Fairfax, VT
Wanker wrote: <quoted text>playing you like a fiddle. The desperate mind will connect the most absurd assertions to make itself happy. I do believe you is paranoid. Too funny. Herm isn't smart enough to play a two-year old. His filthy mind and mouth gave him away. Give people enough rope ... What are the odds that two different people would be involved in the Maura Murray case and both would insult two different people using a vulgar description of oral sex with Latin men? Zero. Sure are a lot of people here who backpeddle when they've been found out, too bad for them it doesn't work. :)
Ham samich
Stanford, KY
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> Too funny. Herm isn't smart enough to play a two-year old. His filthy mind and mouth gave him away. Give people enough rope ... What are the odds that two different people would be involved in the Maura Murray case and both would insult two different people using a vulgar description of oral sex with Latin men? Zero. Sure are a lot of people here who backpeddle when they've been found out, too bad for them it doesn't work. :) Asian men have much better gunk. It's all "duck saucy". Keep up the good work, Nancy Grace..
Ham samich
Stanford, KY
SnowyB wrote: <quoted text> ah, yes! perhaps there are more than one filthy haters. you read the stuff once and pass over it...but you're quite good at assembling the pieces, Maruchan.:) usually fat, ugly socially rejected females are good at drawing all kinds of wild conclusions...look at modern feminism. They hate men because no men likey them.
Derek Jeter
Stanford, KY
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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Derek Jeter wrote: Going for the gunk This everyone is a perfect example why you don't want to be outed or let any personal information out on an internet forum. You never know what disgusting, sick and depraved person may be sitting behind the monitor.
Bucharest, Romania
Whatcha gonna do wit all that gunk inside my trunk?
godkik lark
Atlanta, GA
//why no response??// john green is the snake whispering in jimmi rottens ear i want him to talk to possee <<<godlark pom>>>
godkik lark
Atlanta, GA
godkik lark
Atlanta, GA
jimmy rotten WILL get possee abd ty-ty bodyguard sma + jhn = habs +ashlyn // they WILL be exposed!!
godkik lark
Atlanta, GA
2240 <<+>> <<+>>// i am the trinity ! i am pomkik + godlark + name!!
Since: Jan 14
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Hyannis, MA
SnowyB wrote: <quoted text> Findy is so vulgar, lewd and coarse. she repeatedly mentions her fascination by mention of a certain concept...her fantasy, no doubt. pity her. Fantasy of what?Do you even consider what your typing?Yes,vulgar,lewd and coarse,Not afraid of you.Spot on.Im not here to socialize.
Since: Jan 14
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Santa Clara, CA
Brooklyn, NY
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> No we were not friends and I've never seen their truck at SBD's house. Good try though to put the two of them together. Again I'll ask how you know for sure that SBD knew GF. Any proof to support that? And no one wants to shut you up. Being truthful and not making up BS would be nice though. Why is it Findmaura that most everyone that knew about or knew someone in that tragedy has gone on in life and is living normally? You who aren't related nor personally knew any of them seem to not want the town and people to heal as you keep bringing it up on Maura's and other threads. You need help, please get it as this kettle of hatred that you keep stirring seems to be consuming your life. Ok so you aren't friends but you know them well enough to know what kind of truck they drive? Interesting
Fairfax, VT
Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> Ok so you aren't friends but you know them well enough to know what kind of truck they drive? Interesting Here you go again. Show us where Wowzer said "what kind of a truck" GF drove? Anybody that knows even the tiniest bit of info on the McKay/Kenney case knows that GF drove a truck. I know it, and I've never lived in northern NH. Go type in "Bruce McKay" or "Liko Kenney" into Google image search and tell me what you see - looks like a gray Chevy 4x4 extra-cab truck to me. You're really reaching here, and you're sounding like somebody else now, trying to tie Wowzer to something. Really sad.
Since: Feb 14
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I am Billy Vanderbilt. I am a long time lurker. Over the course of the last few days I have been reaching out to individuals who have posted about Maura's case. There are still several people I am trying to get in touch with.
Alden Olson Maruchan Samuel Ledyard John Green JWB James Leone Fred Leatherman Advocate
I have already emailed half of you but have yet to receive a response. Those of you who I have emailed have my real name and my real email address. I would appreciate it greatly if you would email me back.
Those of you on this list who I have not emailed please send this account a message.
Thank you.
