Maura Murray

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Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





SnowyB wrote:
<quoted text>
there is no reason to use a name other than a screen name in this discussion. both you and Frostman have chosen to use a name to intimidate me and to threaten me by exposing information that may or may not be true about me. this is stalking.
in addition, others are fearful and feel threatened by this forum since this behavior started.
it needs to stop right now.
Lynne just stop it please__ It is like pulling teeth to get you to stop.

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





SnowyB wrote:
<quoted text>
i want no personal contact with you, or anyone who is behaving in the same manner as you are.
i am posting anonymously, by choice, as is my right, and i don't expect to be called out in a public forum.
other posters feel similarly and are being driven away by these threats.
No threats here what is your problem?

Brockton, MA

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Apr 7, 2012





SnowyB wrote:
<quoted text>
i do not know the identity of JWB, although others do. i respect his privacy and have not asked for his identity.
he is, however, stalking me and others in attempting to intimidate and remove opposing opinions from this board.
i am tempted to called the Franconia police at this moment. if you know the name of this individual, and can assist in reporting him to prevent stalking behaviors, i would appreciate your contacting them, as well.
thank you.
Renner has intimidated family by basically saying that if family does not talk to him he will basically write what ever he wants.He has thrown out names and photos with unproven accusations.But yet you state you believe Renner. Would you consider what Renner is doing as stalking and intimidation?

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





SnowyB wrote:
<quoted text>
i want no personal contact with you, or anyone who is behaving in the same manner as you are.
i am posting anonymously, by choice, as is my right, and i don't expect to be called out in a public forum.
other posters feel similarly and are being driven away by these threats.
Thought you left a long time ago? Loser?.
got a problem with me ?want to call me ? give me ya numba

Since: Dec 11

Location hidden

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Apr 7, 2012





SnowyB wrote:
<quoted text>it is interesting to see the number of posts you've made in a very short time.
you have disabled PMs, and therefore, have disallowed private communication offline.

by way of making an initial contact with you, and and observation, Frost"man", i have noted that you feel entitled to come onto a forum of long standing and drop the names of individuals you do not know, but think you know, and whom obviously wish to remain anonymous.

anyone engaging with others in attempts to find posters in "real" life, and/or to "out" them online, are despicable acts, and are in violation of Topix's terms of use.
I think you are completely mistaken about me "outing" anyone on this forum or name dropping -- whatever that means. The only outing most of us have witnessed here was an intentional and malicious attack with respect to Emmett.

Should you wish to report any or all of us to Topix admin. please be advised that you'll need the specific post number, a description of the Topix violation and your personal email address.

If you don't have the best interests at heart when it comes to Maura perhaps your efforts would be better served elsewhere so you can leave the discussion to those of us who care.

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012




o yea I can't email you cause you pulled it?

