Sam Ledyard
Rockland, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Good thing you didn't or you might be accused now of being him/her. LOL Why must you exaggerate my conduct to make a point? I've looked into ONE Topix poster. I was first motivated to look into that poster based on a geocities webpage; not on any post that he or she made on Topix. From that, you suggest that I have some plan to investigate all Topix posters? Either you're not being sincere or you have a mistaken belief regarding my conduct.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> Why must you exaggerate my conduct to make a point? I've looked into ONE Topix poster. I was first motivated to look into that poster based on a geocities webpage; not on any post that he or she made on Topix. From that, you suggest that I have some plan to investigate all Topix posters? Either you're not being sincere or you have a mistaken belief regarding my conduct. I don't suggest anything and I don't see your name in my post but if the shoe fits wear it. You've only looked into ONE poster Sam? Really???
Sam Ledyard
Rockland, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> You've only looked into ONE poster Sam? Really??? Yes, really; the one poster being Suzanne. Although she used multiple monikers,she was one person.
Since: Jan 12
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Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> I don't feel compelled to figure out which monikers Ben uses. I find it difficult to have a coherent dialogue when I don't know if I'm talking to one person or multiple persons. Surely that makes sense to you, right? Take me for example. If I came on here with a different moniker, then you wouldn't know to automatically disagree with my point. Beagle was the most notorious multi-monikred offender from the day i came to topix. it was dizzying; the experience developed my intuitive edge. that i cared at all to sort out the multi-monikered, however, was not to identify posters in real life or to accuse and judge them, but to make sense of the chaos. you missed my earlier point. reading content is far superior to judging content by the identifying moniker. i'm sure you agree.
“Skunks and Puppies in Harmony!”
Since: Jan 14
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Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> I don't suggest anything and I don't see your name in my post but if the shoe fits wear it. You've only looked into ONE poster Sam? Really??? Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> Yes, really; the one poster being Suzanne. Although she used multiple monikers,she was one person. Sam Fraudyard wrote: <quoted text> I don't feel compelled to figure out which monikers Ben uses. I find it difficult to have a coherent dialogue when I don't know if I'm talking to one person or multiple persons. Surely that makes sense to you, right? Take me for example. If I came on here with a different moniker, then you wouldn't know to automatically disagree with my point. Fraudyard, Everybody knows that you have tried to track at least 3 real people. Well, now folks know to NEVER TALK TO YOU, TO TAKE ON NEW MONIKERS AND NEVER LET YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.
“Skunks and Puppies in Harmony!”
Since: Jan 14
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jag88 says: January 18, 2014 at 4:31 PM Sam, While I think you have done some good analysis here, you have not – as you said you would – proven that the Maura in Canada is a hoax. You may have shown that two screen names were owned by the same person. But do you know specifically who this person is? Can you show that they have no knowledge of Maura’s whereabouts? I think you have a theory that is worth keeping in mind and it certainly lessens the likelihood that that particular line of thinking is correct. I think you did nice work in showing it. But if you hold yourself here to the same standard that you very insistently hold others to (even when those others have stated their ideas as simply ideas or brainstorming, as opposed to offering a “proof” as you have positioned your ideas) it comes short of proof, by a fairly wide margin. Specifically, to show that the Maura in Canada was a hoax, which is what you said you could prove (given the assumption that its entire genesis was the goecities posts, which would be difficult to prove), you would have to show: (1) The specific human being identity of the original geocities poster (rather than merely another screen name possibly associated with that poster); (2) The specific human being identity of the “ring of truth poster”(rather than merely another screen name possibly associated with that poster); (3) That the original geocities poster has no knowledge of Maura’s whereabouts; and (4) That the “ring of truth” poster has no knowledge of Maura’s whereabouts and/or no association with a close circle of people around Maura’s family. I may have missed something in your logic as published here but it seems to elicit a well reasoned suspicion, not hard evidence that the geocities post and its progeny were “a hoax.” If I did miss something, please do point it out. But the way to get to disproving Maura-in-Canada is the above 4 elements along with an assumption that the chatter all originated from the geocities post. I would really like to see you list – bullet point style – your evidence pertaining to each point. It would be easier to assess your argument against this or some other objective measuring stick.
