Göteborg, Sweden
There may be some overseen evidence in there, lika a candy wrap or a cigarette butt.
Simple Simon
Penn Yan, NY
James Renner wrote: Geesh, the vitriol on here. Can we calm down and refocus a bit. We're all human and have our own quirks. Chill. Interesting that James comes here to post this. Very fortunate for him that the vitriol, derogatory comments, hell even entire misguided blog posts can be removed with the press of a key over on his site. If it's gone it never happened right? No editing on topix, no deleting. It's real and it stays, seems more honest, IMO. And please, before you label me or my post. It's not vitriolic, it's just quirky, so don't be hatin'.
Manchester, NH
Vitirol.......... I always lose interest when an author overuses a word. It just seems lazy to me. Funny story and it probably says more about my quirks than anything else but it's a fact; Dean Koontz....Not really my genre, but my sister was into him and Stephen King, so when I ran out of other books, I'd read Deans stuff. Seems like there was someone "ululating" in every chapter of every book I read and it eventually just turned me off. It just wears on you after a while. I can't read his stuff any more. I moved to Las Vegas a few years ago for a year for work. I remember seeing my first stretched Hum V limo and staring with mouth agape. After two months and seeing every conceivable version of stretch limos, from Ford Pinto's to Escalades, they just became tacky to me. This is exactly my experience with John Greens writing, which by the by, has slipped in both creativity and construct. I'm a big fan of making up words, but Johnny, let's put a little effort into it. James, your an author and an English professor for God's sake, you're capable of much more. I was so disappointed when you were picking on Hemingway on facebook. You don't have to like his work, hell, I've studied the man more than most and I get bored with his stuff, but the premise, James the premise. One SIMPLE declarative sentence....I'd ask you to pass this on to JG, but he's way to far gone. Let's stop with the vitriol Bring a new exciting word to the table.. ; ).
Manchester, NH
It's a snow day. I'm bored so...... Granny, when you live on an island connected to the rest of the world by only two bridges, it can be a lonely existence. One can understand your desire to leave and never go back. Unfortunately, you should have been sober when putting your bridge burning plan into effect. Yes, you see, a sober, coherent person would have first left the island before lighting the match. It is my sincere hope that you know how to ferment coconut milk. I can only imagine the withdrawals. xoxo
Manchester, NH
Sam Ledyard wrote: "[John Green] October 23, 2013 at 6:48 PM I am not back Sam. I felt it was important to share my experience with that fraud ass wipe Bill Jensen. I’m out for good from this. Despite the good intentions of many, the online community serves only to bury MM further and further in a pile of festering lies and misinformation. It is similar to a situation where you tried to deliver an important message through a child game’s whisper chain. Any reasonable person would conclude that the information will distorted during the whisper relay and therefore acts irresponsibly, even if their original message is sincere and well intended. It is the nature of online discussion that has no consequences for anything to anyone." Yes John, any brilliant person,, particularly one with a law degree who is sought after in his professional capacity as a management consultant, would advise his clientele to use the "child game's whisper chain" To deliver their message. To think that those little bastards would distort the message is both appalling and unconscionable, Certainly there is an ethics committee somewhere that can address this issue. Shall we crowd source it? This second paragraph about a reasonable person concluding information will distorted throws me a little though. No, it's not the typo. I'm just struggling with the point.As has been stated and re-stated by myself and other's ( yes Findy this ones for you xoxo), I'm by no means close to you in intelligence or elocution, but, I must ask; would not the reasonable person, by virtue of his reasonableness, reasonably conclude that it would be unreasonable to reasonably conclude that it would be reasonable to reasonably conclude that it would be reasonable to send forth his message in this format BEFORE the fact? It just seems unreasonable to suggest that the afore mentioned person is reasonable, if he indeed concluded that it was unreasonable to do so AFTER the fact. I hope I have stated my case reasonably... ; )
Gislaved, Sweden
Hahahaha....omg, Ridic... *round of applause*
Don Ho
Millbrook, NY
Manchester, NH
Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> Could you elaborate? Google it Sammy. The gorge, the flume, the polar caves, clarks trading post....You have to hit them all if you're bringing your kids up for the weekend. As to the quads. My youngest has a quad. the oldest has a two wheeler, so we don't rent them when we go up... I'd suggest renting sleds this time of year, or maybe spending a little time in Shacks ice shanty...
Merrimack, NH
So, once again, Renner is not only abdicating complete responsibility for the harm he caused many people over the last few days, he is actually blaming the victims for protecting themselves against his witch hunt. Suddenly, the husband's profile photo of "crime scene tape" and "Hey, Asshole, this ain't your damn land, go away now" have now become "threatening pictures." The ONLY people who were being threatened were all the people Renner and his horde were hunting down. "...this blog was viewed 14,000 times in one day last week--many more people have learned about Maura's case because of it." Those aren't unique views, but that is a lot of people that he urged to seek out information on these innocent people. All those eyes saw the photographs of those innocent people, the place of employment of at least one of them, the baby photo of the supposed Maura lookalike among a whole bunch of other personal information. "He called me at home and threatened my children" - yeah, I really bet this happened. I hope these people take you to court over this, you need to learn there are consequences for your extremely irresponsible behavior. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions, and quit blaming your victims for defending themselves.
