong theory,IMO. |
“pomKik + pomKik + pomKik” Since: Feb 14
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“pomkik + pomkik + pomkik” Since: Jan 14
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Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 1 ![]() 1
Thank you Wowzer and Ezra for your comments. I have never threatened Renner, I have never contacted him or his family, all I have done is criticize him, just like a lot of other people do, even lots of his blog followers. People criticize him on his blog, the Maura Murray Facebook page, on Websleuths, on MyDeathSpace, well, everywhere. Is he hunting down their identities too? All I know is that his response to criticism is to accuse others, me in this case, of being somehow involved in this case, both with the Londonderry ping and now my alleged Whitman Hanson "connection." Last week he posted that he had sought and found my real name and address, and now he responds by posting my alleged first name. A not-so-veiled threat indeed. By the way, his information is incorrect, but does that really matter? This is really disturbing. |
Since: Feb 14
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I'm trying to infer James' thought-process. I suppose that it's as important as James' post. The content of the archive Ben started? Which portion do you have in mind? |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 2 Keep your psycho ass off topix, brother. |
Judged: ![]() 1 I don't know what to say other than I was here participating in the discussions and I am quite certain that MMM was not an active forum at the time. Ill stop with that. Except to say that I was there...I know what forums were active and not...i am here as a witness to tell you. Suzanne is not here and since someone pretended to be the original Suzanne there are credibikity questions that im not going to waste any time sorting out. In general (not directed at you) i am very annoyed at the posting of very pointless attacks that have been made on the Murray family. What really chaps my ass is that, facts don't seem to matter and speculation seems to be the ruke and not the exception. Slander is the headline and the default. How can anyone trust Renner's purported facts when I and no doubt many others here knoww that in this instance, about the forum, that the purported facts are incorrect. Why on Earth doesn't renner simply say what he means? Hell, he posted today. And even if some of the things on Renner's blog are true...there is no evidence of any connection to Maura's dissappearance. I SIMPLY THINK WEBSLUTHING IS WRONG. IT ONLY CAUSES UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS BASRD ON SPECULATION AND PLACES A BAD SPOTLIGHT ON PEOPLE LIKE MAURA'S BROTHER FOR NO GOOD REASON OR RESULT. Yes...I'm saying enough is enough. The Murray Family are real people with real lives and real struggles and triumphs. Like anyone else. And there is a lot of perportedly personal stuff now over at that blog...a blog in which i can see a blatent example of how the facts don't seem to matter. It simply isn't right. I don't care how many times or if Lady Gray or Mcsmom has disagreed with my comments here. I don't care I am going to tell the truth and say it like it is. And do what I think is right. There is some responsibility and duty of people to do the decent thing no matter what in some circumstances. The Murray Family didn't run Advocate's forum, the forum that was active and one of only two places Leatherman posted at. |
That's a different thing entirely. If you recall there being no forum in light of the information we discussed, then I credit your recollection. I see your point about Suzanne. Of course, I think that there was one Suzanne -- but there's no point in us discussing that anymore than we already have. I doubt either of other minds will change (at least in the absence of additional information). I cannot explain Renner's post. It seems that he made an error and chose not to correct it, which, admittedly would tend to hurt his credibility. I really would like to give him the benefit of the doubt on this -- I just can't see how that's possible. One other thing: James thinks that Maruchan is Les. I have corresponded with Les via email for nearly a year as part of an email group. She, like Maruchan, is a very good researcher. But the similarities, in my opinion, stop there. There is one thing that bothers me. I hope, Maruchan, that you will clear this up. I believe that your comment about John Green telling you my real name is what originally directed James' attention to Les. John Green asked Les and another person to look into me very early on (I had no idea that he did this until recently and, frankly, it creeps me out). Please, if possible, explain why you were in contact with John Green. For the record, I never looked into Green and so I took his representations at face value. Only recently did I find out his real name (when he last posted on the blog, in fact; he accidentally posted using a different email address, one that revealed his name). I told him that his past is none of my business and that I have no interest in researching him. That was, and continues to be, how I feel. |
![]() Since: Jan 12
