Almaty, Kazakhstan
Melissa House wrote: Talked to Tyler on the phone in person. Ty-Ty neVer caLL3d m3 :(*****
Almaty, Kazakhstan
meLissa hoUse i=meLita hoLmes // iS tHe posSe moniTorinG yoU??
Almaty, Kazakhstan
>>>tHe h0rNets=caMeras<<<
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
"Therefore it is Renner's obligation to clarify his facts before bringing this business into the drama. He did not do this, he took info from My FB page and ran with it w/o checking into it further." - John / aka Columbo it is wholly incumbent upon you to verify your facts, as it is with anyone else here, before putting forth accusations about others, as you have for 10 long years. at some point you'll need to assess your own behaviors, and consider how deeply you wish to engage with someone / anyone whom you know to be retaliatory and with whom you disagree. repeat: weighing the risks and assessing the possible or probable consequences of continuing to engage. it's that simple.
Betty Crocker
United States
Hans Struedel is *extra gooey* Deeeelish!
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
so, for all the "gleeful", admitted FB snoopers, consider where you wish to carry what you glean. someone may carry back-atcha.
i've seen this play out in another context, Columbo, and watched a bull-headstrong dude take hits from a despicable, unscrupulous blogger. it will play out as long as you play, and until someone backs down, or you mutually back away.
go for it. you're surrounded by supporters.
>>>noTic3 mY F0lloweRs<<<
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: I believe You to be wrong. JMHO I hope You are thrown under the bus real soon and Jiminy is driving at a high rate of speed. I will be there watching the rescue squad trying to pry your marmy attitude out of karmas butt. End of story.! John PS...not a threat in any way....just a positive thought.! <quoted text> marmy is not a word. did you mean "smarmy"? i'm not that, either. i will pray for you.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
AGAIN....I will state that My accusations involved people directly connected to the case. Just because Ex Chief Williams used to work for the hardware store in Woodsville it was not brought into the picture because it is not connected. So PLEASE just STFU or go and get the actual posts and reference them. Sick of your pesky little fly persona buzzing around with your shitty little Renner feet trying to spread disease. Oy...... John SnowyB wrote: "Therefore it is Renner's obligation to clarify his facts before bringing this business into the drama. He did not do this, he took info from My FB page and ran with it w/o checking into it further." - John / aka Columbo it is wholly incumbent upon you to verify your facts, as it is with anyone else here, before putting forth accusations about others, as you have for 10 long years. at some point you'll need to assess your own behaviors, and consider how deeply you wish to engage with someone / anyone whom you know to be retaliatory and with whom you disagree. repeat: weighing the risks and assessing the possible or probable consequences of continuing to engage. it's that simple.
Betty Crocker wrote: Hans Struedel is *extra gooey* Deeeelish! eeewwww! LoL!:)
Since: Jan 12
Location hidden
so, now. i've given my best argument. wasted words, for sure. better things to do.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Renner has been throwing people under the bus since day one. He will toss anyone that gets in his way no matter the consequences. But You let all that stuff on his blog stand. DOUBLE STANDARDS.....! John SnowyB wrote: so, for all the "gleeful", admitted FB snoopers, consider where you wish to carry what you glean. someone may carry back-atcha. i've seen this play out in another context, Columbo, and watched a bull-headstrong dude take hits from a despicable, unscrupulous blogger. it will play out as long as you play, and until someone backs down, or you mutually back away. go for it. you're surrounded by supporters.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Adios......don't hurry back.! Watch for the BUS.! John SnowyB wrote: so, now. i've given my best argument. wasted words, for sure. better things to do.
Somebody Someone
United States
I'm going to just sit here and wait until you come out and see me.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
There Ya go again....ya just can't stop being a bitch. JMHO John SnowyB wrote: <quoted text> marmy is not a word. did you mean "smarmy"? i'm not that, either. i will pray for you.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
So yes indeed it is..... " marm a british word meaning an old school teacher, usually a bespectacled virgin. somewhat old and stingy. fond of floral print granny panties. Dude, that old school marm totally came onto me. She was all "I have a ruler, and I know how to use it." But I said "No thanks MARM," and left it at that." Snowy is acting quite MARMY today. Oh Yes indeed. John SnowyB wrote: <quoted text> marmy is not a word. did you mean "smarmy"? i'm not that, either. i will pray for you.
Somebody Someone
United States
You can't hide from the truth. I will not.
Since: Jan 14
San Antonio, TX
Mth wrote: <quoted text> eeewwww! LoL!:) You know you like it.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
And is works as well.....what kind of a teacher were You....? "marmy dirty, possibly with slime or other undesirable substance. unpleasant. Paul, use your chop-stick stand so the table doesn't get all marmy! John SnowyB wrote: <quoted text> marmy is not a word. did you mean "smarmy"? i'm not that, either. i will pray for you.
Somebody Someone
United States