Ridiculous pointed to another cold case, that of Luella Blakeslee. I checked it out, and this woman disappeared in 1969. Her skeletal remains along with some personal belongings were found by hikers in 1998, nearly 30 years later. So donīt give up on Maura!
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Please wait...
Good Morning.....R we discussing Maura..?
Tang Zoi wrote: Good Morning.....R we discussing Maura..? Most seem to be discussing JWB.
Tucson, AZ
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> ooOOoo, I've come to regard you as something of a specialist regarding posters speech, spelling and word patterns....Who might Trolls be? Knowing that granny knows who snowy is and findmaura is best buds with jwb, I would guess it's "findy" or frostwoman, who also likes to play around with different monikers.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Please wait...
Feb. 9th 2013......
No Beagle..........
NO video..........
So where is The Dog...? Extended leave..?
Gloucester, MA
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> Most seem to be discussing JWB. here, to Jenkins, is a paragraph about Maura i'd just written...more extensive than either of you has produced this morning. "MM's tragic flaws that may have help create or sustained the events that lead to her disappearance are consistently mitigated by you in your prolific postings. why? have you met her? do you know her? are you able to speak with authority on her behalf? her story will soon appear in James Renner's upcoming book." Bill/WTH has repeatedly made the point that taking personal responsibility and making safe choices might have changed the outcome. do you , at least in theory, agree or disagree.... that Maura apparently made a chain of choices and decisions, to include.... lying to excuse herself from academics, and using a death in the family to do so? not advising friends, family or co-workers about her whereabouts before, during or after packing up and then driving away from UMASS Amherst in her Saturn? that the credit card fraud that resulted in her arrest may have affected her future in academics, especially since she had already transferred from West Point? and then, to Bills points.... that she did not stay with her crashed vehicle nor did she accept help from the SBD, or request help of any of the 5 residences that Wowzer tells us were nearby. she obviously didn't want or think she needed to find help in places that most intelligent, educated young adults would look. with evidence of drinking alcohol in the car, one wonders how much judgment she exercised for her own safety and the safety of others. as Tang says, it would be "interesting to know" what her plan was, and with whom she might have traveled. more interesting, i believe, than why law enforcement couldn't read her mind about who/what/when/where/why within moments of arriving to find a car that slid of the road at a sharp bend in the road.
Gloucester, MA
Tang Zoi wrote: Feb. 9th 2013...... No Beagle.......... NO video.......... So where is The Dog...? Extended leave..? i thought you were interested in Maura? or is it Beagle?
Tang Zoi wrote: Feb. 9th 2013...... No Beagle.......... NO video.......... So where is The Dog...? Extended leave..? Crufts show is upcoming, Beagle is in UK.
Manchester, NH
Bob,How do you call someone a wimp for not meeting someone for a confrontation after weeks of invites, and then in the same post, accuse them of threatening them with physical violence when they say they will meet them at a police station, and then call them a wimp asking for this meeting to be at a police station????Hilarious. Do you see what I mean when I say you are an idiot? I didn't think so, but, you are. I'm at a lost to understand how telling someone their world will come crashing down infers physical violence? Again, this one dimensional mind of yours has betrayed you...Why don't you slip into your assless leather chaps and go for a run in the snow Bobby? Amy, Why can't we address the issue of Wowzer's innocent relatives and loved ones in Granny's attempts at outing her? Why must we always worry about whats fair to a person who chooses to jeopardize his families anonymity? Consequences; If I choose to load my family up into the old sedan and drive south on ninety three north, and get into a head on collision with someone traveling in the proper direction, It's likely that the authorities are going to find me at fault for risking my families safety. Collateral damage that I chose to expose them to. As I said, I have tons on Granny, stuff from the real world, and guess what, it's not very pretty. In fact, the red flags are flying high! Still, I chose to put out there only the same basic info that Granny tried to put out there on Wowzer. And actually, Trolls is very likely Findmaura, whose mind, while often spoken, has very defined parameters of thought.... ; )
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
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Whether or not anyone thinks this or not that is their right. Beagle is deeply involved in this case and has information that could solve it. Because of his medical issues it has been a long road.
