Hans Strudle
Westminster, MD
JWB wrote: Strudels originate from Hungary and the poster on Beagle link appears to be from Hungary so I say Hans Strudle is behind all this :) all I do is serve pastries to the masses and punk on Green and Ledyard!
Lincoln, NH
Just jokeing strudle Hope you know that
Rockland, MA
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> Good work, Maruchan, as usual. It has, however, gone way beyond an online witch hunt. It's become physically dangerous. Like in the real world. I'm really afraid someone could get hurt or killed before this is all over. You're right, it needs to stop. Online and off-line. But I'm not holding my breath. "Do you have some way of knowing that [David Whalen] is not worth talking to at all? Do you think finding out what happened to Maura Murray is not worth taking a small chance? Isn't the worst that could happen is that someone would become slightly embarrassed and would have wasted a relatively small amount of time? Embarrassed? Time wasted? Compared to what? To what has been accomplished already? Or is the case just about solved and LE doesn't need any new information? Or are you just trying to prevent the public from knowing what happened? Does an investigator's simple conversation with someone ... scare you? Make you afraid of something? Let's say [David Whalen] has only a ten percent chance of providing worthwhile information. Isn't finding out what happened to Maura Murray worth taking a ten percent chance? Or are Maura and justice simply not worth it? Don't investigators look into things that have less than even a one percent chance of being worthwhile? Even if it turned out to be a total wild goose chase, isn't there a constant call to the public to furnish ANY information they can, even if they, the public, think it is unimportant? If talking to [David Whalen] is beneath your dignity, then so is finding out what happened to Maura Murray."
Rockland, MA
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I had a nice, long chat with DW's mom earlier this evening. I called her (after all, her number took about two minutes to find - I found it last week). I didn't call to ask her any questions about her son, and I didn't ask her any. I called only to warn her that the person who had appeared on her doorstep yesterday was misleading her in his interest in her son. She wanted to know how in the world I knew Sam had come to her house and had to explain to her that her son and now his family were being featured on two blogs, and that the conversation she had was posted on Sam's blog. She only had dial-up and couldn't access the blog while we were on the phone, so I read her Sam's blog post. She claims she never said what Sam wrote - "Her first question:'oh, that was the girl who was killed in New Hampshire?'" - she knew Maura had disappeared, not been killed, and said she wouldn't have said that. I told her about Renner's blog, and I gave her the website addresses for both blogs and impressed on her that Renner was trying to tie Maura's disappearance to her son. I told her that her son's photographs and name were posted on both websites where they will now come up in any Google searches of him. I also warned her that many of his followers were actively trying to find as much information about her son as they could, and that she should be careful as she might receive phone calls or visits from other unscrupulous people like Sam who would lie to her about their purpose in trying to locate her son. I also informed her that if her son did get in touch with Renner and refused to answer any questions that he would be deemed by him and his followers as being even more of a suspicious person who was hiding something. She thanked me for calling and warning her. She was a very nice lady who felt violated by a stranger coming to her door, giving her a false name and questioning her under false pretenses. This witch hunt needs to stop, NOW. You are the one who lied, not I. I have absolutely no intention of tying anything to David. When have I suggested otherwise? And every word I posted was true. All you have proved is that she changed her story.
Hans Strudle
Westminster, MD
jwb wrote: Just jokeing strudle Hope you know that its all in fun! I don't mind a bit!
Hans Strudle
Westminster, MD
Renner's blog was getting good again; now Green has slithered his way back on the scene it will go down faster than a Brazilian hooker.
Merrimack, NH
Hans Strudle wrote: Renner's blog was getting good again; now Green has slithered his way back on the scene it will go down faster than a Brazilian hooker. I am also pretty sure that he is now posting on Websleuths under the name "Fireweed."
Montréal, Canada
Maruchan made put the fear into David Whalen. He will be less likely to talk and more will be written about him. David Whalen will seem more suspicious.
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
JWB wrote: and this http://www.topix.com/forum/city/whitman-ma/TP... How do they get a moniker without and ip addy ? vpn tunnel, perhaps?
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
Name wrote: Maruchan made put the fear into David Whalen. He will be less likely to talk and more will be written about him. David Whalen will seem more suspicious. If he wasn´t already off the grid, he will be in no time, thanks to topix!
Hans Strudle
Stanford, KY
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> Good work, Maruchan, as usual. It has, however, gone way beyond an online witch hunt. It's become physically dangerous. Like in the real world. I'm really afraid someone could get hurt or killed before this is all over. You're right, it needs to stop. Online and off-line. But I'm not holding my breath. youre an idiot, Aldon. You post vids, on the anniversary of Maura's disappearance mind you, taunting the police and family, and you have the stones to assert such rubbish? You of all people shouldn't judge anyone looking into this. You are getting nervous that Maura Murray, someone who has been your obsession for 10 years almost, may be alive and well. That has serious consequences for a total loser like you. You may develop a gaping hole in your life. No more paranoid theories. No more vids on YouTube. Your mini-celebrity status down to zero. It's going to be a rough go for awhile. Try a new hobby. How about knitting?
Hans Strudle
Stanford, KY
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> If he wasn´t already off the grid, he will be in no time, thanks to topix! I think Sam is a goon; however, James is doing a good job and these assclowns are going to ruin it. I'm suspecting a few people are scared of a resolution to the case. Many social lives will be squashed.
Hans Strudle
Stanford, KY
I see John Green has slithered out of the philosophical woodwork. He produces many ideas; finely written with splendid adjectives and colorful verbs. But they are insane and go nowhere.
