Maura Murray

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Gloucester, MA

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Feb 10, 2013





my life is immensely busy. my weekend is coming to an end. while i work hard to think, engage and reason with others here, all while multi-tasking (to Jenkin's point about my availability), there is a point when i choose to streamline my attention and commit to another focus, whether it is life, work, or charity. i have things to do today.
i'm glad to have been able to expand upon and further clarify with you, Amy, the implications for what i have felt to be the enabling of JWB, and our previously expressed mutual concerns, even if we disagree.
and, yes, i find Ridiculous to be gifted, humorous and versatile in his demonstrated people managing skills. Maruchan loves him, too.

Gloucester, MA

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Feb 10, 2013





amy researches wrote:
<quoted text>
Although this post was directed to someone else, I would like to say I do agree with the above. I find it hard to believe that many rational people do not take into account Maura's actions and the consequences for them. My perception is that the difference of opinion mostly comes in with the various theories of what happened after the crash. Whether she was meeting someone or driving in tandem, the victim of random or serial killer violence, ran and became hypothermic, or hitched a ride to flee the scene and then became a victim, is all of course unknown and the subject of much debate IMHO, because the intentions of Maura have not been known by family or LE and/or were not released to the public. I doubt that Renner will uncover anything not already known to LE. The only hope, in my opinion, is that the CCU will someday get a valuable lead and/or her remains will be found.
thank you, Amy. i make no claim to knowing what happened to her, nor do i blame her. it's just that certain pieces in life sometimes fall together in ways that can't be imagined. the news is full of painfully sad, heart-wrenching stories.

Gloucester, MA

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Feb 10, 2013





Ridiculous wrote:
<quoted text>
I just have to say that imho, this is a very well written post. I'm not trying to incite any type of continued disagreement with you and Amy, in fact it is my sincere hope that it can stop here. I just couldn't have expressed the sentiment of this post in any way any better. Brilliant, and eloquently stated.. ; )
thank you. i feel honored, and humbled....and rewarded for the time and energy i spend in my life tending to these matters of the heart in much of my daily life.
to be understood is a gift.
i trust Amy will understand, because she "ministers" in her own way.
i do cry...and i am moved to tears to know that my intentions and my wordsthat my words are understood and appreciated.

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Snowy wrote:
my life is immensely busy. my weekend is coming to an end. while i work hard to think, engage and reason with others here, all while multi-tasking (to Jenkin's point about my availability), there is a point when i choose to streamline my attention and commit to another focus, whether it is life, work, or charity. i have things to do today.
i'm glad to have been able to expand upon and further clarify with you, Amy, the implications for what i have felt to be the enabling of JWB, and our previously expressed mutual concerns, even if we disagree.
and, yes, i find Ridiculous to be gifted, humorous and versatile in his demonstrated people managing skills. Maruchan loves him, too.
Awe Snowy, I appreciate the sentiment. ; )

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Snowy wrote:
<quoted text>
thank you. i feel honored, and humbled....and rewarded for the time and energy i spend in my life tending to these matters of the heart in much of my daily life.
to be understood is a gift.
i trust Amy will understand, because she "ministers" in her own way.
i do cry...and i am moved to tears to know that my intentions and my wordsthat my words are understood and appreciated.
Damned it Lady, you're going to make me cry and then I'll get accused of being a wimp by old Butt conscious Bobby Jenkins..!
As my hero Sheldon say's, it's customary to offer someone a warm beverage when they are upset. Can I make you a nice hot cup of Cashmere tea? It's imported from China you know.. ; )


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Feb 10, 2013
Tang Zoi wrote:
You people have no clue as to who you are dealing with. Think twice.
Who exactly are we dealing with? Please enlighten us.

“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013
hannah_b wrote:
<quoted text>
Who exactly are we dealing with? Please enlighten us.
you should know...!


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Feb 10, 2013
Tang Zoi wrote:
<quoted text>
you should know...!
Was MM bitten by a dog and died?

Southbury, CT

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Feb 10, 2013





My god what a bunch of drama queens you guys are!
This s truly ridiculous, you guys bully and attack people constantly for a long time and then someone finally gives you a taste of your own medicine and you're crying fot eh police to help you? What a joke!

JWB NEVER threatened anyone, he never threatened any harm on anyone or anyhting even similar to that, he threatened to post wowzer's real name, after a year of being attacked by you people.

As has been seen on this thread before, and other blogs when snowy's name was outed,, it is perfectly legal to post someone's real name online. It may not be the right thing to do, but it is legal.

Do you guys not realize how ridiculous you truly sound? Mr police man tthis person threatened to say my real name online! mommy mommy!

And then you guys go back and forth,'oh snowy what a brilliant post that was'
'oh thank you ridiculous, your posts are genius' LOL, what a freekin joke you people are.
The funniest part is that you guys actually seem serious about this!!
These posts you guys are making today are truly hilarious, you guys are the quintessential bullies, you attack people and attack people and then you cry like little babies when someone attacks you back and call them bullies.

Out of all the people in the world you guys are the LAST ones who should be complaining about getting bullied, you gus have been bullying people incessantly for years now.

It's already been proven that no LE will do anything if someone posts someone's real name.
Snowy's name has been on that blog for over 2 years now, and so have her comments about how she's gonna have the guy arrested, and the oops are gonna get him, and that she's gonna sue him and blah blah blah. It's actually hilarious that with all her cryng on that blog about the cops she literally couldn't even get the guy to take down the post!