Doh No
Millbrook, NY
Not gonna do it all for you. Read the description.
tiny bubbles
Marietta, GA
In for a penny
Millbrook, NY
All of the information looked at, dug through and rustled up in Renner's 'crowd source' was all publicly attainable by anyone who chose to look. The pics were all previously posted online and where names were already attached they stayed. This is the risk everyone takes when they choose to leave a digital footprint through Facebook or any other online venue. The unfortunate connection to Maura Murray was just that, an unfortunate connection. Renner's only fault, IMO, is that while he may have responsible and honorable intentions about gaining information, the thousands of random people he set on this search may not be of such noble character. Of this I think should give James some pause before throwing another quest out there for the masses, but I also see no good remedy other than those using Facebook should take the necessary precautions to protect their own privacy, they are available and they work.
James Renner
Akron, OH
Maruchan, For the record, there was never a pic of a baby or kid posted on the blog. Ever. Also, they are welcome to find out who called my house, today. I would love to know who that was. The difference between us is that I never threatened his family and I always gave my name. They had ample opportunity to simply respond. I understand you and a few others like to get off by hiding behind your anonymity to take pot shots when you do nothing to contribute to the resolution of this case. Fine. But if I was truly vengeful, I would have posted your name and IP address a long time ago. There's a simple app for that on blogger. And it's pretty easy to piece together when you post here five minutes after you visit my blog from Manchester. You spend wayyyyy too much time on my site for someone who despises me.
Big Brother
Manchester, NH
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
James Renner wrote: Maruchan, For the record, there was never a pic of a baby or kid posted on the blog. Ever. Also, they are welcome to find out who called my house, today. I would love to know who that was. The difference between us is that I never threatened his family and I always gave my name. They had ample opportunity to simply respond. I understand you and a few others like to get off by hiding behind your anonymity to take pot shots when you do nothing to contribute to the resolution of this case. Fine. But if I was truly vengeful, I would have posted your name and IP address a long time ago. There's a simple app for that on blogger. And it's pretty easy to piece together when you post here five minutes after you visit my blog from Manchester. You spend wayyyyy too much time on my site for someone who despises me. I prefer to stay anonymous for safety reasons which I think everyone should do. There's no way of knowing who you are communicating with on the internet. So no, I don't "get off" or "hide" behind my moniker. I just try to keep myself and my family safe. If you've been reading this forum for awhile you'd know that an unstable poster here has been trying to find out who I am and where I live. If my identity was made public by someone and this person came knocking on my door it would not be a good thing for me but it would be much worse for him. Would the person care about the consequences of making my identity public? I doubt it from what I have seen so far.
Merrimack, NH
EVERYBODY PLEASE READ RENNER'S THREAT AND ATTEMPT TO INTIMIDATE ME : James Renner wrote: Maruchan, ... But if I was truly vengeful, I would have posted your name and IP address a long time ago. There's a simple app for that on blogger. And it's pretty easy to piece together when you post here five minutes after you visit my blog from Manchester. This could be you if you dare to criticize him.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: EVERYBODY PLEASE READ RENNER'S THREAT AND ATTEMPT TO INTIMIDATE ME : <quoted text> This could be you if you dare to criticize him. If I'm understanding this correctly he can find out your name and IP addy just by going to his blog. Hmm, reminds me of another past forum/blog that tried to find posters identities. A big reason why I try not to spend much time on the private forums/blogs. What a nice bunch of people we have here huh Maruchan. All in the name of Maura Murray. Sickening!
“"Stay Tuned"”
Since: Dec 13
Location hidden
James Renner is a sick human being. Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> If I'm understanding this correctly he can find out your name and IP addy just by going to his blog.
Since: Oct 13
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: EVERYBODY PLEASE READ RENNER'S THREAT AND ATTEMPT TO INTIMIDATE ME : <quoted text> This could be you if you dare to criticize him. I read it, and I am appalled. I am surprised Renner would stoop to this low level. I thought better of him. He really should apologize.
Millbrook, NY
Good god Maruchan give it a rest. Save the false indignation for the octogenarian crowd, they are the only ones too old to grasp the fact that this is the 21st century and every website you visit collects the same information that Renner's apparently can. Even good old Facebook collects that shit up about 15 times a minute and it's some creepy guy in a basement somewhere getting paid minimum wage to keep an eye on it. Quit the whining about it. It is not making a difference to anyone under 80. I could stomach just about anything I have seen on topix but your whining about this is going to make me puke.