Since: Dec 11
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findmaura wrote: <quoted text>That scenerio is the most logical. I'm willing to listen to James Renner's theory about Maura traveling in tandem with someone in another vehicle, but why wouldn't she have taken her toiletries, fancy jewelry and running shoes if she was taking off for good with someone else? And why leave the rest of the booze behind? IMO someone offered her a lift back to town to get a tow truck (or they somehow inveigled her into taking a ride) with ill intentions and they harmed Maura that very night. Nothing else makes sense. (Jenkins, need lessons on how to speed type on an iPhone!)
Since: Sep 12
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You can run in any shoe if your desperate. Wheres the evidence for a hamstring injury? Never heard this from FM and he searches miles from the crash site. Can dogs follow a running scent on a salted road days later? Why leave important items and lock them? Maybe to secure them later? Certain posters like to dismiss her run, this is interesting. Tandem theory sounds great unless something is looked for and found to eliminate the MM on the lamb theory. Pokes holes in the obvious, how much terrain can be covered by one desperate FM after eight years?
Medford, MA
AppointedNH wrote: You can run in any shoe if your desperate. Wheres the evidence for a hamstring injury? Never heard this from FM and he searches miles from the crash site. Can dogs follow a running scent on a salted road days later? Why leave important items and lock them? Maybe to secure them later? Certain posters like to dismiss her run, this is interesting. Tandem theory sounds great unless something is looked for and found to eliminate the MM on the lamb theory. Pokes holes in the obvious, how much terrain can be covered by one desperate FM after eight years? thanks for the fact-checking. a house needs to be built on a solid foundation. the details of a hamstring injury, its severity, the duration and treatment are unknown. it's all part of the lore.
Brooklyn, NY
Ridiculous wrote: Jenky, Y. Please go back to or go to and read the requirements for a stalking order. t. LOL, I suppose I should've specified. What I posted there was NOT the requirements for a restraining order, those are the requirements for a 'stalking protective order' in the state of NH; I guess I should've copied and pasted the title as well but it's kind of a pain in the ass on an iphone sometimes. Those are the requirements for a ''stalking protection order' in NH, according to the website, so no, wowzzer could not get one in a second, not in a million years actually. IDK what says and I dont really care because what I posted is directly from the source, for the state we are talking about. JWB would've had to commit TWO OR MORE of those offenses and in reality he didn't even commit one, Not once has he threatened any bodily harm to wowzer, he hasn't threatened to go to her house, nothing even approaching the requirements for a stalkig protective order. He threateaned to post her person info, which s actually perfectly legal to do if he is so inclined. I don'''t think he should, I don't think it's the right thing to do, but he can do so with no worry of any legal repurcusions against him. You gotta rememeer that this thread is pretty much the last place on the internet that people are so concerned about their identities remaining secret; people use their real names all over the place nowadays, it's 2013 not 1997 when everybody used internet handles and nobody ever used their real names. Sorry to tell you, but this is not a matter for LE. That is why I don't believe anybody called any LE agency, I think they are making it up. If someone actually did call and the cop recomended a protective order, that cop is an idiot who doesn't know the law, plain and simple. Remember, just becase you give some idiot a badge and a gun doesn't mean that he now magically knows the law. It's actually a serious problem in LE; cops that have sworn to uphold and enforce laws that they don't even know. Any defense attorrney will tell you that cops many times DON"T know the laws, and if a cop recomended a protectiion order to be filed, he clearly doesn't know the law because no judge in the state of NH would grant such an order, unless wowzer wants to stand up and commit perjury.. As for snowy, to my knowledge JWB has never posted or threatened to post her personal info on this thread. I will not mention the name of the blog because I feel it's the wrong thing to do but snowy's personal info was posted on someone's blog; it was posted there a couple years ago at this point and it's still there for all to see if they find it, it;s still there because it's perfectly legal. It's funny because in the comments section onthe blog there's the same kind of stupid threats about getting LE involved and blah blah blah, she's gonna sue him or some stupid bullshit.. And it's still there 2-3 years later. Clearrly it is perfectly legal to post someone's personal info on the internet and there is nothing that LE can do or will do to stop it. This whole charade of LE being called and ggetting involved and restaining and/or protective orders is just that, a charade.. Something to further disctract from the matter at hand, that we have a beautiful, innocent young girl who is missing and was most likely abducted and murdered that night just like many other women in the same area over the past 20-30 years. So Snowy isn't getting any order against JWB, she couldn't get one a few years ago against the blogger and couldn't even get him to take down her personal info. SO how about everybody just drop this stupid charade.
