United States
"WTH-the-original"To o many monkeys here playing pin the missing girl on the cop. Too many people here who have not read any of the information out there about what happened and when that night. Also not too many people who seem to know what the SP did or if he was questioned but they are happy to report he wasn't. Pretty typical for armchair sleuths from what I have seen. They assume that something wasn't done simply because they don't know if it was done. Without Wowzer and some of the other that usually hold some of this nonsense in check this board, has gone exactly where I thought it would go. Into the land of abject speculation. Now, without any regard to known information. Hang on people, its going to be a shack kind of ride. Bill I think I see what you mean. Lots of things thrown out but no proof that it's true. Also you ask for verification and your not answered. I was warned if I came here not to mention family or MA and maybe I would'ntget beat up to bad.. I had to see for myself and I'm glad I did. Who is wowzer and what is a shack?
Gloucester, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: Too many monkeys here playing pin the missing girl on the cop. Too many people here who have not read any of the information out there about what happened and when that night. Also not too many people who seem to know what the SP did or if he was questioned but they are happy to report he wasn't. Pretty typical for armchair sleuths from what I have seen. They assume that something wasn't done simply because they don't know if it was done. Without Wowzer and some of the other that usually hold some of this nonsense in check this board, has gone exactly where I thought it would go. Into the land of abject speculation. Now, without any regard to known information. Hang on people, its going to be a shack kind of ride. Bill fresh Duck Soup is being rewarmed and served up here. again.
A Browser
Westford, MA
I get your point. It's been awhile since I followed this case, and looks like I've got some reading to do. As stated, my memory of the SP story was vague, though I've always thought that Maura was a victim of the elements and perhaps Someday, her remains will be found by hunters, as were those of Molly Bish. Pass me a banana, please.:-) WTH-the-original wrote: Too many monkeys here playing pin the missing girl on the cop. Too many people here who have not read any of the information out there about what happened and when that night. Also not too many people who seem to know what the SP did or if he was questioned but they are happy to report he wasn't. Pretty typical for armchair sleuths from what I have seen. They assume that something wasn't done simply because they don't know if it was done. Without Wowzer and some of the other that usually hold some of this nonsense in check this board, has gone exactly where I thought it would go. Into the land of abject speculation. Now, without any regard to known information. Hang on people, its going to be a shack kind of ride. Bill
Bumping for Maura
Just to put a few things straight here: I do believe that the Haverhill PD and Officer Cecil Smith did everything one could possibly expect them to do under the cirumstances on the night of Maura´s disappearance. And yes, Maura was gone by the time that Officer Smith arrived at her wrecked car. I just do not agree with those people who have been bashing the Haverhill PD without any good reason whatsoever. That being said, I still remain somewhat wary of the role played by the NHSP state trooper in this context. Apparently the state trooper was driving around in the area looking for Maura when he stopped for a very short conversation with the witness RO in Swiftwater village. His movements are somewhat sketchy to say the least and over the nearly 8 years since Maura´s disappearance he has not made one single public pronouncement in any shape or form to my knowledge. Yes, radio/cell phone reception is sketchy in the area, but it would hardly have taken the state trooper two hours to drive, say, Rte 112 east from Swiftwater to Lincoln/North Woodstock or perhaps Rte 112 east/Rte 116 north to Franconia, unless he stopped for some considerable time en route. Why the NHSP could not possibly release some of this information, if known to them, after nearly 8 years is beyond me. Perhaps the answer is that no report was ever filed by the state trooper in the first place, and that not even the NHSP may necessarily be aware of his movements during the two possibly unaccounted-for hours.
