Southbury, CT
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> Yada Yada......You spew a lot but say nothing. Another on.... Are you freekin serious here??? You don't think it's important to point out that Maura was in fact NOT a drunk driver to counter the complete bullshit assumption that is constantly stated by these people as a fact?? If you don't think that's important then idk dude. And btw, when was the last time you actually said anything important?? All i see is you throw out little tidbits that mean nothing unless you explain them, which you never do, so you basically throw out nothing. The fact that you don't hink it's important to counter this constant stating the assumption that she was drunk as fact just blows my mind..
Boston, MA
"Rooney is still alive....would be interesting to know IF He has been questioned. His name was given to NHSP, VTSP and FBI." let's examine this concern, or nonsensical thought fragments. the writer states "His name was given to NHSP, VTSP and FBI." really??!!?? was that before or after you knew about Rooney? it's likely Rooney's name was a buzzword as soon as the UVM coed went missing...and that was before the media blitz. so,yeah, duh, the authorities knew about Rooney.{sarcasm} and it follows that your interest is insignificant. they know. you are on a need-to-know status, just as i am, and there will never be a need-to-know. fact / absent sarcasm. so there it is. the second time.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> That's my whole point, he would't look bad at all, we most likely never would've ever heard of the guy or MM. If instead of saying he was calling the cops he said that she could walk to his house and his wife and mother were home and she could use the phone to call AAA and herr family, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Jenkins - your very verbose. A side effect is you never listen and anything that you might hear is misunderstood by you because you think it proves your point.
Boston, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> I don't have time nor do I want to read through these book length stories. I will say that the SBD was trusted to drive our children on a school bus to school and after school activities. He also was trusted to teach them Hunter's Safety course. To do these things you must have a thorough background check and an impeccable reputation. SBD did not go around begging to be interviewd. Since he happened to be the nice person that stopped to help he was hounded by strangers and questioned a million times. Jenkins wrote:***Back on the old forums the SBD cclearly got it the worst, but that was because he deserved it.*** I thought you told us that the old forum was such a nicer forum where there was no bashing, accusations or unfriendly talk.You just contridicted yourself. Some of Butch's last words were that he wished he never stopped that night. Jenkins you have no idea what you are talking about. The bovine feces that spews from you is unbelievable. There's enough to fill a fleet of TT's. well said.
Southbury, CT
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Jenkins - your very verbose. A side effect is you never listen and anything that you might hear is misunderstood by you because you think it proves your point. Bullshit and you know it, if someone shows that I am wrong either by a quote, or even logic, then I am the first to admit when I am wrong. Unlike a few of your buddies I am not afrraid to admit when I am wrong. So when someone says something in an attempt to counter an argument I am proposing, which actually helps support my argument, then I'm going to say that too. What happened to you lighthouse? You used to be a smart, logical poster that was down the middle, now you've turned into one of the weirdos and seem to have lost many IQ points....What's up with that?? To me it looks like someone may have stolen the moniker 'lighthouse101', but what do I know? I suck at identifying people when they're using different monikers. I thought suoluicidIR was another one of Beagle's many many monikers, i didn't even pick up on the backwards ridiculous lol, I thought it was Beagle making some sort of bizarre Pharmaceutical medication reference in the name, with the IR at the end and all. lol So i'm not ready to say that you're not the same person, and I kinda think you are the same person, I just really wonder what happened to you in those few months that you 'retired' from posting, never to return, according to you; and when you returned. Almost night and day in your posting stylle
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Jan. 11th 2012 Dalton NH man arrested for DUI. Found to have prior arrest for impersonating a State police officer, drugs, on probation. Just another crazy local bored and looking for something to do.
Something I find interesting about the reports of SBD´s interaction with MM is he described her as telling not to *bother* calling 911 as she had already called AAA, whereas the NHSP report says MM *pleaded* with SBD not to call police.(source: Conway article). There is a big difference between telling someone not to bother and pleading with someone. Why this inconsistency? Then we have the hair up/hair down, intoxicated/not intoxicated. Several inconsistencies in SBD´s account. Re Maura´s presumed drunk driving - absent a sobriety test there really is no way of knowing if she was intoxicated or not. What is fact is there was an open container in the car and a coke bottle with a red liquid smelling of alcohol was found by it. Based on that there is reason to believe she may have been drinking. If to the point of being intoxicated, we just don´t know.
