“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Although I appreciate the compliment, I would be remiss to not realize that the pool of reliable dance partners consist of a crazy man that is often a crazy old lady and a man with a questionable vocabulary and one of the most extreme ass obsessions I've ever seen. Bill, Emmett and all of the other Gentlemen that are good dancers refuse to turn out for these events consistently enough to get the vote, otherwise, I would be "exposed" as the two left footed dancer that I really am.. ; ) Your wife's a lucky woman. I can't even imagine what a hoot you must be in person. Her face must ache from laughing.
Since: Mar 12
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Maybe LE has a good idea the Red truck pulled over early Tuesday morning WAS somehow involved in Mauras dissapearance but have no credible evidence..But where was this person all night?I just dont understand,without evidence,how it could be said this was the truck.
Manchester, NH
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> I would have never guessed...Cashmere..Im not impressed.When their no longer "suitable" for you would you be kind&donate them to people that are cold&hungry? Yeah Snowy,cold hungry people crave Cashmere. I suppose it's the vitamin C in it, but that would just be a guess. ; )
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Citigirl,some of us here..REAlLY REALLY do care about Maura.Finding Maura.But we are chastised&ridiculed incessantly.One can only take so much of this..This is NOT entertainment.There are a number of us that discuss Maura away from this board&its always pleasant&positive..Its negative here&it brings out the worst in people.Does it bother you that there are people here that NEVER want to discuss Maura? Findmaura wrote:***There are a number of us that discuss Maura away from this board&its always pleasant&positive..Its negative here&it brings out the worst in people*** Then why do you come here if you have such a pleasant and positive place to discuss her and you feel that it is so negative here?
Since: Mar 12
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I've always considered the events of Feb. 9th may have begun in Amherst..If the red truck can be placed in Amherst&in N.H. its highly unlikely coincidence...But you cant convict on this alone.Who could it be?Was Maura fleeing from this person if not driving in tandem? Another thing worth discussing is her Gallery job.Why is it so secret?
Since: Mar 12
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Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Yeah Snowy,cold hungry people crave Cashmere. I suppose it's the vitamin C in it, but that would just be a guess. ; ) i wouldnt want to see a warm sweater tossed because it was no longer desireable due to a Topix mishap..A Waste. Your perpetual snideness is so unbecoming.I dont fall all over you like the other "Ladies" here.
Bowdoinham, ME
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> Maruchan, are you there? there goes the front of another cashmere sweater, and the keyboard needs mopping up...again. I just stopped wearing anything at all - easier clean-up.:) TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!! Even for me. By the way, you're on quite a roll yerself this evening. :)
Since: Mar 12
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Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Findmaura wrote:***There are a number of us that discuss Maura away from this board&its always pleasant&positive..Its negative here&it brings out the worst in people*** Then why do you come here if you have such a pleasant and positive place to discuss her and you feel that it is so negative here? Do you ask this to make me uncomfortable??Answer that&you know why I come here..
Manchester, NH
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Your wife's a lucky woman. I can't even imagine what a hoot you must be in person. Her face must ache from laughing. Well, after getting the third degree for getting a few extra options in her Hyundai, one has to assume she doesn't stick around for the luxury vehicles I happily provide her with... ; )
Since: Mar 12
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Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I just stopped wearing anything at all - easier clean-up.:) TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!! Even for me. By the way, you're on quite a roll yerself this evening. :) Monika lewinski could have used your advice..Listen up Snowy!
Since: Mar 12
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Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Well, after getting the third degree for getting a few extra options in her Hyundai, one has to assume she doesn't stick around for the luxury vehicles I happily provide her with... ; ) Is she hot with tight jeans?nahh.