Since: Sep 12
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Always posting something that doesn't help the MM topic... waste of text...
Brooklyn, NY
The rag in the tailpipe and the red truck.... IDK but I feel like those two things could be the answer to this whole case. First thig to know is that a rag in a muffler CAN be used to stall a car out. Two seperate, highly experienced, mechanics both have stated on record that it can be used to stall out a car. I spoke to a good friend of mine and he said the same thing. It is an old-school method of trouble shooting an engine. My friend said the rag has to be folded up a certain way in order for it to stay in there but it isn't very difficult, it is not a magic trick. Why would the guy at Ferry's automotive and Mike Lavoie both say that to different journalists if it's not true? People seem to write it off as a possibility, but it definitely is possible. Bill says 'it's not possible in modeern high-compression egines'', notice how he uses the 'high-compression' part to make it sound like he knows what he's talking about, when he's cleearly talking out his ass. A muscle car in the 60's has a higher compression ratio than her little saturn does, obviously. This method was used to troubleshoot before computers became widely available for mechanics and in cars. Why on earth would we believe some weirdo anonymouse poster over two seperate mechanics who've spoken on record regarding the rag? We shouldn't. He goes on to say something about putting a potato in a muffler and watching it shoot out, as if that proves anything. In fact that is really really stupid, and as an engineer he should know the difference between a rag and a potato lol. A rag would not created an aittight seal like a potato would. Meaning that it will still let some exhaust out and not shoot out the back, if placed properly. A car with a rag in it's muffler would then be running extremely rich, as like 90% of it's exhaust fumes would not be able to exhaust. This means that the car could run for anywhere from a few minutes, to a few miles and maybe even a little more depending on the car. After a certain amount of time, probably about 3-10 mins the car would stall. Once the rag was removed the car would be able to start back up, just like it did at lavoie's garage when Fred and Billy went to go check it out on wed, iirc. So a rag in a muffler can stall an engine. If anyone wants to volunteer their car I would gladly make a youtube video showing how it is indeed possible, but I ain't doing it on my car. Personally I don't see a need for that, we already have two experienced mechanics who've stated on record that it could be a good way to make a car disabled. We have on anonymous poster talking out his ass about 'high compression engines and then another who tried it but she couldn't get the rag to not blow out the back. I would bet that if Lavoie did it the rag would stay in there and the ar would die several minuts later.
Brooklyn, NY
Ok so a rag can stall a car out. There is also evidence that her car did indeed stall and that's what actually caused the accident. IDK why the accident report is so innacurate but we have witnesses on the scene that say that she actually clipped the sowbank on the inside of the corner causing her to spin around. This account of the accident actually fits the physcal evidence much better. The damage was to her front left, if she spund out around the curve that would logically be the least likely of all the sides of the car to sustain damage. It looks like she was driving down the road and suddenly her car stalled. If your car stalls while driving you lose power steering and your dashboard lights up like a xmas tree. I can see this distacting her and causing her to look down at her dash, then when she looks up again she's on the wrong side of the road but without power steering it would've been very difficult for her to regain control. SO then her front left clips the snowbank and causes her to spin around and end up ass end into the snowbank on the other side of the road, which is exactly what witnesses reported seeing. Going strictly by the physical evidence and witness reports it makes a lot more sense that her car stalled coming into tthe corner, causing her to hit the snowbank and spin around. Why smith's report is so innacurrate we'll probably never know, but it's pretty sad when a mechanic and an EMS guy/TV repait guy give a more accurate accoun of events than the cop who's on the scene, one that actually fits with the evidence. So a rag can be used to stall out a car and there s evidence that her car likely did stall coming into the corner. This to me indicates that maybe the rag plays a much biggger part in what happened than everybody thinks. I know these idiots are gonna say im windmilling but I think this could potentially be the key to the case. I thnk it's important to go back to the rag in the tailpipe bc everybody is coming up with silly theories; it was used to signal other driver(even though her ass end was not facing traffic and her hazard lights worked); she wanted to make the car stop smoking, she thought it would protect the car from being stolen lol(but she took the keys and ocked the doors) It also seems like Smith may have thought there was something to the rag as well as this was one of the first things he said to the wmans when he went to their house to ask about her. If it is so insignificant why is it one of the first things he said to them.
