Alburg, VT
Cpl McKays friend wrote: <quoted text>You doubt he was mad, most parents would be pissed if their child was involved in accidents while drunk, or arrested for driving while drunk. I don't care how much insurance you carry if you make to many claims the insurance company will drop you. I am well aware of her plan to marry Billy but it doesn't mean that Fred didn't possibly molest his daughter at some point in her life or have a consentual relationship with him. My expressed opinion ios no more libelous than views you and others have posted about people including SBD, Floyd, Cpl. McKay and their alleged involvement. Maura was nt in an accident driving drunk. There were never any charges filed. I was going to ask you who Floyd was and then I realize you were a friend of Cpl. McKay. Since you were a friend of his, I am curious why , although on duty the night of Mauras disappearance, he was off at a motel with no further explanation. Maybe you can help clear that up. Did he make any official report concerning Maura, since he was in the area? I have read that SP Monahan had no official report either. Just wondering, with two LE in the area, what they may ha ve seen or reported.
Since: Dec 06
Location hidden
Anne wrote: <quoted text> She was in love with Billy and planned to be married. I dont think this is entirely true. A lot of Maura's actions leading up to her dissapearence could be explained by having a guy on the side.
Since: Oct 09
Rural N.H.
Lost and not found wrote: Her scent and tracks ended 100 yards from the crash site. Hmmmmmmmm, must have gotten a ride!!And probably not by a 'stranger'. DUH the same thing happened to the woman from NH that was found dead off the Maine pike. The dogs lost her scent on the other side of the road, they said she got a ride NOT!! She was found dead 1/4 mile from her car, same side of the road, dead from HYPOTHERMIA!
Since: Oct 09
Rural N.H.
Once again, Maura was obviously upset, she wrecked daddy's car, she is an overachiever and also a bulimic. Most Bulimic suffer from low self esteem, thus the striving to prove herself = overachiever. She now heads to NH to get some private time and clear her head. She has obviously been drinking, open container at least which is a violation and she must know that. She now wrecks the second car in what 3 days! She doesn't want the police called, because she knows she is in TROUBLE! She must know that someone is going to call the police and perhaps she hears the cruiser running code in the distance. She does what MANY college kids and adults do, she FLEES THE SCENE! She now feels like more than a total loser, she left with sleeping pills and booze. Obviously she may have been suffering from sleep deprivation as well. Put all these things together and you may well have a suicidal girl. She may not have been thinking about it when she left Mass. but after her second accident with an open container, all bets are off. Having been in charge of my own squadron in the USAF, I had to deal with quite a few young kids that left home for the first time, I was given training to look for the signs of depression and possible suicide. We had kids kill themselves over ridiculous things that in their mind was of such enormity that they over reacted. Alcohol, fatigue, emotions EQUAL DISASTER! And some people become very emotional, very easily, especially when exhausted or fueled by alcohol. The dogs lost her scent, well no surprise here. The dogs were brought in what 2 days later and a glove was used that wasn't even certain she wore! Then they use an air scent dog instead of a ground scent dog. I think if anyone is suspicious its the contractor who's story changed. First he was home watching TV when the accident happened, then weeks later he claims he saw someone running on rt.112 easterly about 4-5 miles from the accident. Then he says he wasn't aware of the accident, yet he lives right there! Even if he had worked that evening, there is no way he could have missed the commotion and vehicles. yet he claimed he wasn't aware of it. Either has no concept of dates and times, or he needs to be questioned further. He was only questioned as a witness from what I have read. Either way you look at his story, something doesn't fit, how the hell could he not been aware of the accident.
Alburg, VT
menards wrote: <quoted text> I dont think this is entirely true. A lot of Maura's actions leading up to her dissapearence could be explained by having a guy on the side. Maura spent her xmas holiday with Billy and family and they attest to their love. I know all is possible although the clincher is the last email to Billy, in my opinion.
K-9 handler
Wells, ME
Open thy eyes and they will see.
Minneapolis, MN
menards wrote: Why was she driving back to her dads hotel room at 3 in the morning? <quoted text> To hang out, maybe run before breakfast and the earliest start for looking at cars. She had one picked out, maybe she thought she could get hinm to buy it for her sooner.
Minneapolis, MN
Anne wrote: <quoted text>Maura spent her xmas holiday with Billy and family and they attest to their love. I know all is possible although the clincher is the last email to Billy, in my opinion. They also said she was quiet over holiday, not her usual bubbly self at times. As for the email, I took it to read hey hey stud, i love you too but honestly, i didn't want to talk to much of anyone......meaning, not even him. But she promises to call later on that day, Dad too and calls neither. Maybe there was something to go clear up, get rid of, settle up on, and if not for her, for someone else. Maura loved Billy and the first impression is the one everyone likely stuck with. The girl who loves Billy, the one my son loves dearly, she hasn't changed. There were some hard times in 2001,(maybe when she was leaving West Point) But they got through it and talked about marriage. She was in with a UMASS group of people now. Long gone were those days at West Point when they met and spent some together. Maybe a whole different league, even falling away from everything there. She had a new mindset while planning things out with Billy. But there were mostly all different people in their circle now, seeing Billy less and less.
