Lincoln, NH
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text>
I wish you didn't use Newtown to make an insult. And by the way, I never used Newtown- never said or implied Newtown so please don't put words in my mouth.maybe you should go back and read Mr wonderfuls posts first.You know , Mr wonderful who used Newtown to sell his stance on more guns needed in school. Arm the teachers-custodians-nurses and secretaries.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> It's evident you aren't from around here. Your pulling things and places about NH off the internet. You may have trouble getting permission to use the sanatorium as a backdrop. It hasn't been a sanatorium for many years. In 1970 it was converted to a nursing home (Glencliff Home for the Elderly). DUH.....The old sanatorium. Oh and I am from here. Ask me something only a local would know.
Lincoln, NH
who lives in the first blue house on Bradley hill RD
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
I live exactly 19 miles from the accident scene. A small quaint little college town. Come on now, You have to do better than that wowzer
Haverhill, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Tang wrote:** Although I am writing a book about the internet and the effects on human behavior. I have been researching this subject for approximately 5 years and have found the interaction between people who post in forums will be the focus of My book.** If this is true,which I doubt since you've told so many lies here already then I have to say that's a pretty low thing to do. Come onto a site for a missing person and play the posters and use them as guinea pigs to write a book. they come, they go..often using various screen names and country proxies. the info fathered from this theead is anecdotal and the approach is unscientific. you're correct, Wowzer, there isn't much substance to the claim, and the approach is unprofessional. fun times!
Haverhill, MA
gathered from this thread... not fathered
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Trying to figure out were I said anything about arming teachers or janitors. The last I am saying on this. Its not germane to MM. JWB has trouble with English anyway. Like his buddy zippy (jenkins), they make the facts up and then search for a way out when they are shown to be wrong. And just to clarify a little more. If you think those kids wold have been better off without me in that classroom, then with me in that classroom. Consider the military training I have in tactics and clearing buildings,(taught that). And all the shooting I have done for decades in Practical pistol, IDPA, etc. So you would need to ask yourself, me, as a citizen pistol permit holder, not being allowed to carry my handgun in a school. Would those kids have been better off with me in the classroom, or worse off? And many pistol permit holders have similar, and even more advanced training then I. So is it wiser to make schools gun exempt areas, where only killers have the guns, knowing that it is a minimum 15-20 minutes before any real response occurs. Don't tell me when the first officer arrived. That means nothing. Does it make any sense to make them worry that someone qualified with a weapon might be lurking around the corner, or in the classroom? Just the fear that might happen would slow him down, make him more careful. These people are cowards. Unequivocal cowards. When even the threat that police were moving in, most commit suicide. Would some of these people even go to schools if they knew that an armed response might occur, because as it stands now, they know for sure it can't happen? This is the last I will say about this. But JWB's turd was just a little more than I was willing to put up with. What a moron. I will answer anyone elses legitimate questions, except JWB or his compatriots. They clearly aren't smart enough to understand subtle nuances and just make stuff up in response. I will answer only by email as I have time, since as I have said, it is too far off topic from the important work being done here. Oh, and I should have written in my earlier response that the first order of police business, is to control the scene, etc. The personal first order of the police, like anyone else, is to go home to family at the end of the shift. Later, Bill WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> The worse part of this is that in the aftermath, when we should be talking about why this could happen. No one will talk about how we have turned every school in the country into a free fire zone. We have guaranteed that not one individual who is allowed to legally possess a firearm is allowed to carry it, in a school. So any individual who wants to kill, and get the highest body count possible. The best opportunity to do it, is at a school, in particular an elementary school. And while the police will do what they can. Their first order of business is to try to control the scenes perimeter, not go into the school. Then wait until enough officers are there to go into the school without having them picked off, one by one or for a specially trained unit to go in. So how many minutes does anyone think this takes? What do you think is going on in the school in the meantime? It's not the cops fault, there is only so much that can be done, without getting all of them killed one by one also. But the person inside being shot at, they know who is shooting, their lives are being sacrificed for a social experiment. No person legally able to possess a firearm are allowed in schools with their firearm. Doesn't seem to be preventing the ones doing illegal things though. And they seem to know that. Oh, and anyone who thinks these stupid "lockdown" procedures does anything except make them sitting ducks is delusional. Bill
Boston, MA
hi, Bill - respect your knowledge and professionalism. public safety is such a serious and critical discussion, and i agree, the debate doesn't belong here. i'll briefly add that the public's safety is relevant in almost every location...land, air and sea. i trust there will be demand by the people to create new plans with the history and each new occurrence of violence.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: hi, Bill - respect your knowledge and professionalism. public safety is such a serious and critical discussion, and i agree, the debate doesn't belong here. i'll briefly add that the public's safety is relevant in almost every location...land, air and sea. i trust there will be demand by the people to create new plans with the history and each new occurrence of violence. Just a side note 443,000 people die a year from tobacco.
