Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: PAULINE CLARK found deceased in a stream in the mid eighties @ the Mountain Lakes Lodge located on Valley rd. in N. Havehill. This is only a couple miles from where Maura went missing. John Death was ruled by drowning, wasn't it? There may have been other people in Haverhill who died over the last 50 years. Some from hangnails, or impacted hemorrhoids as well as other illnesses. Why not start listing them all. I am sure every one of them are related to Maura's DISAPPEARANCE. Bill
Det Columbo
Littleton, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Death was ruled by drowning, wasn't it? There may have been other people in Haverhill who died over the last 50 years. Some from hangnails, or impacted hemorrhoids as well as other illnesses. Why not start listing them all. I am sure every one of them are related to Maura's DISAPPEARANCE. Bill You are wrong Sir. Please provide Me with the report that states this. I did NOT state any connection to MM. John
Wayoun X
Los Altos, CA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> The expensive seats are for the group with low reading comprehension and they are in a separate section. You can tell the difference between the cheap seats and the expensive seats. Everyone that sits in the expensive seats all have one arm longer than the other due to patting themselves on the back because they think they are so much smarter and better than everyone else. Poor things, there's one or two that have patted themselves so many times that their knuckles have rug burn. We are already aware that males are superior to women. If your good we will let you have a lollie.
Go to jail
Whitesboro, NY
It's you're, not your. As in you're going to jail
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Go to jail wrote: It's you're, not your. As in you're going to jail Exactly right...!
Emmett Dove
Martinsville, VA
Using my opera glasses here in the "nose bleeds" cheap seat #2 confirmed... I did not click JGs link but I will state something very important in the music business.. Now IMHO no one would lie to sell CDs tied to a missing woman.. You don't make that much especially with all the warez sites (free & illegal sharing) & digital music out there.. You don't want your name that bad in a case like this, especially IF something bad happened to her.. But, a "musician" like JG would know (I hope) that most all musicians lie to sell CDs. True lots of songs are about girlfriends/boyfriends, something that happened in life, experiences, friends, family, etc; BUT the majority are from Song Writers (I will get to this) & using someone else's life experiences, etc; Most music in the last 20yrs (that I've worked with besides what I described above) consist of a team of true Song Writers, sometimes working with the "artist" personally. They compose songs (most blatant lies, but it's what sells!) & the "artist" might change a few words to fit his/her style. They sort of "spitball" ideas until it becomes what they think is a "hit song". If you really look at your music you will see "wrote by -'insert here' performed by 'insert here'" , it is an important part of music business... You have people that have that Voice & people that write = beautiful music & fans = gold/platinum/Diamond records = money & fame.... I mean we are not talking about Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, etc; The Temptations have some of my most favorite music - all wrote by Smokey Robinson, Berry Gordy, & numerous others!! Just cheap seat #2s opinion ..
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: <quoted text> You are wrong Sir. Please provide Me with the report that states this. I did NOT state any connection to MM. John Ohhhhhhhhhh. I see, you didn't state it, you just implied it, being that you raise the issue in the MM forum. Dead women out in the woods, in the Haverhill area. Just your normal method of throwing stuff out and seeing who or what it sprays on. Trailer hitches anyone???? I guess you mistakenly posted that in the MM forum when you were trying to post it in the Pauline Clark forum. My mistake. Bill
Springvale, ME
From the Mojo Music Studio site located in Franconia, dated April 3, 2012: "Tracking bass and guitars today at Mojo Studio with Nicky Chig on guitar for the soon to be released debut cd by Rick Forcier." Debut CD. So Forcier made up the story about Maura in 2004 because he knew that he would be recording and releasing a CD in 2012 and found it a good way to generate future publicity. Really, does Green do any actual research before he spouts off? It's gotten downright silly.
