Gouverneur, NY
FrmLE said: "But why hasn't the body been found?" Consider the distance he transported P. Webb's from eastern NH/ME border to Franconia, off Route 3. He loves travel, spends hours behind the wheel. Truck driver? No? I agree, no. Has been practicing his art on both sides of the VT-NH border now for several years? Talk about using one's skills-set. Of course, he went a bit overboard with the way he left P. Webb's body? Possibly he may have had more time that day? No, this was the result of several years of practicing his art. Morbid, but sort of naturally happens after years of being allowed to practice his art, it sort of evolves? Yes. Come on Bill, Wowzer, jump on this one? He's adept at clean-up if we consider the lack of clues. Most bodies have been found by accident. This was even true in Mrs. O's case? Yes. It is nothing for this guy to cruise Grafton and Coos counties, slip across the border even for a 50 or 90 mile trip. He's quite the naturalist? Morbidly so? Yes.
Gouverneur, NY
Louise C, Maura M, Brianna M, Pamela W and a few of the others would have been the best of friends had they met. Add Lollie W to that list as well. They had much in common in terms of being independent, their love of the out-of-doors, kyacking, canoeing, camping, hiking. If seated around a campfire, they would have loved listening to one of those silly moose stories, especially Maura. They obviously were exceptional individuals.
Vero Beach, FL
What?? What the heck are you trying to say Aftermath? Speak slowly.
And please if you are going to use my quote, use it in the context I wrote it, not the opposite. Thats tacky.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
aftermath wrote: Louise C, Maura M, Brianna M, Pamela W and a few of the others would have been the best of friends had they met. Add Lollie W to that list as well. They had much in common in terms of being independent, their love of the out-of-doors, kyacking, canoeing, camping, hiking. If seated around a campfire, they would have loved listening to one of those silly moose stories, especially Maura. They obviously were exceptional individuals. How do you KNOW they would have been the best of friends? How do you KNOW they had much in common? How do you KNOW they would have loved listening to moose stories? Either your imagination runs wild, your the person you have described so well in previous posts or you are just totally full of BS. I'm betting on the last.
Gouverneur, NY
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> I recall reading they flew over an area of disturbance in the snow. mcsmom, Take care about what you recall. Someone has removed several of the photos of Brianna's car. Some remain. It is interesting to see the photos they removed. For some reason they evidentally prefer that people do not see certain section of the car? A lot of information that initially appeared on various sites has disappeared.
Amherst, MA
Where was the Corolla parked Saturday night while Maura was hanging out with friends, after her father had returned to his motel room? Not many parking spaces for cars directly in the SW dorm area. Possibly the Corolla was parked across from SW on University Dr? There could not have been a parking sticker on the car, although it is possible a visitor's sticker was acquired (but doubtful). So where is it likely the Corolla was parked for, what, a few hours? Did Maura go the motel because she felt unsafe in Kennedy? Unless prior arrangements were made, the night auditor would have seen the tow truck drop off the Corolla and would have seen Maura enter the motel (inside room doors, no outside doors). He would have asked her what she wanted, having come in with a crashed car so late at night/early in the AM. The night auditor would not simply have let Maura walk through the hallways without speaking to her.
Gouverneur, NY
FrmLE wrote: What?? What the heck are you trying to say Aftermath? Speak slowly. And please if you are going to use my quote, use it in the context I wrote it, not the opposite. Thats tacky. FrmLE, You are correct. I stand corrected. Please forgive me, but I ran out of ice.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
aftermath wrote: FrmLE said: "But why hasn't the body been found?" Consider the distance he transported P. Webb's from eastern NH/ME border to Franconia, off Route 3. He loves travel, spends hours behind the wheel. Truck driver? No? I agree, no. Has been practicing his art on both sides of the VT-NH border now for several years? Talk about using one's skills-set. Of course, he went a bit overboard with the way he left P. Webb's body? Possibly he may have had more time that day? No, this was the result of several years of practicing his art. Morbid, but sort of naturally happens after years of being allowed to practice his art, it sort of evolves? Yes. Come on Bill, Wowzer, jump on this one? He's adept at clean-up if we consider the lack of clues. Most bodies have been found by accident. This was even true in Mrs. O's case? Yes. It is nothing for this guy to cruise Grafton and Coos counties, slip across the border even for a 50 or 90 mile trip. He's quite the naturalist? Morbidly so? Yes. Love the way you write something as a fact and then throw a question mark after it. Good trick. Sorry I can't jump on it. I try to keep my imagination in check and think that making up morbid stories are idiodic.
Amherst, MA
FrmLE wrote: What?? What the heck are you trying to say Aftermath? Speak slowly. And please if you are going to use my quote, use it in the context I wrote it, not the opposite. Thats tacky. Aftermath's probably recalling the guy that drove the tanker truck that delivered the chlorine dioxide to the well fields. Such as the well field exactly next to the beach at Comins Pond in Warren MA where Molly Bish disappeared from; the water supply district in Mountain Lakes (where I've seen him rest before delivery at the Wells River truck stop); and the well field that is virtually part of the cross country track that Lindsay Ferguson was running on before she was abducted from the parking lot at Saratoga Springs High School. Same driver, is what aftermath is saying. Bringing the same chlorine dioxide. Which IIRC Chemtura manufactures in Memphis TN. Chemtura is an outgrowth/spinoff ultimately of the old U.S. Rubber, based where John Regan grew up and lived. Regan proved to police that he could not have been the guy who kidnapped Molly Bish because he was all the way over in Sturbridge MA, about 15-20 minutes away from Warren. I'd say maybe Regan was waiting for the guy who kidnapped Bish. Then, in Saratoga Springs, they traded places because Regan had absolutely no where to take Ferguson without some help waiting for him. But Regan got caught and kept his mouth shut. So it's simple, Regan and his buddy should be considered in this case. This is not a lone serial killer. It's a two-man operation. At least at first.
