Manchester, NH
I could go on and on, there are tons of respectful, intelligent posters here that don't always agree with what I say or even acknowledge my existence here. I listen to them and and I learn.I've never bullied anyone in my life. I will however go toe to toe with anyone who wants to do so. I make no apologies, I don't start crap with anyone, but I have no problem calling bullshit when I see it. Nothing will get you a fight quicker with me than trying to intimidate me. The hypocrisy here is rampant. If you're not confrontational, don't look for a confrontation. If your moral code wont allow you to fight, God bless you, don't start a fight and more importantly, don't throw rocks from the sideline while you are selling your morals! My father didn't hug me enough?! Not only is that a sexist statement, it certainly is an insult, especially to my father, who I might add doesn't post here so can't even defend himself! The funniest thing to me is this; I did offer JWB compassion, in fact, I offered him support, understanding and let him know that even the best of us fall down and need help to get up. Presumptious bullying? How dare I assume that he is having mental issues? Really?! What did all of you anti Bullies and moral people do in this situation that was constructive?
Since: Apr 12
Location hidden
Simply Caustic wrote: <quoted text> If you think that 'duly warned' is synonymous with 'thinly veiled thread', then you've got quite a reading comprehension problem. What is this, gang up on Snowy day? Moronic. Get your optician on board SC, it said thinly veiled threat, not thread. Please flap your wings and go back to Websleuths.
Manchester, NH
Major Dog crap, I love the whole western theme to your language. Reminds me of that song Rhine Stone Cowboy from back in the seventies. I'm guessing it came out right around the time you started collecting social security. I can see you now, sitting there at the counter in the drug store drinking your root beer float decked out in full cowboy regalia winking at the soda jerk. I see you finishing it off, leaving a ten cent tip, jumping into your bright yellow ford pinto,and heading back to your double wide ranch house and doing a little heifer swearing. It's not quite as manly as bull baiting, but let's face it, bulls have nuts and that intimidates you. Fence holing, cow cussing, thinly veiled threatening,dusty cap gun shooting and parading around in a your wrangler adult diapers, Yesiree Pardner your one tough customer... ; )
Since: Apr 12
Location hidden
Ridiculous wrote: Major Dog crap, I love the whole western theme to your language. Reminds me of that song Rhine Stone Cowboy from back in the seventies. I'm guessing it came out right around the time you started collecting social security. I can see you now, sitting there at the counter in the drug store drinking your root beer float decked out in full cowboy regalia winking at the soda jerk. I see you finishing it off, leaving a ten cent tip, jumping into your bright yellow ford pinto,and heading back to your double wide ranch house and doing a little heifer swearing. It's not quite as manly as bull baiting, but let's face it, bulls have nuts and that intimidates you. Fence holing, cow cussing, thinly veiled threatening,dusty cap gun shooting and parading around in a your wrangler adult diapers, Yesiree Pardner your one tough customer... ; ) If that’s the best you’ve got you should hang up your skates.