Charlie Wilson
Whitesboro, NY
Springvale, ME
Here we go again. Somebody criticizes Green, and he starts trying to control them by essentially insisting they apologize and remove any of their own personal opinions that he finds critical of him. I predict it won't be long before "ashman99" is relegated to the troll category. "ashman99 says: July 11, 2013 at 1:36 pm There are many that believe RF’s story was not accurate, but it is a large step to call him a liar and that he used Maura Murray for fame and notoriety…in a prelude to an article you are writing about Maura Murray that you intend to be successful and likely will give you some fame and notoriety, ie. piggybacking on Maura’s fate. It takes a lot away from everything else you wrote. That said, your reasoning on the timing is sound but the rest is making an assumption that all people think and act like you do. I happen to think RF is quite a dimwit and was more or less talked into the 9th being the night he saw someone on the road. Then you call him out as a liar for fame when LE gave whatever he said some credibility. I am not knocking LE here but it is not like RF went to the newspapers with this sighting to ensure his 'fame'. The sighting was checked out and called credible. Asking him for an apology for wasting people’s time is a bit over the top as well, we could do the same for every person involved in this case, even the people who mistakenly saw MM in a Cumby’s in Southern NH and in a church in Vermont or Fred for changing his story from suicide to 'local dirtbag'. I never heard of Rick 'joking' about raping Maura in his basement. I heard he joked about what a good cook she was, but not that he raped her…big difference. So if that was just a little extra for some shock value, perhaps you owe Rick the apology and you would be lucky if he doesn’t pop you in the jaw for it. You are a skilled analyst John, but as gnomeny said above, stick to the facts to make your point. If your facts don’t make the point, then they aren’t good enough. Editorializing, personalizing and sensationalizing the facts does not make it more factual." "John Green says: July 11, 2013 at 2:10 pm You are correct. Thank you for pointing it out. I think, however, that your assessment that I want this article to give me 'fame and notoriety' and suggestion that I am on the same footing as I overalleged about Rick merits equally revision as my post did, which as you can see, I revised. I would appreciate it if you would back up over that part, as it is a false characterization of my motives, which I believe much else in my actions suggest. I would say it another way too: you rightly called me out for making too harsh a personal attack when that is specifically what this forum is not about. I have taken my lumps, admitted it and changed the post. I think with regard to your aforementioned comment about me, you should consider doing the same. John"
Charlie Wilson
Whitesboro, NY
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Ohhhhhhhhhh. I see, you didn't state it, you just implied it, being that you raise the issue in the MM forum. Dead women out in the woods, in the Haverhill area. Just your normal method of throwing stuff out and seeing who or what it sprays on. Trailer hitches anyone???? I guess you mistakenly posted that in the MM forum when you were trying to post it in the Pauline Clark forum. My mistake. Bill NO mistake.... Will post where I please. john
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: So Forcier made up the story about Maura in 2004 because he knew that he would be recording and releasing a CD in 2012 and found it a good way to generate future publicity. Really, does Green do any actual research before he spouts off? It's gotten downright silly. Wasn't it kind of Green to offer that if Rick, by chance, comes across what he wrote on his obscure forum, Rick could offer a response, apparently otherwise he accuses him without any concern for rebuttal. So much for any kind of "journalistic integrity". Green has incredible courage making accusations and offering his version of "evidence" over the internet. Very brave man. You would think a lawyer, ex or otherwise might know something about libel. While it is a high bar for people to get over with regards to what journalists write, I doubt anyone would consider Green to be one. So he winds up being just another axxhole making wild accusations about someone remotely involved in this case with no proof. Reminds me of someone else here, a few years ago. I am happy to say, we don't hear much from her either. Just the occasional blivet thrown over the wall and a quick scurry away. I look forward to when either Green is ignored as being too ridiculous, or he tires of this diversion and starts something more suited to his talents, like basket-weaving or shell collecting. Bill
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: <quoted text> NO mistake.... Will post where I please. john Attention everyone, ATTENTION! DetC has an important announcement. Pauline Clark!!! Trailer hitches!!!! That is all. Yep, no mistakes there. All makes perfect sense and ties in to the MM case perfectly well. Well, maybe not, but it is what we have come to expect from you and your stellar insights into this case and astounding methods of logic and reason. Bill
WTH is going to jail
Whitesboro, NY
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
The Saturn did NOT hit the trees on rte 112 on Feb. 9th 2004.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Yo John green..... Also in Your newest hallucination about Forcier. The car was not located 600 ft. down the rd. It was much further East down the rd. closer to forcier's house.
Springvale, ME
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Wasn't it kind of Green to offer that if Rick, by chance, comes across what he wrote on his obscure forum, Rick could offer a response, apparently otherwise he accuses him without any concern for rebuttal. So much for any kind of "journalistic integrity". Green has incredible courage making accusations and offering his version of "evidence" over the internet. Very brave man. You would think a lawyer, ex or otherwise might know something about libel. While it is a high bar for people to get over with regards to what journalists write, I doubt anyone would consider Green to be one. So he winds up being just another axxhole making wild accusations about someone remotely involved in this case with no proof. Reminds me of someone else here, a few years ago. I am happy to say, we don't hear much from her either. Just the occasional blivet thrown over the wall and a quick scurry away. I look forward to when either Green is ignored as being too ridiculous, or he tires of this diversion and starts something more suited to his talents, like basket-weaving or shell collecting. Bill Yes, this is one of the many things I find so humorous about this. Green isn't a journalist. He admits he has never been published. Yet now he fancies himself one, when what he really is just another person on the interwebz with poor research skills and theories that are pretty much no better or worse than all the other people with theories. It's really quite laughable.
Bullet tooth Tony
Whitesboro, NY
Bullet tooth Tony
Whitesboro, NY