Boston, MA
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Just a side note 443,000 people die a year from tobacco. and 911 changed our country and culture forever.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> and 911 changed our country and culture forever. Since it is such a slow day on here. JWB and others aren't "solving" the case, as it were. I'll speak to this a little. We are becoming a nation of victims. 911 and other social "contracts" are lulling us into a sense that you will be saved. The government will take care of it. We see this in "expected" rescues in the backcountry all the time. People believe that ALL rescue, is just a simple phone call away. If people understood how things really worked, they would probably take much more care of them selves. Think things through ahead of time. Prepare for things ahead of time. I see mothers with bleeding kids, without a clue of what to do. Seen a Boston pediatrician, with his daughter in his lap, doing nothing, wanting me to take vitals on his child. I am sure he was a brilliant pediatrician, but this was just too much for him to handle. I can also tell you that if you call an ambulance, because of a knifing, or shooting or any violence, I will not be coming to your house. We will stage at least a block away. First the police will secure the scene. When THEY deem it safe, I will come in. If someone is bleeding, from a possible attempted suicide, or any type of violence, again, until we know the scene is safe, we don't go in. If the police are busy somewhere else, you will keep bleeding. Wouldn't it be nice to have a family member who knows how to stop/control bleeding? Self reliance in all aspects of life is a useful commodity. No one can be all things for all purposes. But a little knowledge in different fields can go a long way. Knowledge and practice. Be it first aid, firearms. Can't/don't want to deal with firearms. Nothing wrong with that. But you can learn how to do first aid, and more importantly, how to react to an active shooter, what to look out for. How to prepare. Do you find where your exits are in a public place? how far and in what direction if the place goes dark? Do you have a small flashlight, or a multi tool if you need one? Do you know what the pandemonium is like when people are scrambling to safety? I have seen it, I have been in it. What are you options if all the exits are all jammed with people and are totally useless? What is your plan B. And don't forget, active shooters may be the least of your worries. There is also fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, structural failure, etc. What if your car breaks down in the middle of winter on a stretch of road not visited by many? Anyone given that any of these scenarios any thought? Now, I don't dwell on these things, but of course, I have plans of action and have been involved in these things in one way or another for decades. So, while I am not prepared for everything, I have hopes that I have prepared enough to be able to work my way through just about anything. I am no hero. Any firefighter or EMT if they are honest will tell you they are not a hero. We do things in a specific way to ensure we get out alive, our partners get out alive, and the patient gets out alive. In that order. One of my favorite quotes: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. -Robert A. Heinlein It is a great start for how a human should live his/her life. IMHO. Of course, I sometimes live outside in the woods when I have a perfectly fine bed in a house - several actually. So take what I say with a grain of salt. Again, JMHO, Bill
Portland, ME
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> The worse part of this is that in the aftermath, when we should be talking about why this could happen. No one will talk about how we have turned every school in the country into a free fire zone. We have guaranteed that not one individual who is allowed to legally possess a firearm is allowed to carry it, in a school. So any individual who wants to kill, and get the highest body count possible. The best opportunity to do it, is at a school, in particular an elementary school. And while the police will do what they can. Their first order of business is to try to control the scenes perimeter, not go into the school. Then wait until enough officers are there to go into the school without having them picked off, one by one or for a specially trained unit to go in. So how many minutes does anyone think this takes? What do you think is going on in the school in the meantime? It's not the cops fault, there is only so much that can be done, without getting all of them killed one by one also. But the person inside being shot at, they know who is shooting, their lives are being sacrificed for a social experiment. No person legally able to possess a firearm are allowed in schools with their firearm. Doesn't seem to be preventing the ones doing illegal things though. And they seem to know that. Oh, and anyone who thinks these stupid "lockdown" procedures does anything except make them sitting ducks is delusional. Bill Apparently you have poor short term memory- You don't exactly say teachers and janitors and secretaries but unless you are implying to give the kids guns then that is exactly what you are saying here. You talk about schools being a gun free zone not working and you say there is only so much cops can do- so then what are you talking about You are obviously saying arm the teachers and others in the building are you not?