“Marched For Life 2013”
Since: Feb 12
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In my two seperate theories that always come to mind, people seem to forget the signifigance of an experianced cross country track champion!!... If people lean towards that one theory than one must not exclude the "Fight of Flight" survival mechanism that is installed in every human being.. Injury or not, fear of something like another wreck, presumed with alcohol, could make it very far.. Distance runners are trained to deal with timing, weather, breaths, strides, etc; A natural instinct would kick in.. I looked the area over on Google Earth & it is pretty much nothing but forest everywhere.. If one is going with this theory, one can not rule out that she could have made it many miles.. Which leads me to believe on this particular theory, that the wrong places were searched.. The other theory, getting into a vehicle, the other one of mine, loses me after she got in to said vehicle because I know nothing of the area & where she could have went after the fact.. Just because she had directions to places in VT, doesnt mean after she wrecked, for the second time in what, 48 or so hours? Those places could pretty much have been changed after a survival instinct kicked in..
Lincoln, NH
Jenkins wrote: Ok so a rag can stall a car out. There is also evidence that her car did indeed stall and that's what actually caused the accident. IDK why the accident report is so innacurate but we have witnesses on the scene that say that she actually clipped the sowbank on the inside of the corner causing her to spin around. This account of the accident actually fits the physcal evidence much better. The damage was to her front left, if she spund out around the curve that would logically be the least likely of all the sides of the car to sustain damage. It looks like she was driving down the road and suddenly her car stalled. If your car stalls while driving you lose power steering and your dashboard lights up like a xmas tree. I can see this distacting her and causing her to look down at her dash, then when she looks up again she's on the wrong side of the road but without power steering it would've been very difficult for her to regain control. SO then her front left clips the snowbank and causes her to spin around and end up ass end into the snowbank on the other side of the road, which is exactly what witnesses reported seeing. Going strictly by the physical evidence and witness reports it makes a lot more sense that her car stalled coming into tthe corner, causing her to hit the snowbank and spin around. Why smith's report is so innacurrate we'll probably never know, but it's pretty sad when a mechanic and an EMS guy/TV repait guy give a more accurate accoun of events than the cop who's on the scene, one that actually fits with the evidence. So a rag can be used to stall out a car and there s evidence that her car likely did stall coming into the corner. This to me indicates that maybe the rag plays a much biggger part in what happened than everybody thinks. I know these idiots are gonna say im windmilling but I think this could potentially be the key to the case. I thnk it's important to go back to the rag in the tailpipe bc everybody is coming up with silly theories; it was used to signal other driver(even though her ass end was not facing traffic and her hazard lights worked); she wanted to make the car stop smoking, she thought it would protect the car from being stolen lol(but she took the keys and ocked the doors) It also seems like Smith may have thought there was something to the rag as well as this was one of the first things he said to the wmans when he went to their house to ask about her. If it is so insignificant why is it one of the first things he said to them. Hey Bob, Regarding the clipped snowbank,We got that information about the snowbank from Dick Guy (IIRC).Unless a tire track analysis was done, I feel it is hard to say if it was Maura who clipped the bank or it was someone else that was traveling west and came on the corner to fast and cut the wheel to early. I am not convinced it was Maura who clipped that corner.
