K-9 handler
Wells, ME
Since: Oct 10
Hamilton, Bermuda
I went ahead and made myself an account.
Since: Oct 10
Hamilton, Bermuda
I have an account now,so regardless of my ip, I am Sara from Bermuda.
Everett, WA
Wowzer wrote: <quoted text>I told you I had Wowzer first. go jump in a lake. there is only one wowzer.
Everett, WA
I am at home so now.. i am posting from everett - north of seattle. actually in snohomish.. any who.. who hijacked the forum? givemeabrk? spells the moniker differently and the typing is different.. mine is horrible - as we allknow so i remember those that can do it the right way.. I have gvmebrk's email and the one you posted is NOT it. and you have the wrong name to boot. and gvmeabrk - knows how to reach me.......... she has not emailed me. not to mention she has not been around since things went sideways.. I think it is really crappy to pretend to be someone your not.
Harry Balls
United States
dawn wrote: <quoted text> go jump in a lake. there is only one wowzer. Are you the Dawn that works the stripper joint?
K-9 handler wrote: call me mommy...... mommymommymommyhahahah
Since: Oct 10
Hamilton, Bermuda
Probably the same troll that hijacked last time. I think he came from the Bad Blood conversation.
Harry Balls
United States
Sara-Bermuda wrote: Probably the same troll that hijacked last time. I think he came from the Bad Blood conversation. who dat?
Since: Sep 07
Location hidden
Sara-Bermuda and Dawn indeed it is the same troll from the Bad Blood discussion. The person believes that WTF-the-Original is a person banned from another forum they pull the same childish nonsense in.
Jake the Snake
United States
Lower Slower Delaware wrote: Sara-Bermuda and Dawn indeed it is the same troll from the Bad Blood discussion. The person believes that WTF-the-Original is a person banned from another forum they pull the same childish nonsense in. We know who you are and have your information.
Since: Jan 09
Holyoke, MA
hannah_b wrote: Anyone care to discuss Maura´s case? Yes, I would......any new developments? Do you think the bus driver did it??
Since: Jan 09
Holyoke, MA
whiston wrote: Where did Maura Murray vanish to. Do you think the MAura Murray case will ever be solved? Do you think the school bus driver was involved? I read that he is deceased/ or maybe a fake police officer picked her up and kidnapped her.......
Big Bill
United States
I think the butler did it.
Nabb, IN
lets discuss this seriously . y dont we all make an agreement to write \email nancy grace the same day and same time about maura? lets get this case on the media again!!!lets do it seriously!!!
Nabb, IN
if we all email nancy grace tonight maybe by monday we will hear something hopefully. i think we can get it back in thee media.
Shreveport, LA
well i emailed nancy grace and john from AMW about bringing the case back to the media. so maybe if everyone in this forum will do the same as soon as possible they will bring this case back on tv!!!
Shreveport, LA
also evryone who goes ahead and emails nancy and john post on here that you have done so
just me___paris
United States
Snowy wrote: using multiple monikers is one level of deceit..... I get tired of calling myself "Paris" and go back to "just me" from time to time. Nothing deceitful here. I'm really the only one as far as I know that posts from MN. SOM did and Petrit's came across as MN, but he lives in MA. There's really nothing much to do with Maura Murray going on here,(try as we may) and I wonder what the real purpose is. "Dodging" around isn't working at all.
just me___paris
United States
Oh yeah, ScooterD lives in MN, but hasn't posted for about a year.