Hudson, NH
fantastic post. i dwell on those things, but haven't acted on them to train. there is still time. you are immensely focused, apparently gifted in everything you do well, and have found your calling. understand that not everyone is similarly motivated or inclined. i do what i do; my neighbor dies what he does. and the reasons and abilities for doing so are very complicated. it's never black or white. 911 was unthinkable; even following Tim McVeigh. what's next? guaranteed...something even more horrific. if you know, and who does? then it will be preventable. natural disasters are slightly more predictable. that said...i, and each of us, will die only once. that is a comfort, imo.
Portland, ME
WTH-the-original wrote: Trying to figure out were I said anything about arming teachers or janitors. The last I am saying on this. Its not germane to MM. JWB has trouble with English anyway. Like his buddy zippy (jenkins), they make the facts up and then search for a way out when they are shown to be wrong. And just to clarify a little more. If you think those kids wold have been better off without me in that classroom, then with me in that classroom. Consider the military training I have in tactics and clearing buildings,(taught that). And all the shooting I have done for decades in Practical pistol, IDPA, etc. So you would need to ask yourself, me, as a citizen pistol permit holder, not being allowed to carry my handgun in a school. Would those kids have been better off with me in the classroom, or worse off? And many pistol permit holders have similar, and even more advanced training then I. So is it wiser to make schools gun exempt areas, where only killers have the guns, knowing that it is a minimum 15-20 minutes before any real response occurs. Don't tell me when the first officer arrived. That means nothing. Does it make any sense to make them worry that someone qualified with a weapon might be lurking around the corner, or in the classroom? Just the fear that might happen would slow him down, make him more careful. These people are cowards. Unequivocal cowards. When even the threat that police were moving in, most commit suicide. Would some of these people even go to schools if they knew that an armed response might occur, because as it stands now, they know for sure it can't happen? This is the last I will say about this. But JWB's turd was just a little more than I was willing to put up with. What a moron. I will answer anyone elses legitimate questions, except JWB or his compatriots. They clearly aren't smart enough to understand subtle nuances and just make stuff up in response. I will answer only by email as I have time, since as I have said, it is too far off topic from the important work being done here. Oh, and I should have written in my earlier response that the first order of police business, is to control the scene, etc. The personal first order of the police, like anyone else, is to go home to family at the end of the shift. Later, Bill <quoted text> so now Mr wonderful is really saying 1) police can only do so much 2) lock downs are a waste 3) now says no guns for teachers? solution: we must let more regular people with gun permits and their guns roam the school halls. A WTH in every school- yea great solution that is- Fire away. in memory of WTH wind beneath my wings
Gloucester, MA
Bill ~ re post #29701 ~ i've copied to my loved ones, and have asked them to consider your valuable perspective. Bill writes: "It is a great start for how a human should live his/her life. IMHO. Of course, I sometimes live outside in the woods when I have a perfectly fine bed in a house..." takes one to know of one. your clone-by-synchronicity is scaling new heights, and soon, in a new country. in the meantime, livin' the life...outside....in the woods...at every opportunity.
