Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Jimmy entered the room, dropped what he thought was a smelly ole bomb and exited quicker than a cheetah on Ex-lax....! Run Jimmy Run John
Manchester, NH
Alden Howes Olson wrote: Oh, of course. The Lakewood OH judge, simply because he was having a bad day, threw Renner in jail because Renner tussled with a Lakewood cop while protecting his sister from the Lakewood dog officer. And got arrested for assault on a peace officer. And pleaded it out. Guilty. Yeah, he can put anything he wants to in the book, but the entire case is right there in the court records....In the public domain no less....
Akron, OH
You know, what, let me tell you a little more about this situation. Consider this a teaser for this chapter in the book, because I go deeply into all of this for a few pages, mostly because Alden Olson did go to the dean at the university and tried to make things difficult. They are well aware of everything. Olson, for those catching up, is the creep who taunted Maura's family on the anniversary of her disappearance, by posting vids on YouTube. He then posted pics of my kid on YouTube. A cop in Chatham contacted me personally to tell me how dangerous Olson could be (he threatened to kill members of his family and got in trouble with the law out there). I spent several months investigating the DeJesus/Berry cases. When the Ariel Castro thing went down, it rocked me to the core. A week later, I get a call from my mother. Turns out an animal control officer was stalking my 22 yr old sister. He was talking his way into the house when he wasn't on duty and showing up on the street in plain clothes "just walking his dog" when he was off duty. Then he started calling my mother and sister on their cell phones to "check in". It was really really scary for them. And when detectives finally listened to their story, they became concerned, too. He was told never to have control with my sister again. Flash to a court appearance my sis had. She asked me to be there to keep her safe. This animal control officer shows up. I lose my cool. Try to tell the judge some of what's been going on. Things got heated. I called him a drunk (you'd have to live in Lakewood to know this was the exact wrong thing to say to him). I spent the next 5 days in jail on a contempt charge because of that. Not a fun time. I was charged with felonious assault on a police officer, too. That charge was dropped when the prosecutor saw the video which showed the cop charging me. There was also the witness I produced (a woman in the hall) who saw the whole thing and explained how the cop instigated the assault. All other charges were dropped. I ended up pleading to a misdemeanor "attempted resisting arrest" for not laying down after he threw me into a wall. Did I lose my cool? Yes. But so did everyone in that courtroom. It was a perfect storm of a-holes. Myself included.
Akron, OH
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
OH....I bet you Lil Jiminy gets some of that Jameson into him an he turns into a real Spark plug.! John Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Yeah, he can put anything he wants to in the book, but the entire case is right there in the court records....In the public domain no less....
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Still....EXCUSES excuses and more excuses for Your actions. Put on your big boy panties and own up the fact that you lost it for a bit. And WHY would the cop charge at You....What did you say to Him to provoke this action.? John JamesRenner wrote: You know, what, let me tell you a little more about this situation. Consider this a teaser for this chapter in the book, because I go deeply into all of this for a few pages, mostly because Alden Olson did go to the dean at the university and tried to make things difficult. They are well aware of everything. Olson, for those catching up, is the creep who taunted Maura's family on the anniversary of her disappearance, by posting vids on YouTube. He then posted pics of my kid on YouTube. A cop in Chatham contacted me personally to tell me how dangerous Olson could be (he threatened to kill members of his family and got in trouble with the law out there). I spent several months investigating the DeJesus/Berry cases. When the Ariel Castro thing went down, it rocked me to the core. A week later, I get a call from my mother. Turns out an animal control officer was stalking my 22 yr old sister. He was talking his way into the house when he wasn't on duty and showing up on the street in plain clothes "just walking his dog" when he was off duty. Then he started calling my mother and sister on their cell phones to "check in". It was really really scary for them. And when detectives finally listened to their story, they became concerned, too. He was told never to have control with my sister again. Flash to a court appearance my sis had. She asked me to be there to keep her safe. This animal control officer shows up. I lose my cool. Try to tell the judge some of what's been going on. Things got heated. I called him a drunk (you'd have to live in Lakewood to know this was the exact wrong thing to say to him). I spent the next 5 days in jail on a contempt charge because of that. Not a fun time. I was charged with felonious assault on a police officer, too. That charge was dropped when the prosecutor saw the video which showed the cop charging me. There was also the witness I produced (a woman in the hall) who saw the whole thing and explained how the cop instigated the assault. All other charges were dropped. I ended up pleading to a misdemeanor "attempted resisting arrest" for not laying down after he threw me into a wall. Did I lose my cool? Yes. But so did everyone in that courtroom. It was a perfect storm of a-holes. Myself included.