Gouverneur, NY
WTH-the-original wrote: Too many monkeys here playing pin the missing girl on the cop. Too many people here who have not read any of the information out there about what happened and when that night. Also not too many people who seem to know what the SP did or if he was questioned but they are happy to report he wasn't. Pretty typical for armchair sleuths from what I have seen. They assume that something wasn't done simply because they don't know if it was done. Without Wowzer and some of the other that usually hold some of this nonsense in check this board, has gone exactly where I thought it would go. Into the land of abject speculation. Now, without any regard to known information. Hang on people, its going to be a shack kind of ride. Bill Maybe you, loyal friend and comrade of those who have attempted to divert interest in this case, hope we will all give up and go away on a sleigh ride. Many of us will not. We remain loyal to knowing what happened to Maura on the evening of February 9, 2004, especially that time period from when her car left the highway until it was towed away. I'm not sorry to disappoint you. Your ridicule won't discourage or dissuade me from learning the details, specifics of Maura's final minutes on Route 112. It is you and some of your road warrior acquaintances who have remained on forums for almost 7 years in an attempt to put an end to questions and push runaway and suicide theories. It is you, et al, who basks in selective, abject speculation. It's absurd that after almost 7 years, you have not solved this case and yet ridicule and refer to anything outside of your black box, muddled insight as nonsense.
Gouverneur, NY
Bumping for Maura wrote: "Just to put a few things straight here: I do believe that the Haverhill PD and Officer Cecil Smith did everything one could possibly expect them to do under the cirumstances on the night of Maura´s disappearance." I too have no reason to doubt that the Haverhill PD and officer did all that was possible under the circumstances that evening.
Gouverneur, NY
Say the word "trooper" and out pops WTH-the-Original, Snowy and the gang. Wonder why? We can only speculate, of course, but it seems a bit obvious.
United States
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> Maybe you, loyal friend and comrade of those who have attempted to divert interest in this case, hope we will all give up and go away on a sleigh ride. Many of us will not. We remain loyal to knowing what happened to Maura on the evening of February 9, 2004, especially that time period from when her car left the highway until it was towed away. I'm not sorry to disappoint you. Your ridicule won't discourage or dissuade me from learning the details, specifics of Maura's final minutes on Route 112. It is you and some of your road warrior acquaintances who have remained on forums for almost 7 years in an attempt to put an end to questions and push runaway and suicide theories. It is you, et al, who basks in selective, abject speculation. It's absurd that after almost 7 years, you have not solved this case and yet ridicule and refer to anything outside of your black box, muddled insight as nonsense. I'm fairly new here though I've been watching and reading for some time. From just reading the last few pages here I think the same can be said for a few here that are trying hard to divert the interest and blame to the state trooper without even knowing any facts concerning him that night. Just what I've observed here. May I ask where I can find the facts about this trooper being missing for two hours? Someone must know where it can be found because theres sure been lots of talk about it here. tia
Bumping for Maura
aftermath wrote: Say the word "trooper" and out pops WTH-the-Original, Snowy and the gang. Wonder why? We can only speculate, of course, but it seems a bit obvious. aftermath, you are so right about that. The unquestioning loyalty to the NHSP seems a bit overweening on account of some of the posters here. See no evil, hear no evil... Simply put: Questioning the absolute integrity of the NHSP and in particular the particular state trooper in question makes you an evil person in the eyes of some of the commentators here. However, when Mr Renner seems to have abdicated all efforts to pursue some digging into this matter it´s about time to finally ventilate this matter on this board. I´m glad to see that there are finally some new people around here who seem able to inject some new life into what has until recently been pretty much a closed and not very rewarding discussion club, where certain subjects are being very much discouraged.
United States
aftermath wrote: Say the word "trooper" and out pops WTH-the-Original, Snowy and the gang. Wonder why? We can only speculate, of course, but it seems a bit obvious. I'm missing something here.What is obvious? I read WTH correcting someone that wondered what condition Maura was in when the officer saw her. WTH told them that Maura was gone before he got there. Is correcting someone wrong? Should everyone just let lies and wrong information keep going until it is spred all over the other forums? This place is nuts.