Sam Ledyard
Rockland, MA
Skunki wrote: <quoted text> <quoted text> <quoted text> Fraudyard, Everybody knows that you have tried to track at least 3 real people. Other than Suzanne, who have I tried to identify? Name the other two.
Since: May 09
Location hidden
Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> I know who Ben is in real life. You get a prize. Too bad he doesn't want to talk to you.
Since: Jan 12
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Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> I know who Ben is in real life. We all do. Determining whether he posts as "Skunki," for example, will not change my knowledge in that respect. I, too, wish to sort out the chaos. but why is this conversation happening on topix? i mean…Renner has his own blog, Green, for a time, took over that blog, and you have your own blog. i find it hard to believe the MM mystery can generate enough conversation for all of these, plus a book. not to mention websleuths. i dunno. a bunch of us are fairly content to keep a watch on any official findings / updates, and draw a line to keep the few facts separated from abundant fiction. bickering can be exhausting. you pulled the trigger for me by accusing White Noise. otherwise, i had stopped posting….for several months.
Since: Jan 14
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Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> Other than Suzanne, who have I tried to identify? Name the other two. Are you going senile?
Since: Jan 14
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Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> I know who Ben is in real life. We all do. Determining whether he posts as "Skunki," for example, will not change my knowledge in that respect. I, too, wish to sort out the chaos. Thanks for that.
“Skunks and Puppies in Harmony!”
Since: Jan 14
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Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> Determining whether he posts as "Skunki," I, too, wish to sort out the chaos. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You caused it.
East Bridgewater, MA
The world does NOT revolve around Maura Murray. I learned very early on that the Murray family responds with outrage at any mention of Amherst. ANY suggestion that Maura was less than an innocent angel and they would shut you up. Fred asked for our 'help' to find Maura and used Helena to beat it into our heads that she was snatched off the face of the planet by a 'local dirt bag.' Those who pay attention now know that the cause of this event originated in Amherst with the Petrit Vasi accident. Petrit is the real victim here in need of help. He is still recovering from his near fatal hit and run and he deserves justice. Suzanne had the courage move the discussion to what Maura did BEFORE she left and vanished. What else matters??? Information from 'Sam Ledyard' and 'Maruchan' ie 'blackat' should not be taken without a liberal dose of skepticism. JMO.
“Skunks and Puppies in Harmony!”
Since: Jan 14
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Ashlyn wrote: The world does NOT revolve around Maura Murray. I learned very early on that the Murray family responds with outrage at any mention of Amherst. ANY suggestion that Maura was less than an innocent angel and they would shut you up. Fred asked for our 'help' to find Maura and used Helena to beat it into our heads that she was snatched off the face of the planet by a 'local dirt bag.' Those who pay attention now know that the cause of this event originated in Amherst with the Petrit Vasi accident. Petrit is the real victim here in need of help. He is still recovering from his near fatal hit and run and he deserves justice. Suzanne had the courage move the discussion to what Maura did BEFORE she left and vanished. What else matters??? Information from 'Sam Ledyard' and 'Maruchan' ie 'blackat' should not be taken without a liberal dose of skepticism. JMO. That's a reasonable opinion. Just ignore Samuel when he predictably accuses you of being someone else.
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
Ashlyn wrote: The world does NOT revolve around Maura Murray. I learned very early on that the Murray family responds with outrage at any mention of Amherst. ANY suggestion that Maura was less than an innocent angel and they would shut you up. Fred asked for our 'help' to find Maura and used Helena to beat it into our heads that she was snatched off the face of the planet by a 'local dirt bag.' Those who pay attention now know that the cause of this event originated in Amherst with the Petrit Vasi accident. Petrit is the real victim here in need of help. He is still recovering from his near fatal hit and run and he deserves justice. Suzanne had the courage move the discussion to what Maura did BEFORE she left and vanished. What else matters??? Information from 'Sam Ledyard' and 'Maruchan' ie 'blackat' should not be taken without a liberal dose of skepticism. JMO. here, apparently, is another witness to the early MMM days, and yet another reference to the peculiar history of this mystery. after all, it was this remarkable behavior by the people surrounding MM, and the shielding of truths about her, that was / is even more confounding than her sudden disappearance. i, too, share the opinion that the causative event originated in Amherst.