Since: Nov 12
Austin, TX
JWB wrote: <quoted text> so now Mr wonderful is really saying 1) police can only do so much 2) lock downs are a waste 3) now says no guns for teachers? solution: we must let more regular people with gun permits and their guns roam the school halls. A WTH in every school- yea great solution that is- Fire away. in memory of WTH wind beneath my wings Oh good Lord, are you going to start harping on Bill now that you've backed off of Citigirl? While Bill and I have butted in the past (wayyyyyyy in the past), he deserves his opinions just like you have....please don't start up again. Do ya have to have someone to pick on? And I work in public schools so I really wish you wouldn't discuss this particular topic. Go start your own forum on schools and what to keep them safe. And I'll be sure to stay away from it.
Gloucester, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: Trying to figure out were I said anything about arming teachers or janitors. The last I am saying on this. Its not germane to MM. JWB has trouble with English anyway. Like his buddy zippy (jenkins), they make the facts up and then search for a way out when they are shown to be wrong. And just to clarify a little more. If you think those kids wold have been better off without me in that classroom, then with me in that classroom. Consider the military training I have in tactics and clearing buildings,(taught that). And all the shooting I have done for decades in Practical pistol, IDPA, etc. So you would need to ask yourself, me, as a citizen pistol permit holder, not being allowed to carry my handgun in a school. Would those kids have been better off with me in the classroom, or worse off? And many pistol permit holders have similar, and even more advanced training then I. So is it wiser to make schools gun exempt areas, where only killers have the guns, knowing that it is a minimum 15-20 minutes before any real response occurs. Don't tell me when the first officer arrived. That means nothing. Does it make any sense to make them worry that someone qualified with a weapon might be lurking around the corner, or in the classroom? Just the fear that might happen would slow him down, make him more careful. These people are cowards. Unequivocal cowards. When even the threat that police were moving in, most commit suicide. Would some of these people even go to schools if they knew that an armed response might occur, because as it stands now, they know for sure it can't happen? This is the last I will say about this. But JWB's turd was just a little more than I was willing to put up with. What a moron. I will answer anyone elses legitimate questions, except JWB or his compatriots. They clearly aren't smart enough to understand subtle nuances and just make stuff up in response. I will answer only by email as I have time, since as I have said, it is too far off topic from the important work being done here. Oh, and I should have written in my earlier response that the first order of police business, is to control the scene, etc. The personal first order of the police, like anyone else, is to go home to family at the end of the shift. Later, Bill <quoted text> shared this one, too. i don't have a firm position on the matter, yet, but your input is interesting and helpful, as usual. much appreciated!
Manchester, NH
Bill, Excellent post on self sufficiency and I believe you are spot on! Reminds me of my argument with Findmaura who thought that I should have flung some love at a purse thief and taught my children to be tolerant victims instead of teaching them to protect themselves and to protect those around them that can't protect themselves! In Memory of JWB before he took a ride on Tangs magic world traveling carpet.
Portland, ME
Lady Gray1 wrote: <quoted text> Oh good Lord, are you going to start harping on Bill now that you've backed off of Citigirl? While Bill and I have butted in the past (wayyyyyyy in the past), he deserves his opinions just like you have....please don't start up again. Do ya have to have someone to pick on? And I work in public schools so I really wish you wouldn't discuss this particular topic. Go start your own forum on schools and what to keep them safe. And I'll be sure to stay away from it. skip over it if you don't like it. I deserve my opinion also and gave it. Freedom of speech. Lighthouse responded to a post of mine so I explained and then Bill chirped in and I responded back. I really don't have to explain anything to you. I stand by my opinion
Portland, ME
Lady Gray1 wrote: <quoted text> Oh good Lord, are you going to start harping on Bill now that you've backed off of Citigirl? While Bill and I have butted in the past (wayyyyyyy in the past), he deserves his opinions just like you have....please don't start up again. Do ya have to have someone to pick on? And I work in public schools so I really wish you wouldn't discuss this particular topic. Go start your own forum on schools and what to keep them safe. And I'll be sure to stay away from it. where have you been when Bill has been trashing shack - myself and jenkins? haven't heard a peep from you.