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Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 3 with each violation of trust you hurt your credibility and undermine your relevance, but you don't care. her words speak her thoughts, apart from whom she may be or not be. she is, consistently, Maruchan, not a deceptive Maruchan who deserves to be revealed if she chooses not to introduce herself further. i'm ok with her just being...Maruchan. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 1 We all have lives, family, commitments beyond this case. The more I step away from it, the more clarity I have when coming back and reading at the various sites that discuss it. Ridiculous! Sam, you took down your blog because your anonymity was exposed and you and someone close to you were threatened? Here you are doing your very best to crawl right up Maruchans butt, just like Tyler has with you. Where's the apology for trying to expose other people? I don't care how many people here are willing to overlook your past behavior here, you are a weak person with no back bone and no courage to stand by your convictions. You have to have someone to latch onto Sam. JR, JG and now Maruchan. Kind of like a parasite. Do you add value to this case? Possibly, but, in the clutch or when the crap hits the fan, you'll fall apart like a little sissy. You may shoot well from the corners Sam, but you're the last guy I'd pick for my team. JR- Really? trying to expose Maruchan? Remember telling me early on that your criteria for exposing people was based on their known criminal offenses?! Do you have a criminal history for Maruchan, who you have incorrectly identified as Leslie?! You are a very intelligent guy James. There's no denying that, but, you are windmilling away here and you're jumping the gun all over the place. As you're deadline for publishing appears, your just blasting away trying to use up the last of your shells and their aren't even any pigeons in the air. I'm sure you have an agent and I'm sure he/she is pushing for as much exposure as possible for the forthcoming book. Hell even us cheapseats are aware that any exposure, bad or good, is going to drive sales. The problem for me is the blatant, obvious manipulation. I just hate being manipulated. What I hate even worse though is when someone can't even bother to make the effort to hide their manipulations of me. It's like having depends and viagra commercials thrown at me when I'm watching some of my favorite shows. That's not the demographic I belong in and, realizing that a majority of my friends, who don't belong in that demographic watch these same shows, I get affronted. Know your audience. For Gods sake, even your buddy JG is becoming more and more critical and, sadly, he makes a very good point concerning your motivation as per the approaching publishing date and your recent activity. That you come here once or twice a week lately and plug or throw out a bone or two and then bail without realy debating these bones is an insult and a direct testiment to your ego. You say you don't know why your feeding the trolls, and the very people you accuse of being trolls are so enamored with your status as a published author that they allow this. Your success rate in past cases is 0%. There's a trail of people accused by you in other cases that have yet to be convicted. That is a simple, indisputable fact. Is the premise for what you are doing a good one? It should be, but at the end of the day, there is a financial motive involved in all of these cases...WTH once asked you how much you were contributing to the bill boards for Maura? What percentage of the book sales will go towards finding resolution to Maura's case? what percentage of your income, besides the charitable tax deductions, will go towards any of these cases you are so passionate about? John Green has this obnoxiously offensive habit of wandering around amongst the sheep telling all of the other shepherds how stupid the sheep are. You have slipped into this habit recently and as a sheep, I take offense. Quit trying to sell me depends and viagra for gods sake and to be very frank with you, I also have no use for feminine sanitary products! |
Yes. You must be referring to Suzanne. I do not apologize for my past efforts to prove that Suzanne was a work of fiction. I firmly believe that she was. I know that others, Ben is an example, believe that Suzanne was a real person. There is no sense in arguing about it. At this point, it is beating a dead horse. I think that she's fictional; others disagree. That aside, I never threatened Suzanne. Your attempt to equate my behavior with pomkik's is insulting. I do not see it that way. Focusing strictly on Maruchan, I wish for her to confirm that she is not Les because Les is quite understandably annoyed by the situation. I defend and protect friends and colleagues. I will not apologize for that. The safety of those close to me is more important than "being picked for your team" (whatever that means). If your name was published, and "pomkik" threatened you and someone else (by name, mind you), I think that you would comply with pomkik's request. It's a blog. It's not more important than a person. |
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