Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Okay, I'm reading back a couple dozen pages - and I don't get all this talk about 'Granny' and a picture. What the heck did I miss? I did note a few posts that seemed to allude to Snowy and who she is (in 'real life' as opposed to this online, moniker'd hell called Topix). I really find this distasteful (and please forgive me if I'm drawing incorrect conclusions, but it seems a lot of posts were removed, so I'm trying to put 2 and 2 together...and here, in Topixland, logic is lacking, so I can't correctly 'assume' anything). Snowy is entitled to her own privacy, she has never, IMO, threatened to 'out' anyone else - and furthermore, it's an incredibly low-brow, jerkface thing to do. Don't do it. I disagree with Snowy more than I agree... but she absolutely does not deserve to have her privacy violated over a Topix thread. Worse, it appears that her not agreeing with JWB may get her 'outted'?(If I am reading right). JWB, you are better than that.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Shack wrote: <quoted text>I don't have an answer to your question about an active telephone service, but I know eviction was July one can only assume that there was likely still telephone service in February. I do hope if there is any probability the A-frame played a roll in Mauras missing the phone records were reviewed.The muffled crying always makes me think she was bound&unable to talk.
Dedham, MA
Simply Sarcasm wrote: Okay, I'm reading back a couple dozen pages - and I don't get all this talk about 'Granny' and a picture. What the heck did I miss? I did note a few posts that seemed to allude to Snowy and who she is (in 'real life' as opposed to this online, moniker'd hell called Topix). I really find this distasteful (and please forgive me if I'm drawing incorrect conclusions, but it seems a lot of posts were removed, so I'm trying to put 2 and 2 together...and here, in Topixland, logic is lacking, so I can't correctly 'assume' anything). Snowy is entitled to her own privacy, she has never, IMO, threatened to 'out' anyone else - and furthermore, it's an incredibly low-brow, jerkface thing to do. Don't do it. I disagree with Snowy more than I agree... but she absolutely does not deserve to have her privacy violated over a Topix thread. Worse, it appears that her not agreeing with JWB may get her 'outted'?(If I am reading right). JWB, you are better than that. You are reading right. It's also not the first time that he has threatened to out her.
Dedham, MA
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> I do hope if there is any probability the A-frame played a roll in Mauras missing the phone records were reviewed.The muffled crying always makes me think she was bound&unable to talk. If she was bound how could she call anyone?
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
GrampaMo wrote: <quoted text> If she was bound how could she call anyone? my favorite saying:If theres a will theres a way.
“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle”
Since: Feb 12
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Not so wrote: <quoted text> Please quote anywhere this was said other than on Topix. You and Bill keep saying this. I've never seen it anywhere. Ok, I will give it a good look after work tomorrow. Some of this is a challenge for me to find. I did look one time a few months ago but came up empty handed and just got bored looking for it. I have several pcs at home and at work. Seems to me I copy/pasted that info to notebook on the one I keep in the safe. Give me a little time please and thanks.
“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle”
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Not so wrote: Or for that matter where it said anybody was a suspect to be cleared. Well, this is why I was asking Citigirl about 4 lie detector tests. I had only ever heard of the one, and wondered what the other tests were used for.......
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Just me--paris wrote: <quoted text> Well, this is why I was asking Citigirl about 4 lie detector tests. I had only ever heard of the one, and wondered what the other tests were used for....... I think there are documents on Renners blog that mention 4 lie detector tests..its very interesting they administered that many.But does anyone know the parties names?Or the results,except LE.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Personally,I cant rule anyone out as a suspect..I really dont give alot of creedence to the accuracy of lie detectors.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
GrampaMo wrote: <quoted text> If she was bound how could she call anyone? Possibly her capturer(s) coerced the phone information out of her and they called her loved ones to torment them with her muffled cries for help. BR and SR are of the opinion that the 7AM (Central Time) call on Feb 11th to BR's cell was from Maura and they both said there was whimpering and soft muffled sobbing. In FM's statement given to the UMPD on Feb. 22, 2004 he stated, " I intended to bring the car back the next Friday night. Maura was making whimpering sounds while in the car." ( ) In the absence of any other information I am of the opinion that the voice message WAS Maura and that she was alive on February 11th and was being held by her abductors. It’s entirely possible that the whimpering was a signature trait and was Maura's way of sending a signal to BR that she was in danger. Perhaps LE is of the belief that wherever she was being held that morning is her "last known location"? (Back to deadheading rhododendrons.)
