Yellow Cab
United States
rozShoem wrote: <quoted text> "Shame?" Aren't you being just a bit over-reactive? "Collateral damage?" Your most interesting phrase is "continuing to persue..." Evidentally, you've been sitting on the sidelines, holding your breath for quite sometime. Damage? It seems that the "damage" had already occurred back in 2004. Your interests apparently are to protect. Your inquiries would best be directed to the cold case unit. Perhaps they woukd connsider a closed door round table discussion in secrecy that includes interested parties such as yourself. Until such time a perpetrator is determined and known, public discussion of multiple suspects, or blanket statements about groups of people are inappropriate. This is what I oppose very strongly, not your interest. You cannot create justice with the handicapped tools you are working with.
Since: Dec 10
Location hidden
Michael Salamone wrote: Hello again. Now that you've got me hooked on this story, there's one more thing I ought to clear up: <quoted text> I think this is me, too. I ran cross-country in high school ('96-'00), and the Bay State Invitational was a big race for all the high school teams in the area. If Maura also ran high school XC, it's likely she would have been there too. I never met her there -- this was a race with literally hundreds of people running in it. Also, I'm confused about what the supposed connection between me (or another Mike Salamone) and the missing girl is. I understand that she called someone with my last name (though unrelated to me) before she disappeared, and, coincidentally, she and I attended the same university at the same time. How did that turn into speculation that she contacted me (or someone with same name as me)? This sounds like a tragic story, and I wish you all the best in uncovering what happened. Unfortunately, all I can do to help is to let you know that I'm a dead end in your search. Your confusion about your or another Mike Salamone's connection is justified. There is no connection. It's merely one overly zealous poster's need to make connections where there are none. As you stated, they are only coincidences. I suggest you slowly back out of the thread before the loons start assaulting you with a barrage of irrelevant questions.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Pointless Endeavor wrote: <quoted text> Your confusion about your or another Mike Salamone's connection is justified. There is no connection. It's merely one overly zealous poster's need to make connections where there are none. As you stated, they are only coincidences. I suggest you slowly back out of the thread before the loons start assaulting you with a barrage of irrelevant questions. I agree completely. You don't want to deal with some of the wack-a-loons involved on this site. One person had made allegations against a school bus driver for years, just for helping this woman, even after being cleared by police. It is up to you, but you appear to have nothing to do with this, and if I were you, I'd leave what you have written as your last reasonable explanation as to your involvement. I thank you for clearing this up, but you should cut bait at this point, not fish. If you need any evidence of what we are writing, look back at other links to this disappearance. Of course this is just a suggestion. Bill
Amherst, MA
Come on, be reasonable. These theories are crazy. It seems quite obvious that Scientologists are using the main number of poster/monikers seen on this thread. Most of them speak with the kinds of accents found in the UK and Commonwealth countries. Det. Columbo, for example, says he has never been to MA despite the fact that he claims to live in neighboring NH. Everyone knows that almost everyone in NH has been to MA. It's a no brainer. MA is the place for NH people to go to at least once or twice in their lives. Det. Columbo hasn't been to MA because he's never been to New England. Maybe Merry Old England, or BC, or Down Under, or South Africa, but never to New England. It's like when police use a decoy prostitute to snare johns. This missing MM thing is fake. There was no Maura Murray. She is not missing. The thread is owned by Scientologists and is used to trap people and make Scientologists look good to law enforcement. For example, one drug dealer will make a case against a competing drug dealer that Maura died at the hands of the competing drug dealer. That's how LE can learn of the presence of previously unknown drug dealers. Or whatever. Or, as another example, the Scientologists will try to get you to break the law by engaging in some kind of online stalking that they sort of encourage you to commit, but without actually, technically breaking the law themselves. There's a secret code that Scientologists use, like the secret handshake of Masons, in order for them to recognize each other online. They are very secret, secret, secret in all they do. They are top shelf at it too. If you all would just be more realistic. If there's a culprit here, it's Trekies and dentists. Simple. Case solved because it never existed. All because a few people claimed to see a junk car on the side of the road one night and it got towed away. Big deal. A car doesn't necessarily imply a driver. But a driver always implies a car. Get more down to earth. See it from a practical point of view.
