Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
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Bumping for Maura wrote: <quoted text> Det Columbo, Speaking of James Renner's site there is quite some ongoing discussion on the boards regarding the strange case of Jean Caccovaro, 31, of Vermont, who apparently vanished near the intersection of Rtes 112 and 116 in Easton Township back in 1977 and who has never been found. This is pretty much the same arra as where the construction worker RF possibly spotted Maura (?) running shortly after her car crash at the WB curve. Do you recall this case at all? I have found a few newspaper articles from the late 70's and early 80's but that's all... Hey there....Thanx for the info. I have not heard of this case. Interesting. John
Letsdew Lunch
Santa Clara, CA
Blowback wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =wxrWz9XVvls Thanks for the info. I never heard of this movie before. Terry
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
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Bumping for Maura wrote: <quoted text> Det Columbo, Speaking of James Renner's site there is quite some ongoing discussion on the boards regarding the strange case of Jean Caccovaro, 31, of Vermont, who apparently vanished near the intersection of Rtes 112 and 116 in Easton Township back in 1977 and who has never been found. This is pretty much the same arra as where the construction worker RF possibly spotted Maura (?) running shortly after her car crash at the WB curve. Do you recall this case at all? I have found a few newspaper articles from the late 70's and early 80's but that's all... Well the newspaper article says..."Eastern Township, NH" Rte 12 and 116. It is Easton NH and it is rte 112. John
Howzabout Linner
Santa Clara, CA
Well Google says there are some Dunkin Donuts in New Hampshire.
MadHatter Buffet
Santa Clara, CA
El Cerrito, CA
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
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Hannahbannabonanna is that You
petrit vasi
Minneapolis, MN
happy return good detective
Lincoln, NH
Wowzer- So I went back and found where you actually stated that you saw marks either to trees or the snow after you went to the store the next day ( found a few weeks ago and can go back to get the actual if needed). I am not sure why you just couldn't come back and repeat what you saw. Why are you on this forum if you can't even be real and honest yet you require that from everyone else? I am not saying that you are involved but you play a very strange game for someone that can just keep it real and say what they saw etc,, I would believe you if you said I saw marks on the tree etc,,
Lincoln, NH
Wowzer What did you see the next day when you went to the store? I am not threatening as I am only asking a question to what you already posted about. I know you would rather call it stalking and make a big deal of it but it is only a question bouncing off of what you have already posted.Just like you have already told us you live near the accident ,
Lincoln, NH
You called me a stalker when in fact you posted these things yourself but refused to re answer them. Wowzer had SBD and RF as neighbors as well as FW and the marrottes so just say what you know or stop posting and trying to run off those that are simply asking questions. If you are not hiding anything Wowzer then just answer the questions and tell everyone what you saw regarding Mauras accident. We will believe you.
Lincoln, NH
You can send your idiot attackers after me but you should just answer and let us know what you saw. nsult me all you want but others want to know the answers.
Johnnie Walker Black
Bentonville, AR
JWB wrote: You can send your idiot attackers after me but you should just answer and let us know what you saw. nsult me all you want but others want to know the answers. jwb = johnnie walker black right?? do u even kno what you re asking wowzer? wowzer didn t see anything u thickheaded drunkard sob. get a grip dude.
Lincoln, NH
Johnnie Walker Black wrote: <quoted text> jwb = johnnie walker black right?? do u even kno what you re asking wowzer? wowzer didn t see anything u thickheaded drunkard sob. get a grip dude. Got it in Wowzers owns words that she saw something. Your insults don't bother me but are sure a red flag to others reading this.
Johnnie Walker Black
Bentonville, AR
Johnnie Walker Black
Bentonville, AR
JWB wrote: <quoted text> Got it in Wowzers owns words that she saw something. Your insults don't bother me but are sure a red flag to others reading this. o really??? a red flag? what does this metaphorically red fictitious flag signal mister Johnnie Walker Black??
Johnnie Walker Black
Bentonville, AR
where are these words? copy + paste por favor hombre.
Lincoln, NH
Johnnie Walker Black wrote: ps granny sux Truth Hurts HUGH? I will post it soon so don't worry about facts. You want facts then i will post them. No worries right?? Facts are what are requested here ?
Hugh Walker Black
Bentonville, AR
righto granny. wanna kno why i decided to threaten sammi?? i read about you + the backpack BEFORE i read about canada.. sammi can thank u for bringing down his blog. drink up u half-witted inbreed. drink up!!
Hugh Walker Black
Bentonville, AR