Since: Oct 09
Rural N.H.
Having read some of the previous statements, Butch stated Maura was cold and shivering. If this is true and IF Mr. Forcier saw her running miles down the road I think this may add even more credence to hypothermia. She more than likely would have worked up a sweat which could well lead to hypothermia.
Gloucester, MA
citigir wrote: <quoted text> If friends and family were protecting the reputation of Maura then why would many of us want the FBI involved? We want the answers as to what happened to Maura.It is purely accusations and speculation and theorys as to what some posters read on a public forum. So it is unfair to say family and friends are protecting the reputation of Maura. Many of these people have never met any of us and have no clue as to what was said and what was not said to LE about Maura.Although some disagree with the theorys as what may have happened to Maura on that night others but not all post with there on theorys as to what happened to Maura on that night have put it down as to be fact and other posters have built upon these postings as fact. Our family does not know what happened to Maura as all as we know is that she disappeared on the night of Feb. 9th and has never been seen since. there are some know-it-alls you've collected along the Shack, Anne, FireSale, and others. they've had a great deal to say on your behalf.
Stockholm, Sweden
I´m still puzzled as to why LE would have come to lend more credibility to Forcier´s sighting in recent years. There´s got to be a reason for them to change their views.
Since: Oct 09
Rural N.H.
citigir wrote: <quoted text> If friends and family were protecting the reputation of Maura then why would many of us want the FBI involved? We want the answers as to what happened to Maura.It is purely accusations and speculation and theorys as to what some posters read on a public forum. So it is unfair to say family and friends are protecting the reputation of Maura. Many of these people have never met any of us and have no clue as to what was said and what was not said to LE about Maura.Although some disagree with the theorys as what may have happened to Maura on that night others but not all post with there on theorys as to what happened to Maura on that night have put it down as to be fact and other posters have built upon these postings as fact. Our family does not know what happened to Maura as all as we know is that she disappeared on the night of Feb. 9th and has never been seen since. just a thought after reading Renners Blog, but as I previously stated I am not all that impressed with his sources and lack of a paper trail on some of his statements. He stated she had illegally used someone else's credit card I believe to buy a pizza, not good judgement but not crime of the century either (IF) true, he also painted her as promiscuous which to my knowledge if the family knew she was seeing other men they were keeping pretty quiet. If this is true, and those who knew didn't share knowledge that does not help investigators. But as I also stated renner is writing a book and dull books don't sell, so when ever someone has a way to profit I question their sources and stated fact.
Bryantville, MA
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> there are some know-it-alls you've collected along the Shack, Anne, FireSale, and others. they've had a great deal to say on your behalf. The only one whom can talk on my behalf is me.
Boston, MA
citigir wrote: <quoted text>As I have stated before I have a problem with this affidavit because there is no specific time mentioned in it. You had put out as a possibillity that maybe LE asked not to put the time in because it was an on going investigation? This document was supposedly under oath and with what you implied to me. What you are stating is that in a legal document one may withhold true facts.So with this why bother getting an affidavit if the facts are falsified to the exact time because LE has asked to change things because this is an on going investigation? Then if this were the case I would consider this document null and void because LE cannot dictate under oath what should and should not be put in a legal document. Do not talk to me about this affidavit. If you have a beef with it talk to NHSP. And talk to NHSP State Police Officer Todd Landrey. And talk to Sprint who had their representative swear under oath regarding the Londonderry NH call to Maura's cell. Falsified? Null and void? Supposedly under oath? Wow u really are threatened by this affidavit. Firefraud freaked out when it was mentioned and totally denied it's existence. U are trying to obfuscate this entire Londonderry call, just as she "Obfuscator In Chief" did. See JWB's post on this affadavit. Of course NHLE did not ask Sprint to say late afternoon, that was just a casual thought that momentariy passed through my mind. I should not have said it, because u have used it to blur, obfuscate. Why r u so intent on proving this Londonderry call never happened when Sprint said it did. Is Sprint now a part of an International conspiracy to kidnap and murder Maura.
Gloucester, MA
citigir wrote: <quoted text> The only one whom can talk on my behalf is me. slight correction, then...they, and others, spoke for Helena. and Fred Murray. FireKitty always made it clear she was informed and speaking for "the family".
Bryantville, MA
Lauren wrote: <quoted text> Do not talk to me about this affidavit. If you have a beef with it talk to NHSP. And talk to NHSP State Police Officer Todd Landrey. And talk to Sprint who had their representative swear under oath regarding the Londonderry NH call to Maura's cell. Falsified? Null and void? Supposedly under oath? Wow u really are threatened by this affidavit. Firefraud freaked out when it was mentioned and totally denied it's existence. U are trying to obfuscate this entire Londonderry call, just as she "Obfuscator In Chief" did. See JWB's post on this affadavit. Of course NHLE did not ask Sprint to say late afternoon, that was just a casual thought that momentariy passed through my mind. I should not have said it, because u have used it to blur, obfuscate. Why r u so intent on proving this Londonderry call never happened when Sprint said it did. Is Sprint now a part of an International conspiracy to kidnap and murder Maura. Lauren it was you whom brought up possibilities as to why the time of the actual call was not put in this affidavit and this is what I was replying to. Iam not threatened at all just trying to explain to you my thoughts to your possibilities on what your thought was concerning this affidavit. In a previous posting you did state that Maybe LE asked not to put the exact time down because it was an on going investigation. This was your wording in a previous posting not mine.
