Since: Mar 12
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Let's all get down on our knees and pray. Dear HIgher Power Please make sure all the sad people here find there way back to there houses tonight so they can come back tomorrow and play on the computer. Please make sure they don't make any more kids tonight either. Thanks be to God. Bart
Since: Nov 08
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jwb wrote: <quoted text> Bill you have kids right? would you not do everything that you could possibly do to find your kid if he/she went missing? Would your top priority be to say excuse me but may I take a look on your property or would you be so focused and anxious that you just might think that others would understand that you were looking for your kid and just might want to jump in to help as opposed to calling the cops on you? few of us have been in those shoes- and thank god as that is a parents biggest fear I would move heaven and earth. But, I am not a person who believes the ends justifies the means. Never have. Have been in situations where it has been painful to follow the rules, but still did it. My reaction would have been exactly the same to someone who is walking around on my property without permission or worse. It has happened once, and it got ugly. That will not change. I protect me and mine. That means I know who is on my property and why they are there. If they wanted to look on my property, they should ask permission. If they did. I would search it. Who knows my property better than me? Bill
Lincoln, NH
Bill - I think the dividing line is the junk that might have taken place on forums years ago and I was not one of those posters- I don't even do facebook. It just looked like three posters where just bashing everyone that tried to talk about the case ( from an honest view) It then became personal between some- that already existed when I logged in at the 4k post area. The past couple months have just been nasty. I have regrets and i am not to big to say it but I am here for the right reason. I am not sure why i am drawn to the case so much but I am. So Close to home and I work with young youth for my job. Oh well - thought I would just get hat out there sense the cartoon characters have gone to bed. By the way that was a disgusting display on this forum. I have a sense of humor but that was a slap in the face to Maura and her family.They are the ones emotionally vested.
Since: Mar 12
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WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Sorry, your house count is actually wrong. I own one, the ones in NH the bank actually owns, but we get full use. I never thought of myself as worldly but compared to some, I could see how some might consider me to be, compared to them. I certainly don't know everything about both cases. I do know what happened to Patric. I have paid very close attention to Maura's case and while I don't know what happened to her, I know enough about the facts in the public domain that I can easily quantify stupid conjecture from thoughts based in fact. More than Yogi. You do know that he is an imaginary bear, right? Bill You DO know what happened to Patric????really????Then why did 2 POI fail lie detector tests...Its your opinion Bill.Period.
Lincoln, NH
Bart S wrote: Let's all get down on our knees and pray. Dear HIgher Power Please make sure all the sad people here find there way back to there houses tonight so they can come back tomorrow and play on the computer. Please make sure they don't make any more kids tonight either. Thanks be to God. Bart shut up dirtbag not really funny when your buddy isn't judging you with her Ipads, blackberries and computer
Lincoln, NH
l4m in the house you are not doing the locals any favors
Since: Mar 12
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So,Lets discuss Maura,Who In Warren Nh owned a red truck in relation to this case?Why would Fred go there?
Since: Nov 08
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jwb wrote: <quoted text> shall I pull up the post of two houses? Absolutely. Two in NH. Another owned outright in CT. I guess if you never owned a house, or payed on a bank owned house, you don't know that most use the term own. Maybe someday when a bank will loan you money, you'll find that most say its their house as if they own it. Bill
Lincoln, NH
detective schtick wrote: <quoted text> I am not snowy or anybody else you know. I don't know Maura, do you? Do posters from this forum show up to your door, vandalize your property, track you down at your job to call you, or say you are a liar if your dog is injured because of an unauthorized search? Any one here ask what you saw from your window that night, repeatedly drill you for private information when all you tried to do is help? JWB these are people just like you who are posting here, real people with their own families, who are no better or worse than Maura. Why do folks have more respect for the memory of a girl they never knew, than they do for real people who are still alive today? Oh woe is me you poor thing
Since: Mar 12
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Detective Schtick,Would you be interested in discussing Maura Murray??or are you typing just for the sake of typing about the human condition&how it applies at Topix..any thoughts On Maura Murray?
