Hebron, CT
If Maura had been drinking from the bottle found underneath the car, the one Smith described as red alcohol smelling liquid, then IMO the dog would have picked up her scent on the side of the road. Reportedly, the dog picked up the scent in the middle of the road, and ended with a scent break in the middle of the road. If that's the case then maybe the gloves were not Maura's. Wouldn't the dog have alerted in the area that Maura had reportedly gotten out of the car if the dog was sniffing the same scent as the gloves?
Calypso Soldier
Bangor, ME
noun \kəm-ˈper- ə-sən,-& #712;pa-rə-\
Definition of COMPARISON
1 : the act or process of comparing: as a : the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another b : an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities <his faults seem minor by comparison>
2 : identity of features : similarity <several points of comparison between the two>
WW, just out of curiosity - how did you get to know about the existence of that document, the so called Landry affidavit, in the file at the court house? I´m sure it has been said before, but it would be a good thing to not have any misunderstandings concerning this.
Calypso Soldier
Bangor, ME
WTF Where I saw the car is not of importance. I saw the car in person. Yes I did inspect the car. To what degree I inspected it lead me to believe the car had not hit a tree or trees. And I still believe this to be true and nothing You or anyone else says will change My mind. The car was unsecured by police @ the time and was "the possession of Fred Murray. Please note I said "POSSESSION". LE had turned the car over to Him at this point, but it remained with Lavoie's for some time. Yes I am implying that LE brought Family to the sight and showed them the scene. Bill...Have you seen the car in person, up close, 360 degrees. That is it. Calvin
Lady Gray
Austin, TX
Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text> It isn’t what’s inside the car that causes Smith to secure the 112 scene WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Correct, it was the fact that there was likely a crime, someone driving drunk, and that at least one person was missing and possibly in the area. So he did an investigation. That wasn't the first person that ran away from a car after driving drunk. Bill But what was being talked about was how, 6 minutes after arrival, did Sgt Smith know that this was an alcohol impaired driver leaving the scene.....? Uh, he didn't have a driver to conduct a field sobriety test on.....he was responding to SBD's phone call... Smith hadn't viewed the driver driving impaired.... Prior to the vehicle ending up on 112, who witnessed the driver driving impaired? No one saw the driver except SBD who said he didn't think she was intoxicated. And that's assuming that it WAS the driver that SBD spoke with..... The alleged bottle that supposedly had an alcholic odor wasn't even discovered until the vehicle was towed because this said bottle was underneath the car. I totally understand what you're saying..of course it would be a crime scene if it were known that the driver was impaired, but unless Smith is psychic, how could he have known this? It's still confusing after all these years...
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lady Gray wrote: Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text> It isn’t what’s inside the car that causes Smith to secure the 112 scene <quoted text> But what was being talked about was how, 6 minutes after arrival, did Sgt Smith know that this was an alcohol impaired driver leaving the scene.....? Uh, he didn't have a driver to conduct a field sobriety test on.....he was responding to SBD's phone call... Smith hadn't viewed the driver driving impaired.... Prior to the vehicle ending up on 112, who witnessed the driver driving impaired? No one saw the driver except SBD who said he didn't think she was intoxicated. And that's assuming that it WAS the driver that SBD spoke with..... The alleged bottle that supposedly had an alcholic odor wasn't even discovered until the vehicle was towed because this said bottle was underneath the car. I totally understand what you're saying..of course it would be a crime scene if it were known that the driver was impaired, but unless Smith is psychic, how could he have known this? It's still confusing after all these years... I don't know if he looked in the car and had seen the splashed red liquid. He might have. I will say it again. In ten years as an emergency worker, I have never seen anyone in a car accident run from the car after the crash unless they were either inebriated or high. I would expect that the fact she wasn't at the scene of the crash would cause him to to try to find the person (protect and serve) and to investigate the why and I would suspect that even without seeing the bottle or the splashed liquid, he would suspect the why, but always keep an open mind. Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text>There's no proof of this, Bill. LG, even Maura's family has conceded that Maura was likely drinking. Why is that so hard for you to accept? Bill
United States
Hi all,i still do not get why a search warrant was reportedly requested by sgt. Smith for ,as far as he knew,an abandoned car.Even if he suspected a drunk driver had abandoned the car could he have asked a judge for a search warrant and received it without more than a hunch.If a search warrant was requested what good would it do in court if the car was not secured, unless it was searched that night.How does the chain of custody work in N.H.take care philip
Hebron, CT
I was just comparing the discrepancies between the GC police logs for the night of Feb 9th. At 0243 (2:43 am Feb 10) H6 wanted to be advised of the time H2 was off at this accident (the Weathered Barn scene) It appears in the police log that was printed on 02/12/04, that Smith (h2) was cleared by Rhonda Marsh at 2050. At the top of the page the time h2 cleared is 21:26:16. That's 36mins 16 secs different. There is also reference to a citation on the 02/12/04 log.