Gloucester, MA
Ridiculous wrote: I could go on and on, there are tons of respectful, intelligent posters here that don't always agree with what I say or even acknowledge my existence here. I listen to them and and I learn.I've never bullied anyone in my life. I will however go toe to toe with anyone who wants to do so. I make no apologies, I don't start crap with anyone, but I have no problem calling bullshit when I see it. Nothing will get you a fight quicker with me than trying to intimidate me. The hypocrisy here is rampant. If you're not confrontational, don't look for a confrontation. If your moral code wont allow you to fight, God bless you, don't start a fight and more importantly, don't throw rocks from the sideline while you are selling your morals! My father didn't hug me enough?! Not only is that a sexist statement, it certainly is an insult, especially to my father, who I might add doesn't post here so can't even defend himself! The funniest thing to me is this; I did offer JWB compassion, in fact, I offered him support, understanding and let him know that even the best of us fall down and need help to get up. Presumptious bullying? How dare I assume that he is having mental issues? Really?! What did all of you anti Bullies and moral people do in this situation that was constructive? not to worry, i predict there will be another opportunity for others to step up to lend their support, compassion and analysis. "careing". my vote goes to you for the prize for being most outspoken. some of your messaging is getting lost, coach, in the sweeping awards you're handing out at tonight's sports banquet. the simple bully / victim model...the bully is weak, and the victim is a sniveling, helpless whiner. be neither. worse, is this.... "If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at anytime, and you would achieve nothing." Margaret Thatcher Former British Prime Minister
Manchester, NH
Snowy, Yes I accept the award for most outspoken. You are correct, I really rambled with it. Somewhere, Bob Jenkins is smiling.... ; )
Simply Caustic
Homer Glen, IL
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> there's no accounting for the disconnect that leaps between the poorly comprehending brain and the product turned out from the keyboard. while you're here, SC, i'm recalling we've had at least one impaired, overnight weekend typist in previous years, but that situation seems to have leveled out. she/he has been replaced by several more resident offenders. once again, the bizarre postings on Friday night, 1/4, are presumed to be impaired thought processes that were recorded by keyboard. while you have expressed concerns in recent past about these occurrences, others are also noticing, and have come forward this past weekend to express their concerns about this behavior, as well. i hope that messaging, the core issue, is not lost in the white noise. The nature of the posts are such that they are increasing in both quantity and the level of threat inherent in each one. The sad thing is, I think there was (at one point) substance to the posts by that member. Unfortunately, that time has passed, and I can only hope that they cease to threaten here - in fact, that ALL threatening messages are a thing of the past. That's not what we are here for. (And, after a certain point, like Maruchan stated above - it DOES become a legal issue.)
Simply Caustic
Homer Glen, IL
Ridiculous wrote: I could go on and on, there are tons of respectful, intelligent posters here that don't always agree with what I say or even acknowledge my existence here. I listen to them and and I learn.I've never bullied anyone in my life. I will however go toe to toe with anyone who wants to do so. I make no apologies, I don't start crap with anyone, but I have no problem calling bullshit when I see it. Nothing will get you a fight quicker with me than trying to intimidate me. The hypocrisy here is rampant. If you're not confrontational, don't look for a confrontation. If your moral code wont allow you to fight, God bless you, don't start a fight and more importantly, don't throw rocks from the sideline while you are selling your morals! My father didn't hug me enough?! Not only is that a sexist statement, it certainly is an insult, especially to my father, who I might add doesn't post here so can't even defend himself! The funniest thing to me is this; I did offer JWB compassion, in fact, I offered him support, understanding and let him know that even the best of us fall down and need help to get up. Presumptious bullying? How dare I assume that he is having mental issues? Really?! What did all of you anti Bullies and moral people do in this situation that was constructive? I think anyone with even the tiniest semblance of rational thought, would be able to grasp that you tried to be nice to JWB, and offer 'compassion', as you put it. I think it was a nice olive branch that you offered, which was rebuffed. I further think that, if we all IGNORE the posts - he will go away. Either that, or escalate to a point where it becomes a matter for law enforcement.
Simply Caustic
Homer Glen, IL
Major Do-Do wrote: <quoted text> Get your optician on board SC, it said thinly veiled threat, not thread. Please flap your wings and go back to Websleuths. No, I think I'll stay here. Thanks for the offer, though. Why is my posting at WS relevant? OOOOOOOH maybe you are trying to be a badass and show me that...gasp!...you know I'm the same SC that posts over there. OOOOOOOH. Scary. Wait. No, it's not. Classy, creative name, by the way. Not gauche in the slightest.
