


I made a suggestion: post on a random thread as proof that your location differs from Maruchan's.
Her location displayed as Merrimack, NH. http://www.topix.com/forum/city/merrimack-nh/... .
Maruchan's does not.
Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 2,156)
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I made a suggestion: post on a random thread as proof that your location differs from Maruchan's. Her location displayed as Merrimack, NH. http://www.topix.com/forum/city/merrimack-nh/... . Maruchan's does not. |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 In the interest of speaking to the truth, such as to clear up any misconceptions, I will speak to this. I hope to also comment of what seems to be a trait of ***human beings*** in general. I am not here to admonish. I feel I have a much more important point to make. The summary is that he didn't take the blog down because his identity was exposed. So, what happened? A few weeks ago Sam and I had a big argument here. On or near the day that the argument ended - someone sent a threat to Sam. It was shortly thereafter that he contacted me. And it is a very good thing that he did. It showed courage and character and the ability to think out of the box. Because even though **I did not send him the threat***- he should have had reason to suspect I did.***Which by the way is the way someone likes to operate around here - throw free punches at people and take advantage of the fact that no one will assume he or she has done so.**** I can also verify that the threat was made against people other than just Sam. The threat demanded that he remove his blog, and if not, it implied that harm would come to Sam *and someone else.* So Sam was literally in a position in which he had to consider someone else's well being. There were other aspects of the threat as a whole that fit a pattern. I'll just say this - I think that Sam has been framed in such a way that makes it appear that he has called people at home. I don't think so. I think the person who sent the threat did. So, if anyone has any question as to if Sam has "backbone" at this point - the above should put that to rest. As soon as I found out that he was threatened and that threat crossed over into real life - I didn't hesitate to help. I won't hesitate to help anyone, even people that I have had heated disputes with in the past. My second and most important point is this: I have become convinced that ***human beings*** as a whole tend to try to explain the unknown and the drive to reach that explanation makes no apologies for the damage it does to arrive at it. I have become convinced, not only by my observations here, but in other circumstances in my life, that speculating about other people's character is one of the most prolific and unrecognized evils that plagues human kind. It is very dangerous and irresponsible to imagine what other people's motives are or what their character is based upon speculative profiles, even loose evidence. What is really sad, is that people actually believe that they are being advocates for a cause and are being good people. But in reality, only destruction follows. Resolution never comes. Only a path of destruction paved by the speculated deficiencies people project upon each other, in their quest, as ***human beings*** to explain the unexplainable. For the most part, if we, as ***human beings*** didn't have this drive to solve puzzles we would still be living in the caves. But there is an aspect to our character that we should recognize and deal with - that there are times when this drive does not serve us well. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Considering the car WAS ACTUALLY LOCATED A FEW HUNDRED FEET EAST OF THE RIBBON TREE in front of the small stand of 7 balsam trees parallel with rte 112. located on the marrotte's front lawn. We can now assume the dog tracking was simply a CONFUSED dog not tracking any scent but merely walking the road. 3 days later with dogs TRYING TO TRACK A SCENT on a main road that is actually quite busy would be a feat. Especially using the gloves which were NEW. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 I need answers. I don't want John Green driving up here and camping in his yugo in the cold at Walmart. Don't forget the Moose situation. You know how he reacts to NH. wildlife. James, can we drum up a few bucks for some bill boards? Come on people, lets get this mystery solved. What if it was your duck?! |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 If you don't mind. I'm trying very hard to maintain my dislike of Sam. His absolute refusal to fight dirty with me is making it hard enough. Now you want to tell me that he actually has some balls?! Stop it this instant or I'm going to take my ball and go home ( sports metaphor Sammy)! As to your other points; So if a young woman chose to up and leave, and do so on her own terms, she has that right? It's possible that all of the brilliant well wishers that would crucify uninvolved individuals in the search, believing that their motives are just and true, could not only be damaging the afore mentioned individuals, but the wishes and security of the vary quarry they wish to help? But that flies in the face of all common sense. Just ask the lemmings. Why question morality? That takes effort. Lets just trust the leaders of the pack and follow them. We can bask in the glow of our group morality. |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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Judged: ![]() 1 You can assume anything you want. I have stated, repeatedly, that I knew the dog and handler used during at least one of those searches. And that the only person qualified to make a determination as to what the dog did or didn't do or knew or didn't know is the handler. I have also stated repeatedly through the years that I have never heard what her interpretation of what the dog did was. So people continue to speculate and make wild assumptions about things they know nothing about. As it has been since the beginning. Bill |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 I really have no opinion of Sam one way or the other. renner on the other hand reminds me of something I sometimes find on the bottom of my shoe. Very unpleasant on a hot summer day and difficult to scrape off. I suggest others that run around with him keep him downwind at all times. That is, if they can tell the difference themselves. Bill |
