Southbury, CT
What s surprise, frmLE, the king of bullshit calls bullshit. Lol Maybe you were a cop but anybody with half a brain can tell that your completely lying about having inside info about this case; it's complete 100% total bullshit. No cop who's ever worked this case would ever be posting about it on topix, there is no way they would put their pension at risk for that. No cop that's ever been illegally shown the case file by one of his buddies working the case would put his friends job at risk to post on topix with a bunch of people they consider to be idiots. FrmLE has clearly claimed to be both of these in the past, that by itself should tell you something But we can be reasonably confident that no cop that's ever worked this case would ever post about it on topix. That is so unethical and it is illegal. It is just completely unbelievable and obviously bullshit when frmLE makes this claim. And think about it, how many cops in the NHSP have even really worked this case? It's hard to say exactly but i doubt much more than 10. Do you guys have any idea how easy it would be for the NHSP to figure out who he is if he really worked this case? How many guys that worked this case now live in Florida? He's claimed to have worked the case but on other occasions he's claimed he never actually worked the case but has been shown the case file, as if they just show the case file to any cop just because he's interested. Well if this was true they could also figure out who he is in about 5 minutes. Maybe frmLE was a state cop but one thing is for sure: his claim to having inside info on this case is complete and utter bullshit of the highest magnitude.
Since: Feb 12
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coeur de lion wrote: Who got out of work an hour not long before Corolla crash? Did MM meet with that person? Did MM's father know about a possible meeting? If so, was he expecting MM to talk to him about it right after? Interesting questions. I don't know the answers. I can't think of too many jobs that let out around 2am-ish, other than maybe a bartender? Was she said to have met someone, or were you just tossing the idea out for discussion?
Southbury, CT
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> A federal agent as in "if it fits it ships" "We deliver for you?" I'm only kidding Haha lighthouse, thats some funny shit right there
Orko Kringer
Saint Louis, MO
dll wrote: <quoted text> Hi Orko - Hope you dont mind but I checked out your others photos too. Nice photos!You & the Canon did a great job. Especially liked the shot with the Challenger. Is it yours? Not fishing just curious if it's a 69 or 70 can't quite tell by the tail ights. The E body is hard to miss. Hubby is a Mopar guy & has it's sister the AAR Cuda. Sorry for being off topic. Thanks for sharing the pics :) Dll, Nope. The challenger was just some random person who rudely got into my shot (haha, joking of course). If you look closer at that particular picture you can see what appears to be tire marks that run right through TW and FW's grass right at the turn.(I didn't verify when I was out there, because I only noticed the tire impressions when I got back home and I live hundreds of miles away). Many speculate maura actually crashed on that side of the road and just ended up on the other side of the road after sliding and spinning.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Hey Wowzer, I don't ever remember the A-frame being searched by LE. I thought that is was just the PI's with nothing else to do? Bill I don't believe it was searched by LE, just the PI's and whoever was with them. You are correct. It looks just the same. Trees shade it so it looks dark and gloomy, windows busted out in the front and who knows what damage was done in the back. Never saw any police tape around it though, ever.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Thank you I thought my point wasn't getting across. You were very clear. Just some have trouble understanding an intelligent post that actually makes sense.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> Why did she leave the scene? Why not leave the scene? It was a one car accident where no property was damaged; She was under absolutely no legal obligation to stay at the scene. People slide off the road all the time in the winter and leave their car in the road, drunk and sober alike. Why should she have to sit there and wait for le, she has no idea how long that could take. Sometimes up north it can take cops an hour just to arrive on scene because they have more important things to attend to then a single car accident. Also once the cops show up it can take a long time. Maybe she didn't feel like staying st the scene for the next hour or two? First waiting for the cop and then waiting for the cop to do his thing. This in no way indicates that she is evading the scene. She can get her belongings and call a tow truck very easily without a cop doing it for her. That is total nanny-state bullshit; this opinion that the cops need to be called to every minor fender bender and one car accident. People can call a tow truck just as well as a cop can and usually it's way easier to do it yourself. I'm sure she wasn't planning on getting abducted. There's also some good reasons she maybe didn't want to go knocking on some strangers door at 8pm. She knew there was a store right down the rd that probably had a phone, most 21yr old girls I've known would probably rather walk to a phone then go knocking on stranger's doors. That could just mean she was shy, which it sounds like she kind of was in general anyways. It's also possible she knew someone she knew was going to be coming along right behind her and she had a ride. Maybe she caught a ride from a stranger thinking they would take her to a phone. If she was lucky she could've caught a ride up to Lincoln where she could get a room and then call for a tow from the comfort of her hotel, rather than sitting there on the side of the road for who knows how long waiting for a cop. It looks to me like that's what she was thinking but she got unlucky and caught a ride from the wrong person. OMG! And you really want us to believe you're a federal agent??? Really???? Jenkins wrote:**Why did she leave the scene? Why not leave the scene?** Why not leave? Well maybe because it was winter in NH and cold. Maybe because it was dark. Maybe because there was help within sight.Maybe because the SBD offered to call for help which she refused. Maybe because if she had stayed at her car we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. She didn't call a tow truck herself or there would have been a record of it. Yes she knew there was a store just down the road so why didn't she go there if she didn't want to go to one of the houses? She headed toward darkness instead and the National Forest. The police up here go to each accident call, even fender benders in WM parking lot. Thank God you're not a real police officer in my area. I would hate to think that you might be on duty if I went off the road and hit a tree and you decided that it was just a one car minor accident that wasn't important enough for your presence. Where do you live where the police don't respond to one car accidents or fender benders?