Simply Caustic
Homer Glen, IL
I happen to like Wowzer, Snowy, Bill, and a slew of other posters who've been threatened with 'outing' on this board. Although I've no clout whatsoever in any state other than IL (and admittedly, barely any clout here - I'm low on the totem poll!)- I still am employed for the State of Illinois in a professional capacity. I've every faith that, were complaints lodged with LE in your respective states, and I placed a call backing up those claims - well, I think it surely wouldn't hurt. It's obvious, to me at least, that Ridiculous never sincerely intended to cause bodily harm to anyone on this board - hell, no one knows OR has made any attempt to discern the identity of the poster known as JWB! However, the posts directed at Wowzer and Snowy, where statements were made inferring that JWB has been researching/stalking their identities - well, those posts were concerning, to say the least. As evidenced by the repeated requests of the posters listed above, demanding that JWB cease any attempts at figuring out their true names/addresses/etc. However, those requests/demands were denied and further attempts were made to ascertain the identities, even after repeated instruction to desist. I think it's clear who is in the wrong. Ball's in your court. STOP.
“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
Ridiculous wrote: Emmett, that dude is all heart. I think, like me he is a little hot headed and when pushed hard enough, tends to talk with his fists. He is miles ahead of me in that area though and has committed himself to being a kinder gentler man. Another one who knows so much more about this case than me and I'm pretty sure he doesn't agree with everything I say! Still, how can you not love him? Wowzer, a bully?! for the sake of god, I won't call her a victim here because she just isn't the type, but, the bizarreness of her not being supported in this situation, that she did not instigate or ask for just blows me away! Also another extremely intelligent lady that knows this case front, back and sideways. A bully, "Ridiculous"! Thank You! I dont know if I actually know any more about the case than you cus we have read the same stuff & all but I appreciate the comment.. Back in the world ive had my fair share of battles & maybe lead a certain kind of lifestyle that is frowned upon, but Im actually growing up & trying to be the "bigger person"... That doesnt always help me & I get real mad sometimes when people call me names (not used to it) especially when on a thread about a missing woman.. I dont like to fight, im the quiet shy person in the room But Ive been known to hold my own if need be.. But, ive never put my hands on anyone that didnt put theirs on me first! I like to make friends & I like to discuss friendly topics.. I know that doesnt go well here pretty much most of the time but thats just me.. I honestly dont like to see women bullied & then when im doing nothing wrong it seems someone always picks me to start something with.. Everyone thats said this is right, im not "thick skinned", well not on the internet, maybe not in person but im actually friendly so over the years ive never really had "that problem".. As far as agreeing with you, I cant make heads or tails of this case & im just happy to have people to chat with that share some common interest!!! Your 100% right about me though, I wear my heart on my sleeve But I wont let people provoke me this year, atleast I hope so.. Im really trying & just want to get along but many people dont understand my dialect, like when im trying to joke, I guess where im not from up yonder, people dont get my point & get mad at me.. Its prolly my fault cus the way I type (talk) plus I dont use spell check & am ALWAYS on mobile so it is a lil harder to type on topix.. I do however talk to many people that post here or used too but ill never post who they are on here cus I know im not well liked here & dont want their net buddies to get mad at them for talking to me!!! Thanks for writing that up though :)
Manchester, NH
Major Dog Crap, Don't break out the old harmonica just yet. Fling some hush puppies to the dogs, drag your saddle up here next to the fire, break out what's left of your sipping whiskey and let's just set fer a spell. Good, now listen up Pard. I know you've got more years in the saddle than me and the good lord above knows ain't no one can berate a bovine like you. When it comes to the ladies, well if the stories are true, there's not cat house between here and California that hasn't appreciated your gracious patronage, but, your getting a little seasoned. a little knobby in the knees if ya know what I mean. Times are a changing. Your aim just ain't what it used to be. There's talk back at the ranch that Sim is thinking about letting you go. Now, I'd hate to see you in Nashville singing the old range songs just to get some grub. Doesn't seem right. I think it's time you saddle up old trigger and ride off into the sunset. Go 'til ya can't go no more and when they finally plant you, well, I hope they do it with your boots on and your backside up. ; )
Groton, MA
50 viewing this Maura Murray forum...and not anything to do with her, or her disappearance.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Ridiculous wrote: I could go on and on, there are tons of respectful, intelligent posters here that don't always agree with what I say or even acknowledge my existence here. I listen to them and and I learn.I've never bullied anyone in my life. I will however go toe to toe with anyone who wants to do so. I make no apologies, I don't start crap with anyone, but I have no problem calling bullshit when I see it. Nothing will get you a fight quicker with me than trying to intimidate me. The hypocrisy here is rampant. If you're not confrontational, don't look for a confrontation. If your moral code wont allow you to fight, God bless you, don't start a fight and more importantly, don't throw rocks from the sideline while you are selling your morals! My father didn't hug me enough?! Not only is that a sexist statement, it certainly is an insult, especially to my father, who I might add doesn't post here so can't even defend himself! The funniest thing to me is this; I did offer JWB compassion, in fact, I offered him support, understanding and let him know that even the best of us fall down and need help to get up. Presumptious bullying? How dare I assume that he is having mental issues? Really?! What did all of you anti Bullies and moral people do in this situation that was constructive? https://www.youtube.com/watch ...
