Maura Murray

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“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Beagle has the answers..........

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Here's a funny little anecdote; My youngest son insisted on getting a Furby for Christmas. Having dealt with these obnoxious little babbling fellows in the past, I had my trepidations,but, I'm kind of a sap when it comes to my kids. Like a fool, I got him the damned thing. This thing just babbles and babbles in it's strange little language. If you talk back to it, it does respond, but not in any context as to what you say to it. He named it Furby, but, I call it Jenky. Sometimes, when no one is around, I turn it on and pretend we are having intelligent discourse. It's hilarious. ; )

Bowdoinham, ME

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Feb 10, 2013





amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
Did I say what JWB did was ok? No. In fact, I have said the opposite. To JWB as well as on the forum more than once. If it's easier for you guys to blame me for JWB's behavior, whether by calling me an enabler or complicit, than to put the responsibility where it belongs, that's fine. I don't care what you think of me. But it doesn't make you right.
So now you're going to re-write history. You have NEVER said anything even close to saying "the opposite" that "what JWB did was ok." Not once. In fact, you have done nothing but defend him, condone his behavior and further encourage it by repeatedly engaging him in conversation. Many people have called him out on his behavior, and asked him to stop, over and over - you are not one of them. When several people called you on your support of JWB, you chose to give snide replies to them, make fun of their concerns, and chose to ignore them. After the January 5th incident when JWB revealed personally identifiable information of a member here, you were the first to engage him in conversation, thereby winning his thanks and approval, and making it clear to everybody on the forum that you didn't find what he did disturbing in any way.

Now, here you are, having not posted anything since the last week in January, except two posts to Anne, and obviously you have read the recent exchanges between JWB and Ridiculous and others, and what do you do? You come here to judge others. You have not at any time intervened in any way on the forum to stop JWB, not ever. You said absolutely nothing and watched it develop, and then finally posted to tell everybody how terrible they were for supporting Ridiculous.

Not one word about what JWB did, which is reveal the name, street, near exact location of house, and employer of a poster here, including information about something on the property that could only have been ascertained by physically driving down their street. You continue to ignore all that, and only chastise those that approved of what Ridiculous did.

It doesn't matter what you supposedly said in private messages, what matters is how you have ignored JWB's behavior, supported him, and denigrated those that had valid issues with it here on the forum. Again, you have never said a word that you felt what he was doing was wrong, and in fact, only defend yourself and him and ignore and insult those who have been and will continue to be harmed by him.

I'm posting here all your posts starting January 5, 2013, which was your first comment regarding JWB's behavior. It starts on page 1465 with post #29752.

The only posts that aren't included from that point on are those in which you are engaged in MM discussion, mostly with JWB. Your first post is the only one that says you don't agree with JWB, and even then, it is only as an afterthought in order to say how much worse you think Ridiculous' behavior has been.

January 5, 2013, page 1465,#29752
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
As touching as it is that you have dedicated yourself to staging mental health interventions for JWB and Jenkins, wasn't it you who just a week ago was making veiled threats against JWB? Something about you extending a courteous invite to him to attend his own beating?
While I can't honestly say I agree with everything JWB says and does on this thread, I find your recent post of supposed compassion ending with "you will deserve the consequences" to be quite disturbing considering your recent veiled threats to him. JMHO.
Maybe we should all look in the mirror before throwing stones at another.
(more to follow)