Portland, ME
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> OMG! Yes she knew there was a store just down the road so why didn't she go there if she didn't want to go to one of the houses? She headed toward darkness instead and the National Forest. We have wowzer on Record that she went east.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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JWB wrote: <quoted text> We have wowzer on Record that she went east. Thanks Watson. If the police and responding units came from the west and didn't see her then she either hid when she saw them, or headed north, south or east. Since many including Fred thought she went east(remember him saying if they had only gone east they would have had her or something to that affect)my bet is she most likely went east.JMO
Portland, ME
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Thanks Watson. If the police and responding units came from the west and didn't see her then she either hid when she saw them, or headed north, south or east. Since many including Fred thought she went east(remember him saying if they had only gone east they would have had her or something to that affect)my bet is she most likely went east.JMO Glad to have you on board inspector Wowzer. She went east and they didn't look east. South wasn't an option because of the river. I'll give you north as she could have gone up BHR.
Portland, ME
actually BHR is not north- no where to go north aka across the river but I'll give you south BHR. How does that sound? Sound like we can agree on something inspector?
Portland, ME
Anyhow you get the point- A bunch of us kept arguing the point saying she went east only to meet strong resistance that called it ridiculous.the opposing argument was why would she walk into the darkness and not go back the way she came . The answer as you put it is if she did travel towards the store then she would have been seen by CS and the rest of the crew that came from the west.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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JWB wrote: actually BHR is not north- no where to go north aka across the river but I'll give you south BHR. How does that sound? Sound like we can agree on something inspector? Yessiree Watson. Glad to see you've got your thinking cap on.
Southbury, CT
Hahaha, inspector wowzer, that's funny. It's not neccesarily true that she headed east into the darkness, it seems the most likely scenario is that she caught a ride. According to scarinza it appears that the investigators working this case believe that to be the most likely. That really makes the most sense. Wowzer I agree that if she stayed at the car we most likely wouldn't be here right now. I wasn't tryin to say that she should have left the car, I was making the point that she was really under no obligation to stsy. Just because she didn't have to stay doesn't mean that it wasn't a good idea to stay. I live in NH too wowzer, the cops obviously show up to any call they receive. The point that I was making was that this was a minor one car accident with no injuries and no property damage. If the cops are busy with another more major call it could take a long time for them to arrive on scene. Smith wasn't even in another call, he was in the same town and it still took him 19 minutes to arrive. This is the way it is in the north country, this is why a lot of people leave their car rather than wait for a cop that might take an hour to show up. Also if there's no injuries why is a cop even needed? You dont need a cop to call for a tow and the cop isn't gonna give you a ride anywhere so why is a cop needed? There is this nanny-state mentality that many people now possess that makes then think that a cop is needed for every minor fender bender. Why did the sbd say he was ginna call the cops? Why didn't he offer to call for a tow? That is what she really needed. She obviously didn't end up calling for a tow, that's because she wasn't able to for whatever reason. But wowzer, if you run off the road and hit a tree and need the cops I truly hope they show up faster than 19 minutes.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Jenkins wrote: Hahaha, inspector wowzer, that's funny. Trust me. No funnier than "Agent Jenkins". Now that is funny. Bill
Since: Feb 12
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WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Trust me. No funnier than "Agent Jenkins". Now that is funny. Bill Can we assign Agent Jenkins to solve the mystery of the 3 or 4 alligators rumored to be stashed in a Woodsville house?!?!? I hear they are illegal immigrant alligators, if that helps. I wish I lived in NH. You guys have all the fun.:-)
Lincoln, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Trust me. No funnier than "Agent Jenkins". Now that is funny. Bill I think a book should be written to Include all the Topix cast of characters that we have all grown to love and admire. We can have a few laughs over our favorite posts. Famous Lines like, I call bullshit, she went East, did you see the crash from your house,that's ridiculous,most interesting man in the world, your an idiot and so much more.
Lincoln, NH
Would agent Jenkins have searched East?
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Bill or Hannah or President FrmLE, Do any of you know if a cadaver dog will hit on a dead animal? Or can they differentiate between animal and human somehow?
East Bridgewater, MA
Jenkins wrote: Citi- Fred wasn't present for the search that took place in '06, when the A-frame was searched? I always thought that he was. Wasn't he the one that made the comment about the dogs going "bonkers"? How could he have made the comment about the dogs if he wasn't there to see it? What ever happened with the piece of carpet that was taken from the closet? I always found it strange that we never heard anything else about it. Didn't the family have it forensicly tested? I always thought that LE had one piece tested and the pi's had a piece tested on their own as well. It's interesting that we've never heard anything about it again. You would think that if they tested it and found that it had nothing to do with Maura someone would have said so. If LE tested it and determined it was unrelated I would think they would come out and say so. On the other hand, if they found that it was potentially connected there is no way that LE would come out and say that it was. Was it human blood is the question; I thought I read somewhere that it was human blood. Well who's blood is it? I read something and it was explained away as possibly being menstruel blood. That is just completely ridiculous to even say, does anyone actually believe that is possible? Not to be gross here but girls don't bleed that much, certainly not enough to make a stain in the corner of a closet. How could that even be possible? Is it possible there's something to the A-frame and since we aren't privy to the findings of the forensics lab we don't know about it it? Well it's obviously possible, the question is how likely is it. Fred was present the weekend of the 06 search. When the AFrame was searched he was not in this area but in another town with a PI searching another area. When returning to the lodge at the end of the day he was told by PIs and family what had transpired in the AFrame house. Family never had any access or ever saw the carpeting that the PIs removed from the AFrame.