Manchester, NH
Findmaura wrote: It will be interesting to see what jag88 offers at the Maura Murray community in his suggestion theres a relationship between Citigirl & a regular poster here.This could very well be the reason Sam is getting run out of here..Who is hiding what...I cant wait. This is very old news. Jag88 is Green, who posted on his defunct blog that Citigirl and Beagle have some relationship outside of Topix. He has gleaned all of his info from, guess where, Topix posts (where nobody ever comes for information). I'm too tired to go look for his earlier posts about it, perhaps tomorrow.
Million Moniker March
Santa Clara, CA
It took more than theatrics to find Topiary...but the difference is thst he actually did something.
“All Your Soul Are Belong To Us”
Since: Oct 09
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> This person also just posted from Chicago, IL, to insult Amy, whose posting location is Chicago as well, so they are using a proxy. Let the sleeping dog lie.
Since: Jul 10
Million Moniker March wrote: It took more than theatrics to find Topiary...but the difference is thst he actually did something. Topiary is indeed an art. Hell of a day.:)
Since: Jul 10
Ashlyn wrote: The world does NOT revolve around Maura Murray. I learned very early on that the Murray family responds with outrage at any mention of Amherst. ANY suggestion that Maura was less than an innocent angel and they would shut you up. Fred asked for our 'help' to find Maura and used Helena to beat it into our heads that she was snatched off the face of the planet by a 'local dirt bag.' Those who pay attention now know that the cause of this event originated in Amherst with the Petrit Vasi accident. Petrit is the real victim here in need of help. He is still recovering from his near fatal hit and run and he deserves justice. Suzanne had the courage move the discussion to what Maura did BEFORE she left and vanished. What else matters??? Information from 'Sam Ledyard' and 'Maruchan' ie 'blackat' should not be taken without a liberal dose of skepticism. JMO. Completely agree.
Kansas City, MO
gET iT?!? AhAhAhA!!
“Alden Olson dba Det Dirtbag ”
Since: Dec 13
Location hidden
OH MY wrote: mARUCHAN i dIDN^T kNOW yOU wERE bLACKAT,,, yOU n bEAGLE mUST fIGHT LiKE cATS n dOGS!! gET iT?!? AhAhAhA!! No, no. Maruchan is actually a very cuddly kitty.
Bristol, CT
Sam Ledyard wrote: <quoted text> This troubles me. Is this someone using a proxy or are you really posting from the area? I've never seen anyone post from the same location as me before. Chill Sam. It was probably just someone driving by to see how well you have been keeping up with your yard work. You know how innocent that is. Maybe they snapped a picture or two, but that's all legal and stuff. Nothing to worry about.
Bristol, CT
Relax wrote: <quoted text> Chill Sam. It was probably just someone driving by to see how well you have been keeping up with your yard work. You know how innocent that is. Maybe they snapped a picture or two, but that's all legal and stuff. Nothing to worry about. Or maybe they were going to knock on your door and ask a few questions. Nothing creepy or scary about that right? I hope they post about seeing your house, would love to see the pictures. As long as they are taken from public right if way they are free to post. I read that somewhere.
Manchester, NH
Ridiculous wrote: What's the matter Sammy? You can dish it out but you can't take it? This is bizarre----Whoever posted this as " Ridiculous " Is not me. although they show as Manchester. The funny thing is; These would be my sentiments as well.
Manchester, NH
Sam, What a little punk. You talk tough and rant and rant about your right to "investigate" other people. You have dragged this case into the "real" world and lectured us continually on your right to do it. Some one then pens a post from your area and suddenly you're scared! Pathetic! You have the back bone of a worm and the typical behavior of a bully. The ladies here may feel bad that you got yourself a little scare, but, I think it's hilarious and well deserved! Some one posted, most likely by proxy, in your general direction and you've written to " the others" that you are taking a break?! Why don't you consult with your mentor about the monster under your bed Sammy? Like I said, I've lost all faith in Jame's " investigation " but, he would more than likely invite the scary monster out for a beer and a chat! I've personally never respected you Sam. I find you to be a naive, child who is way over confident in his intellectual abilities. There are humongous gaps in your reasoning and experience, but this puts you right there with Granny in my book.