New York, NY

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Apr 7, 2012




WTH-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
There is so much of this that is wrong. Clearly written by someone who is unfamiliar with what someone can and cannot do in the winter.
I have run patrols in the army, run teams in SAR missions, been camping, been hiking, been hunting, and done many other activities in the winter. I am very familiar with what a motivated person can do in the winter and what it takes to do it.
Traveling in the winter, in that type of snow, is not difficult particularly for someone in shape. For someone like Maura in good shape. She could keep very warm with minimal clothing by running. Hypothermia would not be an issue until she stopped running. Her sweating from that exercise would make hypothermia a very likely prospect after she stopped moving. I have done hiking in the winter in a t-shirt to keep from overheating then switching to heavier clothing when I would stop to keep from getting hypothermic.
The snow late in the season can get very crusty, very hard to make an impression on. Not seeing any disturbance in the hard February snow is not a surprise. Also, the snow was not 2 feet deep from what we know. There might have been 2 foot berm next to the road from snowplows but there was no new snow in that area from reports of the area at that time.
Where she might have gone into the woods is open to speculation, if she did. Evidence of no passage is just that. They were not able to find evidence that she passed through. It is not evidence that no passage occurred. She may or may not be in the woods. We won't know, until she is found.
This is funny bc right here your doin exactly what u accuse people of doing all the time: your pre-judging based on your experiences, what u know well.
I'm sorry but it is not easy to travel through deep snow in the winter, it's just not. Did u actually say it's not difficult? I'm sorry but It's actually extremely difficult. I'm a skier & I hike back country all the time. I climb & ski mt Washington every year & I'm outside every wknd in the winter. Hiking through the snow might not b the most difficult thing in the world but it is certainly difficult, particularly if u don't do it all the time and don't know the tricks to make it easier. Your telling me that if u were doing sar or army scout things(whatever that entails) onthe middle of winter when there's 2' snow on the ground, you wouldn't b wearing 2snowshoes?? No one, not even the most in shape person on the world would b able to make it anywhere very far without snowshoes, or a real lot of effort. that would be an extremely inefficient way to search and just silly. There's a reason why people doing searches in the winter in Nh all wear snowshoes: u don't get anywhere if u don't.
There was 2' of snow on the ground, an easy 2'. Look up snowfall records. It is not really late winter it's the beginning of February. This is like the end of the peak of winter. The snowbanks were about 5', def bigger in some places. The snowbanks were big ebuf that they were winged back by the snowplows. I was in the area at the time & the snowbanks were huge on 112, once u got out of the valley heading up into the kinsman notch they were easily over 6'
U most certainly can, & even have to strip down to a t shirt to prevent sweating & hypothermia. I climb mt Washington to ski tuckermans ravine almost every yr and def only wearing a t shirt by the time I reach the top.

This is a survival tactic, to never let yoursel sweat. R we now assuming that Maura was trained in survival techniques like she was an army scout or something? She was already shivering by the time the sbd arrived. If she started running 112 do u think she would've had the foresight to remove her jacket to prevent hypothermia? I thought this whole scenario Is based on the assumption that she wasn't thinking clearly? That's some good thinking right there.

New York, NY

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Apr 7, 2012




She was obviously in good shape but she certainly wasn't in her top physical condition like your describing. She didn't run track that yr,@ that point it had been about a yr since she ran competitively. On top of that she had an injured hamstring and wasn't able to run for several miles. It's been theorized that this is one of the reasons she was acting weird, bc she hadn't been able to run like she always could.
Also your an older man who obviously likes doing winter activities. Maura went hiking in te summer, up known trails. That is nothing compared to trying to walk thru snow on a cold February night.
Several of my gf's in the past ran track & field. My current gf is a 24 yr old UMass student who ran track for years. Same body type as Maura. These girls have zero fat on their bodies, they can't stand cold weather at all compared to many people. From what I've seen none Think about it; Maura was already shivering and she'd only been out of the car for like a minute. I've never seen any 21 yr girl who could handle cold like your describing, honestly it's a ridiculous assumption to say she could handle the cold bc she's in good shape.

As for the snow, yea it may have been crusty, gets like that every winter up nh. But crusty snow is not a truly hard surface. Generally it's like a half inch layer of ice on top of snow, never more than like an inch. U can walk a few feet without breaking through but u certainly can't travel any legitimate distance. Then when u do break throug it's such a wicked pain in the ass; you fall through and then try to get yourself back up and your other foot breaks throug and it just becomes ridiculously difficult to actually get anywhere.


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Apr 7, 2012





jwb wrote:
Lynne you are a real Bute (aka piece of work). You have zero knowledge about Maura and her disappearance. You have said yourself that you are not interested in sleuthing or mysteries etc... I can post your pic if you want? You are just a bored person with nothing to give back.
Frosty never called any ones name out on Public and you said frosty did- show the post? frosty pissed you off by bringing up the woe is me crowd that you belong to. Got your nickers in a bundle.
Also Lynne, Topix does not have anything in their policy that says anything about calling people out on their real name.
Actually, they do have a policy regarding this. I reported the thread "Beagle´s real name", which outed Beagle. I got a reply from topix admin, and they deleted the thread.