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
United States
JamesRenner wrote: A cop in Chatham contacted me personally to tell me how dangerous Olson could be (he threatened to kill members of his family and got in trouble with the law out there). Renner, what Chatham cop contacted you personally?
United States
hannah_b wrote: Catfight, catfight!!!! On a Saturday night!!!
United States
JamesRenner wrote: Consider this a teaser for this chapter in the book, because I go deeply into all of this for a few pages, mostly because Alden Olson did go to the dean at the university and tried to make things difficult. They are well aware of everything. Olson, for those catching up, is the creep who taunted Maura's family on the anniversary of her disappearance, by posting vids on YouTube. He then posted pics of my kid on YouTube. A cop in Chatham contacted me personally to tell me how dangerous Olson could be (he threatened to kill members of his family and got in trouble with the law out there). Gosh, all this time I thought Renner's book was going to be about Maura Murray. The way it sounds now, between Renner's attack on the NH tourist trade and his undying love for me, the Murray clan should be well pleased with the result.
Manchester, NH
JamesRenner wrote: You know, what, let me tell you a little more about this situation. Consider this a teaser for this chapter in the book, because I go deeply into all of this for a few pages, mostly because Alden Olson did go to the dean at the university and tried to make things difficult. They are well aware of everything. Olson, for those catching up, is the creep who taunted Maura's family on the anniversary of her disappearance, by posting vids on YouTube. He then posted pics of my kid on YouTube. A cop in Chatham contacted me personally to tell me how dangerous Olson could be (he threatened to kill members of his family and got in trouble with the law out there). I spent several months investigating the DeJesus/Berry cases. When the Ariel Castro thing went down, it rocked me to the core. A week later, I get a call from my mother. Turns out an animal control officer was stalking my 22 yr old sister. He was talking his way into the house when he wasn't on duty and showing up on the street in plain clothes "just walking his dog" when he was off duty. Then he started calling my mother and sister on their cell phones to "check in". It was really really scary for them. And when detectives finally listened to their story, they became concerned, too. He was told never to have control with my sister again. Flash to a court appearance my sis had. She asked me to be there to keep her safe. This animal control officer shows up. I lose my cool. Try to tell the judge some of what's been going on. Things got heated. I called him a drunk (you'd have to live in Lakewood to know this was the exact wrong thing to say to him). I spent the next 5 days in jail on a contempt charge because of that. Not a fun time. I was charged with felonious assault on a police officer, too. That charge was dropped when the prosecutor saw the video which showed the cop charging me. There was also the witness I produced (a woman in the hall) who saw the whole thing and explained how the cop instigated the assault. All other charges were dropped. I ended up pleading to a misdemeanor "attempted resisting arrest" for not laying down after he threw me into a wall. Did I lose my cool? Yes. But so did everyone in that courtroom. It was a perfect storm of a-holes. Myself included. I know this story well James. It's there in the public record as you must be aware. You can google it, find the docket and get the disposition. After reading about Dennis Radar, his job as an ordinance enforcer, his m.o and the woman he harassed about her grass and, yep, her dog and his post arrest confession that he intended her to be a victim,I would honestly have beat the living crap out of that guy before it ever made it to court. You should have brought an attorney to court with you. He would have dragged your ass out there before you got yourself into trouble. You need to take a step back from this case James. You're making a lot of threats against innocent people who have every right in the world to say whatever they want. If they choose to do so anonymously, whether you like it or not it's their right. You are making threats out of vindictiveness. You're not doing so because you believe the people that disagree with you are complicit in this case. You are doing so because you are taking personal offense and you want to strike back. You are trying to leverage innocent people to control those that offend you. Your kids, my kids, CTP.....have absolutely nothing to do with this. They are entitled to their privacy regardless of your or my behavior. Your a writer for Gods sake. You have a vast vocabulary and even if I think your a dink, you have the wit and intelligence to fight verbally, one on one with anyone here. You don't have to drag innocent parties in here. Re-read my post you commented on. No threats there. In fact, I said to notify your employer would be dirty pool. Insult me back, don't drag my kids into it.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
