Manchester, NH
JWB, I have to ask; Didn't you do a little shooting in Fords Theatre on 4-14-1865? Sorry Peeps if this is a little inappropriate it's just that those initials beg the question. In Memory of JWB before he took up his stage career
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
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Must be all the puters are frozen up....cause of the cold weather. Quiet in here.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
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Ridiculous wrote: JWB, I have to ask; Didn't you do a little shooting in Fords Theatre on 4-14-1865? Sorry Peeps if this is a little inappropriate it's just that those initials beg the question. In Memory of JWB before he took up his stage career You chose a "perfect Moniker"
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Since it is such a slow day on here. JWB and others aren't "solving" the case, as it were. I'll speak to this a little. We are becoming a nation of victims. 911 and other social "contracts" are lulling us into a sense that you will be saved. The government will take care of it. We see this in "expected" rescues in the backcountry all the time. People believe that ALL rescue, is just a simple phone call away. If people understood how things really worked, they would probably take much more care of them selves. Think things through ahead of time. Prepare for things ahead of time. I see mothers with bleeding kids, without a clue of what to do. Seen a Boston pediatrician, with his daughter in his lap, doing nothing, wanting me to take vitals on his child. I am sure he was a brilliant pediatrician, but this was just too much for him to handle. I can also tell you that if you call an ambulance, because of a knifing, or shooting or any violence, I will not be coming to your house. We will stage at least a block away. First the police will secure the scene. When THEY deem it safe, I will come in. If someone is bleeding, from a possible attempted suicide, or any type of violence, again, until we know the scene is safe, we don't go in. If the police are busy somewhere else, you will keep bleeding. Wouldn't it be nice to have a family member who knows how to stop/control bleeding? Self reliance in all aspects of life is a useful commodity. No one can be all things for all purposes. But a little knowledge in different fields can go a long way. Knowledge and practice. Be it first aid, firearms. Can't/don't want to deal with firearms. Nothing wrong with that. But you can learn how to do first aid, and more importantly, how to react to an active shooter, what to look out for. How to prepare. Do you find where your exits are in a public place? how far and in what direction if the place goes dark? Do you have a small flashlight, or a multi tool if you need one? Do you know what the pandemonium is like when people are scrambling to safety? I have seen it, I have been in it. What are you options if all the exits are all jammed with people and are totally useless? What is your plan B. And don't forget, active shooters may be the least of your worries. There is also fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, structural failure, etc. What if your car breaks down in the middle of winter on a stretch of road not visited by many? Anyone given that any of these scenarios any thought? Now, I don't dwell on these things, but of course, I have plans of action and have been involved in these things in one way or another for decades. So, while I am not prepared for everything, I have hopes that I have prepared enough to be able to work my way through just about anything. I am no hero. Any firefighter or EMT if they are honest will tell you they are not a hero. We do things in a specific way to ensure we get out alive, our partners get out alive, and the patient gets out alive. In that order. One of my favorite quotes: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. -Robert A. Heinlein It is a great start for how a human should live his/her life. IMHO. Of course, I sometimes live outside in the woods when I have a perfectly fine bed in a house - several actually. So take what I say with a grain of salt. Again, JMHO, Bill Great post and excellant advice.
Manchester, NH
Tang, I will admit that that one was a bit of a stretch. Thank you for appreciating the perfection of my moniker. I'm told my "cockles" are quite impressive as well ; ) In memory of JWB's self sacrifice in the service of Timothy Leary.