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Please wait...
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> Crufts show is upcoming, Beagle is in UK. On My way.....
Manchester, NH
amy researches wrote: <quoted text> Perhaps he has made the choice to leave topix and/or does not wish to engage you in conversation. Why do you keep bringing him up? I'm assuming it's because Beagle certainly made a splash marking last years anniversary of Maura's disappearance. I was curious if he would do something this year as well.
Manchester, NH
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> Crufts show is upcoming, Beagle is in UK. Elaborate?
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Please wait...
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Elaborate? Are wolves allowed in the dog show...?
“"Johnny Tango "”
Since: Dec 12
Franconia, NH
Please wait...
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> I'm assuming it's because Beagle certainly made a splash marking last years anniversary of Maura's disappearance. I was curious if he would do something this year as well. I have been talking w/ Beagle for the past few years via e-mail. I was in contact with Him til about 6 months ago. Would be nice to know if He is OK. safe......
Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> Elaborate? The famous Crufts dog show, google it. Plenty of Beagles there!
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> Are wolves allowed in the dog show...? I guess if they could pass as Czech wolf hounds... Transported no doubt in red trucks.
Manchester, NH
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> Are wolves allowed in the dog show...? Elaborate?
Tang Zoi wrote: <quoted text> I have been talking w/ Beagle for the past few years via e-mail. I was in contact with Him til about 6 months ago. Would be nice to know if He is OK. safe...... Donīt you have his phone # or home address? You are a PI, remeber! Or maybe contact his sister in Florida?
Gloucester, MA
amy researches wrote: It's interesting that the same people who have said they are against outing others online and that it is dangerous have now elevated Ridiculous to hero status for outing JWB. When JWB threatened to post a picture of snowy and threatened to out wowzer, he was a stalker who needed to be immediately reported to the police. But Ridiculous posts personal info about JWB and threatens to post much more, and that is all well and good. By the same people who like to call me a hypocrite. And no, my point is not to "enable" JWB. I am not his enabler or his keeper. He does what he wants, as an individual, whether I am here or not. I'm just stating my opinion once again, that two wrong don't make a right. Ridiculous had previously noted here that he had spoken with authorities who were ready and willing to take action against JWB if he crossed the line. If that line has been crossed, then I think the appropriate thing would be to turn any info about JWB over to the authorities rather than post it here. JWB, in some people's eyes, may deserve the wrath of topix. But does his wife or daughter? They are innocent woman too. Why is it ok to cyberstalk them and post their info here? Similarly, I think it is unfair to drag Snowy's family members into this feud. Or Wowzer's or anybody else's. And for what it's worth, I have not suspected that trollsrus is FindMaura. Unless someone has proof that it is her, I don't believe it. Findmaura has never been shy about speaking her mind under her original moniker. did i say it's ok? did Wowzer say it's ok? Wowzer has attested to the fact that you communicated to her that JWB's behaviors made you physically ill; but you returned to topix, and ignored and / or excused JWB's behaviors which have increased over time. have you recently tried to help JWB understand, either as a compassionate friend, or as a woman amongst us, that threatening to "out" anonymous women with whom he disagrees, but chooses not to debate in any constructive way, except to consistently taunt by way of angry threats of retaliation, is conduct that is unconscionable and abusive? only he is in control of his own behavior. strong men don't bully. and if you don't feel it was your responsibility to help raise his awareness, but you continued to engage with him online while both observing and having experienced his pattern of abuses, then your values differ from those whom have repeatedly asked him to cease and desist. i have actively and openly tried to alert and educate Jenkins to similarly unacceptable behaviors. i don't believe Ridiculous was coming from a place of retaliation; from what i've read, he attempted, with every possible approach, to help bring JWB's rants in line and back to acceptable conduct for JWB's own sake, and for the sake of others. he tried to intervene in JWB's public acting out against others in this venue. what JWB does with his own life doesn't matter; what matters is that he was threatening to seek out the whereabouts of others whom wish to remain anonymous and want no contact. by throwing a block for JWB, you continue to interfere with his taking responsibility for himself, his provocation, and the dangerous manipulation that he visits upon others.