You guys gotta stop crying, you're a bunch of babies, classic bullies, you can dish it out bbt you can't take it. the second someone gives it back you start crying. LOL, freekin weirdos!

Southbury, CT

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Feb 10, 2013





If JWB is gonna get in so much trouble if he posts wowzer's name how come snowy couldnn't even get that blogger to remove his post that has her full name and info on it?

How'd that work out for ya snowy? I thought that guy was gonna be arrested and sued by you? How is your iinfo STILL posted there 2 YEARS later?

oh yea, you couldn't do shit about it!

Because it's perfetly legal to post someone's real name online, might be wrong, but there's a difference between what's right and wrong and what's legal.

Southbury, CT

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Feb 10, 2013





This is exactly what you guys want.

Some huge distraction to take away from the real matter at hand, the fact that there's a young beautiful innocent girl who's missing and was probably abducted from what turns out to be basically wowzer's front yard.
Why doesn't any of you want to talk about that?

How come there's no comments about how extremely difficult it is to walk through 2.5' of snow?
Have any of you actually gone out and tried to walk through the snow we got?

I can tell you that anyone who says that she just ran into the woods real quick either has no idea what it's like to walk through 2.5' of snow, or they're lying, there's no third option.
There's no such thing as doing anything real quick when theres feet of snow on the ground. She is not in those woods, there's no way in hell she ran into those woods that night, it's next to impossible for her to have made it anywhere into those woods in those conditions.
But you guys don't wanna tlak about that, you wanna cry about JWB threatening to maybe say wowzer's real name. What a joke you guys are, sooo transparent.

“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





They love to whine whine whine here......

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





Oh my, Bobby has decided to write another book. Bob, please realize that you are an uninformed idiot. I know, impossible, but, understand that everyone else is very aware of this.
In your other post, directed at me, you used a nasty slang term to describe a particular part of a females anatomy. I have to be honest, and maybe I'm just a prudish little P###y,but I just can't stomach that word. It's despicable. My question is, why would any part of female anatomy be used in reference to another poster and used in a derogatory fashion. I appreciate your attempt at moving past all things ass, but, the question begs asking; What is with this hostility towards all things female? I just can't comprehend why a self stated misogynist is on a thread for a missing woman? Was your mother not a woman? Do you kiss her with that nasty little mouth of yours?
Tang, if you really were a cop, shouldn't you step up for your old profession and explain to Bob that he knows absolutely zero concerning law enforcement? Seriously, you know as well as I how absurd his statements are. It's just so much for one man to have to deal with.
Bobby, did you do your snow frisking in the woods? Are you aware of drift patterns amongst the tree's? Did you hunker down in the naturally made safety of the base of an evergreen with branches reaching to the ground? Did you enjoy this little snow cave? Appreciate the insulative value of it like so many outdoors men and stranded and lost hikers before you have? These bulky items you used to keep you warm on this municipal jaunt of yours, Did you find that they impeded your ability to get through these mountains of snow? Did you put on your skinny jeans and sneakers and attempt it?
Tell me Bob, did these jeans ice up and give you a shield of protection against the wind while actually working to trap heat? Is this why most avid, winter trekkers grow beards, to use the ice layer they grow as a form of wind protection while using facial hair as a form of insulation underneath? Bobby, does snow in fact make an excellent form of insulation? Lets ask the Eskimo's, or better yet we have a fellow on this thread that is quite experienced with snow camping and winter survival in general... ; )


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Feb 10, 2013





Was Beagle in Haverhill or it´s vicinity on the night of Feb 9, 2004 (Bretton Wood ticket)? Did he witness something? Was he Red Truck Driver?

“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





hannah_b wrote:
Was Beagle in Haverhill or it´s vicinity on the night of Feb 9, 2004 (Bretton Wood ticket)? Did he witness something? Was he Red Truck Driver?
Well...It's about time someone has put 2 & 2 together.

Vero Beach, FL

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Feb 10, 2013





Interesting turn of events here. I see the lunatic from Lincoln Mr. B-Lee has finally been revealed.

I can hardly wait for what's next.

Maybe, booby jenkins?

Vero Beach, FL

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Feb 10, 2013





I would hate to be working at the Lincoln Transfer Station with 'ole JWB in town..


“"Johnny Tango "”

Since: Dec 12

Franconia, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





FrmLE wrote:
Interesting turn of events here. I see the lunatic from Lincoln Mr. B-Lee has finally been revealed.
I can hardly wait for what's next.
Maybe, booby jenkins?
And he returns.......Just like Batman.

Vero Beach, FL

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Feb 10, 2013





Don't know who you are, hard to see how you know who I am. Unless you are one of those poster with multiple names that change weekly, daily, sometimes hourly.

Manchester, NH

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Feb 10, 2013





FrmLE wrote:
Interesting turn of events here. I see the lunatic from Lincoln Mr. B-Lee has finally been revealed.
I can hardly wait for what's next.
Maybe, booby jenkins?

I'm pretty confident, after reviewing you previous posts, that you are indeed a former member of LE, Concerning Booby Jenkins; Would you not love the opportunity to interrogate him if he was in a situation that called for it?! Wouldn't it be fun? He is that special blend of extremely stupid that is arrogant enough to think he's smart. I know these are the ones that you guys usually fight over for the opportunity to sit down with. Now I know you guys aren't trained in psychology or the principles of interrogation procedure, certainly not to the extent that these federal border agents are, heck, why would you need any of these skills, it's not like you have to deal with any of societies unsavory, dishonest individuals, but, all the same, wouldn't it be fun to just take that little mind of his for a walk on the wild side?!

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