Could you please put a link to it because I honestly didn't see it or hear about it. What media?<quoted text>
Interesting theory..........
It was important enough to have been reported to the media.
Maura Murray
Posted in the Franconia Forum

Comments (Page 324)
“"Dancing with wolves"” ![]() Since: Oct 10
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So from all this one might surmise that Maura was talking to someone at Birthright. And that maybe her safety was also jeopardized, so maybe she was talking to someone at UMass or Safe Passage or a similar group. Maybe she already had a safety plan in place. Maybe it worked really well. And maybe it failed.
But why do so many different kinds of people want to call me on the phone, knock on my door, vandalize my backyard, send me enigmatic emails, spread rumors to the police, and engage in other very intimidating and unusual behavior toward me? I just plain old do not get it. I never knew or knowingly had any kind of contact with Maura Murray. I did not kidnap, harm, kill, or help anyone else commit any kind of crime against her. And yet, in May 2011, there is the original Hadley MA PI on the Maura Murray case asking me if I killed her, a question he would only have asked if he thought the answer might have been yes. But it wasn't. And it never will be. Getting older is getting very old. It's very hard to see the point some days. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ooohhh..So your the janitor??...Doin a lousy job. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 4 If you bothered to actually research Maura's disappearance, you would know that the Wakefield call is no mystery. Everybody but you probably knows who she called in Wakefield. |
“"Dancing with wolves"” ![]() Since: Oct 10
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Judged: ![]() 1 I think you hit the nail on the head. I never thought of that but I bet your theory of the love child is the most valid one IMO. I saw one in Woodsville WalMart once. Cute little bugger with big brown eyes and the cutest little hairy arms and legs. Sassy probably keeps his harem in his cave on black mountain. |
Uppsala, Sweden |
Some time ago I posted a few lines about the theoretical possibility of a theoretical link between the rag found stuffed into the tailpipe of Mauraīs car and the container/bottle/vessel smelling vaguely of alcohol that Haverhill police officer Cecil Smith found under Mauraīs Saturn after it had been towed away from its resting place on Rte 112.
I was asking whether anybody here could see some kind of possible connection between the rag in the tailpipe and the alcohol-smelling container found beneath Mauraīs car. I havenīt seen any suggestions posted, so here it goes then: Would it be at all feasible that Maura was subdued by a passing motorist by having an ether/chloroform rag pressed to her face? Yes, I know that this might seem melodramatic in the extreme, but in theory this could conceivably be a possible link between the by most accounts quite clean cloth/rag pushed into the tailpipe of the Saturn and that alcohol-smelling fluid found beneath the car? Am I being completely fancyful here? Some ideas, please! |
Since: Dec 11
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Somebody somewhere knows something about the evening Maura disappeared. Someone came home late or not at all and proffered a seemingly legitimate explanation that never sat right with their significant other. An employee was unusually late for work on February 10th or 11th, 2004. A vehicle was fastidiously scrubbed clean. A chainsaw was borrowed. A spouse had an unaccounted for absence. Could hypnosis could help a witness remember a licence plate? How much money would it take for you to go to LE with possibly incriminating information on a friend, a co-worker or a loved one? |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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Why jam it into the exhaust? Why not take it with them? Ether is short acting. What if they needed to use it again? The alcohol smelling liquid was found in a cup if I remember correctly. Wouldn't it be more likely that it was alcohol since it smelled like alcohol and was in a cup? Ether/Chloroform don't smell like alcohol. I had Chloroform as a child for surgery. Carb starter/cleaner has ether in it. As I remember, neither smells like alcohol. Bill |
“"Dancing with wolves"” ![]() Since: Oct 10
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If I knew something it wouldn't take even a penny for me to come forward. But there isn't even any evidence that a crime was committed. For all we know she could be living a new life somewhere. Can you say positively that a crime was committed. I can't. |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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I should also point out that ether is not nearly as easy to use as depicted in the movies. Especially on someone who would be struggling. It had a tendency in operating rooms, a very controlled environment, to put the anesthesiologist to sleep and was very difficult to use the correct amount to keep the patient asleep and not gag or choke them. Ether is caustic, which is why it is used for cleaning metal and it is highly explosive. I don't know for sure (I am sure a quick Google search would tell) but I don't think they don't use chloroform anymore for surgery either.