Gouverneur, NY
Michael Salamone wrote: Hello again. Now that you've got me hooked on this story, there's one more thing I ought to clear up: <quoted text> I think this is me, too. I ran cross-country in high school ('96-'00), and the Bay State Invitational was a big race for all the high school teams in the area. If Maura also ran high school XC, it's likely she would have been there too. I never met her there -- this was a race with literally hundreds of people running in it. Also, I'm confused about what the supposed connection between me (or another Mike Salamone) and the missing girl is. I understand that she called someone with my last name (though unrelated to me) before she disappeared, and, coincidentally, she and I attended the same university at the same time. How did that turn into speculation that she contacted me (or someone with same name as me)? This sounds like a tragic story, and I wish you all the best in uncovering what happened. Unfortunately, all I can do to help is to let you know that I'm a dead end in your search. Michael, Thank you for responding, for getting back to me. Yes, the two of you did attend UMASS at the same time. I'm not aware that she ever contacted you and was unsure if she even knew you. Evidentally the two of you did not know each other. Having reviewed a lot of material back to the mid-1990's, the same surname as yours keeps reappearing. In many instances the same given name and surname as your appears. When I again saw this same given name and surname appearing at UMASS commencement and particularly in 2004 it occurred to me that you might have known her. Evidentally, you did not. Again, thanks for responding.
Amherst, MA
Yellow Cab wrote: <quoted text> Your inquiries would best be directed to the cold case unit. Perhaps they woukd connsider a closed door round table discussion in secrecy that includes interested parties such as yourself. Until such time a perpetrator is determined and known, public discussion of multiple suspects, or blanket statements about groups of people are inappropriate. This is what I oppose very strongly, not your interest. You cannot create justice with the handicapped tools you are working with. Sounds like a good idea. Cops might go for it hoping that the real deal shows up. Maybe they would have some of their own there incognito, as if they, too, were private parties just trying to help. So maybe the meeting would be just the actual criminal and everyone else would be undercover cops. That would be wicked clever. Can I meet with the cops? I'd love to talk to a real cop, or a whole bunch of them, instead of getting followed around by a PI with terrible varicose veins on one leg. He should know better than to wear shorts to Home Depot. How dumb is that? Maybe the cops from the Cold Case Unit would get together with me at a convenient location. In NH of course. I could show them charts and graphs. Pie slices of probabilities. That would be exciting. They could trap me and send me to jail for the rest of my life. Free room and board. They could call me Kevin because I'm not too bright and don't talk a lot. I would just like a good piece of pie before they put me in handcuffs. I would have something to live for every day: the next day. Whoppie!!!!!!!!!!
Gouverneur, NY
Yellow Cab wrote: <quoted text> Your inquiries would best be directed to the cold case unit. Perhaps they woukd connsider a closed door round table discussion in secrecy that includes interested parties such as yourself. Until such time a perpetrator is determined and known, public discussion of multiple suspects, or blanket statements about groups of people are inappropriate. This is what I oppose very strongly, not your interest. You cannot create justice with the handicapped tools you are working with.'re certainly opinionated if nothing else. A round table discussion? Are you serious? Blanket statements? As far as I know there ARE no strong suspects.....this has been part of the 6-year ongoing problem. If anything is "inappropriate" it is your pious attitude. Let me reciprocate your uninvited strong opposition to my participation in this forum by suggesting that you consider a truly honest self assessment which, like a barium enima, has a certain cleansing quality.
Amherst, MA
Why are so many dentists interested in the disappearance of Maura Murray?
Because they are Scientologists, that's why.