Lincoln, NH
Emmett Dove wrote: In my two seperate theories that always come to mind, people seem to forget the signifigance of an experianced cross country track champion!!... If people lean towards that one theory than one must not exclude the "Fight of Flight" survival mechanism that is installed in every human being.. Injury or not, fear of something like another wreck, presumed with alcohol, could make it very far.. Distance runners are trained to deal with timing, weather, breaths, strides, etc; A natural instinct would kick in.. I looked the area over on Google Earth & it is pretty much nothing but forest everywhere.. If one is going with this theory, one can not rule out that she could have made it many miles.. Which leads me to believe on this particular theory, that the wrong places were searched.. The other theory, getting into a vehicle, the other one of mine, loses me after she got in to said vehicle because I know nothing of the area & where she could have went after the fact.. Just because she had directions to places in VT, doesnt mean after she wrecked, for the second time in what, 48 or so hours? Those places could pretty much have been changed after a survival instinct kicked in.. I have no doubt that she could have made it for many miles. It was not frigged cold that evening . It is also so very dark and creepy in some areas that I can see Maura maintaining a good pace to try and find civilization whether it be Lincoln or Franconia.
Bowdoinham, ME
Jenkins wrote: Some of these people should really look at themselves and think about what kind of people they want to be in life, because someone who is willing to come on threads about topics like these jus to throw out personal attacks and try to insult people, and just act this rude and nasty, just can't be a very good person in real life.. Nice, normal people would never exhibit behavior like they show on this thread. It is truly a sight to behold,these people gotta b some of the rudest people in new england, which places them high in the running for rudest worldwide. Makes me sick His next post, to Ridiculous: Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> LOL, wow, have you yourself actually looked up any of these laws or are you just totally taling out your ass? Cuz it sure looks like you are. Two posts later, to Snowy: Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> LOL, you're a real pice of work. I called you an epic bitch because that's what you are. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not sexist in any way, in fact the majority of my good friends are actually girls and I rrespect women. I wouldn't call Bill an epic bitch bc bill is a man, these are sex-orientated words. I'd call him a total dick, bc that's what he is. See what I'm sayin? I didn't choose these words as insults, society did. And I have zero respect for you snowy, you are a bad person, plain and simple. You lie, you're a troll, and you throw out insults like they're an integral part of your behavior. Your behavior on this thread is simply appalling, I can only imagine what kind of person you must be in real life. ANd I gotta ask, is that picture on the other blo where youur name is posted really you? Or is it just one of your sasquatch relatives? I'm dyig to know. And for the record, I am glad that you think less of me. I don't want a person like you to think highly of me, that would mean I'm doing something seriously wrong in life. So thank you, that makes me feel better Two posts later, talking about WTH Bill: Jenkins wrote: Bill says 'it's not possible in modeern high-compression egines'', notice how he uses the 'high-compression' part to make it sound like he knows what he's talking about, when he's cleearly talking out his ass ... Why on earth would we believe some weirdo anonymouse poster over two seperate mechanics who've spoken on record regarding the rag? We shouldn't ... We have on anonymous poster talking out his ass about 'high compression engines ... We all know that Jenkins is the only poster here to consistently and regularly hurl obscenities at other posters, regularly telling people they are "full of shit" or what they say is "bullshit." He has a strange obsession with the entire buttocks region of other posters, always focusing on what he believes they are pulling out of their ass. He doesn't even need provocation - this is just the way he relates to other people. I just thought it was amusing in regard to his first quoted post, and all the others he makes in the same vein. Look in the mirror, Jenkins, look in the mirror, pot/kettle again, as usual. And then there's this, again: Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> Something to further disctract from the matter at hand, that we have a beautiful, innocent young girl who is missing ... Just completely creepy. What I find so amusing is that people like Jenkins come here and insult all and sundry, call them filthy names, and when somebody like me calls them on it, they revert to "oh, this is supposed to be about Maura, you terrible people keep diverting." Yes, it's all about Maura, except when you and your cronies want to insult the people you don't like. I will call you out on it every time. Say thank you.:)