“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
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WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Since it is such a slow day on here. JWB and others aren't "solving" the case, as it were. I'll speak to this a little. We are becoming a nation of victims. 911 and other social "contracts" are lulling us into a sense that you will be saved. The government will take care of it. We see this in "expected" rescues in the backcountry all the time. People believe that ALL rescue, is just a simple phone call away. If people understood how things really worked, they would probably take much more care of them selves. Think things through ahead of time. Prepare for things ahead of time. I see mothers with bleeding kids, without a clue of what to do. Seen a Boston pediatrician, with his daughter in his lap, doing nothing, wanting me to take vitals on his child. I am sure he was a brilliant pediatrician, but this was just too much for him to handle. I can also tell you that if you call an ambulance, because of a knifing, or shooting or any violence, I will not be coming to your house. We will stage at least a block away. First the police will secure the scene. When THEY deem it safe, I will come in. If someone is bleeding, from a possible attempted suicide, or any type of violence, again, until we know the scene is safe, we don't go in. If the police are busy somewhere else, you will keep bleeding. Wouldn't it be nice to have a family member who knows how to stop/control bleeding? Self reliance in all aspects of life is a useful commodity. No one can be all things for all purposes. But a little knowledge in different fields can go a long way. Knowledge and practice. Be it first aid, firearms. Can't/don't want to deal with firearms. Nothing wrong with that. But you can learn how to do first aid, and more importantly, how to react to an active shooter, what to look out for. How to prepare. Do you find where your exits are in a public place? how far and in what direction if the place goes dark? Do you have a small flashlight, or a multi tool if you need one? Do you know what the pandemonium is like when people are scrambling to safety? I have seen it, I have been in it. What are you options if all the exits are all jammed with people and are totally useless? What is your plan B. And don't forget, active shooters may be the least of your worries. There is also fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, structural failure, etc. What if your car breaks down in the middle of winter on a stretch of road not visited by many? Anyone given that any of these scenarios any thought? Now, I don't dwell on these things, but of course, I have plans of action and have been involved in these things in one way or another for decades. So, while I am not prepared for everything, I have hopes that I have prepared enough to be able to work my way through just about anything. I am no hero. Any firefighter or EMT if they are honest will tell you they are not a hero. We do things in a specific way to ensure we get out alive, our partners get out alive, and the patient gets out alive. In that order. One of my favorite quotes: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. -Robert A. Heinlein It is a great start for how a human should live his/her life. IMHO. Of course, I sometimes live outside in the woods when I have a perfectly fine bed in a house - several actually. So take what I say with a grain of salt. Again, JMHO, Bill Great post!...
Brooklyn, NY
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Jenkins - when a poster makes a statement that they want perceived as fact the onus is on them to prove it as fact. Tang will play this game with you all day. Thats what he does, he ropes people in thinking that there is some fact to add. So posters get all excited waiting for the next "fact" or to clarify the "fact" but he will post where he is heading, where's he eating and nothing relavant to the case. This is what he does for his form of entertainment he likes to rope people in and get their attention. He will never sit down and have an all out debate about any "fact" he may have to share because they aren't new facts. Great post LH and a very good point. So you think this dude:chick or whatever knows they're wrong and just doesn't care, but rather is intentionally just trying to throw out BS 'facts' for some sort of entertainment value in the argument? I think you may be right. But I also think there's a good chance this person actually believes these obviously wrong things bc that's what Fred told him or her or it. That's what I wanna know, this person claims to know Fred, and interestingly has yet another versions of events; one that makes no sense but also directly contradicts some of the few known known facts about that night, why is that? It sure looks like Fred is telling people he knows completely different versions of events, ones on which he doesn't look so bad, or as weird. That would make sense, and be highly interesting. Everybody knows that it is extremely werd for a college age girl to leave her own format 3am so she can go over to her father's hotel room that only has one bed. That's weird, it just is. I can see Fred lying about this to his friends do he doesn't looke like such a weirdo. We all know Fred is very concerned about his image, and this just looks like more evidence of that. We all know she somehow go into his hotel room and used his phone to call billy bc she left her own at the party, this is known. We've seen the phone records on this very forum. So to me that makes it very interesting that he would tell someone he knows this ridiculous story about her hanging out in the lobby, And then him just randomly walkin down to th lobby at 6am and findin her there. The whole thing makes no sense an directly contradicts two different versions he's already told. So we know he's lied at least once about that night, now are we seeing evidence that he's lies at least twice? Whole thing is weird, one things for sure here: Fred's a weird dude. I still don't think he directly had anythin to do with her dissapearance but I feel he may have been the reason she felt the need to run to Nh an possibly even on to a new life.