Assclown Q
Pleasanton, CA
My my, what an ironic statement from an outrageously dishonest person. You should feel safest giving your personal information to a stranger....youve made enemies of everyone else....with the the type of paranoid babble you've written below. Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> This implies transparency, as if you are being honest in your dealings with others by providing an email address. It implies, to me, that you feel you are not trying to hide anything, and that you are different than DW, who you feel IS hiding something. But you are not being honest at all. If you were, you would use your real name. I'm really stunned by your complete lack of ethics. You approached the mother of a person who you are trying to help Renner tie to Maura's disappearance, you lied and implied that your mission was a purely innocent one, and you used a false name to do so. I'm sure the phone number you gave her couldn't be traced back to you as well. I'm sure of this because you told her your name was Samuel, which you and I both know is not your real name. I had a nice, long chat with DW's mom earlier this evening. I called her (after all, her number took about two minutes to find - I found it last week). I didn't call to ask her any questions about her son, and I didn't ask her any. I called only to warn her that the person who had appeared on her doorstep yesterday was misleading her in his interest in her son. She wanted to know how in the world I knew Sam had come to her house and had to explain to her that her son and now his family were being featured on two blogs, and that the conversation she had was posted on Sam's blog. She only had dial-up and couldn't access the blog while we were on the phone, so I read her Sam's blog post. She claims she never said what Sam wrote - "Her first question:'oh, that was the girl who was killed in New Hampshire?'" - she knew Maura had disappeared, not been killed, and said she wouldn't have said that. I told her about Renner's blog, and I gave her the website addresses for both blogs and impressed on her that Renner was trying to tie Maura's disappearance to her son. I told her that her son's photographs and name were posted on both websites where they will now come up in any Google searches of him. I also warned her that many of his followers were actively trying to find as much information about her son as they could, and that she should be careful as she might receive phone calls or visits from other unscrupulous people like Sam who would lie to her about their purpose in trying to locate her son. I also informed her that if her son did get in touch with Renner and refused to answer any questions that he would be deemed by him and his followers as being even more of a suspicious person who was hiding something. She thanked me for calling and warning her. She was a very nice lady who felt violated by a stranger coming to her door, giving her a false name and questioning her under false pretenses. This witch hunt needs to stop, NOW.
Assclown Q
Pleasanton, CA
I'm worried about DW's mother. Maruchan is a complete stranger to her but has her personal information! Maruchan used her personal information to harass her with unexpected and unwanted phone calls. Don't try to stalk an elderly woman's baby boy. Its not good form.
Its not easy being Green
Littleton, NH
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I am also pretty sure that he is now posting on Websleuths under the name "Fireweed." I am surprised you think so. The writing styles are completely different. Fireweed uses ordinary words despite being well spoken. Green would never be able to resist talking down to anyone reading. His words would be bigger and less direct than those used by Fireweed. It would also be interesting to hear, if Fireweed was Green, about the affair with a married man referenced in one of Fireweeds earliest posts.
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
Its not easy being Green wrote: <quoted text> I am surprised you think so. The writing styles are completely different. Fireweed uses ordinary words despite being well spoken. Green would never be able to resist talking down to anyone reading. His words would be bigger and less direct than those used by Fireweed. It would also be interesting to hear, if Fireweed was Green, about the affair with a married man referenced in one of Fireweeds earliest posts. What?? Green had an affair with a married man? (see how easy it is to start a rumor)
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
DW mom shouldn´t worry about anything besides her Christmas decorations. I could care less what anybody´s real identity is, but I think Sam Ledyard has some explaining to do. Why claim DW mom referred to MM as the girl who was KILLED if she did not actually utter those words? What´s the gain?
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
Its not easy being Green wrote: <quoted text> I am surprised you think so. The writing styles are completely different. Fireweed uses ordinary words despite being well spoken. Green would never be able to resist talking down to anyone reading. His words would be bigger and less direct than those used by Fireweed. It would also be interesting to hear, if Fireweed was Green, about the affair with a married man referenced in one of Fireweeds earliest posts. I think you´re right. Fireweed´s writing style isn´t half as pompous as Green´s. JG could never fake that.
Merrimack, NH
Its not easy being Green wrote: <quoted text> I am surprised you think so. The writing styles are completely different. Fireweed uses ordinary words despite being well spoken. Green would never be able to resist talking down to anyone reading. His words would be bigger and less direct than those used by Fireweed. It would also be interesting to hear, if Fireweed was Green, about the affair with a married man referenced in one of Fireweeds earliest posts. The writing styles, while not the same, have some definite similarities, verbosity being one. Give him time on the talking down to people. As far as the married man bit, believe it or not, Green has been known to lie in the past.:) I'm not positive it is him, just pretty sure. Fireweed showed up as a new Websleuths poster a couple of days before Green resumed posting on Renner's blog again. I also find it interesting that Fireweed posted this: "It seems so very unlikely to me, but John Green over on the Maura blog made a very good point about this deduction that I cannot help but question my once firm conviction on the matter: The Green quote Fireweed then posted cannot be found in any Google searches, therefore my conclusion is that Fireweed has access to Green's posts that were deleted from his MM blog. Except for Green, Ledyard and possibly Tyler, I doubt anybody else has those quotes saved, so the likelihood is high that Fireweed is Green. Lastly, I notice you are posting from a location that never shows up on Topix, marking you as a new poster, with your first post defending Green. Interesting.