Manchester, NH
To the person posting as Ridiculous; I suppose I should feel complimented that you are using my moniker. Heck, it's not registered so I don't own it, but,maybe we could come up with some sort of schedule for use so that it doesn't get confusing? I'd hate to disagree with you on an issue while we are both posting with it. We will end up looking like granny when her and JWB get into one of their self talking sessions. I was going to tell the " others " that I need a break as I'm a little fearful of some one else from a city near my small town that finds this whole situation to be ridiculous, but then I realized, there are ridiculous people everywhere and I should just embrace it. It is my sincere hope that you use it respectfully concerning the ladies, feel free to spank the dim wits and throw in the occasional bit of over the top humor. PS. We're organizing a field trip to Sammy's house to do some yard work this spring. If you have any photography skills you are welcome to come with... ; )
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
well, at least we've established there are "the ladies" and "the others". and, of course, there are the forever ducks. it struck me as odd that a man acting on behalf of his own investigative interests would suddenly mention his entanglement with "the others". same gang, different day. as the previous poster just pointed out, it's ok for him to track down, email, show up and take a few pictures of strangers, but his personal access is sacred. in fact, he does have a boundary! it's not easy to be sympathetic to someone who refuses to back away from taking authority in business that's not his own. do unto others, Sam. the calls to my residence are unwelcome. the attempts to locate Wowzer are unwelcome. do unto others, SM, Granny and Renner. no means no.
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
should be Sam, not SM.
Manchester, NH
Findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Sam, its toxic here.They run everyone out.Hidden agenda?Dont give up.Theres many of us that work together away from here.I honestly believe the "regulars" on this forum dont want Maura found.Fukemal. Findy, I'm so glad to see that you have earned the privilege of using the internet again. I was certain there for a while, you know after your last paranoid episode, that the Dr. was going to shut you off for good.I am concerned though about this post. These group therapy sessions you are in are supposed to be about self discovery and sharing. The goal here is to learn some new coping skills and "cognitively" change the behavior patterns that keep bringing you back here. Claiming that these sessions are a group of people that are working to find resolution to the case of a missing woman clearly shows that you are still struggling with paranoid and delusional behavior. I think it's best that you take a break from group and maybe do some crafts for this hour. Maybe we can get you into the kitchen to do some baking. Muffins perhaps? I'd just hate to see you lose your internet privileges again. I know how much your connection to the "real world" to you. xoxo
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.- Winston Churchill
the concept needs some attention...finessing this fine art.
Manchester, NH
Ridiculous wrote: To the person posting as Ridiculous; I suppose I should feel complimented that you are using my moniker. Heck, it's not registered so I don't own it, but,maybe we could come up with some sort of schedule for use so that it doesn't get confusing? I'd hate to disagree with you on an issue while we are both posting with it. We will end up looking like granny when her and JWB get into one of their self talking sessions. I was going to tell the " others " that I need a break as I'm a little fearful of some one else from a city near my small town that finds this whole situation to be ridiculous, but then I realized, there are ridiculous people everywhere and I should just embrace it. It is my sincere hope that you use it respectfully concerning the ladies, feel free to spank the dim wits and throw in the occasional bit of over the top humor. PS. We're organizing a field trip to Sammy's house to do some yard work this spring. If you have any photography skills you are welcome to come with... ; ) I say we invite granny along to snap the pictures..
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
one more, for the record. just to be clear, i'm not accusing Sam of contacting my residence.
Manchester, NH
poser wrote: <quoted text> I say we invite granny along to snap the pictures.. I have no real confidence in the old gals photography abilities after the whole, " I found the back pack but had no camera, er, except for the one in my phone, which, er, I didn't know I had, to take pictures with " fiasco. I believe she joined the Sea B's and is now helping to construct bridges over troubled waters in third world countries. Bless her compassionate soul.....
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> This is very old news. Jag88 is Green, who posted on his defunct blog that Citigirl and Beagle have some relationship outside of Topix. He has gleaned all of his info from, guess where, Topix posts (where nobody ever comes for information). I'm too tired to go look for his earlier posts about it, perhaps tomorrow. Beagle and Citigirl? Hahahahahahahaha!!!! That has to be the funniest thing I've read all week, maybe all month.:)