JamesRenner wrote: I hate wasting my time commenting on this site. I really do. Ridiculous, your threat is implied if not explicit. And again it's in writing so thank you for that. While you are not willing to act out on this because you want to cling to your anonymity so that you can continue to volley these threats comfortably, essentially you are egging on other people to do so. I almost hope someone does, because I will use it as an opportunity to file suit. It will give us the legal means to pull the info from Topix on your id. Though, I have a feeling all it would end up doing is embarrassing your kids at school. Beagle did contact the university about this last year, after he posted pics of my kid set to creepy music on YouTube. He tried to make this incident where I protected my sister into something more than it was. The entire story will be in the book. But suffice it to say, there was no violence. Sorry. Not as cool as you want it to be. Attempted Resisting Arrest doesn't get me any street cred. It didn't get Beagle what he wanted, either. But, please. Please try. ***I almost hope someone does, because I will use it as an opportunity to file suit.*** Isn't this just a way of trying to silence people? You almost hope that someone says something but if they dare to you will sue their ass. Does freedom of speech go for just you?
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
It seems JR´s book is going to be about everything but Maura Murray.
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> Gosh, all this time I thought Renner's book was going to be about Maura Murray. The way it sounds now, between Renner's attack on the NH tourist trade and his undying love for me, the Murray clan should be well pleased with the result. You beat me to it, Beagle.
Akron, OH
Ridiculous may be right. I am taking this personally. It just gets old. It would be wonderful if we could get back to discussing the Murray case at some point. Really, I think everyone just needs to mellow out and be nicer to each other. We can disagree on aspects of this case and even how I covered it but there's a way to do is in a more civil manner. As a token of good faith, I have reverted some recent posts to drafts. If we can keep things civil they can stay down. Dammit, I just want to watch The Heat and have a good time over here.
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
All well that ends well. Happy easter everyone!
United States
Guess he ran out of olive branches.:(
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
Beagle wrote: Guess he ran out of olive branches.:( Olives have a nasty taste anyway. Who needs them.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
You see how easy it is to be nice. NOT "If we can keep things civil they can stay down." The damage is done Jimmy........Too late Just another threat by You to control the sheep. LOL John JamesRenner wrote: Ridiculous may be right. I am taking this personally. It just gets old. It would be wonderful if we could get back to discussing the Murray case at some point. Really, I think everyone just needs to mellow out and be nicer to each other. We can disagree on aspects of this case and even how I covered it but there's a way to do is in a more civil manner. As a token of good faith, I have reverted some recent posts to drafts. If we can keep things civil they can stay down. Dammit, I just want to watch The Heat and have a good time over here.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Sure...ya had to bring Sandra B. into this. John JamesRenner wrote: Ridiculous may be right. I am taking this personally. It just gets old. It would be wonderful if we could get back to discussing the Murray case at some point. Really, I think everyone just needs to mellow out and be nicer to each other. We can disagree on aspects of this case and even how I covered it but there's a way to do is in a more civil manner. As a token of good faith, I have reverted some recent posts to drafts. If we can keep things civil they can stay down. Dammit, I just want to watch The Heat and have a good time over here.