Cup. Of noodles.
Eat. Long and prosper.
Posted in the Franconia Forum
Comments (Page 1,702)
Judged: 1 Cup. Of noodles. Eat. Long and prosper. |
“"Dancing with wolves"” Since: Oct 10 2,776 Location hidden |
Judged: 2 2 2 Jenkins said:**I'm just some dude posting on topix** You are a dude that thinks everyone but you is either full of shi* or not making any sense. You are doing what you accuse others of doing, making their opinions sound stupid and not as important as yours and you even make fun of them. You really need to take something to help stop the flow of diarrhea that is coming from your upper orifice. |
Judged: 4 3 2 Lol, that's funny cuz there are many people who think the same exact thing as you wowzer. You've Been a little better recently but over the years the majority if your posts are just shit talkin & intended to make people feel stupid. Are you really that big of a hypocrite or just a liar? I suspect it's the latter |
Judged: 5 5 4 if foul play is crime / victim / murder, then you certainly throw around those words with abandon. Jenky...just so you know, i don't like the way you process your thoughts, express your thoughts, and i don't like your language. and the repetition. it's all annoying. ;) |
Judged: 1 1 1 BTW, just in case some people haven't seen it, here is a video of 112 from Route 302 to the blue ribbon tree: http://www.youtube.com/watch... |
“"Dancing with wolves"” Since: Oct 10 2,776 Location hidden |
Judged: 2 2 2 Jenkins wrote:**Lol, that's funny cuz there are many people who think the same exact thing as you wowzer.** I know. There are several of us that think pretty much the same on this subject. Glad you noticed. I'll let you have your own thought on the hypocrite or liar thing. I wouldn't bet money on either one though. |
Judged: 3 3 3 LOL, I find it very ironic how you have such faith in what the NHSP say WHEN IT SUITS YOU, as in this incident with the NHCCU web page. However, in virtually every other instance you are the first person to say the NHSP are clueless hacks who couldn't find their ass with a map. They are all corrupt and incompetent. EXCEPT when you want to use some small piece of information that supports your ridiculous position. lol Seriously, you are aware that you are fooling absoluetly no one, right? You know that you are viewed as a complete buffoon with an IQ barely above room temp, right? I think you may not know this, however lack of self awareness is a clear sign of low intelligence. . . And you interpret this based on those few words on the CCU web page huh? Have you considered other possible reasons why this case is on the CCU list? I can think of a few good reasons. Do you know who is actually working this case? If a new lead comes in, who works it? Do you know who? |
Judged: 1 1 1 Not saying this is the case concerning you. But I have personaly followed vehicles with my own as well as on foot and taken plate numbers down if Iam able to. If a vehicle or person looks unfamiliar to my community I will do my best to assure the safety of my community. |
Judged: 3 2 2 I couldn't possibly care less what you think about my language & I'm glad that you don't like how I think cuz the last thing I want is to think anything like you do. You care not about logic or reason, you don't care about being honest; all you care about is disagreeing with any post or anyone that points out that foul play is definitely possible. Someone can say anything they want, lie & make shit up & you could care less; as long as it supports the theory that she's lost in the woods or ran away. They can say anything and you'll support it. A good example is when bill stated the snowpack wasn't that deep bc "someone told him". So that means you supported some guy on the Internet that said someone told him over 2 NHSP lieutenants, every article that mentioned snow depth, and every local witness that spoke on the record who all agreed and said there was 2.5' of snow on the ground. Instead of saying something about bill using someone told me as a source, you chose to say something to me about saying he said "some guy told me" instead of "someone told me". That's the perfect example of how you just could care less about truth or honesty, you only care about bad mouthing anyone who doesn't talk about her running away or being lost in the woods. Even earlier today you made a wicked dishonest post. When I quoted the CCU website and it clearly stated that just bc the NHSP believes that doesn't mean that it's definitely true. Well I clearly said that in the post you were replying too, I never said that means she definitely was abducted. You implied that I said that when I clearly said the exact opposite, that means that your post was not honest bc it's obvious you're intelligent to know that I didn't say that; but you replied to my post anyways. So I'm glad I don't think like you, you have negativity surrounding you like a storm cloud & you don't care about logic or truth. So that you. As for my language, I could give a shit if you don't like it, good. I could have a whole giant pile of shit sitting next to me and I wouldn't even give you one shit for your opinion. Lol |