Portland, ME
lockerup wrote: <quoted text> I'm fairly new here though I've been watching and reading for some time. From just reading the last few pages here I think the same can be said for a few here that are trying hard to divert the interest and blame to the state trooper without even knowing any facts concerning him that night. Just what I've observed here. May I ask where I can find the facts about this trooper being missing for two hours? Someone must know where it can be found because theres sure been lots of talk about it here. tia Funny, I just read the last two pages and I didn't read anything about blaming the trooper for anything. I just interpreted people wanting to discuss the state trooper that was in ther area that night.This is a discussion forum right?
Portland, ME
aftermath wrote: Say the word "trooper" and out pops WTH-the-Original, Snowy and the gang. Wonder why? We can only speculate, of course, but it seems a bit obvious. Try talking about the school bus driver and see what happens. I dare you. lol
United States
jwb wrote: <quoted text> Funny, I just read the last two pages and I didn't read anything about blaming the trooper for anything. I just interpreted people wanting to discuss the state trooper that was in ther area that night.This is a discussion forum right? No I don't think it is. I think it's a nut house.
Portland, ME
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> fresh Duck Soup is being rewarmed and served up here. again. ok, got an idea if you are a WTF,wowzer (the real one) or snowy follower. The rest of us will call you turtles. When you pop your heads out when we mention the trooper or school bus driver , then we will say the turtle soup is warming up? ok? everyone on board? we are ducks and you are turtles oh the fun of it all.
Portland, ME
lockerup wrote: <quoted text> No I don't think it is. I think it's a nut house. It is just a handful of people that like to make everyone else feel inferior, because they have been on the site for 7 years and most have not. Too bad. People can be corrected in a respectful informative manor, but they attack you like you don't deserve to exist. They appear to be getting cranky for spending 7 years re hashing the same stuff.
United States
jwb wrote: <quoted text> ok, got an idea if you are a WTF,wowzer (the real one) or snowy follower. The rest of us will call you turtles. When you pop your heads out when we mention the trooper or school bus driver , then we will say the turtle soup is warming up? ok? everyone on board? we are ducks and you are turtles oh the fun of it all. What does that make the ones in the middle, toads?
Vineyard Haven, MA
Your right JWB,thats why SOOO many of us readers,that have been reading for years dont dare say a word..We're shot down&called ducks.Some of us just follow along quietly.But I must admit the self importance of the regulars can be comical.They like to hear themselves type.
Portland, ME
lockerup wrote: <quoted text> What does that make the ones in the middle, toads? innocent bystanders or spectators. Let them decide if they want to be a duck or turtle. But seriously, I thought the conversation about the trooper was a good one to have and would like to learn more about it.Anyone dare to talk about it? I found several posts about it earlier today from other sites and will try posting later when I get home.
Gouverneur, NY
lockerup wrote: <quoted text> I'm fairly new here though I've been watching and reading for some time. From just reading the last few pages here I think the same can be said for a few here that are trying hard to divert the interest and blame to the state trooper without even knowing any facts concerning him that night. Just what I've observed here. May I ask where I can find the facts about this trooper being missing for two hours? Someone must know where it can be found because theres sure been lots of talk about it here. tia Let's be clear. It is YOUR point of view, evidentally, that a state trooper is being "blamed." If this is YOUR interpretation, so be it. Be realistic, be truthful, however. From the very beginning there has been lack of information surrounding a trooper's appearance at the accident site. Why? Surely in almost 7 years, someone, armchair sleuth or otherwise, would have had occasion to interview him. You might want to ask your old friends Bill or Snowy and I'm sure they will accommodate your need to know about the history of inquiries over a period of almost 7 years regarding this specific subject. Good luck.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
It never ceases to amaze me when these new people pop in for a week or so. They have all the answers. They go over all the same ridiculous scenarios that have been rehashed for years but they come and think that no one else has thought of that in all these years. They never seem to realize that these are not the first time we have heard these. Nor, to they even spend the smallest amount of time to research any of the information that exists in the years that have passed. The reason is simple. They are smarter than all the others who have preceded them. I don't blame them. I blame the TV shows they watched to learn how to do this. Bill