Fall River, MA
Jenkins wrote: <quoted text> Hold up a second, I'm confused here(surprise surprise lol), but when did I ever say anything about any of the items left in her car, exceppt for the gloves. Is that what I was wrong about? I don't understand BC i was never talking about what items specifically were left in her car or really what was left behind in her car at all, I was talking about what she is said to have packed for her trip and estimating how long her trip might have been planned for based on that. So I said that it looked like about a weeks worth of stuff, really a week max bc it really could've been just a few days worth of clothes n stuff. So how was that incorrect exactly? Based no what she packed for her trip how long would you estimate her trip was probably planned at being? I'm stll trying to figure out exactly what you're saying was incorrect about my original post, and I am very interested in hearing it. Jenkins my reply to you and question was did you see the list as to what was retrieved from Mauras vehicle. You said yes and thats what I replied to. The itemized list by LE as to what was found in the vehicle is fact. Jenkins who said she packed for a trip? And who was able to say what she packed? I have no clue who you are referring to.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
One thing is 100% fact. Nobody knows for sure who was @ the Saturn that evening, the person that talked to SBD. NOBODY.(9 hrs ago | post #31323)
Tang Zoi wrote: One thing is 100% fact. Nobody knows for sure who was @ the Saturn that evening, the person that talked to SBD. NOBODY.(9 hrs ago | post #31323) One more quote from Conway´s article: "At noon the next day. Tuesday, Feb. 10, police issued a "BOL" (Be on the Lookout) for Maura Murray. She was described as wearing a dark coat, with black hair hanging past her shoulders, standing five feet, three inches tall, and weighing 120 pounds. A subsequent report from Haverhill Police stated that Maura was last seen wearing jeans and corrected her height to be about five feet, seven inches tall, with brown shoulder length hair and blue eyes. Maura's cell phone was also missing from the scene and police reported she left with a black backpack." Black hair, length discrepancies, and how did they know for a fact she carried a black packpack?
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 was abducted by aliens, held down, and her IQ was reduced by many points. think septic with a reverse suction hose attached at the ear...out with the gold water, in with the waste water. i think there is only one REALLY , REALLY smart poster here. REALLY SMART!!! as my mother always said, ignorance is bliss.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
hannah_b wrote: ...backpack... Very good question. Awesome actually.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: Jan. 11th 2012 Dalton NH man arrested for DUI. Found to have prior arrest for impersonating a State police officer, drugs, on probation. Just another crazy local bored and looking for something to do. And this has to do with Maura how? Gosh you must be bored to be digging up old articles.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
SnowyB wrote: Lighthouse 101 was abducted by aliens, held down, and her IQ was reduced by many points. think septic with a reverse suction hose attached at the ear...out with the gold water, in with the waste water. i think there is only one REALLY , REALLY smart poster here. REALLY SMART!!! as my mother always said, ignorance is bliss. THANK You
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
SnowyB wrote: Lighthouse 101 was abducted by aliens, held down, and her IQ was reduced by many points. think septic with a reverse suction hose attached at the ear...out with the gold water, in with the waste water. i think there is only one REALLY , REALLY smart poster here. REALLY SMART!!! as my mother always said, ignorance is bliss. Poor Lighthouse. LOL
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> And this has to do with Maura how? Gosh you must be bored to be digging up old articles. This is brand new stuff. And I am not bored......I am informed.
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> THANK You clever.:) there is, however, no shortage of blissfully ignorant people around here. to think Jenky fancies himself as the arbiter of intelligence is....amusing.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> This is brand new stuff. And I am not bored......I am informed. ***Jan. 11th 2012 Dalton NH man arrested for DUI. Found to have prior arrest for impersonating a State police officer, drugs, on probation.*** Wowzer wrote: No matter how many times I rub my eyes the date of article still shows Jan.11th 2012. As far as I know we are now in 2013. How can it be brand new stuff or am I missing something?
Groton, MA
Once in awhile I read Websleuths about Maura. It is a pleasant change from reading here. It also renews some information and opinions that I have forgotten. I'd like to think that most people really want to find out what happened to Maura.