Bill |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 If you bothered to actually research Maura's disappearance, you would know that the Wakefield call is no mystery. Everybody but you probably knows who she called in Wakefield. oo00oo, I researched but unfortunately it is this good habit of mine to think beyond what I read. Beyond research. Yes. Proud to say I'm not influenced by the credibility wand, which some wave too quickly. We have a young woman inquiring about a condo she could not possibly afford. Many have been stymied by this. A student with two part-time jobs affording a condo? They make a good point. What if she did inquire about a condo but that had not been the purpose of her call? Beagle? Got some ideas on this one? Let's provide ooOOoo some options to consider. Once more: What if she did inquire about a condo but that had not been the purpose of her call? |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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Judged: ![]() 1 I'm sorry. Could you explain how NOT letting credibility influence the thought process is an advantage? Bill |
I'm trying real hard to remember the guys name. He used ether on a woman named Michelle. She needed to use his cellphone and he followed her out of the bar. I think his vehicle was a jeep. A red jeep. They found her body a few days later and had the video of him coming out to help break the case. This guy was later said to "knock" some family member out with his ether rag for his own pleasures. The girl woke up during one of those times and told her mom. When his name was a big deal and plastered all over the internet, I looked him up. He had been divorced on Feb 04 of the previous year, and had lived in NH. I had mentioned maybe he was driving around NH looking for his x wife, her car, something and may have been in NH at the time, but who knows. When this Michelle woman fell victim to him, it was year 2005 I think. |
The alcohol was found in a pop bottle. I hope they tested the bottle for Maura's DNA, to be sure that she drank out of it. They say the pop bottle is still in the car. I think MR Renner told us this.
Please be advised not to place too much money in the pot. Imagination? Yes. Fortunately. All of those women had excellent imaginations as well. And Wowzer, believe me, they would have loved a silly moose story, especially Maura. They loved nature, they were sensitive. Maura taking her favorite stuffed animal along with her for a few days for company and support. She and the others would have told you that imagination is wonderful. |
It was year 2006, and the footage was from a jewelry store camera. An outside camera. |
People are waking up. Very good.
WTH, Please be more attentive in your reading. I wrote: I'm not influenced by the credibility wand.(Please note "credibility wand"). Go back to that phone call about the condo and ask the question why would a person be inquiring about a condo if she actually had no interest in one. Many had questioned why she had been interested in a condo. Many questioned how she could afford a condo. She certainly would have had a lengthy drive from Bartlett to Amherst to attend classes. Undoubtedly she had every intention of returning to classes and work at Amherst or she would not have bothered providing supervisors and faculty with an excuse for her absence. So given the above information, why would a person be calling about a condo if she had no interest in one? Let's consider the possibilities based on her actually having called and inquired about a condo. |
It is possible that somebody somewhere knows something.... However in my opinion it is much much more likely that the only person who knows what happened that evening (Maura) is dead and therefore isn't talking. I see this time and time again how people who watch alot of crime TV make the assumption that because her body has not been found that SHE MUST HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED OR MURDERED. The truth is that the most likely scenario is that she walked into those woods on her own free will for reasons that only she knew, succumbed to the elements and died alone. It is very sad, however that is the absolute most likely scenario in this case. For everyone who says "But she must have been murdered/kidnapped otherwise we would have found the body", you are just plain wrong. In that area of the woods, where she could have gotten on her own two feet, the likelyhood of finding her body is so remote it can't even be calculated. She is somewhere in those Mountains, in my opinion. |
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