Amherst, MA
Anyone care to have a face to face meeting with the NH State Police about Maura Murray's disappearance? Might be a good way to help keep her case going forward. Maybe I could bring along Kevin.
No takers? How come? Too far?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Beagle wrote: Come on, be reasonable. These theories are crazy. It seems quite obvious that Scientologists are using the main number of poster/monikers seen on this thread. Most of them speak with the kinds of accents found in the UK and Commonwealth countries. Det. Columbo, for example, says he has never been to MA despite the fact that he claims to live in neighboring NH. Everyone knows that almost everyone in NH has been to MA. It's a no brainer. MA is the place for NH people to go to at least once or twice in their lives. Det. Columbo hasn't been to MA because he's never been to New England. Maybe Merry Old England, or BC, or Down Under, or South Africa, but never to New England. It's like when police use a decoy prostitute to snare johns. This missing MM thing is fake. There was no Maura Murray. She is not missing. The thread is owned by Scientologists and is used to trap people and make Scientologists look good to law enforcement. For example, one drug dealer will make a case against a competing drug dealer that Maura died at the hands of the competing drug dealer. That's how LE can learn of the presence of previously unknown drug dealers. Or whatever. Or, as another example, the Scientologists will try to get you to break the law by engaging in some kind of online stalking that they sort of encourage you to commit, but without actually, technically breaking the law themselves. There's a secret code that Scientologists use, like the secret handshake of Masons, in order for them to recognize each other online. They are very secret, secret, secret in all they do. They are top shelf at it too. If you all would just be more realistic. If there's a culprit here, it's Trekies and dentists. Simple. Case solved because it never existed. All because a few people claimed to see a junk car on the side of the road one night and it got towed away. Big deal. A car doesn't necessarily imply a driver. But a driver always implies a car. Get more down to earth. See it from a practical point of view. I mean really. What else could one say but "Holy shit" Bill
Blue Light Special
United States
Beag, you should try out Scientology, they have a good dental plan.
Red Sirens
United States
rozShoem wrote: <quoted text>'re certainly opinionated if nothing else. If anything is "inappropriate" it is your pious attitude. Did I just detect an opinion? Naughty, naughty.
Gloucester, MA
Yellow Cab and Pointless Endeavor ~ intelligent posts! thank you. there is nothing new, there are no suspects to reveal or discuss. a pointless endeavor.
Rainbow Coalition
United States
Snowy wrote: Yellow Cab and Pointless Endeavor ~ intelligent posts! thank you. there is nothing new, there are no suspects to reveal or discuss. a pointless endeavor. I'm off to bed. Thank you for your support, its an excellent way to end a day.
Gloucester, MA
Rainbow Coalition wrote: <quoted text> I'm off to bed. Thank you for your support, its an excellent way to end a day. your intelligent phrasing and ability to hear my message, and to respond in ways that communicate very clearly are much appreciated. it helps to reduce my frustration. so many others have's a matter of principles that information is only repeated and quoted when it is factually correct, that innocent people are not accused, and that the public isn't intentionally misled. if topix charged per post, i doubt we'd see so much nonsense online.
Gouverneur, NY
Red Sirens wrote: <quoted text> Did I just detect an opinion? Naughty, naughty. Hi Red Sirens, Not half as naughty (your word, not mine) as I probably should be. Sometimes it's necessary to speak the other party's language, however insane. Bridging. Really. Operating with handicapped tools? As though there were not a lot of handicapping "tools" and antics right from the very beginning of this case. The major "handicap" if anyone wants to discuss "handicap" was the delay of searching for her caused by the perspective that Maura was a runaway or had committed suicide.
Gloucester, MA
runaway or suicide are not uncommon considerations under the circumstances....and it's not clear that either of those intentions were not fulfilled.