Medford, MA
Jenkins wrote: <quoted text>
I still don't think he directly had anythin to do with her dissapearance but I feel he may have been the reason she felt the need to run to Nh an possibly even on to a new life. Agree.
Since: Feb 12
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Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> Great post LH and a very good point. So you think this dude:chick or whatever knows they're wrong and just doesn't care, but rather is intentionally just trying to throw out BS 'facts' for some sort of entertainment value in the argument? I think you may be right. But I also think there's a good chance this person actually believes these obviously wrong things bc that's what Fred told him or her or it. That's what I wanna know, this person claims to know Fred, and interestingly has yet another versions of events; one that makes no sense but also directly contradicts some of the few known known facts about that night, why is that? It sure looks like Fred is telling people he knows completely different versions of events, ones on which he doesn't look so bad, or as weird. That would make sense, and be highly interesting. Everybody knows that it is extremely werd for a college age girl to leave her own format 3am so she can go over to her father's hotel room that only has one bed. That's weird, it just is. I can see Fred lying about this to his friends do he doesn't looke like such a weirdo. We all know Fred is very concerned about his image, and this just looks like more evidence of that. We all know she somehow go into his hotel room and used his phone to call billy bc she left her own at the party, this is known. We've seen the phone records on this very forum. So to me that makes it very interesting that he would tell someone he knows this ridiculous story about her hanging out in the lobby, And then him just randomly walkin down to th lobby at 6am and findin her there. The whole thing makes no sense an directly contradicts two different versions he's already told. So we know he's lied at least once about that night, now are we seeing evidence that he's lies at least twice? Whole thing is weird, one things for sure here: Fred's a weird dude. I still don't think he directly had anythin to do with her dissapearance but I feel he may have been the reason she felt the need to run to Nh an possibly even on to a new life. Jenkins - in my opinion the hotel story doesn't make sense because the story is missing the "why and the "how". Why was she going to go to the hotel room at 3 AM ? And How was she going to get back to her dorm after she went to the hotel? FM tries to answer the why with - "She wanted to return the car to me" it doesn't make sense because I have never heard of anyone returning a car so early in the morning. Even if she successfully returned the car how was she going to get back to her dorm to sleep? Once she crashes the "why" or her reason to return the car to FM is now destroyed. She no longer has a car to return to FM, but she still gets a ride not back to her dorm to sleep, but to the hotel. If I had to deliver bad news I would rather do it after everyone had a good nights sleep. So I guess what I'm trying to say is the "why" that FM states of returning the car isn't the real reason why she was going to the hotel. No sense going to a hotel at 3:00 AM to return something that you no longer have. I would think after crashing a car and having it towed to another location the best decision would be to get a ride back to your dorm sleep, and drive to the hotel with your saturn the next day so you atleast have one car to use to drive around to find a rental. This is just my opinion.