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Good, I'm glad. I hope you also understand that there probably are other eyes that espied what I did. Thanks for clarifying this, Sam. I just went and posted under Leslie's "no no" post - it shows my "new" Rutland VT location. I probably shouldn't have, though, as it might confuse people. Oh well. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I think this is the link you were after: http://www.reactiongifs.com/i-dont-believe-yo... |
The walrus is Maruchan. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Knowing the dog and handler does not give you the upper hand in this situation. THE REAL POINT OF MY POST WAS THE LOCATION OF THE SATURN in relationship to where the scent would start and end. 3 days later on a well travelled road.! |
Wow. This opened my eyes,(again), to that part of me that needs to be reminded of such things. You're right in my eyes, all the way. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Goo goo g'joob. ;) |
Ben, your post was brilliant.These are points that I found especially enlightening:
"I have become convinced, not only by my observations here, but in other circumstances in my life, that speculating about other people's character is one of the most prolific and unrecognized evils that plagues human kind." "For the most part, if we, as ***human beings*** didn't have this drive to solve puzzles we would still be living in the caves. But there is an aspect to our character that we should recognize and deal with - that there are times when this drive does not serve us well." By the way, thank you, sincerely, for your help. |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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And actually it does. So I will state again. You know nothing about what the dog did or was not capable of doing. Your thoughts on the location of the Saturn and where you think the scent would have wound up or how it was dispersed has nothing to do with where the scent would or would not have traveled and that dogs ability to track it. And again, the only person who would know if their dog was or was not on trail was the handler and I never heard what her opinion, the only opinion that counts, has said. When I hear your credentials, I'll be happy to consider why you think you know more about scent and dogs than the handler that operates that specific dog. Before you start, know that I already know you know nothing about the subject because I have been doing this long enough to know when people who have read just enough to be dangerous on a subject spout off. NO HANDLER WOULD EVER SAY SUCH A THING BECAUSE ONLY A HANDLER WOULD KNOW IF THEIR DOG IS ON TRACK OR NOT. A handler would never attempt to guess the actions of another handlers dog. Only some anonymous voice on the internet would try that. And her reputation and her dogs was stellar. So without hearing her interpretation of the dogs behavior, we are stuck with your guess. Which again, is meaningless. Bill |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Ah, then either Sam's judgement is wrong, or he and I are in cahoots. But wait, no, I am in Rutland and he is currently in Needham Heights, so we cannot be in Cahoots. By the way, I wrote a response, with quotes and everythang, to your BIG REVEAL!!! MARUCHAN IS LESLIE AND I GOTS PROOFS!!! My computer froze up and it went poof, but I do want to say that your sleuthing skills need some serious work. Aside from all your incorrect assumptions about me, you cast all these strange aspersions on Leslie that, with less than two minutes searching, are proved to be just completely insane, and quite frankly, stupid. Leslie, according to Intelius and MyLife, is 53 years old. Fred Jr., according to the article you just recently posted on your blog, was 35 in December 2005. That makes him (gets out abacus) about 43 currently. Ten years difference in age. So, yeah, that high school buddies thing just ain't gonna fly. :) Oh, and that last dog quote just gave me a giggle. The only time I could remember mentioning a dog here was in reference to Nancy Lyon's search. I found my post from June: Oh, lookie, I am able to recognize a breed of German Shepherd. I'm sure nobody else in New Hampshire is capable of such an astonishing feat. This must mean I am Leslie, as she breeds Basset Hounds. WHAT A REVELATION!!! WHAT INCREDIBLE SLEUTHING AND FACT FINDING!!!! I also play guitar. OMG!!! I must be Ridiculous!!! You really should stick with fiction, it seems to be your forte. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Thank you for this, Snowy.:) |
“pomKik + pomKik + pomKik” Since: Feb 14
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“pomkik + pomkik + pomkik” Since: Jan 14
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“Alden Olson dba Det Dirtbag ” Since: Dec 13
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