Amherst, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> I mean really. What else could one say but "Holy shit" Bill I knew some day you'd come around and see the light. In this day of underground, hidden genocide some people's genes are apt to set off ignorant people into paroxysms of denial. But some, like you, will come to understand the truth behind the everyday curtains of life. You've seen the master mechanic behind the scenery. I'm proud of you. Very proud. In a world that is getting crazier by the minute, some people try to take comfort in the delusion that the best genes, if spread around far and fast enough, will save us. Us, of course, is we. We are the Puritans of the Present. We are the Puritans for trust and belief in the Almighty destination of genes that landed on Earth billions of years ago and have followed their path undeterred until now, when too many people are sick and contribute nothing to the world because there is no natural selection left. It's gone and time now to turn to the phase of artificial selection. The bad people are truly sick, they cannot help themselves. The lunatics and the criminals and the lame cannot be allowed to take over and we, the Puritan Gene Club, must fight back, as is our genetically determined destiny, so that the best of this world, through this conflict of lesser genes vs. better genes, more trustworthy genes, will prevail. We may have started out as countless microbes, but we have over time congealed into a planetary wide brain - one brain, one world. Our collective brain is the only brain and the script for this was written into our genetic code even before we came to this planet. We love good genes, even if sometimes we have to pull their teeth.
Gouverneur, NY
Snowy wrote: runaway or suicide are not uncommon considerations under the circumstances....and it's not clear that either of those intentions were not fulfilled. You are correct.....runaway and suicide are considerations when someone disappears. However MM did not fit similar profiles for several reasons. For instance, if she were contemplating suicide she would not be inquiring about a condo shortly before or after 1 p.m. on February 9. Not unless, of course, she wanted to upgrade and be found in a condo rather than a dormitory. Also, textbooks were found in the Saturn......why bother to study if you're planning to permanently opt out. It "had been reported" that she experience a tearful episode a few days before heading north. This behavior is not unusual for college students...or anyone else for that matter. Life is stressful. Fleeting, reactive depressive episode is not happens. Those close to her had noticed there was something somewhat different about her shortly before her disappearance. One person said it was as though she had wanted to tell him/her something. It seems she may have been working through something....experiencing some type of stressor. Based on descriptions of her behavior.....she was not presenting as someone overwhelmed by unyielding major depression. Runaway? Suicide? No how.
Gloucester, MA
rozShoem wrote: <quoted text> You are correct.....runaway and suicide are considerations when someone disappears. However MM did not fit similar profiles for several reasons. For instance, if she were contemplating suicide she would not be inquiring about a condo shortly before or after 1 p.m. on February 9. Not unless, of course, she wanted to upgrade and be found in a condo rather than a dormitory. Also, textbooks were found in the Saturn......why bother to study if you're planning to permanently opt out. It "had been reported" that she experience a tearful episode a few days before heading north. This behavior is not unusual for college students...or anyone else for that matter. Life is stressful. Fleeting, reactive depressive episode is not happens. Those close to her had noticed there was something somewhat different about her shortly before her disappearance. One person said it was as though she had wanted to tell him/her something. It seems she may have been working through something....experiencing some type of stressor. Based on descriptions of her behavior.....she was not presenting as someone overwhelmed by unyielding major depression. Runaway? Suicide? No how. really? i disagree. the reactive, tearful episode in the presence of her supervisor, and during which her supervisor was unable to calm her, was a clear sign of Maura's distress...then as it is today. i suspect she learned of a circumstance or situation by phone which prompted Maura's response, which precipitated her flight from amherst. you wrote: "The major "handicap" if anyone wants to discuss "handicap" was the delay of searching for her caused by the perspective that Maura was a runaway or had committed suicide." again, i disagree. there was not an appreciable delay in "searching" for her, especially since she didn't remain at the scene of the accident; nor does it appear that she appropriately sought assistance by accepting help offered, or by inquiring at any of 5 nearby homes. i guess we've got to keep this thing going to keep you happy. why? this is a very limited audience. you'd be wiser to flail about in front of official investigators. maybe that would help. maybe.