Southbury, CT
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> Here you go again. Show us where Wowzer said "what kind of a truck" GF drove? Anybody that knows even the tiniest bit of info on the McKay/Kenney case knows that GF drove a truck. I know it, and I've never lived in northern NH. Go type in "Bruce McKay" or "Liko Kenney" into Google image search and tell me what you see - looks like a gray Chevy 4x4 extra-cab truck to me. You're really reaching here, and you're sounding like somebody else now, trying to tie Wowzer to something. Really sad. Actually I'm not reaching at all, & I'm not trying to tie wowzer to anything either, I asked her a legitimate question about something she said herself, I think she should answer it too. She said this: Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> No we were not friends and I've never seen their truck at SBD's house. I ask again: if she isn't at least acquaintances with GF then how the hell could she possibly know what kind of truck he drove & know it well enough to state that she never saw his truck parked in SBD's driveway? The kind of truck it is does not matter at all, the question is how did wowzer know what kind of truck it was in order to say what she said. Yes we saw pics of his truck after 5/11 but She went missing 3 years before the events on 5/11, if wowzer is talking about just remembering after seeing it in pictures then she is clearly talking out her ass & trying to manipulate public opinion. Who cares if some lady up the street doesn't remember seeing that truck at SBD's house, that means absolutely nothing. See what I'm saying here? You're smart maruchan, you must understand. Either she knows GF & what she's saying about never seeing his truck there makes perfect sense & should be taken into consideration, or she's talking out her ass in an attempt to manipulate what people think. This is what SHE said, not me or anybody else said. I'm not, & never have made any attempt to link wowzer & GF, I've never even thought about it until I read her post today & then I was like WTF? She knows what kind of truck this scumbag drives?? Oh & something else is that truck looks new; I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure that's an 05-07 chevy, definitely not older than that. So that means that truck was probably bought in the year or 2 before 5/11, I bet it was under a year old. So how can wowzer possibly say what she said without knowing him? Either she knew him, or was talking out her ass.
Southbury, CT
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> Here you go again. Show us where Wowzer said "what kind of a truck" GF drove? Anybody that knows even the tiniest bit of info on the McKay/Kenney case knows that GF drove a truck. I know it, and I've never lived in northern NH. Go type in "Bruce McKay" or "Liko Kenney" into Google image search and tell me what you see - looks like a gray Chevy 4x4 extra-cab truck to me. You're really reaching here, and you're sounding like somebody else now, trying to tie Wowzer to something. Really sad. The logic in this post is so whack I almost don't believe it was really maruchan that wrote it. We don't always see eye to eye but generally maruchan is a logical, well researched poster, this is just ridiculous. How the hell does the brand of truck matter at all??? I find it hard to believe maruchan wouldn't be able to understand this. I used to drive 112 all the time, multiple times a week, half the time 4 times a week. This was in the year of & following her disappearance so I was paying attention. I actually remember a very similar truck to GF's being parked there often, it was a newer chevy, same body style. Am I saying this was GF's truck? Absolutey not, I have no freekin clue. I saw the pics & the videos from 5/11 just like everyone else but I still don't know if it was his truck. I really don't think it was but do you get my point? Knowing what brand the truck is don't mean shit, it don't. For someone to say they never saw his truck there,& for it to mean something, they would have to know the guys truck would they not? If they don't wouldn't their statement mean absolutely nothing?
Brooklyn, NY
Ahh the 'ol penis shaped knife to a woman's throat', that's a classic story huh? A rippin good yarn. I've heard that from several different sources & that would be a story I would think is total bullshit, that is if I didn't personally know a young woman who was sexually harrassed by both McKay & GF together, story actually sounds exactly like McKay, right up his alley. it is common knowledge around the north country that GF would act as unofficial backup for McKay, I don't care what anyone on here says, that shit happened. McKay was a rogue cop & GF would help him cause trouble, which mostly was harassing people hardcore, including seriously sexually harassing innocent young women that did nothing except get pulled over by an evil scumbag & buddy. I find it sad & repulsive anyone would ever defend either of these guys, while at the same time being totally cool with people saying anything they want about Maura. you gotta really question what kind of person would defend someone like these guys. Call Maura a theif, a liar, a whatever & you will not once see any of these people defend her. Call the SBD a liar & forget about it, you got people jumping down your throat in 2 minutes, WTF is up with that? These people literally defend GF & McKay over Maura, how sick is that?