Bryantville, MA
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> slight correction, then...they, and others, spoke for Helena. and Fred Murray. FireKitty always made it clear she was informed and speaking for "the family". Snowy I dont know what to say here. Anything I have learned through out the years was passed on to family and PI's with the hopes of finding Maura. To this day I have never revealed the areas that have been searched by us even though it has not sat well with posters. My number one priority is not to please the posters. It is to find out where and what happened to Maura.
Attleboro, MA
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>Lauren it was you whom brought up possibilities as to why the time of the actual call was not put in this affidavit and this is what I was replying to. Iam not threatened at all just trying to explain to you my thoughts to your possibilities on what your thought was concerning this affidavit. In a previous posting you did state that Maybe LE asked not to put the exact time down because it was an on going investigation. This was your wording in a previous posting not mine. I did say that and it could be true but I doubt it. I also wonder why they said "late afternoon." Instead of an exact time. Maybe some technological reason? In my family/friends late afternoon means colloquially up until 6 pm. As in "come over for a glass of wine and conversation late afternoon around 5:30 pm" Anything after 6 pm is early evening in our word usage. Only Sprint can explain why they chose to say late afternoon instead of giving an exact time.
Bryantville, MA
Lauren wrote: <quoted text> I did say that and it could be true but I doubt it. I also wonder why they said "late afternoon." Instead of an exact time. Maybe some technological reason? In my family/friends late afternoon means colloquially up until 6 pm. As in "come over for a glass of wine and conversation late afternoon around 5:30 pm" Anything after 6 pm is early evening in our word usage. Only Sprint can explain why they chose to say late afternoon instead of giving an exact time. You had put things out concerning this affidavit as possibilities as to what your thoughts and opinions were concerning this affidavit and this is what I replied to. You also stated that maybe LE had Sprint put in late afternoon because it was an on going investigation. Remember this is what you stated as a possibility not me. As I have already stated late afternoon could mean around 4 to me and 5 to you. So please dont turn it around like Im trying to make something out of this affidavit when I was only replying to your thoughts of possibilities as to why you said an exact time was possibly not put into a legal document.
Attleboro, MA
citigirl wrote: <quoted text> You had put things out concerning this affidavit as possibilities as to what your thoughts and opinions were concerning this affidavit and this is what I replied to. You also stated that maybe LE had Sprint put in late afternoon because it was an on going investigation. Remember this is what you stated as a possibility not me. As I have already stated late afternoon could mean around 4 to me and 5 to you. So please dont turn it around like Im trying to make something out of this affidavit when I was only replying to your thoughts of possibilities as to why you said an exact time was possibly not put into a legal document. I was agreeing with u !?! I too wonder why they said late afternoon. But it's not a big deal to me! Life goes on. I don't lose sleep over it or wake up every morning crying like Shack does. I said and I'll say it again only Sprint can answer this question. The Londonderry call is just too much of a coincidence for me. For me it hints at a pre-planned meet-up. It's speculation and a gut feeling. But isn't everything here a variation on these themes.
just me
Andover, MN
Doesn't anybody recall what Dawn had to say about that Londonderry ping? As an expert and long time employee for a major cell phone company, she backed it up until she was blue in the face. She claimed it was a red herring. Many have challenged her. But it's here on Topix, to read. I'm just too tired to look further. I tried, but alot of that discussion was erased, deleted. That's why I just don't know. She even went so far as to say that she got a confirmation from Helena via email. Helena asked her, "how did you know" I think this should be looked into. Todd Landry was the one who produced this document and also the one who went to Kathleens home in the summer of 05to get all the car contents back. Everything, including the laptop.
just me
Andover, MN
summer of 04. Todd Landry went to Kathleen's home in 04.