Manchester, NH
elphalba wrote: <quoted text> Haha. I cannot believe Wowzer, Snowy, Ridic and now you all took issue with Amy who basically said to cut out the threats and childish behavior. And what is your mature explanation as to why you disagree with her? Because JWB started it. lol. My 7 year old son even knows two wrongs do not make a right. Wouldn't it have been easier to simply say, "okay Amy, you are right, we will not behave as petulent children??" How about this. If you don't like people on the internet, just ingnore them and talk about Maura? It is really not hard to do and is a life skill that actually comes in handy even away from the internet. Like at work. Or even when the extended family is over on Turkey Day.:) By ganging up and bickering, it really portrays y'all as a bunch of bullies who were not hugged enough by daddy when you were little. I did a quick search back to 10/1/12, and found that Elphalblablabla has made 13 posts on this forum during that time, 3 of them in the last 24 hours. The first was on 10/23,#27506, where he/she/it (since I don't the gender, I'll call it "Bla") said: elphalba wrote: <quoted text> I am sure it is overexaggerated like almost everything is here. Last time I posted, people were talking about their yard being walked on during the search for a missing girl as if it was the end of the world. There is a faction here that seems to be both ubersensitive and unrelentingly caustic. It is really bizarre. Anyways, just my 2 cents. Apparently, Bla hadn't posted in quite a while, and this was Bla's first contribution in a long time - not a post about Maura, just a slam against posters here. Out of the 10 posts Bla made prior to #29904 (first quote at the top of this post), four were to slam me, one to slam Lighthouse, one to slam Wowzer, and one to slam Emmett Dove. Including #29904 and the two posts following, Bla slammed me twice again, Wowzer twice, Ridiculous three times and Snowy twice. From the first post slamming me, I realized Bla was simply there to bully me, so I have ignored all Bla's posts until now. Edited due to space: To Lighthouse,#26279 elphalba wrote: <quoted text> Dumb assumption ... To me,#26394: elphalba wrote: <quoted text> My goodness, people can be thick. Granted it takes a wee bit of deduction, but the quote you provided to me pretty much says that Maura would be the type to take a ride from a stranger. Not everything in life needs to be spoonfed ya know.. To Wowzer and me,#27636: elphalba wrote: <quoted text> Sometimes you do compare apples to oranges if you believe it to help make your point.... Anyways, the bigger point that I found to be amusing is that somebody (marauchan) actually took the time to tell somebody that no, he shouldn't be mad at person x but instead person y. As if somebody who is not a child really needs to be told such a thing. To Emmett,#28809, who was upset about having to remove his manger scene from his front yard at Christmas, and how Emmett felt it ruined Christmas for him and his daughter: elphalba wrote: <quoted text> I have 2 children in school and they know the meaning of xmas and enjoy it just as much as I did when young. SO I am not sure why you think Xmas is destroyed? To me the holidays is all about family and loved ones. I think there are certain percentages of the population who have a victim mentality constantly or are always looking for something to gripe about. To me those who claim that Xmas is being taken away clearly fit into that category. Nice Christmas message, I'm sure it made Emmett's Christmas that much more special. Bla needs to take a good look in the mirror - the majority of Bla's recent posts are not about Maura and are just to bully many members of the forum. Bla needs to put that life skill about ignoring others to work and realize that he/she/it belongs on the bully side of the aisle.