Bowdoinham, ME

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Feb 10, 2013





amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
My problem is not with conflicting emotions or the human psyche. My problem is with people who get their kicks out of toying with the mentally ill. If you are being genuinely compassionate, then I apologize. My take on your posting, because of your recent threats to beat JWB and the wording of your last sentence, is that you were being disingenuous with your pseudo-compassionate post and rather hoping to egg JWB on so that you might use whatever reaction he might have to extend another beating invite to him. If I am wrong, my sincere apologies.
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
I agree, JWB. Hope you have a good weekend. I'm planning to spend a few days watching some holiday movies that I didn't have the chance to watch over the holidays. Maybe some new news will come out about Maura soon that we can all discuss. Until then, I don't have much to add to this conversation as all the theories have been talked about over and over. I can do without all the fighting here and need to be focusing on other things anyway. Happy new year. I hope it's a good one for you and your family.
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
I don't think anyone deserves to be threatened.
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I stand by mine, which is that threatening JWB or anyone else with physical violence is wrong - whether I like them or not. It becomes even more cruel, in my opinion, to physically threaten someone who you believe is mentally ill. When I first came here Snowy badgered me, accused me of being someone I wasn't, until I finally got sick of it and outed myself on this thread, and she is once again annoying me on this thread right now. Am I justified in relatiating by heading over to her place and popping her one? Posting threats against her? Not that I would ever do that; just wondering where you draw the line. Perhaps a better idea for me to just ignore her posts? I think that would be the civil thing to do. JWB's annoying, badgering, taunting or cyber bullying, or whatever you want to call it, does not justify threatening him with physical violence. That's my opinion and I stand by it. If you all want to call me a hypocrite or enabler, or in Snowy's case claim to waste precious time and blame me for having wasted it, knock yourselves out. I'm off to enjoy a nice Sunday with my family.
amy researches wrote:
I was going to write another post trying to explain myself further and noting how certain things I said were twisted around and/or misunderstood, but I don't want to contribute any further to keeping this feud going. Ephalba understood what I meant - that two wrongs don't make a right. If people feel threatened, they can take it up with the proper authorities rather than retaliating with threats of bodily harm. Let the police sort out which threats to focus on. Enough said by me on this topix.
I'm happy to go back to discussing Maura, as that is what this forum is for.

This is the point where you were the first to respond to JWB, and then spent the next four days fully engaged with JWB in "discussion" of MM:

"JWB wrote:
This forum is on the brink of going bye bye unless the conversation turns back to Maura"

#29991, Page 1476, January 3, 2013
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
Good idea. Shall we re-examine the issue of the rag in the tailpipe or the red truck? Looks like Renner may be posting some news tomorrow.

(more to follow)

Bowdoinham, ME

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Feb 10, 2013





amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
You and I don't always see eye to eye, but I agree on this one Jenkins. FWIW, I am ignoring most of their posts now. If they are so bothered by people discussing Maura Murray on a public forum titled "Maura Murray" and yet stick around for nearly nine years to complain on a daily/hourly basis that people continue to discuss the case of a missing person, then that's their problem. Not yours or mine. Hope you're having a good new year so far.
In response to Granny's post:

"Granny M wrote:
If this forum was for your daughter or friend ask yourself how would you feel. My answer is sick to my stomach."
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
Just a total JWB and Amy lovefest going on.:) But I'm sure somewhere you say something to him about his behavior? Somewhere?


"Granny M wrote:
<quoted text>
Thank you for the Amen Amy . I really don't get it and I believe in people and always give second and third chances because I always believe everyone has good in them . This really hurts me deep because they are really insulting the parents and the lives of these young girls. I can move on but these families will live with the pain forever."
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
I agree and I've made my own mistakes as well. Live and learn, right? Bottom line is I came here with good intentions and hopefully most people know that. If not, then oh well. I always come back to the thought of what if this was my family, and I hope that someday there will be some closure for those who knew and loved Maura.
To oo00oo:
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
If I want to discuss Maura Murray on a Maura Murray forum, I will. I would like to see some new updates too, but there do not seem to be any. If you and others don't want to read old news or my posts, then you are not under any obligation to read them. I cordially invite you to scroll on by, as I do with the posters I don't care to read. Have a good one.
Then, of course, there are the insulting posts, where she again condones JWB's behavior by insulting those who criticized her support of him.