Judged: 4 4 3 Just like the bombing of the Boston Marathon, "somebody knows". I can't be the only one who heard those words. I will never understand the vile sometimes expressed. I really believe that the Grafton County area is not covered by the best Law Enforcement. I believe that this Forum is so engulfed with before and after law enforcement,Law affiliated such as Ems (even as far as "my sister is married to the sheriff, who was the cousin of the TM and his brother...etc. There were writings/and or words of people who mentioned "camps"....Yes there are. Here are just 2. Maura was killed/murderd/died in NH. The other is she was deserving of her fate. |
Since: Nov 08 3,717 Location hidden |
Judged: 2 2 2 The grey nitwit rides again. yardi yardi pfft pfft. Bill |
Judged: 2 2 2 Nit wit #2 identified. |
“"Dancing with wolves"” Since: Oct 10 2,776 Location hidden |
Judged: 2 1 1 Shack wrote:**I will never understand the vile sometimes expressed.** Well shack that's one thing we have in common. I also never understood the vile expressed. Funny though that most of it came from you. When we should have all been working together you were too busy insulting the people and LE, being sent to the TOT tent because you were such a bad girl and causing a split down the middle that caused one side to become two. You will never stop so continue on with your hatred. The damage has already been done. |
Judged: 3 3 2 and she is also mistaken to compare the MM situation in any way to the marathon bombing. he premise is stupid. of course "someone" knows what happened to MM, although it may be MM herself! we are talking about a killer who committed confirmed acts of terror in Boston and remains at large. the carnage and mayhem is evidence. no, there is no comparison. |
“"Johnny Tango "” Since: Dec 12 963 |
Judged: 1 1 1 The RED TRUCK owner interview coming soon....! I so want to read this....... |
Sweden |
Judged: 1 1 1 I have followed this case since the spring of 2006. I have yet to encounter a poster stating she was deserving of her fate. |
Sweden |
"Once I give him the opportunity to speak I´ll post the story". Meaning Red Truck Driver´s story will be posted regardless of him speaking or not? Is Red Truck Driver deserving of his fate? |
Since: Nov 08 3,717 Location hidden |
Judged: 2 1 1 She has been saying that for years. And you are correct that I know of no one who has ever said that. What was said is that a drunk girl running from a car accident at night in a very isolated area that she may have not have known very well, if at all that... A reasonable person might expect that might not turn out well for that person. A reasonable person would have expected a prudent person to sit with the car and wait for the police and emergency crews. A reasonable person might expect a prudent person would contact many of the houses with lights on. A reasonable person might expect a prudent person to acknowledge they needed help to bus driver and asked them to call the police. But those expectations by reasonable people on what prudent people might do, if said out loud. To shack that is the same a saying "she deserved it". Again, when reading what shack writes, it is always wise to remember, we are not dealing with a rocket scientist. Don't forget, "someone knows" about the Boston bombs also. Just like Maura's case. I mean it is this in depth, hard driving, critical analysis and keen insight that have been her trademark for these last nine years. Isn't it a wonder why we all hang on her every word? I swear, I even wonder if the "little old lady" in the clip is shack. She had the same simplistic way about her. But even the "little old lady" in the clip eventually came around. And it didn't take nine years. Gene Wilder's explanation of those people is first class though. http://www.youtube.com/watch... Bill |
“"Dancing with wolves"” Since: Oct 10 2,776 Location hidden |
Judged: 1 1 1 I have not seen that stated either except from shack. It's just another little jab that shack comes out with every once in awhile to make us look like mean, uncaring coldhearted people. |
“"Dancing with wolves"” Since: Oct 10 2,776 Location hidden |
Judged: 1 I'm curious to see if it's THE red truck, the one that RO saw with the small back window, wooden sides and looking like an older firewood truck. |
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