“Back Off Sunny”
Since: Apr 12
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Jenkins wrote: The rag in the tailpipe and the red truck.... IDK but I feel like those two things could be the answer to this whole case. First thig to know is that a rag in a muffler CAN be used to stall a car out. Two seperate, highly experienced, mechanics both have stated on record that it can be used to stall out a car. I spoke to a good friend of mine and he said the same thing. It is an old-school method of trouble shooting an engine. My friend said the rag has to be folded up a certain way in order for it to stay in there but it isn't very difficult, it is not a magic trick. Why would the guy at Ferry's automotive and Mike Lavoie both say that to different journalists if it's not true? People seem to write it off as a possibility, but it definitely is possible. Bill says 'it's not possible in modeern high-compression egines'', notice how he uses the 'high-compression' part to make it sound like he knows what he's talking about, when he's cleearly talking out his ass. A muscle car in the 60's has a higher compression ratio than her little saturn does, obviously. This method was used to troubleshoot before computers became widely available for mechanics and in cars. Why on earth would we believe some weirdo anonymouse poster over two seperate mechanics who've spoken on record regarding the rag? We shouldn't. He goes on to say something about putting a potato in a muffler and watching it shoot out, as if that proves anything. In fact that is really really stupid, and as an engineer he should know the difference between a rag and a potato lol. A rag would not created an aittight seal like a potato would. Meaning that it will still let some exhaust out and not shoot out the back, if placed properly. A car with a rag in it's muffler would then be running extremely rich, as like 90% of it's exhaust fumes would not be able to exhaust. This means that the car could run for anywhere from a few minutes, to a few miles and maybe even a little more depending on the car. After a certain amount of time, probably about 3-10 mins the car would stall. Once the rag was removed the car would be able to start back up, just like it did at lavoie's garage when Fred and Billy went to go check it out on wed, iirc. So a rag in a muffler can stall an engine. If anyone wants to volunteer their car I would gladly make a youtube video showing how it is indeed possible, but I ain't doing it on my car. Personally I don't see a need for that, we already have two experienced mechanics who've stated on record that it could be a good way to make a car disabled. We have on anonymous poster talking out his ass about 'high compression engines and then another who tried it but she couldn't get the rag to not blow out the back. I would bet that if Lavoie did it the rag would stay in there and the ar would die several minuts later. Bob- You've got mail
Since: Feb 12
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Frostman wrote: <quoted text> I'm willing to listen to James Renner's theory about Maura traveling in tandem with someone in another vehicle, but why wouldn't she have taken her toiletries, fancy jewelry and running shoes if she was taking off for good with someone else? And why leave the rest of the booze behind? IMO someone offered her a lift back to town to get a tow truck (or they somehow inveigled her into taking a ride) with ill intentions and they harmed Maura that very night. Nothing else makes sense. (Jenkins, need lessons on how to speed type on an iPhone!) Frostman - Happy Holidays. I was just recently going to post that I hope you return. Although my thoughts are she ran into the woods, you for some reason always make a compelling argument to make me think otherwise. I think the reason for that is because you don't add information. When you keep the theory short and sweet, but without made up facts it is much harder to debunk. Good to see you.
Since: Feb 12
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Frostman wrote: <quoted text> I don't believe she ran or walked away from the crash site, at least not more than a few hundred feet. She reportedly had a hamstring injury and her running shoes were left in the car with her toiletries and textbooks. And the fact that the SAR dogs picked up her scent and then lost it down the road convinces me that she got into a vehicle, either willingly or she was abducted right there by murderer(s) unknown. The SAR dogs did lose her scent down the road. It should be noted that LE searched the woods near the CW sighting which should tell us that they weren't sold on the tracking dogs results, or they had some more information that would leave them to search the woods near the CW sighting.