Lincoln, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> I would move heaven and earth. But, I am not a person who believes the ends justifies the means. Never have. Have been in situations where it has been painful to follow the rules, but still did it. My reaction would have been exactly the same to someone who is walking around on my property without permission or worse. It has happened once, and it got ugly. That will not change. I protect me and mine. That means I know who is on my property and why they are there. If they wanted to look on my property, they should ask permission. If they did. I would search it. Who knows my property better than me? Bill Easy to say bill unless you are actually in that position. I can't imagine having a missing daughter! think about it really omg what fear. I have had that fear for a brief moment when my daughter was not on her bus. I had tunnel vision. I was only thinking of finding my daughter period.It is different than anything else you can imagine and you have to experience it to know what you would do. I really think that walking a property is not really a big deal?? Come on just say may I help you? This is NH and I get along with all my neighbors here etc. I realize it is diff in mass and RI
Since: Mar 12
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Who owned a red truck in Warren N.H.?
Since: Nov 08
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findmaura wrote: <quoted text> You DO know what happened to Patric????really????Then why did 2 POI fail lie detector tests...Its your opinion Bill.Period. Again, so many people telling stories. Like the term POI? Who said anything about POI. The police? I don't remember the police ever talking about a POI. Who were these people that you think were POIs. The children, the dad, and step mom? I don't know, you seem to want the Patric non-case to come over here. I am not sure I really want to play. That is why I have mostly stayed away from the site. Too many people who just plain make stuff up. What is most interesting is even the person that started all that crap isn't still pushing the bullshit. Bill
Lincoln, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Absolutely. Two in NH. Another owned outright in CT. I guess if you never owned a house, or payed on a bank owned house, you don't know that most use the term own. Maybe someday when a bank will loan you money, you'll find that most say its their house as if they own it. Bill My house is paid in full thank you 4 acres
Lincoln, NH
findmaura wrote: Detective Schtick,Would you be interested in discussing Maura Murray??or are you typing just for the sake of typing about the human condition&how it applies at Topix..any thoughts On Maura Murray? She still wants to whine about her dog hitting the glass door- Wow it must have been something she hid deep in her memory bank that just came out 6 years later
Since: Apr 12
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Bart S wrote: I count 3 imbeciles here who cant even ID their own mothers without a search party and birth certificates. Jackasses. In My next life I want to be a Search Dog. Topix doesn't pay me enough for this.!?
Since: Nov 08
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detective schtick wrote: <quoted text>Why do folks have more respect for the memory of a girl they never knew, than they do for real people who are still alive today? Now that is a fascinating question. I have often wondered, there are some people, Shack is one that comes to mind, but there are others. They act as though they went to school with Maura or was a close relative. It warps their thinking to the point were they think irrationally in many cases. The reason Doctors don't operate on family is because it causes people to make decisions that they would not normally make if they were thinking clearly, but these people believe themselves to be so close that they also don't think rationally in many cases. Bill
Since: Apr 12
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WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Again, so many people telling stories. Like the term POI? Who said anything about POI. The police? I don't remember the police ever talking about a POI. Who were these people that you think were POIs. The children, the dad, and step mom? I don't know, you seem to want the Patric non-case to come over here. I am not sure I really want to play. That is why I have mostly stayed away from the site. Too many people who just plain make stuff up. What is most interesting is even the person that started all that crap isn't still pushing the bullshit. Bill I smell a turd, bro.
Since: Nov 08
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findmaura wrote: <quoted text> so sorry,You've contributed so much on the Patrick forum I really thought you were actively involved.But you werent.Gotcha. I have answered many questions for Deanne and her friend. They asked, I answered. You got nothing. Bill
Lincoln, NH
detective schtick wrote: <quoted text> I am not snowy or anybody else you know. I don't know Maura, do you? Do posters from this forum show up to your door, vandalize your property, track you down at your job to call you, or say you are a liar if your dog is injured because of an unauthorized search? Any one here ask what you saw from your window that night, repeatedly drill you for private information when all you tried to do is help? JWB these are people just like you who are posting here, real people with their own families, who are no better or worse than Maura. Why do folks have more respect for the memory of a girl they never knew, than they do for real people who are still alive today? I have stated many times and I can only speak for myself why i care for someone I don't know. We are all people and depend on each other. I am a caring person that works with young people and has a daughter around mauras age.i happen to go by the blue ribbon from time to time as I live in woodstock. I think about my daughter when i see that ribbon. I jumped on line and searched and found topix (yipppeee) actually mad some good friends and well we know the rest. Why question why someone would care? I don't get it I question : why is someone here posting that doesn't care?