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
findmaura wrote: Personally,I cant rule anyone out as a suspect..I really dont give alot of creedence to the accuracy of lie detectors. I'll play. Since investigators use this tool, with some efficiency I might add. Would you, with all your investigative experience, at least move somebody down on the list of suspects if they passed a lie detector test? Just curious. Bill
Lincoln, NH
Simply Sarcasm wrote: Okay, I'm reading back a couple dozen pages - and I don't get all this talk about 'Granny' and a picture. What the heck did I miss? I did note a few posts that seemed to allude to Snowy and who she is (in 'real life' as opposed to this online, moniker'd hell called Topix). I really find this distasteful (and please forgive me if I'm drawing incorrect conclusions, but it seems a lot of posts were removed, so I'm trying to put 2 and 2 together...and here, in Topixland, logic is lacking, so I can't correctly 'assume' anything). Snowy is entitled to her own privacy, she has never, IMO, threatened to 'out' anyone else - and furthermore, it's an incredibly low-brow, jerkface thing to do. Don't do it. I disagree with Snowy more than I agree... but she absolutely does not deserve to have her privacy violated over a Topix thread. Worse, it appears that her not agreeing with JWB may get her 'outted'?(If I am reading right). JWB, you are better than that. Ok stop the crying game. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing whatsoever so lets not even go there-keep it real.I and other posters that came here only to talk about Maura have been ridiculed from day one (newbie,stupid,ridiculous a bad father and on and on).Shack hasn't said anything bad about anyone since i started posting yet she gets nailed to the stake. This forum is considered entertainment by WTH and Snowy and Wowzer played right along with I could go back and pull out the quotes etc but I am not going to go there.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Frostman wrote: <quoted text> Possibly her capturer(s) coerced the phone information out of her and they called her loved ones to torment them with her muffled cries for help. BR and SR are of the opinion that the 7AM (Central Time) call on Feb 11th to BR's cell was from Maura and they both said there was whimpering and soft muffled sobbing. In FM's statement given to the UMPD on Feb. 22, 2004 he stated, " I intended to bring the car back the next Friday night. Maura was making whimpering sounds while in the car." ( ) In the absence of any other information I am of the opinion that the voice message WAS Maura and that she was alive on February 11th and was being held by her abductors. It’s entirely possible that the whimpering was a signature trait and was Maura's way of sending a signal to BR that she was in danger. Perhaps LE is of the belief that wherever she was being held that morning is her "last known location"? (Back to deadheading rhododendrons.) The absence of information? The call was traced back to the Red Cross. Billy Called the Red Cross to ask them to assist them in getting an extended leave of absence. That is one of the functions of the Red Cross. The Red Cross was calling Billy back. If this "whimpering" on the phone was so strong and really her I found it amazing that it has been deleted and not played for people for proof that she didn't run off and die in the woods. LE said it came from the Red Cross. Period end of story. Now Billy's mother to add to this great mystery says in the ID show that "she used to purchase Red Cross calling cards for Maura" What that means is nothing. The Red Cross is not a Tariffed phone company. For them to create a phone card they have to buy the minutes and pins from a AT&T or Sprint and just put their logo on the card. If Maura used the calling card to call Billy the call would have been traced back to the switch of the carrier AT&T or Sprint in which the call originated from, but that didn't happen because the call originated from the American Red Cross office because an employee there was calling Billy back.
Lincoln, NH
I am absolutely not thrilled with the direction things have gone and will take another route.If I am provoked I will react. If someone is kind such as Sharleen has been then all is good. I enjoy conversation with everyone here but I really hate when being verbally attacked or the condescending attitudes of some.
Stink pickle
Crab Orchard, KY
Good chance Maura was captured and put into a sex slave combine in eastern Utah.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> The absence of information? The call was traced back to the Red Cross. Billy Called the Red Cross to ask them to assist them in getting an extended leave of absence. That is one of the functions of the Red Cross. The Red Cross was calling Billy back. If this "whimpering" on the phone was so strong and really her I found it amazing that it has been deleted and not played for people for proof that she didn't run off and die in the woods. LE said it came from the Red Cross. Period end of story. Now Billy's mother to add to this great mystery says in the ID show that "she used to purchase Red Cross calling cards for Maura" What that means is nothing. The Red Cross is not a Tariffed phone company. For them to create a phone card they have to buy the minutes and pins from a AT&T or Sprint and just put their logo on the card. If Maura used the calling card to call Billy the call would have been traced back to the switch of the carrier AT&T or Sprint in which the call originated from, but that didn't happen because the call originated from the American Red Cross office because an employee there was calling Billy back. Billy did NOT call the Red Cross to assist with the extended leave, it was Sharon. Sharon also said she did not give the Red Cross Billy's cell phone number. The call was from a prepaid calling card per Billy. Perhaps the Red Cross did attempt to reach BR later, but I am of the opinion that it was Maura on that voice message. You're entitled to your opinions Lighthouse, but not you're own "facts".:) Nice try though. I gather you're aware of EXACTLY when LE told Sharon they had determined the call was from the Red Cross? Feel free to enlighten us as to how LE was able to obtain that information so quickly.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
jwb wrote: <quoted text>Ok stop the crying game. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing whatsoever so lets not even go there-keep it real.I and other posters that came here only to talk about Maura have been ridiculed from day one (newbie,stupid,ridiculous a bad father and on and on).Shack hasn't said anything bad about anyone since i started posting yet she gets nailed to the stake. This forum is considered entertainment by WTH and Snowy and Wowzer played right along with I could go back and pull out the quotes etc but I am not going to go there. AMEN.
Stink pickle
Crab Orchard, KY
Topix : home of the Internet know-it-alls, all battling it out to get one up on each other . You are all to sensitive, not nearly had enlightened has you think you are, and rehash the same insults.
Dedham, MA
jwb wrote: <quoted text> Ok stop the crying game. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing whatsoever so lets not even go there-keep it real.I and other posters that came here only to talk about Maura have been ridiculed from day one (newbie,stupid,ridiculous a bad father and on and on).Shack hasn't said anything bad about anyone since i started posting yet she gets nailed to the stake. This forum is considered entertainment by WTH and Snowy and Wowzer played right along with I could go back and pull out the quotes etc but I am not going to go there. It's a public forum where people are free to say whatever they want as long as it's within the Topix rules. If it bothers you so much why do you keep coming back. You may be happier at a moderated forum where some others go to. Ask your buddy shack how to get to it. Or maybe you've already been there and didn't like that one either.
Lincoln, NH
GrampaMo wrote: <quoted text> It's a public forum where people are free to say whatever they want as long as it's within the Topix rules. If it bothers you so much why do you keep coming back. You may be happier at a moderated forum where some others go to. Ask your buddy shack how to get to it. Or maybe you've already been there and didn't like that one either. I come back because it is a free forum and I said what I wanted. I see- so it is ok for myself -Shack -Jenkins etc to be crapped on but when the tables are turned then it is different?If that is what you are saying then that thinking is where the problem lies.