Since: Feb 12
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Emmett Dove wrote: In my two seperate theories that always come to mind, people seem to forget the signifigance of an experianced cross country track champion!!... If people lean towards that one theory than one must not exclude the "Fight of Flight" survival mechanism that is installed in every human being.. Injury or not, fear of something like another wreck, presumed with alcohol, could make it very far.. Distance runners are trained to deal with timing, weather, breaths, strides, etc; A natural instinct would kick in.. I looked the area over on Google Earth & it is pretty much nothing but forest everywhere.. If one is going with this theory, one can not rule out that she could have made it many miles.. Which leads me to believe on this particular theory, that the wrong places were searched.. The other theory, getting into a vehicle, the other one of mine, loses me after she got in to said vehicle because I know nothing of the area & where she could have went after the fact.. Just because she had directions to places in VT, doesnt mean after she wrecked, for the second time in what, 48 or so hours? Those places could pretty much have been changed after a survival instinct kicked in.. I agree with what you said about the fight or flight response. This is why I consider her running from the car to be very possible. But like you, I have more than one theory. Very possible that she got into a stranger's vehicle, ended up miles away, and was harmed at another location and disposed of in another state or even in Canada. I think the red truck theory is possible too, whether or not it was someone she knew. Without a body or cause of death, it's anybody's guess IMHO. Renner and I certainly don't agree on everything, but I do look forward to hearing what he has to say about Maura driving in tandem with someone. This has been a gut feeling of mine since I read about the witness who encountered the red truck. According to the only news article I could find about the red truck sighting, the red truck was not able to be tracked down by LE because RO did not get a license number. Maura starting a new life elsewhere has seemed the most unlikely possibility to me, but it would be great to be proven wrong about that and find out that she is alive and well.
Since: Feb 12
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License *plate* number. Sign me up for the speed-typing iPhone class too, Frostman. lol
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
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The saturn did not hit the lg pine trees on the corner by the weathered Barn. The damage to the saturn is inconsistent with hitting trees head on. Sorry, not an option.
Lincoln, NH
Tang any ideas or theories about how the damage could have taken place?
Since: Dec 11
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Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> The SAR dogs did lose her scent down the road. It should be noted that LE searched the woods near the CW sighting which should tell us that they weren't sold on the tracking dogs results, or they had some more information that would leave them to search the woods near the CW sighting. They were just doing an exhaustive search of the area, Lighthouse. LE has never said they “weren’t sold” on the tracking dog(s) results. What were they supposed to do, sit on their collective arses and not venture into the surrounding woods for clues? Tsk, tsk are you making up your own facts again? My personal theories have been based on MSM articles, LE statements and credible comments on previous forums They are all linked up-thread on my posts between December 2011 and June 2102 so lay on Macduff, off you go.:) Happy (belated) Hogmanay to you too.
Medford, MA
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> His next post, to Ridiculous: <quoted text> Two posts later, to Snowy: <quoted text> Two posts later, talking about WTH Bill: <quoted text> We all know that Jenkins is the only poster here to consistently and regularly hurl obscenities at other posters, regularly telling people they are "full of shit" or what they say is "bullshit." He has a strange obsession with the entire buttocks region of other posters, always focusing on what he believes they are pulling out of their ass. He doesn't even need provocation - this is just the way he relates to other people. I just thought it was amusing in regard to his first quoted post, and all the others he makes in the same vein. Look in the mirror, Jenkins, look in the mirror, pot/kettle again, as usual. And then there's this, again: <quoted text> Just completely creepy. What I find so amusing is that people like Jenkins come here and insult all and sundry, call them filthy names, and when somebody like me calls them on it, they revert to "oh, this is supposed to be about Maura, you terrible people keep diverting." Yes, it's all about Maura, except when you and your cronies want to insult the people you don't like. I will call you out on it every time. Say thank you.:) #1. yes, creepy #2. thx for doing the heavy lifting; i used to reference quoted material, but now incorporate the overview in my posts. much appreciated for keeping the record straight.