Hamilton, Bermuda
NHwoodshome wrote: <quoted text> DUH the same thing happened to the woman from NH that was found dead off the Maine pike. The dogs lost her scent on the other side of the road, they said she got a ride NOT!! She was found dead 1/4 mile from her car, same side of the road, dead from HYPOTHERMIA! Um, the official cause of death has NOT been released to the public since the first round of articles were they said they were awaiting autopsy reports. Did you order a death certificate? Otherwise, it was NEVER released so you can't assume it was hypothermia unless you saw the certificate.
flip flop
Atlanta, GA
Hamilton, Bermuda
| ... Last article written about her that I am able to find. Please see section "She apparently died of hypothermia, police said, but the state medical examiner in Augusta conducted an autopsy of Rogers' body Monday and did not release an official cause of death, saying the results were "pending further study." We haven't seen anything since this article to give an update. It could be because family want to keep it private, but just understand saying she died of hypothermia implies you have seen the death certificate.
flip flop
United States
flip flop
United States
Lost and not found
United States
NHwoodshome wrote: Once again, Maura was obviously upset, she wrecked daddy's car, she is an overachiever and also a bulimic. Most Bulimic suffer from low self esteem, thus the striving to prove herself = overachiever. She now heads to NH to get some private time and clear her head. She has obviously been drinking, open container at least which is a violation and she must know that. She now wrecks the second car in what 3 days! She doesn't want the police called, because she knows she is in TROUBLE! She must know that someone is going to call the police and perhaps she hears the cruiser running code in the distance. She does what MANY college kids and adults do, she FLEES THE SCENE! She now feels like more than a total loser, she left with sleeping pills and booze. Obviously she may have been suffering from sleep deprivation as well. Put all these things together and you may well have a suicidal girl. She may not have been thinking about it when she left Mass. but after her second accident with an open container, all bets are off. Having been in charge of my own squadron in the USAF, I had to deal with quite a few young kids that left home for the first time, I was given training to look for the signs of depression and possible suicide. We had kids kill themselves over ridiculous things that in their mind was of such enormity that they over reacted. Alcohol, fatigue, emotions EQUAL DISASTER! And some people become very emotional, very easily, especially when exhausted or fueled by alcohol. The dogs lost her scent, well no surprise here. The dogs were brought in what 2 days later and a glove was used that wasn't even certain she wore! Then they use an air scent dog instead of a ground scent dog. I think if anyone is suspicious its the contractor who's story changed. First he was home watching TV when the accident happened, then weeks later he claims he saw someone running on rt.112 easterly about 4-5 miles from the accident. Then he says he wasn't aware of the accident, yet he lives right there! Even if he had worked that evening, there is no way he could have missed the commotion and vehicles. yet he claimed he wasn't aware of it. Either has no concept of dates and times, or he needs to be questioned further. He was only questioned as a witness from what I have read. Either way you look at his story, something doesn't fit, how the hell could he not been aware of the accident. Actually several area residents were unaware of the accident and didn't know of it until authorities approached the homes seeking information.
Flemington, NJ
And there is no evidence of any sort that Maura was ever bulimic. That is a rumour, and simply untrue. Also? There is no such thing as "obvious evidence" that someone has been drinking if that someone is missing. The only "obvious evidence" that someone has been drinking is a drunk person. Would that there WERE obvious evidence that Maura was drinking at the scene, because that means she would be here.
Flemington, NJ
More rereading: you mention "a second accident involving an open container." What was the first accident involving an open container? The accident in Amherst? ALCOHOL WAS NOT CITED AS BEING INVOLVED. Trust me, in a college town an open container of alcohol would have been mentioned, had their been one. Do you have information regarding a first accident in Woodsville/Haverhill that night, as has been theorized?
Minneapolis, MN
Anne wrote: <quoted text> Their relationship has been detailed by both families. On Discovery, Sharon said the family was aware there could be another man.
Minneapolis, MN
and that's what I mean. Sometimes people stay in their own areas for friendship, relationships, etc,. It was called a difficult relationship by many, with them studying & living so far apart. Billy said on Discovery that Maura must have been calling her room on that last see if he had called her back yet. Sounds to me he saw the cell bill, and the last call was to her dormroom. That was 4:30, she drove away at 4:30 After buying the goods and having some money, she either brought the drink mixes to someone or had them with her for the several days away. Army wife knew Billy and posted from Fort Sill. I wonder who could find her info quickest?
Since: Oct 09
Rural N.H.
Sara wrote: <quoted text> Um, the official cause of death has NOT been released to the public since the first round of articles were they said they were awaiting autopsy reports. Did you order a death certificate? Otherwise, it was NEVER released so you can't assume it was hypothermia unless you saw the certificate. The news ( Huffington post ) quoted preliminary reports as hypothermia. Also my pick is with the dogs losing the scent, if she was abducted into a car I find it hard to believe they would drive ALL the way to an exit with a toll booth, turn around and bring to within a 1/4 mile of her car and dump her. This woman had a severe mental condition and it appears this may have resulted in her bizarre actions that led to her death.
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