Manchester, NH
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text>Once she crashes the "why" or her reason to return the car to FM is now destroyed. She no longer has a car to return to FM, but she still gets a ride not back to her dorm to sleep, but to the hotel. If I had to deliver bad news I would rather do it after everyone had a good nights sleep. So I guess what I'm trying to say is the "why" that FM states of returning the car isn't the real reason why she was going to the hotel. No sense going to a hotel at 3:00 AM to return something that you no longer have. I would think after crashing a car and having it towed to another location the best decision would be to get a ride back to your dorm sleep, and drive to the hotel with your saturn the next day so you atleast have one car to use to drive around to find a rental. This is just my opinion. I'm pretty sure I addressed some of this before, but I wanted to make sure this didn't get passed by. Fred's Toyota was not towed to "another location" - it was towed to the Quality Inn. It is in the documents Renner has - when you click on the link, go to the last page, it says it clearly there and on the cover sheet on the page before it, and also says it in other documents in the same link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7_atAFvowRhN... North Amherst Motors towed it from the Quality Inn to their shop. As I said before, if it were me, I would want to make sure I was there at the hotel whenever Fred woke up to make sure I could tell him I smashed up his car before he walked out and saw it himself - I think anybody would. If Maura had the tow truck driver tow the Toyota to the Quality Inn, she would then would have had to have him drive back to her dorm, which would have been even more expensive and would have gone on her Dad's insurance/bill. It would be much easier and make much more sense to stay at the Quality Inn for all the reasons stated. Again, nobody that I am aware of has proven that Fred Murray had a single-bed hotel room, which Jenkins is stating again as fact. The Quality Inn had rooms with two double beds, still does, most hotels do, and it could just as easily have been one of those. If somebody has proof that it was a single-bed room, I would like a link. And if it was a single-bed room, that still doesn't mean a thing. And, just so everybody is clear, poster "oo000oo" from Arizona has pointed out on two occasions that Tang Zoi is Det. Columbo, and other long-time posters have said the same. Columbo has a very distinctive way of initial-capping words that shouldn't be, especially "You," "Your" and "Me." Tang Zoi did the same thing in his initial posts, before he signed up with a Topix account, and still occasionally forgets to hide it. He is trying, and apparently succeeding, in leading a few people here on another wild goose chase, which from earlier reading seems to be his specialty, throwing out lots of red herrings just for his personal amusement. Tang Zoi keeps denying he is Columbo, but his posts tell the truth. I wouldn't waste another moment of my time, if I were other posters, paying any attention to his posts - he is playing you all.
Since: Feb 12
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Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I'm pretty sure I addressed some of this before, but I wanted to make sure this didn't get passed by. Fred's Toyota was not towed to "another location" - it was towed to the Quality Inn. It is in the documents Renner has - when you click on the link, go to the last page, it says it clearly there and on the cover sheet on the page before it, and also says it in other documents in the same link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7_atAFvowRhN... North Amherst Motors towed it from the Quality Inn to their shop. As I said before, if it were me, I would want to make sure I was there at the hotel whenever Fred woke up to make sure I could tell him I smashed up his car before he walked out and saw it himself - I think anybody would. If Maura had the tow truck driver tow the Toyota to the Quality Inn, she would then would have had to have him drive back to her dorm, which would have been even more expensive and would have gone on her Dad's insurance/bill. It would be much easier and make much more sense to stay at the Quality Inn for all the reasons stated. Again, nobody that I am aware of has proven that Fred Murray had a single-bed hotel room, which Jenkins is stating again as fact. The Quality Inn had rooms with two double beds, still does, most hotels do, and it could just as easily have been one of those. If somebody has proof that it was a single-bed room, I would like a link. And if it was a single-bed room, that still doesn't mean a thing. And, just so everybody is clear, poster "oo000oo" from Arizona has pointed out on two occasions that Tang Zoi is Det. Columbo, and other long-time posters have said the same. Columbo has a very distinctive way of initial-capping words that shouldn't be, especially "You," "Your" and "Me." Tang Zoi did the same thing in his initial posts, before he signed up with a Topix account, and still occasionally forgets to hide it. He is trying, and apparently succeeding, in leading a few people here on another wild goose chase, which from earlier reading seems to be his specialty, throwing out lots of red herrings just for his personal amusement. Tang Zoi keeps denying he is Columbo, but his posts tell the truth. I wouldn't waste another moment of my time, if I were other posters, paying any attention to his posts - he is playing you all. I'm glad to see you Maruchan. I hope you had a good holiday season. Thank you for clearing this up.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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He's not playing with us all Maruchan. He's been throwing out red herring from the beginning. Here's a past post that explains a little bit of why he's here. He loves playing people. He loves playing games. WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Seriously? You are not buying the "then some unknown shit happened" theory of what happened to the car put forth by our illustrious private detective? I don't know, I wonder what others think? Cmon, lets hear from others out there. Are you buying the "then some unknown shit happened" theory from our resident P.I. I mean, it's a legitimate question. From the person that gave us the "someone moved the body", and "a trailer hitch" caused the damage. Now we have the "then some unknown shit happened" theory. Anyone believe this, especially considering the track record of the source? Bill I just do this to keep you busy and give you something to occupy the mind. Seems like You have nothing better to do. John
Medford, MA
to dear Tang - you giving yourself away by showing up when crickets are chirping and looking for activity. it's a recognized habit. your location is recognizable. you also like to connect with amy. she falls for the lines every time. now, i may be wrong, but never stupid....and prob right.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
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JWB wrote: who lives in the first blue house on Bradley hill RD I do know the identity of the owners but I will not say thier names. They were not talked to by police until almost 2 weeks later, Odd. They were also talked to by 2 of the NHLI's in 2006 on the weeknd of the search w the command post at the Mtn lakes lodge. From what I gained from the conversation w them the people who live there were a very nice caring loving family. They knew of the acc. that night but nobody ever came to their door that night.