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Apr 7, 2012





citigirl wrote:
<quoted text>Renner has intimidated family by basically saying that if family does not talk to him he will basically write what ever he wants.He has thrown out names and photos with unproven accusations.But yet you state you believe Renner. Would you consider what Renner is doing as stalking and intimidation?
That´s what reporters do, like it or not. Not saying it´s right.

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





hannah_b wrote:
<quoted text>
Actually, they do have a policy regarding this. I reported the thread "Beagle´s real name", which outed Beagle. I got a reply from topix admin, and they deleted the thread.
show it please. Thank you


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Apr 7, 2012





jwb wrote:
<quoted text>
show it please. Thank you
The thread was deleted on my request. That´s proof enough.

New York, NY

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Apr 7, 2012




citigirl wrote:
<quoted text>WTH-"The snow late in the season can get very crusty, very hard to make an impression on. Not seeing only disturbance in the hard February snow is not a surprise." I agree with you 100% on this one. I was not aware of this because of the area I live in. But learned of this when searching for Maura that if you went into specific areas that were covered with snow you would only slide and your footprints were not seen in the snow.
You make it sound like u can walk for miles on top of the snow, which is not true at all. When were u searching? Were u up there working a couple weeks of feb 9 or was it later in the season? The only time I've seen snow u can't make tracks in is when it is less than like 6" deep and hard. There was def at least 2' of snowpack on the ground. When theres that mich snow the top inch might freeze but it's like fresh powder underneath.
How big were these sections u could walk without making tracks?. When there's deep snow u can barely walk 10' on the surface of the snow without breaking trough. Anyone who is familiar with Nh outdoors in the winter will tell u this.
The only time there's a real thick crust is when it rains a lot an them freezes right after. But then it's like an ice rink. Nobody can travel anywhere on this without slipping all over, unless they have crampins, but then they're gonna break thru.
Even when it's like this your still gonna break thru 99% of the time.
When I was younger, & even to this day, Ive always wanted to b able to walk On top of the snow..idk it just always seemed fun to me.
& I've NEVER been able to do it nowhere how hard I try. There's been several tes wheee conditjoms were perfect and I really thought I'd b able to do it but I always end up breaking through. I'd say ive made it like 20 steps max.

The point is: it would have been extremely difficult for Maura to make it deep into the woods under those conditions.
Anybody who say otherwise just doesn't know, or is bending the facts for some reason.

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





JWB says snowy is full of crap and we all know it- Do I need to post it? show her pic? keep poking me and I will!!

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





hannah_b wrote:
<quoted text>
The thread was deleted on my request. That´s proof enough.
Ha it shows you have no facts ?


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Apr 7, 2012





jwb wrote:
<quoted text>
Ha it shows you have no facts ?
Topix deleted the thread. That´s a fact. They did email me, but I´m not going to share private messages. Believe it or not, I don´t care.


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Apr 7, 2012





Jwb, are you bipolar? You display this behavior once in a while, inbetween these episodes you´re posts are intelligent and well thought out.

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





hannah_b wrote:
Jwb, are you bipolar? You display this behavior once in a while, inbetween these episodes you´re posts are intelligent and well thought out.
yes, thank you for your concern

Lincoln, NH

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Apr 7, 2012





I call it like it is and if you don't like it sorry too bad. I joined this site because I felt for a family who lost a daughter. I then observed that an agenda only cared about themselves and blamed Fred and the murrays.


Report Abuse
Judge it!
Apr 7, 2012




jwb wrote:
<quoted text>
yes, thank you for your concern
Ok, that explains alot. You have my sympathies. You know I mostly like your posts and I know you are capable of some very good and interesting discussion.

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