Southbury, CT
OMG can everyone just cut this charade about LE becoing involved? THis stupid ass threat that if JWB posted wowzer's information the cops would be at his door?? Come on people, get a grip!! He never ever, not even once, threatened wowzer in any way shape or form, he threatened to say her name on the internet, whoaaaa, let's call the FBI in on this one. Somebody even went so far the other night to suggest that a restraining order would be possible and that a judge would be woken up in the middle of the night!! LOL, Come on!!! Do you really think that any cop in the world would call a judge, somebody that they rely on in REAL emergencies, where there's a REAL crime to investigate, in the middle of the night because someone posted someone else's real name on topix?? That is insane crazy talk, completely ludacris. If wwowzer applied for a restraining order because of the she wouldve been laught out of court. The closest she could get is maybe a stalking protective order but even that would be laughed out of court and in realty the judge would probably reprimand her for wasting the court's valuable time. The courts are alreay clogged up enough with real crimes, with women who are in REAL danger, the last thing they need is people bringing stupid arguments from online forums into court. Look it up, JWB has net NONE of the criteria for a stalking protective order, NONE. The closest would be iif the person has said something threatening to the other person. Sorry to break it to you guys but JWB has NEVER said ANYTHING threatening to wowzer; nothing thateven approches a need for a protective order. He threatened to post her info on topix, not go to her house and bang on her door. Has he sais anything that would make her think that he or anybody would be coming to her house if he posted her info? NO, absolutely not. This is the internet, it's 2013, people's personal info is all over the internet. People use their real names all the time. Do you think the cops were at Renner's house when he posted beagles name? How about Orky's the other night? Hell no, why would they waste their time? THere is absolutley no threat of any physical harm to any of these people. I LOVE this one, "LE is aware of the situation". LOL, do you realize how hard the cops would be laughing after they hung up if someone actually made that call? "umm, mr. policeman someone has been threatening to say wowzer's real name on topix" LOL. SO that's it? Is the person threatening to harm this wowzer? NO. Is the person threatening to go to her house? NO. Is the poster saying other people shoul go harass her? NO. Sorry to break it to you guys but there is no crime against posting someone's personan info online, definitely not a crime in any way shape or form. Certainly not stalking either. That is not cyber-bullying, go tell that to Phoebe Prince's dad and be prepared for a punch in the nose. Any comparison to cyber bulllying is simply laughable. The craziest part is the sheer hypocrisy of many of the people on this site. All they do is throw out personal attacks and harrass people who are trying do discuss MM. And then the second something is thrown back at them they're talking about calling the cops?? The cops??? Really???? You people actually think the cops give two shits about some stupid arguments on a forum? They have REAL CRIMES they are working on, real people in danger that need protection that they don't even have the resources to protect. And you're talking about wasting their time by calling and saying someone is threatening to post someone's real name on topix?? LOL I'm just amazed by what some people have said on this thread, it's like you people are 5 year olds and you're threatening to go tell mommy bc someone called you a name. News flash, it is perfectly legal for JWB to post wowzer's real name and address onlne, iis it the right thing to do? No way, but it is not a crime in any way. You guys are beng a bunch of babies
Southbury, CT