Medford, MA
oh, my, Maruchan...we've all come to the same conclusion about Columbo, except for a few that are naiive. i wrote my post w/o reading yours first. short on time. i've said it before...motels/hotels seldom if ever have single beds. that would be a boarding house feature. no point in debating...facts not avail to prove any claim. bye.
Since: Feb 12
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Tang Zoi wrote: From what I gained from the conversation w them the people who live there were a very nice caring loving family. They knew of the acc. that night but nobody ever came to their door that night. Unfortunately - judging you by your posts if you spoke to this family you would be more focused on telling them where you ate and where you are traveling too. I doubt that you would would meet the father of a missing child or take part in an investigation and then go on the forum that has her name and make comments about where you are going, and what you are eating. This sight certainly attracts some weird people.
Manchester, NH
Maruchan, Glad to see you back in these parts! Appreciate your sanity, and knowledge. Getting harder to find those traits on this thread! And the conch stay's with Ralph for another day! In memory of JWB's consistently sticky key board
Manchester, NH
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> I'm glad to see you Maruchan. I hope you had a good holiday season. Thank you for clearing this up. Thanks, I did, hope you did too.:)
Manchester, NH
Wowzer the real one wrote: He's not playing with us all Maruchan. He's been throwing out red herring from the beginning. Here's a past post that explains a little bit of why he's here. He loves playing people. He loves playing games. WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Seriously? You are not buying the "then some unknown shit happened" theory of what happened to the car put forth by our illustrious private detective? I don't know, I wonder what others think? Cmon, lets hear from others out there. Are you buying the "then some unknown shit happened" theory from our resident P.I. I mean, it's a legitimate question. From the person that gave us the "someone moved the body", and "a trailer hitch" caused the damage. Now we have the "then some unknown shit happened" theory. Anyone believe this, especially considering the track record of the source? Bill I just do this to keep you busy and give you something to occupy the mind. Seems like You have nothing better to do. John Yeah, Wowzer, that's why I said that others besides oo000oo (not my favorite username of all time) had also mentioned it - I saw that you and Bill were aware of it. I was really just hoping to steer those who hadn't read those posts in the right direction, which is away from discussing Tang Zoi/Columbo's red herrings. Thanks for the quote - it is sad to see how some people come here purposely to muddy the already muddy waters.
Manchester, NH
Ridiculous wrote: Maruchan, Glad to see you back in these parts! Appreciate your sanity, and knowledge. Getting harder to find those traits on this thread! And the conch stay's with Ralph for another day! In memory of JWB's consistently sticky key board Thanks Ridiculous, glad to see you're faithfully doing your part here.:) Also, I have to say that my favorite part of visiting this forum has become watching you and Lighthouse exercising your right to be witty. You two regularly make me choke on whatever I'm drinking by your hilarious posts - keep up the good work.:)