Bowdoinham, ME
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> ... But we are chastised&ridiculed incessantly.One can only take so much of this... Followed by this to Ridiculous: findmaura wrote: <quoted text> ... Your perpetual snideness is so unbecoming ... Followed by referring to apparently Wowzer, Snowy and me as "Ladies" in quotes. findmaura wrote: <quoted text> ... I dont fall all over you like the other "Ladies" here. Is it just me that sees the incredible hypocrisy in these statements? And "Ladies" in quotes - hmmmm, insult? Or am I just being, I don't know, uber sensitive here? :)
Since: Mar 12
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Were Mauras fingerprints on the coke bottle?That coke bottle could have been in her car for weeks or left in the car by another party..There is no way to assess if Maura was drinking.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> Followed by this to Ridiculous: <quoted text> Followed by referring to apparently Wowzer, Snowy and me as "Ladies" in quotes. <quoted text> Is it just me that sees the incredible hypocrisy in these statements? And "Ladies" in quotes - hmmmm, insult? Or am I just being, I don't know, uber sensitive here? :) No, not just you. Her two nasty comments above yours tells all.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Monika lewinski could have used your advice..Listen up Snowy! No one said anything to you findmaura to deserve these two nasty posts. Who's attacking who here?
Manchester, NH
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Is she hot with tight jeans?nahh. Granny, is that you? An amazing plethora of personalities...Monica Lewinsky? My wife isn't hot in tight jeans? Nahh? this uber speak is so hard to understand..Are you suggesting that Snowy should donate her sweater to Ms. Lewinsky? Is she hungry? Do you crave "ladies" tight jeans? Are you hungry? Have you fallen, but refuse my assistance in getting back up? Would you like me to ask my wife to heat up these tight jeans you speak of for your consumption? As I said, she's one hell of a cook, but I haven't a clue what she can do with jeans...Cashmere, now that's a meal we consume regularly around here.. Damned language barriers. Speak up Mam, I'm concerned that you are in some sort of distress...Is dis a tight dress? Shall we eat it? Have I gotten it all in a nutshell? I'm going to sign out now, this last bit has caused me great confusion and I'm craving Gingham crackers..nite nite
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I just stopped wearing anything at all - easier clean-up.:) TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!! Even for me. By the way, you're on quite a roll yerself this evening. :) I find a bandana over the face and tied behind the head works wonders catching projectile coffee in the morning while I sit and read new posts by ridiculous. I got tired of wiping off my monitor. Lift it up, take a sip and lower it quickly. Works great.
Manchester, NH
According to the DA, there wasn't enough evidence. Because guess what? You actually need EVIDENCE to convict people. The culture of convicting in the public arena isn't new. But it's highly disturbing. My heart breaks for the Ramseys who spent their lives (Patsy has since died) trying to stop people from thinking they murdered their own child. Whether you think they did or didn't commit a crime isn't really the point. YOU are not the judge or jury. Just because you think you know something doesn't mean you do. Smart people know this. But most people aren't smart. And so they go with the mob mentality to hate and persecute and assume. My heart goes out the Ramseys because they lost their daughter. No one should ever have to live through that. But then the lynch mob started in on them. The amount of hate and vitriol and judgement hurled their way over the years is sickening. They weren't indicted for a reason. So let's try to remember that. Losing their child was a tragedy no parent should endure and, unless it has happened to you, you have no right to judge how someone SHOULD react. Let's have some respect for the law and assume that if there had been enough evidence, they would have been convicted. The end. A recent article I found this morning. I thought I'd "contribute" this...Bobby, did you read the paragraph about what smart people know?
Manchester, NH
Whether you think they did or didn't commit a crime isn't really the point. YOU are not the judge or jury. Just because you think you know something doesn't mean you do. Smart people know this. But most people aren't smart. And so they go with the mob mentality to hate and persecute and assume. Bob, Just want to make sure you know which paragraph I felt was particularly relevant here in my "contribution" to Maura's case... ; )
Boston, MA
good morning! the 2013 Planning Committee (conspiracy members / sub-division) is pleased to announce the semi-formal was well attended, and the Bob-inspired theme was more tasteful and well received than Beagle's Giggle series. This year, role reverals and trying on different tin hats was an absolute success. Beyonce added extra bounce to inspire all the ladies on the dance floor. At the end of the evening, they all returned home to their respective kitchens, appropriately attired, and reportedly, a lone football player was last seen making celebratory snow angels in the confetti. It was suggested by a certain wallflower that it would be more fair to have the after party take place at her house. Bill, however, is graciously offering one of several private residences for the 2014 occasion. Be there!