Manchester, NH
Ashlyn wrote: The world does NOT revolve around Maura Murray. I learned very early on that the Murray family responds with outrage at any mention of Amherst. ANY suggestion that Maura was less than an innocent angel and they would shut you up. Fred asked for our 'help' to find Maura and used Helena to beat it into our heads that she was snatched off the face of the planet by a 'local dirt bag.' Those who pay attention now know that the cause of this event originated in Amherst with the Petrit Vasi accident. Petrit is the real victim here in need of help. He is still recovering from his near fatal hit and run and he deserves justice. Suzanne had the courage move the discussion to what Maura did BEFORE she left and vanished. What else matters??? Information from 'Sam Ledyard' and 'Maruchan' ie 'blackat' should not be taken without a liberal dose of skepticism. JMO. Hmmm, this person is saying as a fact, not opinion, that Maura hit Petrit Vasi. Sound familiar? I would say your post should also be taken with a "liberal dose of skepticism," not only about Vasi, but your claim that I am somebody named "blackat" - this is my only moniker and I have known about and posted about this case for less than two years.
Since: Dec 05
Location hidden
Thank you Ashlyn for expressing so eloquently our shared sentiments. I don't fault Maruchan for her feelings having not witnessed Helena's reign at MMM.
Since: Feb 12
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Ashlyn wrote: The world does NOT revolve around Maura Murray. I learned very early on that the Murray family responds with outrage at any mention of Amherst. ANY suggestion that Maura was less than an innocent angel and they would shut you up. Fred asked for our 'help' to find Maura and used Helena to beat it into our heads that she was snatched off the face of the planet by a 'local dirt bag.' Those who pay attention now know that the cause of this event originated in Amherst with the Petrit Vasi accident. Petrit is the real victim here in need of help. He is still recovering from his near fatal hit and run and he deserves justice. Suzanne had the courage move the discussion to what Maura did BEFORE she left and vanished. What else matters??? Information from 'Sam Ledyard' and 'Maruchan' ie 'blackat' should not be taken without a liberal dose of skepticism. JMO. I agree with some of your post however it has never been proven that Vasi was hit by a car let alone Maura's car. Everyone is trying to give Maura a rational reason for leaving school. The Vasi reason would be a big reason, but they're plenty of other reasons on why she could have decided to leave town. Some could be darker reasons, while others can be more simple and innocent we don't really know why. To say Maura hit Vasi would be the same thing as people claiming Maura was a victim of foul play. There is no evidence to support either theory.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> Hmmm, this person is saying as a fact, not opinion, that Maura hit Petrit Vasi. Sound familiar? I would say your post should also be taken with a "liberal dose of skepticism," not only about Vasi, but your claim that I am somebody named "blackat" - this is my only moniker and I have known about and posted about this case for less than two years. It's evident that ashlynn has seen the unfair and bad side to the past MMM forum and the unfair way it was moderated. I still believe that what happened before Maura left has much to do with why she left and possibly where she was headed but we don't know that she hit Vasi. Even he doesn't know what happened or even if he was hit by a car. I believe the phone call that upset her so has lots to do with her leaving IMHO.
pompeium lectus
Rockland, MA
Ashlyn wrote: The world does NOT revolve around Maura Murray. I learned very early on that the Murray family responds with outrage at any mention of Amherst. ANY suggestion that Maura was less than an innocent angel and they would shut you up. Fred asked for our 'help' to find Maura and used Helena to beat it into our heads that she was snatched off the face of the planet by a 'local dirt bag.' Those who pay attention now know that the cause of this event originated in Amherst with the Petrit Vasi accident. Petrit is the real victim here in need of help. He is still recovering from his near fatal hit and run and he deserves justice. Suzanne had the courage move the discussion to what Maura did BEFORE she left and vanished. What else matters??? Information from 'Sam Ledyard' and 'Maruchan' ie 'blackat' should not be taken without a liberal dose of skepticism. JMO. Brilliant statement...I wish JR hadn't so eagerly dismissed the Vasi hit.