In response to my post, in which I said that people who supported JWB were complicit in his actions (I never said Amy was - check my post #30225, page 1488):
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
No crime as been committed here. If a crime is committed, I will report it. Until then, I will continue to discuss Maura Murray on a Maura Maurray forum for as long as I please, with whomever I choose. Accusing me (falsely) of being complicit in a (nonexistant) crime is probably not wise, from a legal standpoint, just as an FYI. I don't get my information about the law from Wikipedia.
Please note the "nanny nanny" tone of the post, using her highly-regarded (by her) legal job to threaten me, and then to diss my use of Wikipedia - reminds of ... JWB and Jenkins. Such a sharp legal mind, such a professional - when you have no argument, just use your "position" to threaten and insult. Like this one, to Bill, about me:
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
I'm not much for award shows, but I'm hanging in (in between more mundane household chores) in anticipation for my daily quotation from "The Law According to Google." So much to learn here at Topix.:-)...
And again to Bill:
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
You're getting a little too excited, Bill. Now calm down and fess up or I'll have to stage an intervention lest I be complicit in another high topix crime. ;-)
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, aren't I cute and witty while I insult Maruchan and blow off Wowzer's and everybody else's concerns about JWB?
amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
Or maybe he got tired of engaging in a senseless discussion with such a ruthless group of jackasses? Just a wild guess.

What a sweetie.:)

(more to follow)

Bowdoinham, ME

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Feb 10, 2013





amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
Thanks, Bill. I understand why a few are angry with me. They're entitled to their opinions, but that doesn't mean I feel the need to engage them and argue about it either. I stand by what I said. I have also learned not to care what a bunch of anonymous people on the web think of me, good or bad. Certainly no hurt feelings on my part. Some of it is quite humorous actually.
So, there you have it. That is the totality of Amy's contributions to this thread showing how much she disagrees with JWB. Which is, not at all.

Since: Feb 12

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Feb 10, 2013





Wowzer the real one wrote:
***John Wood Pile wrote:
Russell Farm Rd 03262***
I'm not sure who you are but it's evident you have morals and I thank you for stepping in to try to stop something that you know is wrong.
Is your nickname by any chance Karma?:)
I also applaud this individual standing up for Wowzer. She doesn't deserve to be constantly threatened with 'outing'.

Karma is a bigger b*tch than I could ever be.

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Simply Sarcasm wrote:
<quoted text>
I also applaud this individual standing up for Wowzer. She doesn't deserve to be constantly threatened with 'outing'.
Karma is a bigger b*tch than I could ever be.

Aren't you a paralegal or involved in law as well?

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Maruchan wrote:
<quoted text>
So, there you have it. That is the totality of Amy's contributions to this thread showing how much she disagrees with JWB. Which is, not at all.
Crap, I didn't even see the bat signal go up! I'm always a little awed when Maruchun gets heated up. She's one of those rare individuals that just becomes better focused when riled...That and the absolute no bullshit sanity of her style...Another one of these strong woman that scare poor Bobby to death! We need to put a stop to these individuals immediately,damned suffragettes pushing for voting rights and what not...Hell if we're not careful, they'll be doing everything us men lay claim to. What will we do with our manly egos when this happens...I know, we can call them names like epic bitch and deride parts of their anatomy and such...They'll never figure out this devious and clever approach to undermining their strive for equality...Epic Bitches...!

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





I have to go for the moment. Got the opportunity to go to a little acoustic jam with a guy that plays stand up bass and sings like Willy when he's not stoned..!
Tang, we're gonna do some Johnny and I'll get that old train a rollin' for you. Is the key of E major acceptable? Gonna do some real old school Hank Sr. as well.I love to play the blues and rock out as well, but these acoustic country jams are some of my faves... ; )

“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





This place never ceases to amaze Me.

“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013
Ridiculous wrote:
I have to go for the moment. Got the opportunity to go to a little acoustic jam with a guy that plays stand up bass and sings like Willy when he's not stoned..!
Tang, we're gonna do some Johnny and I'll get that old train a rollin' for you. Is the key of E major acceptable? Gonna do some real old school Hank Sr. as well.I love to play the blues and rock out as well, but these acoustic country jams are some of my faves... ; )
OH....I hear the train a comin'

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Tang Zoi wrote:
This place never ceases to amaze Me.
I've been working on this jazzy version of "Rambling Man" by Hank as a tribute to Bobby as well. Is Am acceptable? ; ) Maybe " Your Cheating heart" In honor of Granny and Frosty's snokin hot moped excursion across the notch the other night? Key of G major okay?