Gouverneur, NY
Wowzer, If you love this, then I bet you'd go hog wild over some of Snowy's "true facts." She just about sent me over the edge. Talk about laughter, tears. She's a trip. Truly.
Amherst, MA
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> FrmLE, You are correct. I stand corrected. Please forgive me, but I ran out of ice. Come on, the Walmart just down at Mtn. Farms Mall sells ice and it's open till ten. No excuse.
Amherst, MA
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>Come on, the Walmart just down at Mtn. Farms Mall sells ice and it's open till ten. No excuse. Or that liquor store right in front that sells two skinny girls for $20 is probably open till eleven. Really, right on the sign out front. "Two Skinny Girls -$20" The laws of supply and demand work in mysterious ways.
Amherst, MA
aftermath wrote: Wowzer, If you love this, then I bet you'd go hog wild over some of Snowy's "true facts." She just about sent me over the edge. Talk about laughter, tears. She's a trip. Truly. Wowzer, Snowy, and Billie are a twin sister. Stop insulting her.
Gouverneur, NY
Beagle wrote: Where was the Corolla parked Saturday night while Maura was hanging out with friends, after her father had returned to his motel room? Not many parking spaces for cars directly in the SW dorm area. Possibly the Corolla was parked across from SW on University Dr? There could not have been a parking sticker on the car, although it is possible a visitor's sticker was acquired (but doubtful). So where is it likely the Corolla was parked for, what, a few hours? Did Maura go the motel because she felt unsafe in Kennedy? Unless prior arrangements were made, the night auditor would have seen the tow truck drop off the Corolla and would have seen Maura enter the motel (inside room doors, no outside doors). He would have asked her what she wanted, having come in with a crashed car so late at night/early in the AM. The night auditor would not simply have let Maura walk through the hallways without speaking to her. Beagle, Several of us were chatting down at Needham and concluded there has been far too much focus on the Corolla and not enough exploration of the Boston-Wakefield-Bartlett connection? part-time jobs; student; calls Wakefield; someone headed toward Vt possible north of Wakefield returns her call same day???? Same day she disappears? What's THAT about? Was the magic credibility wand waved too soon? Think about this one. Let's try something new: Boston-Wakefield-Bartlett connection? This won't solve this case, but it may give you a bit of what America loves best? Oh yes.
Hebron, CT
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Where did you read that? First I've heard of it. Must not have turned out to be of any importance or someone would have heard about it. Most likely it was deer pawing under apple or oak trees for food. Interesting theory.......... It was important enough to have been reported to the media.
Gouverneur, NY
Correction regarding previous note: "someone headed toward NH possibly north of Wakefield" These calls should have served as a "wake-up" call (sorry, but could not resist that).
Amherst, MA
Two women have contacted me indirectly; the landlord of the building one of them works in has contacted me indirectly; a retired state police detective who knows and has worked for the landlord has talked to me (not the Target store one); and a lawyer who also works in the building owned by the landlord that the retired detective worked for. All of them about Maura Murray. That's five people, all connected to human reproduction, same building that houses Birthright, an anti-abortion group that advocates adoption, which is strongly supported by an officer of the company that owns the Amherst Motel, which caused Det. Columbo to squeal when I visited it 3/2009, which motel property was originally owned by the same guy who owned the place where the woman and lawyer worked next to Birthright and which motel company has as one of its officers the husband of the recent Hampshire/Franklin DA both of whom are strong supporters of adoption (Umass Center for Adoption Research) and all these people know each other and the place where the two women and the lawyer and Birthright and a Birthright-connected gallery are located is within about a hundred or so feet of where Vasi was hit. Just sayin'
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
aftermath wrote: Wowzer, If you love this, then I bet you'd go hog wild over some of Snowy's "true facts." She just about sent me over the edge. Talk about laughter, tears. She's a trip. Truly. As you probably have realized by now snowy has been on BS patrol for some time along with a few others. I can't tell you how many shovels have been broken (a few just on you) trying to keep the BS in check. It's a nasty job but someone has to do it. Glad you enjoyed some laughter and tears. That's what I love about this site, it's so entertaining.
Gouverneur, NY
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>Come on, the Walmart just down at Mtn. Farms Mall sells ice and it's open till ten. No excuse. Yes? Most of that bagged stuff is horrible, has horrendous after-taste. Ice maker is on the blink again. Will have to call repairman. He may as well move in. Good ice can be costly it seems.
Gouverneur, NY
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> Wowzer, Snowy, and Billie are a twin sister. Stop insulting her. Beagle, Somehow cannot envision Wowzer and Billie wrapping presents. Snowy? She's a different story. Most likely up to her ears in wrapping paper and bows. She's a delightful mix to this website even though she spends far too much time eliciting approval from the bad boys Billie and Wowzer.