just me
Andover, MN
sophie bean wrote: Once more, information appears to be surfacing - Renner's inquiry, a few things appearing here - and suddenly the "discussion" turns away from potentially useful questions to an argument about personality. Let's shift gears. What in Renner's inquiry seems most relevant to you? What might be relevant? What about a FL investiagtor's insistence that a possible (deceased) suspect in the CT Valley cases is apparently the probably-mythical "Suspect Zero"? What about a former (deceased) "investigator's" inferrences that it was another (unspecified)sort of event? If this is not where people here choose to go with this, I guess I'll just move along. What in Renner's inquiry seems most relevant to you? Well, that Maura was looking up info about the effects of alcohol on a fetus. Mr Renner says it most definately did not relate to any studies she was into at the time. Too tired to elaborate.....just wanted to touch somewhat on all of your questions What might be relevant? That she was trying to get out of the pregnancy, or some kind of jam and either didn't know what to do or was meeting up with someone to discuss it maybe? It could be relevant if the person was married and didn't want any of this in the picture. What about a FL investiagtor's insistence that a possible (deceased) suspect in the CT Valley cases is apparently the probably-mythical "Suspect Zero"? Oh, I don't think she believes that, she just has other things she can pin on this guy and can name all the times he was living, visiting at/near/or around NH and VT. She also continues to look at Rooney as well. What about a former (deceased) "investigator's" inferrences that it was another (unspecified)sort of event? Like some have said, maybe she knew something they didn't. And just a note here, cause I've got to get going, The PI in FL has all the credentials. When she blew the lid off what Beth was trying to do, or doing, she was able to see that Beth had no business in this because she was not what she claimed to be. Maybe Helena knew this, and did not care, and maybe it was all a suprise to her. And I agree, "Silky" was vague. She used to say she flew under the radar. Lastly, because I have those first few emails between Helena and Beth,(and know of 2 others), it WAS Helena who sought Beth out. The things Beth had to say about this person and that person, and the way she said it, worded it, must have really been impressive. Helena told me she didn't really know what to think when she first met Beth. But they became team leaders, for lack of a better word. It doesn't really matter much now to discuss theses two people any longer and I really should stress it's just my opinion.
just me
Andover, MN
citigir wrote: <quoted text>As I have stated before I have a problem with this affidavit because there is no specific time mentioned in it. You had put out as a possibillity that maybe LE asked not to put the time in because it was an on going investigation? This document was supposedly under oath and with what you implied to me. What you are stating is that in a legal document one may withhold true facts.So with this why bother getting an affidavit if the facts are falsified to the exact time because LE has asked to change things because this is an on going investigation? Then if this were the case I would consider this document null and void because LE cannot dictate under oath what should and should not be put in a legal document. Some say this information was intentionally leaked, or that it was planted. But then they wonder why it would be planted, having come from sealed police documents, and also wonder why it never made it to the news people. While looking for more info on this I saw some even thought it was put out there to intimidate someone in the Londonderry area (22mile radious). I like the idea of of two people traveling in tandom. One taking I93, and one taking the other magor some point the call is put out to Maura's phone and she does not answer it, because ahe cannot hear it. I'm only guessing here that Maura would have the charger hooked up to her phone as she drove. But it could have already been charged. Either way, the call cannot come through. Sharon had the cell records and could only see calls that actually made a connection. The pings are different in that only the towers would know such a thing. It doesn't show up on the bill. Point being that Sharon says people did try calling Maura right away, only to be sent to voice mail. This is an afterthought to me now. Could Maura have been updating her cellphone in an area along the way, say, a gas station or rest area? When I go to Duluth or AZ or FL or wherever, I have to call that number to make contact with new ce3ll towers better with the new area that I am in. So I wonder if this could be figured in somehow to explain the ping.
Stockholm, Sweden
just me wrote: Doesn't anybody recall what Dawn had to say about that Londonderry ping? As an expert and long time employee for a major cell phone company, she backed it up until she was blue in the face. She claimed it was a red herring. Many have challenged her. But it's here on Topix, to read. I'm just too tired to look further. I tried, but alot of that discussion was erased, deleted. That's why I just don't know. She even went so far as to say that she got a confirmation from Helena via email. Helena asked her, "how did you know" I think this should be looked into. Todd Landry was the one who produced this document and also the one who went to Kathleens home in the summer of 05to get all the car contents back. Everything, including the laptop. A post by Dawn on the "londonderry call" "To know a call came from that tower - first we need to know who called her ? and then subpeona their cell company - trace their pings and see where they were. Buy a lottery ticket you have a better chance... NO WAY LE had this information.. I would everything I own on it Has anyone researched this ? Please - try to prove me wrong.......... Sorry but I have said it soooooooooooo many times. This information was fed to us is false."
just me
Andover, MN
Citygirl, do you happen to know if people really did start looking for Maura at UMASS on Monday night? Requesting security so they could have alook in her room? Do you know if this is true? I think it might help Mr Mrenner to know this.
just me
Andover, MN
Does anyone else recall that when Sharon and Billy arrived, not sure if Fred was in the room, but Sharon says she went to get her notebook and was stopped by an officer. He said she would get copies of the meeting, which she never did. But what's important here, is that police said they thought that Fred had been driving the Saturn that night. That perhaps he just left his car sit like some snowmobilers do. I wonder why they would say that, since I have no reason to doubt what Sharon had to say. They had already wondered if Maura had shown at the Cottage, and/or Twin Mountain, loon mountain, and put out the second bolo by that time.
just me
Andover, MN
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> A post by Dawn on the "londonderry call" "To know a call came from that tower - first we need to know who called her ? and then subpeona their cell company - trace their pings and see where they were. Buy a lottery ticket you have a better chance... NO WAY LE had this information.. I would everything I own on it Has anyone researched this ? Please - try to prove me wrong.......... Sorry but I have said it soooooooooooo many times. This information was fed to us is false." Thank you hannah_b. This is just one of many, many posts that Dawn so patiently made in an attempt to help us know how cell pings work. She offered up the help of a higher up technician even. She definately knows her stuff, which was greek to me.