Lady Gray
Austin, TX
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> LG, even Maura's family has conceded that Maura was likely drinking. Why is that so hard for you to accept? Bill It isn't difficult for me to accept...I've just never seen proof that it was Maura Murray....driving that that place. I meant to post what Sharon had said about the alleged bottle with an alcoholic odor; however, I left it at work so it won't be posted tonight. It's been interesting, for me at least, to read back over a lot of her postings.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
mcsmom wrote: I was just comparing the discrepancies between the GC police logs for the night of Feb 9th. At 0243 (2:43 am Feb 10) H6 wanted to be advised of the time H2 was off at this accident (the Weathered Barn scene) It appears in the police log that was printed on 02/12/04, that Smith (h2) was cleared by Rhonda Marsh at 2050. At the top of the page the time h2 cleared is 21:26:16. That's 36mins 16 secs different. There is also reference to a citation on the 02/12/04 log. I see the reference to him clearing 21:26:16. I see the request for the time for H6. I can't find where the response is 2050. Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text> It isn't difficult for me to accept...I've just never seen proof that it was Maura Murray....driving that that place. Other than it being the car that Maura drives and the alcohol on the back seat, red splashes on the inside of the car, the bottle outside the car with a red liquid with an alcoholic odor, or that she ran from the vehicle? All of that might not be proof, but it is compelling circumstantial evidence. Bill
Hebron, CT
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> I see the reference to him clearing 21:26:16. I see the request for the time for H6. I can't find where the response is 2050. Bill Because it is NOT on the one you are looking at. It is on the one printed off on 02/12/04. 19:43 SBD 911 call to Hanover. 19:46 Smith arrived at scene. 19:54 BOL issued for female 5'7" on foot. 20:02 EMS cleared 20:50 h2 cleared.
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
Court house. You can go and view the files! Took an afternoon and when through them! hannah_b wrote: WW, just out of curiosity - how did you get to know about the existence of that document, the so called Landry affidavit, in the file at the court house? I´m sure it has been said before, but it would be a good thing to not have any misunderstandings concerning this.
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
There was no cell service there! How did she ask for wrecker as ATWOOD has stated the driver told him? He also reported the driver being being impaired and changed that after PRESSURE to do so! Now I would view this as a lie she lied to Atwood if it wasn't a lie then a AAA wrecker would have showed! Also I have never see the Dog trackers report! So we don't know where the Dog actually hit! Only hear say! mcsmom wrote: "Any luck locating the party"......... luck def: To attempt something without knowing if one will be successful. IMO with his questioning" luck", Smith is thinking there's a chance they won't find "the girl". Why would he think that? Why would he think that with an out of state car full of someone's personal belongings, who's asking for a wrecker, AAA..... with one set of footprints leading away from the car on a dark and cold winter night? As Williams said "just before seven".
White Wash
Lebanon, NH
Still appears to be a lot of time for someone who DID NOTHING! mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> Because it is NOT on the one you are looking at. It is on the one printed off on 02/12/04. 19:43 SBD 911 call to Hanover. 19:46 Smith arrived at scene. 19:54 BOL issued for female 5'7" on foot. 20:02 EMS cleared 20:50 h2 cleared.
Lady Gray
Austin, TX
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Other than it being the car that Maura drives and the alcohol on the back seat, red splashes on the inside of the car, the bottle outside the car with a red liquid with an alcoholic odor, or that she ran from the vehicle? All of that might not be proof, but it is compelling circumstantial evidence. Bill Yes, all this is compelling....but 6 minutes in when Smith secured the scene? Alcohol on back seat, yes, visible from the window. Red splash marks - eeny teeny....on inside of the car....most likely not visible from the window. Remember the car was locked. Bottle with odor was UNDER the car and he found this at the end of the call. Not 6 minutes in. And did she run from the car? How did Smith know that 6 minutes in? She disappeared, yes. I'm referring to the time 6 minutes in.....Bill, you're referring to "after the fact." Let's compare apples to apples. Not apples to oranges. Oh well.....
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text> Yes, all this is compelling....but 6 minutes in when Smith secured the scene? Alcohol on back seat, yes, visible from the window. Red splash marks - eeny teeny....on inside of the car....most likely not visible from the window. Remember the car was locked. Bottle with odor was UNDER the car and he found this at the end of the call. Not 6 minutes in. And did she run from the car? How did Smith know that 6 minutes in? She disappeared, yes. I'm referring to the time 6 minutes in.....Bill, you're referring to "after the fact." Let's compare apples to apples. Not apples to oranges. Oh well..... Again, 100% of the crashes I have been at, when the person wasn't at the vehicle and wasn't in a nearby house and returned or made contact with the police by phone within several minutes of our arrival on the scene. 100% of those people were either drunk or on other drugs when located. And in those 6 minutes, why don't you think the officer looked into the car? Seeing the box of wine on the back seat? Or maybe even the splashes inside the car. Is there something stating he didn't do that? I would be surprised if he didn't. And even if he didn't look in the car, I'm sure he had suspicions. Again, it wasn't his first car crash. Apples to apples. Bill
Hebron, CT
Smith cleared EMS at 20:02 SBD called 911 to Hanover at 19:43 NOT TO WOODSVILLE Hanover in turn called Woodsville dispatch. Rhonda Marsh transmission to Smith at 19:48 regarding SBD 911 call BOL at 19:54 Smith cleared EMS in 6 mins Smith sent BOL in 6 mins after Marsh transmission.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
I'm not sure if I find this hilarious or very strange that a few have brought this back to the beginning again. This stuff has been gone over a million times before for years. If I remember correctly there was even some idiot on his garage roof throwing a box of wine off to see how it splashed or some such thing. It is not uncommon for the police to find a car that has landed on it's roof or has hit something and the driver is gone but inside there is empty beer cans or some type of alcoholic beverage container. Maura's accident was a minor one compaired to some where the driver has walked away. While I'm not an expert I believe that by disappearing for awhile the drivers blood alcohol level gets lower or nil and they avoid a DWI. Just a thought.