As for cyber bullying, it's blatantly obvious that bill, snowy, wowzer and Co are the bullies on this thread. Anyone who doesn't agree either hasn't read back on the thread or is just not being honest plain and simple. After a few years off from posting I started posting again last year right around this time. Very few of the posters were around back when I was posting on the MMM.com site, and the ones that were claim they don't remember me. So they had no idea who i was, to them I was new poster. Literally after my second or third post I was being personally attacked by these people, being called every name in the book and then some that aren't even in the book yet. I was shocked and appalled by the behavior exhibited by these people. Some of the peeople on this thread are the rudest, meanest and just downright nastiest posters i've ever witnessed on any forum anwhere online, even moreso than the political foruums, it's crazy; i've never seen anything like it. The craziest part about it is the topic, this is a forum about a young innocent girl who is missing and most likely got murdered and this is the topic that these people choose to troll on and make it into their own personal forum to attack people. We are dealing with some seriously weird people that clearly have issues. No normal people would ever talk to people like that, especially on a forum with a topic that this forum has. The most ironic part of it all is that these people then accuse others, who are clearly just frustrated from dealing with the nastiest posters on the internet, of having mental issues. Everybody in their life has known someone who is just a liar; ever notice that someone who is a straight up liar is always accusing everyone else of lying? This is exactly what is going on here, except it's not lying, it's someting different. In addition to being the rudest and nastiest posters I've ever seen, they're also the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen. I'vejust never seen anything like it before, they're aways attacking someone for something they themseves do on a regular basis, like basig a theory on an assumption. All these people do is make assumptions, they have absolutely no facts to back up their theory so the only thing they can do is throw personal attacks. They behave like 5 year olds in many ways, they can't win a debate, they know their wrong, they just call the person stupid. Anyone who doubts what I am saying I invite them to go back and read this thread around february of last year. Feb Through the spring really. Go read the posts from the end of april/beginning of May, watch how they just constantly attack and attack, and lie and lie. The behavior of some of the posters is truly sickening, it actually makes me feel sick to think that anyone would behave like this on a thread with a topic such as the one we are discussing. Please go back and read the older posts and maybe you'll understand why some people like JWB are just frustrated with their behavior and are fighting back. Go read the thread about Patric if you wanna see what a great guy Bill is, and how childish and insecure he really is. He can not answer the question of how dirt could end up in the OPEN eyes of a child who died of hypothermia. Instead of admiting maybe he's wrong, maybe there should be some more investigating, he throws out every nasy insult there is Some of these people should really look at themselves and think about what kind of people they want to be in life, because someone who is willing to come on threads about topics like these jus to throw out personal attacks and try to insult people, and just act this rude and nasty, just can't be a very good person in real life.. Nice, normal people would never exhibit behavior like they show on this thread. It is truly a sight to behold,these people gotta b some of the rudest people in new england, which places them high in the running for rudest worldwide. Makes me sick
Dunstable, MA
Shack wrote: 50 viewing this Maura Murray forum...and not anything to do with her, or her disappearance. what's new? anything to discuss? have the authorities been properly alerted to the Israel Keyes theory? are they aware of the hole in the ice / fishing thingy? do you suppose all 50 people are tuned in to the MM thread? or just spread around the Franconia forum?
Dunstable, MA
just some helpful considerations, Jenkins. Lighthouse, here goes....i'll keep my expectations low. here goes. the book on blogging etiquette hasn't been written, but the consensus here is that privacy is the expectTion...the seansard...the norm. we don't care how they do it in China, Sweden, in at UMASS or in Nebraska. next. no means no. stop means stop. here is an ANALOGY. when a person does not want to engage in sexual activity with another, and says "no" or "stop", to continue and force your will upon another is known as rape. another nugget. strong men don't bully women. finally, one does not enable suspected abusers of substances and / or those suspected of suffering from mental health issues to interfere with the safety and well-being of others. they may stand out by recognizable, demonstrated patterns of behavior, although they are responsible for seeking treatment.
Dunstable, MA
standard not the autotype word...