“Marched For Life 2013”

Since: Feb 12


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Feb 10, 2013






“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Possibly the bridge in the video.

“"Dancing with wolves"”

Since: Oct 10

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Feb 10, 2013





Jenkins wrote:
My god what a bunch of drama queens you guys are!
This s truly ridiculous, you guys bully and attack people constantly for a long time and then someone finally gives you a taste of your own medicine and you're crying fot eh police to help you? What a joke!
JWB NEVER threatened anyone, he never threatened any harm on anyone or anyhting even similar to that, he threatened to post wowzer's real name, after a year of being attacked by you people.
As has been seen on this thread before, and other blogs when snowy's name was outed,, it is perfectly legal to post someone's real name online. It may not be the right thing to do, but it is legal.
Do you guys not realize how ridiculous you truly sound? Mr police man tthis person threatened to say my real name online! mommy mommy!
And then you guys go back and forth,'oh snowy what a brilliant post that was'
'oh thank you ridiculous, your posts are genius' LOL, what a freekin joke you people are.
The funniest part is that you guys actually seem serious about this!!
These posts you guys are making today are truly hilarious, you guys are the quintessential bullies, you attack people and attack people and then you cry like little babies when someone attacks you back and call them bullies.
Out of all the people in the world you guys are the LAST ones who should be complaining about getting bullied, you gus have been bullying people incessantly for years now.
It's already been proven that no LE will do anything if someone posts someone's real name.
Snowy's name has been on that blog for over 2 years now, and so have her comments about how she's gonna have the guy arrested, and the oops are gonna get him, and that she's gonna sue him and blah blah blah. It's actually hilarious that with all her cryng on that blog about the cops she literally couldn't even get the guy to take down the post!
You guys gotta stop crying, you're a bunch of babies, classic bullies, you can dish it out bbt you can't take it. the second someone gives it back you start crying. LOL, freekin weirdos!
Jenkins I know it's hard to understand at times for you so I'll repeat this yet again and maybe this time you'll comprehend it.
It's not the fact that he was going to make my name public that was so upsetting although that was very wrong. It was the fact that he was driving around trying to guess which house I lived in .He admitted he was checking license plates on vehicles(he had help) and was trying his best to first put me in a house on BHR with a camper in yard and then the house at the bottom of BHR.
You continue to think there's nothing wrong with having your real name put out on the internet but yet you are careful to keep your name private. It seems that as long as it isn't your name it's ok.
I have a feeling I've wasted my time trying to explain this to you and it would have been more productive to go out back and talk to my snowman.
Bumping for Maura

Eskilstuna, Sweden

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Feb 10, 2013





Tang Zoi wrote: arc72/3940147897/in/set-721576 03644400885/
Possibly the bridge in the video.
Could very well be the same bridge as in the video.
IIRC Beagle has been making some references to a railroad line in the vicinity of Amherst, MA, over the years and in connection with his theory of Maura having been a victim of a crime committed in MA.
I guess all this goes together with Beagle´s often espoused thesis that it may not have been Maura at the Saturn on Rte 112 by the Weathered Barn.

Bowdoinham, ME

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Feb 10, 2013





Tang Zoi wrote: arc72/3940147897/in/set-721576 03644400885/
Possibly the bridge in the video.
Close, meaning it looks like it, but that's not it.

“"Dancing with wolves"”

Since: Oct 10

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Feb 10, 2013





Tang Zoi wrote:
<quoted text>
Well...It's about time someone has put 2 & 2 together.
So it's not the local that lives on BHR or the painter or the landscaper or the aframe renters?? Now it's Beagle driving the truck?
Lordy Tang you're like the boy that cried wolf. You throw so many hints out in different directions that it's impossible to keep up.

Gloucester, MA

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Feb 10, 2013





Maruchan wrote:
<quoted text>
So, there you have it. That is the totality of Amy's contributions to this thread showing how much she disagrees with JWB. Which is, not at all.
wow. of course, i remember those words very well. your conclusion is right on target. Amy's friendship with JWB seems an unlikely one; hopefully, it will endure the test of time.

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